Cannibal in the City (Black Love Book 2)

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Cannibal in the City (Black Love Book 2) Page 8

by Antwan Floyd Sr.










  Chapter Twenty-One

  Black pulled up in front of his father’s and parked he got out of the car and went inside.


  Black yelled out as he closed the door and made his way through the living room into the kitchen. Pops and Parker were sitting at the table eating.

  “Hey pops.”

  “Hey son, Parker.”


  Parker replied nonchalantly.

  “What y’all eating on?”

  “Neck bones, string beans, and potatoes want some?”

  “Nall I’m good.”

  Black leaned against the refrigerator, Pops stood, placed his dishes in the sink.

  “You two don’t get to acting crazy out there in them streets.”

  They both replied in unison

  “No sir.”

  “Stand up boy.”

  Pops said to Parker, he stood and gave Pops a hug. Pops walked over and gave Black a hug.

  “I’m going to bed, Black be sure to lock up when you leave tonight.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Pops left the kitchen, leaving the two men there to talk.

  “So what happened Parker?”

  “They got me twisted bruh, tried to pop me in front of my mom’s crib!”

  “Ms. Harris alright?”

  “Yeah, she’s good, but they bout to feel it Joe I don’t give a fuck! Whoever was doing the busting is out of here! Fucking Crape Nunez I’m wetting that nigga on sight!”

  “Be easy Parker, you know for a fact it was Nunez?”

  “Not doing the shooting but it was his people, come on Black just cause I ain’t in the streets no more, don’t mean I ain’t in the streets no more it was Nunez.”

  “Again, be easy bruh, I told you I was going handle it for you and I’m going handle it.”

  “We beyond talking Black, them lames shooting up my mom’s house ain’t you handling it.”

  “I’ll put your mom in a hotel until this is over, real nice a penthouse suite it’ll be like a vacation.”

  “How am I supposed to afford that? I just got home Black I ain’t got no money.”

  “Don’t worry about it Ms. Harris is like my mom too, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of I’ll have someone pick her up and make sure she’s situated.”

  “Cool, moms being off the streets will be good, cause after I start whacking niggas the streets going be hot.”

  “Calm down, nobody’s getting wacked especially not by you, going get you out of sight for a little while I have a job for you.”


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Black thought the night had been long before he went to his father’s but it proved to drag on even more. He first made a call to Detective Edwards had him pick up Ms. Harris, Parker’s mom and drop her at the Sheraton downtown Chicago, then got Parker a room in Oak Park, left him some getting around money and gave him his assignment for the next couple of days while he worked out the Nunez thing. He knew that Parker now had a warrant out for his arrest since he didn’t return to the half-way house he was in violation of his parole, but he couldn’t be sure that killers weren’t lying in wait for him to show up and knock him off there. He would do what he could to sort that mess out after this was done. Now nearly 4 a.m. he found himself on 4451 S. Princeton dialing Stone’s number.

  “I’m outside.”

  He said when she answered.

  “I’m on my way down, she answered groggily.”

  He stood at the security door with his gun in his hand waiting for her to come down, he wasn’t scared but he wasn’t stupid either the youngin’s wasn’t going to get a chance to catch him slipping. It didn’t take long for her to come down, she let him in he placed the gun underneath his shirt and he followed her up the stairs she came down wearing a t-shirt and house shoes her 5’1, 145 lbs, light skin kissed by the sun was an golden brown, she wore glasses, and her hair naturally wrapped in a afro puff ponytail. He watched her hips sway side to side as her ass bounced walking up the stairs. Once inside he gave her a hug and kissed her on her neck. She smelled like Shea butter.

  “You smell good shorty.”

  “Thanks, come on in my room is back here.”

  He walked past a let out couch with two kids lying on it asleep. It was a small 2 bedroom apartment, the kitchen was across from the living room, they passed another bedroom with the door closed to the right, then a bathroom to the left her bedroom was straight ahead. When he walked in she closed the door behind them, there was music playing “Oui” by Jeremih, incents burning and candles glowing. She sat on the bed Indian style and grabbed a glass of wine she had sitting on the stand next to her bed.

  “You going stand there all night? My bad all morning?”

  Black walked over to where she sat and stood over her, she looked up at him seductively through tipsy eyes. He brushed the side of her face with the back of his hand. She closed her eyes and let his hand explore her flesh. He stopped and grabbed the bottle of wine from the night stand.

  “What you drinking on lil mama?”

  “Arbor Mist.”

  Black laughed.

  “You like this cheap shit?”

  She laughed.

  “Whatever, this shit good.”

  She grabbed the bottle and poured herself another glass.

  “Want some?’


  He took the bottle from her, gently yanked her head back by her hair when she let out a soft moan he poured the liquor in her mouth and began kissing her before she could swallow. He gently bit into her lip, then poured more on her neck and began sucking it off, she dropped her glass on the floor ignoring the shattered glass as he raised her shirt over her head and poured more on her chest and stomach licking whatever remained off of her sticky flesh. He set the bottle down on the floor next to the shattered glass and licked the wine around her pantie line. She squirmed and giggled.

