Carnal Desire

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by K. T Fisher

  Carnal Desire

  Severed MC Book Two


  K.T. Fisher & Ava Manello


  K.T. Fisher and Ava Manello

  Severed Angel

  © 2014, K.T. Fisher and Ava Manello

  First Published 2014 by KBK Publishing

  EPUB Edition

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.


  To Emma, who has become a great friend on this crazy journey and showed us that there is light at the end of the tunnel, thank you for being our friend.

  To Ellen, who made me cry with laughter when she said a scene was Foo Foo clenchingly hot.

  To Diane, who may be an ocean away but is always in our hearts.

  To Jane, our first fangirl. Your trailers and teasers are fantastic, your support is unbelievable, thank you for making us feel like movie stars.

  To our girls, we are proud to be your mummies, but really hope you don't try reading this book until you're old enough to stop rolling your eyes at our research images on Facebook!

  Love K.T Fisher and Ava Manello




  Previously ...

  Previously - Epilogue

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine



  Previously ...


  Waking up slowly, I feel the heat of another body at my side. Angel looks peaceful, the stress of the last few days seems to be leaving him now. He hasn't woken with nightmares either in the last week which is a bonus. He never has told me what they're about but I leave him to it.

  When Angel understood what Doc had given him I felt guilty as fuck. He was right to do it though, Angel would have been in too much pain otherwise, and he's too proud to say anything.

  I look at the clock, realizing I have to make a move. It's going to break my heart to leave this man, but I need my daughter more. This isn't a life for her. It wouldn't be fair for me to bring her into the middle of this thing between Angel and I when I don't even know what's happening. My return ticket has me flying home to England in just a few hours. Angel never asked me to stay, we never discussed me going home either, but he knows I'm leaving today. He didn't say anything last night, but that's fine. I didn't really expect him to. To him this was just a casual hook up.

  Whilst Teresa and I have re-built our relationship, it will never be quite the same again. I think too much happened between Elvis's death and Teresa's wedding. Certain words were spoken and can't be taken back. Other than the fact I've fallen in love with this man, there's nothing else for me here. Angel made it clear at the start he doesn't do relationships, and as amazing as the sex has been, I don't do casual. I don't like to share. I smile at the thought of seeing Elizabeth, I've missed my baby girl. There were times these past few weeks I never thought I'd get to see her again.

  Rising carefully from the bed, wanting to avoid waking my sleeping hero, I head to the shower. The hot water soothes away some of the aches and pains, but I'm not sure I want them all gone. They're a memory of the smoking hot sex I've been enjoying so much of lately. Truth be told, I don't think I'll ever experience sex like that again. I want to hold on to and cherish these memories of Angel.

  Pulling my hair into a loose top knot, I wipe the steam from the mirror and examine my face. Despite the hot sex of the past few days I've aged a little. There are lines and creases where there were none before, testament to the nightmare I've lived through. A permanent reminder. I dress slowly, wanting to draw out these last few moments alone with Angel, even if he is sleeping and unaware of my presence. I'll take what I can get.

  There's a gentle knock at the door, signaling my time is up. Teresa stands on the other side, pulling me close when she sees the tears falling down my face. "Oh sweetie." She hugs me tight. "It's probably for the best."

  She wipes a tear away, only for it to be quickly replaced by a fresh one. "You're making the right decision. You have your baby girl to think about." I know she's right, but at this moment my head and my heart are pulling me in opposite directions. Stepping away from Teresa, I move towards the bed, taking my last memory of Angel as he sleeps. I lean over, gently placing a kiss on his forehead, before turning and grabbing my bags.

  As I enter the living area there's a small group of people waiting to see me off. I look over to see Sue, Diane, Dragon, Disney, Ink, Cowboy and even Prez is there. I get passed around as they hug me goodbye. Prez huffs his shoulders and gives me a quick hug, muttering "Take care."

  He plants a chaste kiss on my cheek. It's obviously more emotion than he's comfortable showing as I hear him mutter "Fuck it." before quickly heading off in the direction of his office. The others take turns hugging and kissing me again.

  Ink gives me an extra long hug. "I'm sorry about all that shit."

  "Don't even worry about that." I hug him back, then I'm drawn into a three way hug with Diane and Teresa. There's a few tears shared.

  "You better bring that beautiful girl to come and see me." Diane snuffles.

