Her 2 Protectors

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Her 2 Protectors Page 3

by Jessa Kane

  “He came to me for money,” she said, blowing cigarette smoke out the kitchen window. “Our father liked to play the ponies. Figures he’d fall into the same trap. His wife probably saw it coming and got the hell out.”

  Thinking of Penny losing her mother, I wanted to go find my girl and kiss her until she smiled. But I kept going with the questions. “Did you lend him the money?”

  She snorted. “Nope. It looks like I’ve got stacks of cash lying around?”

  No, it didn’t. Actually, the place was a wreck and five days was too long for Penny to have stayed there. “Who else would he go to for a loan?”

  The aunt seemed impressed by my detective work. Maybe I have a second calling. “I don’t have a name, but my brother said something about a Russian. Said he might try going to…Tatiana.”

  “A woman?”

  “Women can’t be loan sharks?”

  That was around the time I decided I wouldn’t get anywhere with Penny’s aunt. I made it to the school in time to pick Penny up, passing an expressionless Nick on the way into the building. When Penny’s saw me, her smile bloomed in a way that made my heart pound. I vowed to keep looking for the person who killed her father…and most likely meant to take her out in the fire.

  No way this girl gets hurt on my watch.

  Right now I’m facing a whole other kind of problem, though. A pressing one. Penny loses the leggings the second we’re inside my apartment.

  What the hell is a red-blooded man supposed to do?

  I brought her back to my place, instead of Nick’s house, because that was the tight-lipped understanding we came to last night, after Penny went to sleep. Now she’s prancing around the place, the hem of her top floating up and down like a cock tease. I’ve adjusted myself so many times, I’m going to wear a hole in the front of my department-issued uniform pants. But Jesus, my dick has never been this hard. It’s lust. It’s jealousy. It’s the fact that she’s my one. I shouldn’t have to wait.

  During today’s shift, I had to talk myself off a ledge more than once. I paced the locker room, needing like hell to go check on Nick and Penny. To make sure he didn’t have his goddamn hands on her. Did she walk out of the bedroom this morning, all drowsy and sexy from sleep? Would Nick have been able to resist that?

  No. No man could. I’m practically slavering as she glides past me, smiling at the curious way she looks at the pictures on my wall. Her pumpkin and cinnamon scent wraps around my neck like a rope, dragging me after her, my hands flexing at my sides. One move. One move and she’d be pinned between me and the wall. A few seconds of my tongue on her neck and she’d be begging for sexual relief. And why shouldn’t I give it to her? Nick had the privilege last night. It’s my turn.

  “Where was this one taken?”

  Her sweet voice lures me back from the dark side. Kind of. “Uh.” I move down the hallway to stand beside her. “San Diego. Near the naval base in Coronado.”

  “Palm trees,” she sighs, clasping her hands beneath her chin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in person.”

  “No?” I turn to face Penny, leaning an elbow on the wall. If she thinks I don’t notice her gaze falling, falling and landing on that couple inches of abs I reveal, she’s mistaken. It makes me want to unzip and let her see exactly where that happy trail leads. “Seen one, you’ve seen them all, I guess.”

  “Have you ever climbed one and grabbed a coconut?” She twists a little, clearly flirting with me. “Or do they only do that in cartoons?”

  “Waiting until one falls on my head is more my style.” I push closer, walking her backward until she hits the opposite hallway wall. “Or it used to be. Waiting until something falls in my lap has always been the way I operate. Until you.”

  She takes a shuddering breath, holding her hands out. “Zeke…I want you to touch me, but we have to wait.”

  “I knew when I saw you through the damn smoke, Penny. You’re mine.” Tightness travels into my chest, my throat. “Do you know how hard it is to wait for another man’s permission?”

  “He’s waiting. I’m waiting, too. Everyone is.”

  “Are you? Is he?” I plant my hands above her head. “You’re telling me he spent a whole day with our little hot-to-bang virgin and didn’t try to fuck her sideways?”

  I let out a hot breath against her neck and she moans. “H-he wanted to. But he didn’t.” She shakes her head. “Zeke, this isn’t going to work if you get jealous every time we’re not together. There has to be trust.”

