Kathryn's Justice

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Kathryn's Justice Page 19

by Marianne Spitzer

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn peeked into exam room 101 and saw Joey lying on the hospital bed. Dressed in navy blue dress slacks, a light blue shirt, and a navy tie with gray stripes made him look as if he were a businessman. The blood spots on his crisp shirt and the loosened tie were the only giveaways that it might be Joey. His face was half-hidden by a large ice bag.

  “Joey?” Kathryn said quietly.

  “Kat? Is that you?” He answered. When he tried to sit, he groaned and fell back against the bed.

  She hurried to his side. “Don’t try to get up. Did they tell you anything yet?”

  “No,” he removed the bag from his face and Kathryn could see the area around his eye was turning blue.

  She scrunched her face and said, “You’re going to have a nice black eye. Oh, I have your letters. You dropped them, and Karla found them.”

  “Thanks,” he tried to smile but it looked painful to Kathryn. “She was there and nice to me. After all I’ve done, she was still nice. I have decided to change Kat really. Is it okay if I call you Kat? I should have asked.”

  “Before last night I would have said no, but today it’s fine. We’re friends now.” She took his hand and tried to look in his eyes without crying.

  “Security was here and I told them not to call the cops. I’m not pressing charges against Nick. He’s got a big chip on his shoulder though. He said something about me and his mom ruining his life and hit me. No warning.” He squeezed her hand tight. “You know I work here, Kat, but I hate being a patient. Can you hang around a bit?”

  “Sure, I let Doc know I was with a friend in E.R. He knows where I am plus I think it’s partly my fault Nick hit you?” She frowned and added, “Sorry.”

  “Your fault? How so?” He put the ice bag back on his face.

  “Nick was in the cafeteria just before he hit you. He accused me of a lot of nasty things and sleeping with you.”

  “See, told ya we should have. He thinks so anyway. Sorry, a bit of the old Joey trying to come through.” He laughed and groaned again.

  “After Nick said all of those hurtful, nasty things to me, I couldn’t let him just do that and walk away. Before he left, I stood and called him out. I told him off in front of everyone and threatened to file a sexual harassment grievance against him.” She dropped into the chair she pulled alongside the bed.

  “That explains why he hit me because he thinks we slept together, but why was he angry with his mom. Of course, she could make anyone cry.” He looked at her from underneath his ice bag.

  “I shared a lot about my life with Nick and he told his mom. She used it against me at dinner and now has Nick convinced I used him.” She dropped her head in her hands.

  “Used him? That’s a laugh. Nick’s the luckiest guy in the world or was until he hurt you. He threw away something special and valuable, but don’t worry Kat, someone better is out there for you. I’m sure of it. Look here comes the doctor.”

  The doctor explained Joey had a concussion and needed to rest. He was fortunate nothing more serious happened because he was unconscious. He told Joey he would need someone to drive him home.

  Kathryn said, “I’ll do it. I’ll call Doc and let him know, and then I’ll pull around to the entrance and pick you up. It’ll take a few minutes for them to finish your paperwork.” She hurried to the door.



  “You’re the best.”

  She smiled and pulled out her phone.

  ~ * ~

  She called Dr. Graydor while she walked to the parking garage.

  “Yes, sir. I don’t think I’ll need more than an hour or so. Oh, you heard about the cafeteria. Well, right after is when Nick hit Joey, and I feel a bit responsible. E.R doc won’t let him drive home. Slight concussion. If you need me sooner, just text. Joey lives close to the hospital. Will do. Bye.” Kathryn slipped her phone into her pocket, climbed into her car, and drove to the E.R. entrance where Joey waited in a wheelchair. She saw Nick watching her from a window near the E.R. entrance.

  Joey frowned as he climbed into the car. “I don’t know why they made me use a wheelchair. I’ll be okay.”

  “You know the rules. You have to start following them.” She did her best to stifle a laugh. Joey following rules was a new concept.

  “I know. The worst part is I only delivered one letter. I’ll be back tomorrow to finish.” He gripped the letters in his hand.