  After I agree, they see me safely settled in the driver's seat of my rental car, having loaded my luggage for me. I've declined an escort. Satan's behind bars now so the threat is over. I need this last couple of hours on my own to adjust to my new reality and to maybe shed a few tears in privacy.

  The journey back to the airport is uneventful. I return the hire car, moving through check in and boarding on auto pilot. The plane moves along the runway, taking off into a deep blue, cloudless sky. I can't help thinking I've made the wrong decision, but it's too late now. I'm devastated at leaving Angel but I'm so excited about seeing Elizabeth soon,



  I'm woken by the deep, throbbing pain in my shoulder. Fuck! Getting shot hurts.

  I reach for Eve, pretty sure she can distract me with that sexy mouth of hers on my cock, just like she did last night. The sheets beside me are cold. I open my eyes to see her side of the bed empty. I don't have a good fucking feeling about this.

  Struggling from the bed with only one good arm I reach for my shorts, pulling them on one handed. The clocks showing late afternoon. Doc's sneaky sedative really fucking knocked me out.

  Then I see it. An envelope with my name on it is laying on Eve's pillow.

  What the fuck!

  I curse some more trying to get the envelope open with just my good arm and pull out a handwritten letter. Shit. Tell me this is
n't what I think it is.


  I couldn't bring myself to wake you to say goodbye, you looked so peaceful sleeping. Leaving you is hard enough without having to look you in the eye as I say it. As badly as I want to stay and see where this thing between us is going, I miss my baby girl more.

  I've got to be her Mummy, she needs me more right now than you do. Truth be told, I need her just as badly.

  I'll never forget the short, but amazing time we've spent together, the memories of you will keep me warm when my bed is cold and lonely. And yes, the sex was fucking hot and the best I'll ever know!

  Take care of yourself and thank you for keeping me safe



  Fuck! Shit! Fuck!

  I reach for the closest thing to me. The alarm clock and smash it against the wall, the broken pieces falling to the floor.

  I can't remember what time her fucking flight was, so head out of the room in search of Teresa. She'll know, and with any luck I'll get to the airport before she leaves and fix this.

  I reach the living area and don't understand what I'm seeing. Prez is cursing under his breath, Teresa is sobbing loudly and everyone looks like their dog just died. "What the fucks going on?" I question.

  Prez looks up at me. Suddenly I don't want to know. The look on his face is scaring the shit out of me, Teresa's cries have gotten louder since she caught sight of me.

  "Satan..." Prez stumbles with his speech. "Satan's out."

  What the fuck?

  How on earth is he out of jail so quickly?

  "There was a fuck up on the paperwork, his bastard of a lawyer got him out on a technicality."

  "Fuck, I need to get to the airport now!" I almost collapse to the floor, I'm in so much pain right now but I can't risk losing Eve.


  The ride to the airport was hell, my shoulder felt every jar and bump in the road. Doc dosed me up on painkillers before we left. Cowboy's driven here like a bat out of hell. We're lucky he didn't get stopped for speeding the way he flew along some of those roads.

  We pull up at the drop off for departures, Cowboy helping me out of the vehicle. then running back to go park. I enter the airport, where the fuck do I start looking for her.

  Spotting the British Airways flight desk I pull the flight details from my pocket. Teresa had them ready for me as we set off in the truck.

  The blonde assistant behind the desk looks me up and down, obviously not liking what she sees judging from the sneer on her face.

  "How may I help you, sir". Fucking bitch. I hand over the flight details and she takes them slowly. Why the fuck can't she hurry up, does she not realize how important this is to me right now.

  "I'm sorry sir, that flight has just departed." She gives me an odd look. "Funny that, I could have sworn I already checked you in."

  I crumple to the ground in agony, I'm too late. Eve has left me. That's where Cowboy finds me.

  "I'm too late" I sob into his shoulder as he tries to help me stand.

  "Don't you dare give up Angel!" he chastises. "We'll sort this, I promise. That's what brothers are for." We limp back to the truck together. He's right, we'll sort this and I will get Eve back. We reach the truck, ready to head back to the clubhouse. My brothers will help me work a plan out.

  I lay back against the seat, defeated for now. "I love you Eve, don't worry Princess, you're mine, and I'm coming to claim what's mine."

  Previously - Epilogue


  I owe my lawyer big time, the fucker came through for me. I don't know who he had to pay off, but the paperwork went to fuck and I'm back on the streets.