  My laughter is dark, my fists twisting on the wall. “It’s so goddamn hard, baby.” Her cunt is wet underneath that shirt—and it’s one inch away from my cock. I could ram myself right through the crotch of her panties and have that cherry popped. One fucking drive. “I need you, Penny. This is torture.”

  “I know,” she breathes, eyes closed. “But even if the three of us didn’t have the rule…I wouldn’t want us to go any further yet. Not when you don’t believe Nick and I followed the rule today. It feels wrong, not having that trust.”

  I mash my forehead into the wall, her body heat tempting me to the edge of my breaking point. “Give me a reason to believe there are two men alive capable of keeping their hands off your perfection. Give me a reason to believe you.”

  “I’m attracted to each of you for different reasons,” she murmurs, after a few seconds. “With you…it’s so physical. Chemical. You’re gorgeous, intense and fun a-and, I just want you to touch me. Claim me.”

  “This isn’t helping,” I rasp, liquid leaking from the tip of my cock. “Jesus.”

  “It’s different with Nick. He…makes me want to be a good girl. While you make me want to be bad. He’s my caretaker and you’re the spark. It confuses me sometimes. But I need both. I love both.” She meets my eyes and I swear to Christ, the earth moves under my feet. “I won’t break your trust. And I won’t break his.”

  I didn’t think it possible, but I believe her. They didn’t touch behind my back. My jealousy is still at the forefront, but it’s dimmed slightly. Something about her explanation clicked. Felt right. I’m not sure how I can come to terms with another man being in her life. Maybe it’ll still take me longer, but being the one who calls to her physically, while letting Nick give her something emotionally…it’s enough to appease the beast for the moment. Almost.

  “He licked you last night,” I grind out. “He’s tasted you and I haven’t. It’s making me insane.” I drag my hands down the wall, letting them hover on either side of her hips. “The scales aren’t balanced. Pull up your shirt and let me look. I won’t touch, but I need something just for me.”

  “Zeke, no…”

  “Come on, Penny,” I say, a breath away from her mouth. “I’ve got pre-come dripping out of me, baby girl. I’m in hell. Just give me a peek of that tight slit. Need to imagine the wet lips of your untrained pussy stretching to take me. You want to show me that, don’t you?”

  “Y-yes.” She’s panting by the time I’m finished speaking, her fingers curled in the hem of her shirt. “You promise not to touch?”

  “It’s not going to be easy, but I’ll manage.”

  Lip caught between her teeth, Penny lifts the shirt and eases her panties down, just enough to let me see her cunt. Fuck. It’s blonde and tiny, just like the rest of her. Sealed tighter than an envelope. Just like last night, the sight of what I want most in the world makes me crazy. Makes me salivate and reach for my dick so I can stroke off to the sweetest young pussy every created—

  “I guess you need more than just a rule,” Nick’s voice says from the end of the dark hallway. “You need someone to enforce it.”



  I ’m in trouble. My blood quakes with that reality.

  With excitement.

  I have no idea how long Nick has been standing at the end of the hallway, listening to me talk to Zeke. But there’s part of me that hopes he heard all of it. Heard the truth about each man making me feel differen
t, in wonderful ways. I’ve had just over a week to sort through my very different reactions to them—and right now, with Nick slowly approaching us, his boots falling heavily on the floorboards, my reactions have never made more sense.

  Nick’s face is shadowed, but his muscles are tensed. I dropped my shirt the moment he arrived, but my panties remain bunched around the tops of my thighs. Zeke is still standing too close, but he’s posturing now, his jaw tight and lifted as he turns to face Nick.

  “Relax,” Zeke snaps. “We didn’t break any rules.”

  “No,” Nick agrees, dim light revealing the harsh planes of his face. “But that would have changed soon enough.” His attention lands on me hard. “Listen carefully, sweetheart. You’re about to get a lesson. Flash that cunt to either one of us and you might as well be ringing a dinner bell. Keep it covered or there will be consequences. It makes you the prey. It makes us animals. And animals won’t hear your screams.”