  “Forty-eight hours rest, Joey. That’s what the doc suggested. Besides, your car is at the hospital, and you will not feel like walking to the hospital tomorrow. Trust me.” She said as she pulled into a parking spot outside a local café near Joey’s house.

  “Kat, look at me. I can’t go in there. I’m not hungry.” He frowned again.

  “I know, but you will be later. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Just rest.” She patted his hand.

  Kathryn hurried into the café and ordered two bowls of chicken noodle soup in separate containers and several packets of crackers.

  She handed the bag to Joey before she climbed back into the car. “You can’t live on potato chips and beer. There are two bowls of chicken soup and crackers in the bag. It should get you through lunch and dinner. I’ll stop at the store on my way home and get you a few extra things to get you through. You should feel a lot better soon.”

  “You can’t do that, Kat. I really can’t afford to buy more groceries.” He glanced at her with one eye while holding a fresh ice pack against his cheek.

  “You can pay me back later or consider it a get well gift. It’s not a big deal. A few days of groceries so you eat light and well while recuperating. I’m not buying a month’s worth of food.” She smiled and pulled into Joey’s driveway.

  “Thanks for the ride and soup, Kat. I’ll be okay,” he said as he staggered and gripped the car handle.

  “Sure you will. Let me help you.” She hurried to his side before he fell, and they walked into the house.

  Kathryn made sure Joey settled in his recliner with one bowl of soup and the crackers. She placed the other container in the refrigerator.

  “Okay, you stay put. I don’t want you falling. I’m going to text you once an hour. If you don’t text me back, I’ll either come back or send the police to do a well check on you.” She stood and glared at him.

  “Yes, mom,” he quipped.

  “Would you like me to call your mom? It’s no problem.” She pulled out her phone.

  “No, no, no, I’ll be fine. Please. I’ll text you. I promise.” He tried to smile and winced.

  “You better. I’ll see you later.” She pulled the door closed behind her and headed for her car.

  ~ * ~

  Kathryn waited for the morgue doors to slide open and saw Dr. Graydor step out of his office.

  “Hi, you’re back sooner than I expected. I take it Coyle must have been on his best behavior.” Doc chuckled.

  “I think he’s changed. He was here this morning to hand deliver letters of apology to everyone he’s annoyed. The suspension shook him up. I didn’t know he bought the house he’s living in, and he’s worried about paying his mortgage. There’s a new Joey Coyle on the horizon, and I tried to help him with the letters. The sentiment is all his; I just corrected some of the grammar. He wants to deliver the rest of the letters tomorrow, but the E.R. doc said he needs to rest for two days. I wonder if he will,” Kathryn said and dropped her purse back in her desk drawer.

  Doc stood with his arms crossed and tapped his fingers on his arms. “I’d be willing to give him another chance if he shows me he deserves it. I find the concept of an apology letter intriguing for him. He must have been thinking about this for a while.”

  “He’s been living off a case of potato chips he bought a while back at the warehouse store and a case of beer his friends donated plus whatever he had in the house before his suspension. I think his mom fed him a few times.” Kathryn dropped in her chair watching Doc’s expression.

  “A mother
’s love is grand even for Joey Coyle. There isn’t much work for you to do this afternoon. We have been quiet all day, and that makes it a good day. I think we’ll both get out of here on time.” He turned and headed back to his office.

  The afternoon flew by, and Joey answered all of Kathryn’s texts. At quitting time, Kathryn changed and headed for the grocery store. She made a quick stop at home. It didn’t take long, and she was at Joey’s front door holding two bags of groceries.

  “Hi,” Joey smiled a strange twisted smile. Muscles on one side of his face seemed to fight his urge to smile. “Let me take one of those bags.”

  “Stop trying to smile. You look like a creature from a horror movie,” Kathryn laughed. “Just kidding. Your face still hurts a lot I bet.”

  “Only one side and the muscles twitch when I smile or talk.” He touched his swollen cheek.

  “That’s because you look as if you have a giant gumball in your cheek. Your eye is some odd shade of blue and purple. Have you looked in the mirror?” She scrunched her face when she looked at him.

