Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 2 (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 2

by Reign (T. Styles)


  “We’re going to get back at all those who fucked with me. That’s all you need to know for now. Anyway I don’t have all the details. I’m better when I work things out as I go along,” she giggles.

  “Why aren’t you happy? You’re married now.”

  “Bitch, fuck that shit! I’m not playin’ with you! You talking about marriage when that life you have is courtesy of me. Cleaning that fishy pussy ain’t all I showed you how to do. Your entire swagger belongs to me. And as easily as I gave you back your life, I can take it away.”

  Although she already knew the answer she says, “And if I don’t?”

  “What do you think Treyana? Look at how you feel right now. Imagine if the feeling of losing your children was permanent.” “I’ll kill you if you hurt them!”

  Yvonna laughs and says, “Bitch, you sound like a fool! I got nine lives so the question you should be asking yourself is how many sons you got. I got away with murder…remember? They think I’m certified. If I get the right doctor I can kill your entire family and be out in two years. So do you really want it with me? You think you up for it? If you are, let’s get it in.”

  “What do I have to do?” Treyana whines.

  “That’s my baby,” Yvonna cheers. “Get some rest now, suga. Besides, you’ve been through a lot tonight. I’ll call you later with the details.”

  “And what about my boys?!”

  “Listen at you sounding like a concerned mother. Don’t worry…the two little drunk bastards are lying on your front porch. I dropped them off right before I called you. And check out what I put on their backs. You’ll love it!”

  “What did you do?!! Why did you give my children alcohol?”

  “Girl, please! The way they tossed that vodka back, it was not their first time. I just left a little something to remind you about our arrangement. I trust you won’t forget this time.”

  Treyana rushes to the door and sees her two boys passed out. Avante walks around her. “What the fuck is going on? What happened to my sons?” He picks up one of the twins and she picks up the other. They were groggy and reek of liquor. “Let’s get them inside,” he leaves her alone.

  Treyana remains outside for moment. She scans the street from her porch looking for Yvonna and she sees her sitting in a blue Chrysler 300. A black man with a baldhead was in the driver’s seat. Yvonna winks at her and they pull off.

  She lifts her son’s shirt and examines his back, afterward she bawls uncontrollably. There on his skin was a tattoo that read, ‘Don’t Get On My Shyt List Again’.

  Yvonna paid a drug-addicted tattooist to tattoo children. And believe it or not, he was easy to find. Secretly Treyana always knew she’d resurface, but she always hoped her fury would pass her by. It didn’t.11


  The wind moves the leaves on the large oak trees in front of Yvonna’s house. Dave’s silver Suburban is parked in the driveway and the banner ‘Just Married’ is still hanging from the bumper.

  Yvonna looks out of the window of the black Honda Accord rental car she purchased using Dave’s credit card. Her eyes droop and a wave of nausea overcomes her. What if he was the one? What if I killed the one for me?

  Had it not been for the desire to wear her high fashion clothes, and the cash he had stashed in the house, she wouldn’t be anywhere near her house.

  Before she get’s out, she checks her surroundings. Although she killed him in Jamaica, and no one knew they were there, she was still worried that the murder would catch up with her soon. She wiped her fingerprints clean from the villa and left the torn piece of paper with the telephone number of the weed connect, in Dave’s handwriting, next to his body along with the weed. She wanted it to look like a set-up and because Americans were killed all the time there anyway, she hoped it would be believable.

  Wanting to get everything over with, Yvonna rushes up the driveway, snatches the banner down and jogs up the stairs and into the house. Once inside, she ransacks the house looking for money, grabbing her favorite clothes along the way. She was on her way back out when she hears his phone rang and the voicemail answers.

  “Dave, it’s Penny. I…I know yous not there. I…I hope things are okay with you. Please, call me. I’m worried. And tell Yvonna I asked ‘bout her. Bye, honey.” Yvonna is shocked that she cared enough to ask about her. But just like Penny was calling, she knew it wouldn’t be long before people reported him as missing. Dave didn’t have a lot of family but he was active at the non-profit organization he started called, Each One Teach One.