  Liquid heat spreads between my legs, my private muscles clenching. “Yes, Daddy,” I whisper, without thinking. Because it feels right. Sounds right, too. Did I say it too soon, though? The air in the hallway seems to go very still, electricity popping in my ears. “I-I mean—”

  “You meant what you said,” Nick says, his voice sounding like crushed glass. “You said exactly what I want to hear from my little girl.”

  Nick takes a step in my direction, but Zeke blocks him with a snarl. “If you’re her daddy, what the hell does that make me?”

  My breath catches, because it’s something I haven’t considered. No. No, I don’t want Zeke to be left out in the cold. He’s just as important to me as Nick, but there’s a difference in my relationship with each man that I’m just beginning to work through. Nick is the man of my house, while Zeke…

  “Since you two can’t seem to follow one simple rule when I leave you alone…” Nick finally answers. “Since I stood here and listened to you being a bad influence on her…maybe that makes you her corrupt stepbrother.”

  There’s a healthy dose of sarcasm in Nick’s tone, but neither Zeke nor I laugh. No, we seem to gravitate closer. It’s wrong. Isn’t it? But the wrong doesn’t stop my flesh from growing unbearably slick. Doesn’t stop my pulse from rocketing into hyperdrive. These two huge, heroic men stand on either side of me, testosterone cutting the air like hot knives. They both need me. I need them both. And I can hear them both breathing heavy. Does this idea spoken in the darkness of the hallway turn them on, too? Does it make them feel dark and melty in the deepest depths of their bellies, like me?

  “She likes that,” Zeke says. “Don’t you, baby?”

  Nick hums in his throat. “She sure does.” He reaches out to draw up my shirt once again, cool air kissing my fevered skin. “Go ahead. You need to touch your cute little stepsister so badly? I’m here now. You won’t be breaking our rules. Just everyone else’s.”

  Oh my God. My thighs are already shaking, moisture sliding down their smooth insides. And when I finally meet Zeke’s eyes, the rabid hunger there only increases my need. He’s not just going along with Nick’s idea, either. This is something that excites him. Excites all of us.

  “I need to fuck her,” Zeke rasps. “Now.”

  Tension bristles in the air. “I need the same,” Nick counters. “Just as badly.”

  “You took the first taste.” Zeke’s fingertips trail down between my breasts, raising goosebumps in their wake. They travel lower and lower, tracing the damp split of my sex. “I’m taking the first ride.”

  Nick curses under his breath. “If I allow it, you need to give me some kind of control. We both need to be involved.” His hand curls around the back of my neck, his thumb brushing the hollow of my throat. “That’s what you need, isn’t it, sweetheart? You need us both there to help make you a big girl.”

  “Yes,” I manage, my neck losing power. The conversation has been taking place around me, but I’m sinking deeper and deeper into a lake of hormones. Lust. Need. I didn’t know I could get this wet. Or feel this eager to be filled. Overpowered. Claimed. “P-please.”

  Zeke doesn’t waste a second scooping me up into his arms, carrying me into his bedroom with Nick right behind us, his presence huge and commanding. It’s dark, but as soon as Zeke lays me down on the king-sized bed, a soft lamp glow floods the room—and then I’m at the mercy of two determined men, each of them devouring me with their eyes as they strip down to nothing.

  I can’t help but marvel at their differences. Nick’s chest is covered in hair, gray threading through the black. He’s sturdy as an oak tree, thighs thick and sinewy, also dusted with gray and black hair. There are a working man’s scars on his chest, hips, biceps. He’s older, more weathered and hearty. His expression is a thunderstorm, but there’s tenderness just beyond the clouds.

  On the other hand, Zeke belongs on the cover of a firefighter calendar. He’s smooth and ripped with muscle, tight and firm in all the right places. Crazy handsome and aware of his appeal. His usual cockiness is missing, though, replaced with lust so visible, he’s shaking with it.

  For all their differences, Nick and Zeke have one thing in common. Last night, I could barely fit the thick weight of them in my mouth, but now? Knowing they’re going to put themselves inside me? It really hits home how large they both are. The mattress dips beneath the weight of both men as they come toward me on the bed.

  “Daddy?” I whimper, crawling backwards up the bed. “I’m…nervous.”