  “Stop with all that tickly stuff.”

  He wrapped his hands around her neck as he kissed her passionately.

  “Shut yo ass up.”

  She smiled as he ran his other hand from her thigh up to her erect breast. She fumbled with his belt to his pants until they came sliding down, there was the thud of his gun hitting the floor that they both ignored, she reached into his boxers and clutched at his stiff manhood digging her nails into him his hips jerked from the sudden action.

  “Be easy shorty.”

  “Tell me to shut up again.”

  He growled as he wrapped both arms around her and rolled her on top of him.


  Chapter Twenty-Three

  7 a.m. Black hadn’t slept all night he found it hard to sleep comfortably in stranger’s beds. Stone was nice enough but she was still a stranger, on top of that she was a woman and women lied. He never asked her if she had a man, but she had kids he didn’t even know if he was still in the picture or if there were multiple fathers. Yep, females always kept a dude on standby, perhaps her standby had a key and would come in while they were laying there sleeping. Black lay naked with Stone also naked, her head on his chest dick in her hand, gun in his. He still had work to do, last night was a stress reliever she served her purpose it was time to go. He got up and got dressed, she looked at him, smiled, and rolled over and went back to sleep. He closed her bedroom door and made his way down the short hall and to the front door. The two kids that were asleep on the let out couch were still asleep, he let himself.


  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Parker found h
imself in a position he had not thought he would be in when coming home: a fugitive of the law. It wasn’t as if it were a huge manhunt for him but he did realize that he would have to be extra cautious. Black sticking him out in Oak Park was a smart move but having to hit the streets again on some b.s. private eye type stuff was silly and a waste of time in his opinion. He should be loading up and getting at Nunez before he caught him slipping, put an end to it. He knew that Nunez people would not miss again, but no here he was riding through Englewood following some dumb ass kid around. He had no idea where this was going to take him or how it would help Black’s case but he threw caution to the wind and did what he was asked.


  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Black pulled into the neighborhood and instantly felt a chill run up his spine, he was way out of bounds. Although the millennials often taunted that we lived in a post racial society Black knew better. Everyone didn’t see life and race through the same lens, although he knew that at the core of human life most people were good, he knew that on a day to day basis you don’t always run into most people and you rarely ran into the good. Bottom line he was a Black man in a mostly Hispanic neighborhood, his main concern were the gangs but as long as he had his pistol he felt like he had a fighting chance. He parked the car and got out. It was like any other middle class neighborhood, most of the cars in the neighborhood were gone, figured they were at work. Some hung on corners and some went on about their business not paying him much attention. He went to the apartment and rung the buzzer, he was buzzed in without being asked who he was, Black walked down the hall to the apartment number that Seshat provided and knocked on the door. The door was opened after the first knock and Black found himself face to face with a sawed off shotgun pointed at his stomach. The man didn’t speak, he motioned for Black to come inside, and he did as he was instructed. When he walked in there were computer monitors on the table that had surveillance of the front door. The room had a shaggy, nasty carpet that had been used as an ashtray he which was evident from the cigarette burns and cigarette butts that had been stamped out. The walls that were once white were now a dullish yellow ruined from the cigarette smoke. Black smelled a smell he hadn’t smelt in years, it was the distinct smell of cocaine being cooked. He was in a crack house, he remembered the smell from when he was a kid and his brief stint as a wanna be Tony Montana. Next to the surveillance monitors there were stacks of money, an old sofa that had seen better years and counter separating the living room from the kitchen. Two dogs ran around the room playing, both Labrador Retrievers no threat, they ignored Black and continued scurrying through the apartment. Besides the man with the shotgun, there were two others there that Black could see, both women. One an older woman looked to be in her sixties she stood in the kitchen cooking what Black assumed was more crack, he couldn’t imagine anyone would cook food in her let alone eat any. The other woman looked to be a teen, she also held a gun, hers a six shot revolver with a pink handle. She kept her gun trained on him as she patted him down with the other, she found his gun, took it and had both pointed at him. No one at this point had said a word, including Black.


  The man demanded, who was brown, sweaty, and about 50 lbs over weight, 5’0 even his weight didn’t match his height. He wore a pair a pair of khaki shorts and flip-flops with a t-shirt that read Duck Dynasty, with a matching camouflage baseball cap that read the same. Black understood most Spanish words after the years he spent with his ex Morena. He shook his head no.

  “No, I’ll stand.”

  The man stepped closer jabbing the gun into Black’s stomach.

  “Dije sentarme!”

  “Dije que mierda no!”