  She grabs the fifty thousand dollars in cash Dave has under the bed. Although he made honest money, he still didn’t trust putting all of it in a bank. Once a hustler always a hustler. She was on her way out the door when someone knocks. Her heart pounds in her chest and her pressure rises.

  “Fuck! I knew it!” she says pacing the floor. “They found out I killed him and they gonna try and take me away. I’m not going away.”

  “Calm down,” Gabriella appears in red shorts and a white tank top. “It might not be that serious.”

  Yvonna tries to lower her heart rate but it doesn’t work.

  “Just get the door.” Gabriella persists.

  “What if it’s the cops?”

  “The door, Yvonna.” She points.

  Yvonna takes a deep breath, walks to the door and opens it. When she does, she sees a white man and a white woman outside. And there was a stretch black limousine waiting on them at the curb.

  “Well if they cops they sure don’t look like it,” Gabriella says.

  “What do you want?” Yvonna asks ignoring her.

  “May we come in?” His short spiky red hair, looked messy but neat, a style she knew he worked purposefully.

  Yvonna also takes notice to his cinema navy Modern Amusement button down shirt and his blue Acne jeans. “What the fuck do you want?”

  They look at one another and flip through their pads. “You’re Yvonna Harris right?”

  She slams the door in their faces and gathers up all her things and throws them on the couch. She figures they’re probably reporters trying to get her story again. Almost everyday she was at Green Meadows, a reporter from one paper or another attempted to get in contact with her. She wasn’t interested then and she wasn’t interested now. She didn’t have time for bullshit.

  Grabbing her things in her arms, she opens the door and they’re still there.

  “Why the fuck are ya’ll still here? I’m busy!” they glance at the pile of clothes she has in her arms.

  “Yvonna, this won’t be long. I’m Tim Spicer and this is Mora Flasher.” Mora looks like Cameron Diaz except her hair is brown and

  shoulder length. “We’re with 20thCentury Fox and we’d like to talk with you about your story.”

  “My story?” Yvonna was now curious. “What could a movie

  company want with my story?”

  “Well, Ms. Harris. We’ve been following your case for some

  time now and we are willing to offer you a substantial amount of money

  for the rights to your story.”

  Technically all they had to do was check the court records. But

  they’d been doing movies long enough to know that a story was made

  better if the person who’s story is being told participates. “We’ll work

  overtime to be sure you’re depicted exactly the way you want to be.

  People like you are rare. And people want to know what makes you

  tick,” Mora says.

  A sinister smirk came across Yvonna’s face. “So, you want me

  to tell people how crazy I am?”

  “No. We don’t think you’re crazy,” Mora interjected. “We think

  you’re unique and we want to hear it from you. We want everybody to

  see what you go through. This is your chance to give your side of the

  story. Isn’t that what you want?”

  “What? What did you say
?” Yvonna’s eyes overlook them as she

  talks. “Kill them? But why? They only want my story.” Mora and Tim

  are filled with fear as they turn around and see no one behind them.

  “But if I kill them how will we dispose of the bodies?” She pauses.

  “Oh, we’re going to eat them. Well we’ve never done that before.” “Ms. Harris, we see you are busy. We’ll leave you alone. Have

  a good day.”

  They run to the car without looking back and Yvonna grips her

  stomach from laughing so hard. She didn’t want the attention they

  brought anywhere near her. The more chaos the harder it would be to

  carry her plans out and she could not have that. And if they did become

  a problem, she had all intentions of making them go away.

  All In Your Mind

  The doctor’s office was as drab as any of the other’s Yvonna had seen since she’d been diagnosed as insane. As a part of her release program, Yvonna had to attend regular sessions at the Psychiatric Institute of Washington in DC. And Jona Maxwell, her psychiatrist in the Intensive Outpatient Program, believed from the day her case file came across her desk that Yvonna was far from healed and she cursed the officials who pronounced her sane.