  I grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder as I walk into the huge building.

  I see my target ahead of me, she hasn't a clue I'm here. Stupid bitch can't see anything for all the fucking tears she's wasting. This is sweet.

  I keep out of her line of vision just to be sure, I don't want my surprise spoiling yet.


  The door closes behind me, I'm the last one through. Still she can't see me, her heads bowed down, probably fucking crying again, stupid bitch.

  I take my seat, scaring the shit out of the old lady at my side. I love the effect my cut has on people.

  I settle back, I'm in for a long haul but this is going to be so sweet. I know my fucker of a brother set me up. Well now I'm going to pay him back, big time.

  A voice comes over the tannoy "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. Welcome to flight BA0016 bound for London Heathrow. We hope you enjoy your flight with us today."

  I look ahead of me, Eve sit's several rows ahead, totally unaware that I'm here on the same plane as her.

  I've never been to England before, I'm quite looking forward to it. But, I'm looking forward to having some one on one time with Eve even more.

  To be continued...

  Chapter One


  The long flight home would have been a hell of a lot worse if it hadn't been for the woman sitting by my side. She'd initially taken one look at my tear stained face as I sat down beside her and left me alone. However, once we'd been in the air for a couple of hours, she decided I'd wallowed in my own misery long enough.

  "I don't want to interfere honey, but are you okay?" She has such a concerned look on her face that I can't be rude and not answer her. Besides, I feel like I do need to talk to someone. The silence of holding it all in is driving me crazy, and I know my mum won't want to hear about it when I get home. I don't even think she'll notice that I'm sad.

  "Not really, it's been a rough few weeks." She gives me a sad smile, and I laugh brokenly at the insanity of recent events. "I almost got killed, met the man of my dreams, and now I'm going home without him." Saying the words aloud releases a fresh bout of tears. I wipe at them and try to calm myself, but images of Gabe when I last saw him make me sad.

  One hand reaches over to pat my back gently, while the other offers me a tissue which I gladly accept. I'm feeling a tiny bit better already. "Well, we've a long flight ahead of us, why don't you tell me all about it? A problem shared is a problem halved." She smiles over at me. "My name's Elle, and I'm pleased to meet you."

  I turn to look at this kind stranger. She's beautiful, looks a little older than me with long blonde tresses falling past her shoulders. If it hadn't been for the ripped jeans and band t-shirt I'd have sworn she was a model. Hell maybe she is, she certainly looks the part. She also has one of those personalities that you seem to warm to, instantly. My gut tells me I can trust this woman, and this time I'm going to listen to it.

  She spends the next couple of hours listening to my story after I introduce myself. Her face goes through a whole host of emotions, laughter, sadness and downright shock to horror. I guess looking back, it's the kind of thing you see in the movies or read about in books. It just wasn't supposed to happen in real life, but it did. I'm glad she doesn't seem critical of the MC way of life either. I think I would have been if our roles were reversed. Instead, she just seems concerned for me.

  "Do you love Gabe?" She queries. I take a deep breath before answering her.

  "When I left I thought I did, but was scared that it was just lust for him. By the time I got to the airport I knew it was true, I do love him." I hunt through my bag for my phone, it's in flight mode so I flick through some of the pictures I took during my time in Australia. I want to remember my time there. I find a picture of me and Teresa with Pres and Gabe standing behind us and show Elle. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sexy men in the picture and I nod my head. I totally understand her reaction. All that hotness in tattoos and leather is eye wideningly orgasmic.

  I've just put my phone away when Elle takes my hand in hers, gently patting it. "It's not too late Eve. Go home, give your daughter the biggest and longest hug, then find a way to talk to your man and see if there's anything there on his side."

  She's right, I need to talk to Gabe to find out how he really feel
s. If this is all one sided then I need to buck up my ideas and stop pining, and if it isn't , I need to work out what to do about it.

  "Thanks Elle, I feel better for talking it through with you." Whilst I still haven't resolved my situation, at least now I have a better idea of what to do when I get home.

  I realize I've been monopolizing the conversation for the last few hours and feel slightly guilty. "Enough about my troubles, why don't you tell me all about you?" I'm not just being polite, I really do want to get to know Elle better.

  Elle shares that she's a freelance writer. Her current assignment is for an online travel magazine who are doing a feature on European holidays for singles. She's coming to the UK for a couple of weeks and staying in London, York, Newcastle and Edinburgh.


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