  Black yelled back defiantly. The man stepped closer and jabbed the gun into his stomach more forcefully now. Without thinking, the training that Trigger had taught him kicked into action, he grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled the man closer to him aiming the gun upwards all in one motion. Taken by surprise the man squeezes the trigger at the same time, the shot goes into the ceiling, Black kicks the man in the chin he goes down and let’s go of the gun. The girl holding the guns on Black panics and lets off a shot, the shot misses Black and hits one of the dogs in shock as the dog whimpers and dies bleeding out on the floor the girl drops one of the guns and nervously points the other gun at Black. Black now has the shotgun from the man and pointed at his head. The woman in the kitchen is cowering on the floor crying mumbling prayers in Spanish.

  “Baja el arma y nadie se lastima.”

  The girl didn’t respond, he spoke again.

  “¿Tú entiendes?”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  She said barely audible.

  “Good, you speak English, now I don’t want to hurt anyone put the gun down and come sit down on the sofa over here.”

  She hesitated.

  “Don’t do it!”

  The guy yelled out with the gun still pointed at his head. Black remained calm eyes still focused on the guy.

  “I promise you I won’t hurt anyone, if you put the gun down. But if you don’t I will kill everyone in this room.”

  She immediately put the gun down and slowly walked around Black, the man on the floor, and the dying dog and sat on the sofa.

  “You going to die for this, you hear me?”

  The man yelled gun still pointed at his head, Black ignored the man and yelled to the woman in the kitchen.

  “Senora, Salir de la cocina lentamente con las manos en el aire y sentarse en el sofa con la chica te prometo que nadie va a ser herido.”

  The woman climbed to her feet and slowly came from the kitchen with her hands in the air and sat on the couch next to the girl. Black motioned with the shotgun.

  “You, on the couch with them.”

  The man hesitantly did as he was told, Black took a step gun still pointed at the trio he knelt down and picked up the two guns placing them both in the front of his pants.

  “Now, I just have a few questions. First of all I am looking for Angel Salvatore.”

  “I am Angel Salvatore.”

  The man said still trying to show a sign of bravado.

  “What the hell you pull a gun on me for?”

  “It’s no coincidence my brother is killed and the next day you show up to my door, I got word it was the Black Gangsters I wasn’t taking any chances.”

  “I’m no gangster, my name is Black Love just came to talk.”

  “Ha, you must think I’m a fool you came to talk that’s why you carry a gun.”

  “Come on Angel, this is Chicago damn near everyone has a gun.”

  “Want do you want to talk about Black Love?”

  “I know who killed Jesus.”

  The younger girl stood to her feet.

  “You do?”

  The older woman pulled her pack to the couch, Black responded.

  “Yes I do.”

  “Who? Tell me now!”

  Angel demanded.

  “I don’t know exactly who, but I know who ordered the hit.”

  “Tell me now!”

  “Crape Nunez.”

  “Uncle Crape?”

  The young girl said unbelievingly.

  “No, Crape has been like a brother to me . . . he loved Jesus.”

  “Love only goes so far for certain men when their freedom is on the line.”

  “Lies, what proof do you have?”

  Angel demanded now standing to his feet.

  “Sit back down Angel your making me nervous.”

  Angel sat back in his position on the sofa.

  “I don’t have any proof, that’s why I’m here do like I ask and Nunez will give you the proof himself.”

  “I’m listening.”


  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Parker had been following Hale Jackson all morning and hadn’t been detected kids these days had no sense of their surroundings he thought to himself. He watched Parker and his friends make petty han
d to hand sells of weed all morning from his estimates all small time stuff they probably made about a $1,000. They didn’t venture too far out of the neighborhood, he was relieved when they made a stop at Harold’s Chicken on 63rd he didn’t bother being inconspicuous or anything he walked right in behind them, got in line behind them, and ordered food. He stood at the counter waiting with them as they made small talk about getting together with some girls later that night Hale said he would pass, had other things to do. Their food came and they left. Parker was in no rush to get his food and follow them, he knew where they were going he pulled out his phone and made a call to Black, the phone rung twice and was answered.

  “What’s up?”

  Black said through the phone.

  “How long you want me to follow this dude man?”

  “You’ll know when you see something worth seeing, I’m telling you someone is leaving something out don’t know who yet. It’s him, the parents, or her friend Cheryl I don’t have the man power to follow all of them so we’ll start with him just stay on him I’ll let you know when to call it quits.”

  “I know I said I’ll try this your way but man I need to get at Nunez before he gets me or I get popped off by the law out here trying to be a Black Dick Tracy.”

  “Just stay on him, I got to go.”

  Black ended the call before he could rebuttal. Parker looked at his phone unbelievingly, grabbed his food and was out the door.


  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Black knew that he was taking a huge risk by going through with this plan many things could go wrong. The first was Angel could double cross him, the other was that it simply may not work. He also factored in the X factor, the unknown variable he had no idea what Nunez may do. It was too late now, he had rolled the dice everything was in play and Nunez was on his way. The woman and the young girl both sat on the couch nervously waiting, Angel paced the room carrying his shotgun.


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