  Yvonna sat opposite of the psychiatrists’ desk in a red plastic chair. She looked sexy in the one-piece blue, pink and green silk Chemise Tie-Back dress with her pink Versace pumps. And because she wasn’t wearing any panties, one slow cross of the legs would reveal her Brazilian waxed pussy.

  “So how’s life?” Jona asks as Yvonna thumbs through the keys on her cell phone. She was totally uninterested in the session and Jona for that matter.

  “I wouldn’t even answer that bitch if I was you,” Gabriella says as she stands next to her wearing a tight red cat suit large black shades and a pair of high heel laced black leather boots. Yvonna looks to her left in Gabriella’s direction with frustration. She was sick of her talking in public and had warned her against outbursts in doctor’s offices. “You betta watch that attitude and that expression,” she laughs pointing at Jona. “You’re going to make that bitch think you’re really crazy.”

  Yvonna remembers where she is and softens her scowl before looking at the doctor. One check on her chart and Yvonna could be readmitted for good. There was only one problem, Jona tried to get her recommitted before but each time her supervisors examined Yvonna, she was overruled. They decided every time that she was sane.

  “Are you okay?” “Why wouldn’t I be?” Yvonna asks her calmly, a light smile following. “Do I look okay to you?”

  “Looks are deceiving.”

  “Are they?” Yvonna giggles in a condescending tone.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “If looks are deceiving, I wonder what they say about you.”

  “I’m not under psychiatric care, Yvonna. You are.”

  “What do you want from me? I’m here ain’t I? I’ve never missed an appointment. So what’s the problem?”

  “I want to know if you’re seeing people…again.”

  “Bitch, is you seein’ people?” Gabriella yells. She’s so loud that in Yvonna’s mind, Jona had to hear her.

  “Yvonna, did you hear me? Are you seeing people or not?”

  “Jona, I haven’t had a problem since I was released. Your facility said I was sane, so I must be sane. Now if you’re done with me, I’d like to go.”

  Yvonna grabs her large blue Gucci bag off the floor and is preparing to leave until Jona says, “Sit your ass down before I put something on this chart that will make any hopes of a normal life outside of this facility impossible.”

  Yvonna stops, struts back toward her seat opposite of Jona and opens her legs so wide you would’ve thought she was preparing to get a pap smear.

  Jona’s facial expression turns from anger to disgust. “Yvonna, close your legs! That’s terrible.”

  “Jona, its just pussy. I mean…I am sitting down. That is what you wanted isn’t it?”

  “You shouldn’t walk around like that, Yvonna.”

  She laughs, “Like what? Without panties?” Yvonna keeps her legs open. “Jona…Jona…Jona. You must be interested in me or something.”

  “You wish.”

  “I sure do, because if I did eat that little dried up bush tree between your legs, you’d be further up my ass than my favorite La Perla thongs, when I choose to wear thongs that is. Maybe then you’d relax.”

  The idea of Yvonna coming anywhere near her causes her to lose composure but she must remain cool. “Well enough,” she says trying to avoid looking at Yvonna’s pussy lips. “I see you wanna play games so let’s play them. I know you’re far from cured. I’ve been in this business for twenty years and have seen people like you go and come right back.”

  “I doubt very seriously that you’ve seen anybody like me.”

  “Oh but I have. Just like you.” She points a pencil at her. “Out there trying to deceive the world. You’re a danger to society, Yvonna. A loose cannon waiting to blow. And I’m going to stop you.”

  “How? By lying on me?” she giggles. “Don’t forget you’ve tried to recommit me before. I don’t know, doctor,” she shakes her head “maybe you’re the one who’s crazy.”

  Jona takes a deep breath and says, “I’ll do what I have to, but I trust you will hang yourself first.” She looks down at Yvonna’s chart and makes notes. “I’m increasing your sessions by one more a week. That means you’re to see me three times a week and I want you to be early. And Gabriella can come too.” she says looking to Yvonna’s left, where she saw her look earlier.

  Unconsciously, Yvonna whips her head toward Gabriella. The moment she does, she realizes she made a serious mistake. Yvonna turns around to face Jona who is now smiling.