  “Shh.” Nick takes my jaw in his hand, urging me to look at him, while Zeke’s hands wrap around my ankles, keeping me still as he removes my panties all the way, tossing them to the floor. “You’ve managed to obsess two men, sweetheart. Do you know what this obsession means?”

  “Means if you’re in pain, we suffer, too.” Zeke’s tongue bathes the hollow of my belly before moving lower, until the tip of it is sliding through my folds. “Mmmm. Baby’s drenched. Goddamn, that’s tasty.” His lips shine between my thighs. “There’s going to be a little hurting at the start, on account of your tight hole and my big cock.” He winks up at me. “But I’ll have you creaming in no time, baby.”

  Nick cups my breasts in turn, massaging them, his stubbled chin and cheeks moving against my ear. It’s a delicious feeling, one that sensitizes every inch of my skin, head to toe. I barely notice as he removes my nightshirt, leaving me exposed and at their mercy. “Start your sister with a middle finger, nice and slow,” Nick instructs in a husky voice. “We don’t need her screaming the whole house down.”

  Zeke groans, giving my clit a gentle suck as his finger slides inside. It takes him three gentle shoves to get one thick digit inside me, my knees shooting together at the pressure. “It feels funny—”

  “That’s because it’s new,” Nick says, his mouth crossing my cheek to settle our lips together. “It won’t be new for long, though. Can you be brave while we break in your sweet pussy?”

  “Please, sis?” Zeke slides in a second finger and groans, pumping them in and out of my stretching flesh. “You’ve got me so fucking horny. And Dad says it’s okay.”

  I never could have expected this fantasy to take shape, but it’s forming almost faster than I can keep up. Heat and pressure build low in my belly, tightening and centering around Zeke’s fingers. Nick’s mouth moves over mine and, needing a place to vent my body’s thrills and frustrations, I open my lips wide and let him sink in. Our tongues move at a wild pace, his groans making me eager to please, his palms rasping over my nipples until they strain. My Daddy and my stepbrother are having their way with me and it’s forbidden, but they can’t help it. Can’t stop.

  “Fuck, man. My cock is leaking like a motherfucker.” Smooth, full weight presses up against my entrance, which is now throbbing in time with my pulse. Zeke’s guttural groan fills the room. “Keep her still while I work it in. No matter what I do, she’s going to fight it.”

  “Go easy with her or I’ll break your jaw.” Nick’s strong arm drops across my chest, bandin
g me to the bed. “You hear me?”

  Zeke’s upper lip curls. “You think you could be gentle with this perfect little cunt?”

  “No. And that’s the only reason I haven’t already dragged her underneath me, instead.” Nick’s breathing grows ragged, his eyes blazing a trail down my body. “I want to, though. I’m a fucking animal for it. Take her soon or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  Reason pierces through the sexual web being spun around me. “Shouldn’t you wear protection?”

  I should be alarmed when both men laugh, an amused ripple of sound in the glowing room. But I’m not. There’s only a feeling of inevitability inside me that drives my arousal higher. “Remember, Penny. We’re two obsessed men that would bargain with the devil himself to keep you.” Nick’s smooths his palm down the front of my body, his hand flexing against my stomach. “A swollen belly only makes that easier.”

  “Only question is…” Zeke shoves the first half of his swollen flesh inside me with a frenzied grunt, his jaw falling slack. “Whose seed is going to take first?”

  When Zeke thrusts the remainder of his erection inside me, my scream is captured by Nick’s mouth. A jagged bolt streaks across my vision, something giving way inside me and burning hot. I whine into Nick’s kiss, but he gives me no choice but to return it, our mouths slanting over and over. My body tries to jackknife, but Nick holds me down, Zeke growling and shuddering above me.

  “Christ, man. Christ.” He jerks my hips up onto his kneeling legs, spreading my knees wide in the air. His voice is rough and unnatural, his chest heaving in the dull lamplight. “Knew it just looking at her. God sewed her up tighter than the rest. We’ve got a little miracle in our bed.”

  Nick sips at my lips. “He hurting that pussy bad, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, pressing my face into Nick’s furry chest and breathing. In and out. In and out. Concentrating on the full decadence of having Zeke inside me. “But it’s starting to get better.”


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