  “No, I’m just glad I’m not as dizzy as I was earlier. I think if I look in the mirror, I’ll scare myself.” He laughed and then moaned and grabbed his cheek.

  “No more laughing. I’m here to be sure you take care of yourself. Did you eat your soup for lunch? Are you hungry?” She pulled food out of the bags.

  “Yeah, but I think I need more than that soup. I’m real hungry. Why did you bring all this food?” He helped pull things out of the bags.

  “So you don’t starve. I love that soup so I’ll eat it, and you can have a turkey sandwich and applesauce. I bought some sports drinks. No beer. If you’re tired, you can sleep now, and I’ll check you every three hours until morning. By then you’ll be fine,” she said and pushed the beer cans out of the way in the fridge to make room for the sports drinks.

  “You’re spending the night again?” He stared at her.

  “Yeah, someone has to keep an eye on you unless you want me to call your mom.” She smiled.

  He put his arms around her and hugged her tight. He let go but not before he kissed her on the cheek. “You know, I used to dream we’d spend a couple of nights together. Like a long weekend, but I like this better as friends. Most of my friends are jerks like me. You’re classy. This is great.” He tried to smile again and groaned.

  “Thanks, you’re getting better. Stop trying to smile. You need to put a little more ice on your cheek. It should improve by morning, I hope.” She handed him a sandwich and pressed the high heat control on the microwave to warm the soup.

  After they ate, they sat in the living room to watch the evening news. Joey kept yawning, and Kathryn suggested he get some sleep. She promised to check on him ever three hours until morning.

  “I don’t deserve you,” he mumbled as he trudged toward his bedroom.

  “You’re right,” she called after him.

  Kathryn settled on the sofa again and set her phone alarm for three hours. It was early, but she needed the sleep, too. It had been a trying day.

  Kathryn’s mind kept replaying the cafeteria scene with Nick over and over. She thought she’d never fall asleep, but her alarm woke her from a sound sleep.

  “I guess I did fall asleep,” she murmured as she walked into Joey’s room.

  Joey was sleeping soundly, and she gently shook his shoulder. He grunted and spoke, “What? Oh, hi Kat. I forgot you were here. I’m okay.”

  “I’m glad. See you in three hours.” She staggered back to the sofa and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  By morning, Kathryn was awake despite the fact she woke every three hours to check on Joey. She stretched and saw Joey walk into the room. He wore jeans, but his chest was bare. She momentarily admired his physique but pushed the thoughts out of her mind. Her heart still belonged to Nick as much as he hurt her. Maybe she thought one day I will get over him. Even if I do, I can’t let anyone hurt me that way again. First James and then Nick. I make poor choices. Now, here I am admiring Joey’s body. I’m a mess.

  “Morning, Kat,” Joey said with a smile on his face. “I feel pretty good. I’ll make coffee. You deserve it after checking on me all night. If you want, you can take a shower, but I only have body wash that’s supposed to make me smell like a manly man. Not sure what it’ll do for you.” His grin grew wider without wincing in pain.

  “Thanks, Joey, but I brought my own,” she answered and laughed as she headed for the bathroom.

  She took a quick shower and dressed. She walked into the kitchen with her hair wrapped in a towel. She needed coffee first before she did her hair.

  “Thanks for not trying to get into the bathroom while I showered,” Kathryn said.

  “It would have been easy since that lock opens just by jiggling the doorknob, but I promised I wouldn’t do things like that to you again. You’re my best friend, Kat. Sure, I have the guys, but no one has ever gone out on a limb like you did. You helped me with the letters and spoke to Doc. You stayed here all night. I have groceries because of you. I appreciate all you’ve done.” He hugged her just long enough to show gratitude.

  She smiled at him. Joey Coyle has changed. “As you said, we’re friends. I try to help friends. Let’s hope you get your job back. I think the biggest problem will be the sister of the murder victim. Hang in there, time will tell.”

  He nodded and poured them both a cup of coffee. He opened the box of donuts Kathryn purchased the day before and they enjoyed breakfast.