  “Just like I thought, you’re far from healed, honey. Be back tomorrow.”

  There was nothing Yvonna could say. She fucked up but she wasn’t going to let her know it. She stands up and walks as smoothly as Grace Kelly toward the door. But once outside of Jona’s office, she exhales and rubs her head profusely trying to rid herself of the throbbing migraine that was coming on.

  Gabriella says, “I hope you know we can’t let her live. She’s too smart. She’ll try to keep us in for good. We’re too fly too be in a place like this.”

  Yvonna remains silent. How she wishes she could make Gabriella go away. She didn’t need her anymore and now she was interfering with her freedom. If Gabriella hadn’t spoken in the office, Jona would not have noticed Yvonna’s expression. Her life was on the line, not Gabriella’s. She could come and go as she pleased. As always the game was going to have to be changed. What she didn’t know was how.

  The Plan

  “So what do you want me to do, Yvonna?” Treyana asks as they sit in the car outside of Bernice’s house. Yvonna’s eyes stay glued on Bernice as she washes dishes in the sink of her kitchen. The yellow chiffon curtains blow around and hide Bernice’s vision and the hateful glare Yvonna has on her from the car. “I haven’t seen Bernice in two years. It’s gonna seem weird if I knock on her door all of a sudden.”

  “Ask her how she’s doing, and ease into what I want to know. The full name of the nigga she used to fuck. The one that was cool with Bilal’s father.”

  “That’s stupid. She’s gonna see right through me.” Yvonna levels a basilisk glare at her and says, “When are you going to realize this is not a fuckin’ game? Who do I have to kill to prove to you that I’m serious?” she pauses. “You? Your husband? Who, Treyana?”

  Treyana looks out the window for fear that Yvonna’s stare alone will kill her.

  “I know you’re serious. I want to be smart.”

  “I’m the only smart one in this car. You just do what the fuck I tell you to. Let’s check your mic.”

  “Why do I have to where this?”

  “’Cause I don’t trust your dusty ass that’s why.”

  Treyana adjusts the tiny mi
crophone under the lime green shirt she’s wearing, bends her head down and says, “Can you hear me?”

  “It works,” she smiles. “Now go and leave the rest to me.”

  Treyana was about to exit the car until Yvonna grabs her wrist, “Remember who I am. If you remember nothing else, remember my name and what I’m capable of.”

  Treyana exits the car, adjusts the Seven for all Mankind denim skirt she’s wearing and struts with her black Christian Louboutin pumps. That bitch is sooo trying to be like me. Yvonna thinks.

  Taking one last look at Yvonna before she reaches the steps, she walks slowly to the door and knocks softly. Yvonna can see Bernice dry her hands with the blue hand towel before disappearing from the window. Second’s later, Bernice opens the door.

  “Treyana? What are you doing here?” She looks Treyana over with deep suspicion.

  “I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by to say hello. We haven’t seen each other since the case. And I wanted to make sure all’s well.”

  “All’s well?” she repeats. “You sound very proper.” She jokes.

  “I’ve changed.”

  “I see. But what do you want? You made it clear on what position you plan to take with the…,” is all Yvonna hears before the ear set makes a loud crunchy sound due to the mic being ripped off Treyana’s shirt.

  Yvonna sits up slightly but not too much as to reveal herself. She’s irritated and wonders what Treyana has planned. What are you up to bitch? Her leg shakes uncontrollably as she fights hard to resist the urge to get out of the car, and swell on Treyana’s black ass. The only thing that stops her are the restraining orders. Her mind was running wild when she suddenly hears hysterical laughter in the backseat.

  “You’s about a dumb bitch,” Gabriella teases.

  Yvonna adjusts the rearview mirror and says, “I’m not up for your shit right now, Gabriella.”

  “Yes you are. Haven’t you heard…my shit is your shit? We’re one in the same.”

  “Whatever, Gabriella.”

  “Wake up, Yvonna! Stop bein’ naïve and you’re making us look bad.”


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