  While Kathryn dried her hair, Joey put the dishes in the dishwasher and wandered into his room to find a shirt. Kathryn heard him call her name.

  “What, are you okay,” she asked as she hurried into his room.

  “Yeah, but I was just going to open the blinds and for some reason I looked outside first. Check out who’s been spying on us and must have fallen asleep in his car.” He moved the blind enough for her to see.

  Kathryn let out a small screech and stormed out of the room and the front door. She pounded on the passenger side window of Nick’s car, and he jumped awake.

  He rolled the window down and said, “What the hell are you doing banging on my window?”

  She stepped back and snapped a picture with her phone. It showed Nick, his car, and Joey’s name and address on his street-side mailbox.

  “Evidence,” she spat.

  “Evidence of what?” he asked.

  “You stalking me so I can use it when I get the restraining order. Try working if you can’t get close to me,” she called over her shoulder as she headed back to Joey’s house.

  She heard his car door open, and he yelled, “You can’t do that to me. Stop Kathryn. Don’t.”

  Kathryn slammed Joey’s front door on Nick’s wailing, and she and Joey laughed.

  “I think you scared him,” Joey said.

  “Good, he has no right to stalk me or you. Sleeping outside your house is unacceptable. I wonder when he showed up. I’m not going to file for a restraining order, but maybe he’ll leave me alone. First, he accuses me of all sorts of crap and then he follows me. I’m confused.”

  Joey put his arm around her shoulder, “I think he realizes he made a big mistake Kat and doesn’t know how to fix it.”

  “Parking outside of wherever I am all night isn’t going to fix anything. It’s borderline creepy. If it were anyone except Nick, I would have called the police.” She tossed her things into her overnight bag. “I need to get to work.”

  Joey hugged her again. “I’m going to take it easy today the way the doctor suggested. Maybe by tomorrow my eye will look better.”

  Kathryn scrunched her face.

  “Okay, maybe not,” Joey continued. “Either way I’m going to be at the hospital delivering letters. I’ll probably see you then. Hey, can you stop by and pick me up tomorrow morning? My car’s still at the hospital.”

  “Sure,” she replied and she hurried out to her car. Nick’s car was nowhere in sight. “Maybe he’s stopped followin
g me,” Kathryn mumbled.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The dark morgue let Kathryn know that she was the first one at work. She opened the doors, and the lights lit the room as she hurried to the dressing room. She returned and dropped into her desk chair to check on any overnight activity. An elderly patient arrived shortly after she left work, but it was a routine autopsy, and Doc handled it alone. The rest of the night had been quiet.

  While she checked inventory and took care of paperwork, Kathryn’s mind wandered to her next execution. It was still a week away and she planned this week would be spent with Nick making love and enjoying each other’s company. Spending much of the week with Joey never was on her radar.

  “How quickly life changes,” she mused.

  Kathryn looked up when she heard the elevator ding and no one stepped off, but she caught a quick glimpse of Nick’s head as he pulled it back into the elevator before the doors closed. She dropped her forehead to the desk and groaned.

  “Something wrong?” Doc’s voice made her jump.

  “Lots, but it’ll all be okay,” she looked at him and tried to smile.

  “Sorry, I scared you. I used the stairs. Wife said I’m getting a little flabby around the mid-section. Wanna talk?” He asked as he poured a mug of black coffee.

  “Sure,” she answered. “What no sugar?”

  He patted his stomach and shrugged. Kathryn laughed. She poured a cup of coffee and added two sugars. She needed energy and joined Dr. Graydor in his office.

  She sat across from his desk and explained what happened since she left work the evening before.

  Doc shook his head. “I thought after the cafeteria incident Nick would back off.”

  “Joey thinks Nick realizes he made a mistake, but doesn’t know how to fix what he did. After all of this, I’m not sure he can nor do I think I want him to try.” She dropped her head and fought tears. Taking a sip of the coffee helped her to control her emotions.

  Doc said, “Never thought I’d agree with Joey Coyle, but I think he’s right. However, stalking is not the way to do it.”


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