LOGAN (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 5)

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LOGAN (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 5) Page 25

by Marilyn Campbell

  To her extreme relief, she hadn't had another episode of hormonal insanity, which allowed her to believe that whatever had happened to her, it was not the Noronian mating fever and Logan was not her soulmate.

  So why, fourteen days and nights since they'd had their fateful encounter, did her stomach still flutter when he walked by? And why did it still hurt so badly that he believed she was a freak whose mere touch was poison to him?

  To further mess with her mind, with each passing day, she saw more about him to admire. He was intelligent and reasonable, a strong leader when he had to be and a gentle persuader at other times. Everyone in the group looked up to him with respect and trust. No one seemed to remember the court martial or his chains, and they didn't even have the advantage of knowing he was innocent.

  It was clear she'd made a serious error in letting him know about how she'd touched his mind. Perhaps if she'd explained how doing that accidentally would be possible if they were soulmates, but since that didn't seem to be the case...

  She forced herself to think of someone else—Brianne and Jason. It had taken less time than she'd imagined for Brianne to stop being flustered when one of the men forgot the rules and addressed her directly or accidentally made physical contact.

  Jason had literally become Logan's shadow. He was always ready to perform any service requested of him but he would look to Logan before going ahead. The most interesting thing about Jason was that lately he seemed to be standing a little taller than he had at first. Tarla thought perhaps he was watching Logan so closely that he was beginning to mimic him.

  Parisia's and Iris's arrival ended Tarla's ponderings. The time had come for the Earthlings to prove their worth.

  * * *

  "The plan itself is fairly simple," Tarla began as soon as everyone was situated. "And from what we've researched, all the technology required to implement it exists already. Since Heart has no ground forces willing to combat an enemy face-to-face, and we assume that it would be difficult to find enough volunteers to pilot a large force of armed aircraft, there is only one solution.

  "Using the same principles that went into constructing the invisible wall around the farm, a shield could be created to envelop the entire planet. Instead of simply being a barrier, however, the magnetic energy would be strengthened to the point where it would repel anything attempting to penetrate it. In other words, if an enemy ship tried to break through, it would rebound and destroy or cripple itself in the process. If they tried to fire a projectory, it would boomerang back to the ship that launched it. Thus, an attacking force could destroy its own fleet without anyone from Heart having to do a thing."

  "That sounds quite logical but what about a friendly visitor?" Parisia asked.

  Tarla gave Geoffrey a glance. He had said that would be the first question. "Any approaching ship would be picked up on monitors in a continuously staffed space traffic control tower. The visitor would have to identify themselves and their purpose, and deactivate any weapons systems before being granted entrance. To enforce that, a squadron of ships assigned to constantly patrol the air space inside the shield would be equipped with several devices.

  "One, a controller, similar to the one you use to create an opening or repair a weakness in the barrier wall, only on a larger scale. Second, a weapons detection system to scan the visiting ship to make sure they are unarmed or at least deactivated.

  "And third, a laser cannon capable of destroying a large ship if it became necessary. The main reason for this is, we have to assume that an enemy could develop a controller like you have and be able to create an opening in the barrier themselves, in which case it would be the patrol ship's responsibility to stop them before they reached the planet's surface."

  Parisia and Iris murmured to each other for a few seconds, then Iris responded for them both. "What you have proposed is so simple, it is somewhat embarrassing that we had not thought of it ourselves, but as we have explained, defense has never been a priority on Heart. There is only one part of the plan that we can immediately foresee as a problem, and you pinpointed it in your opening statement. It could be nearly impossible to recruit pilots for the squadron of patrol ships who would not only have to be trained, but be willing to perform a lethal act."

  Tarla nodded her understanding. "Yes, we took that into consideration, and came up with a suggestion. We have already agreed to stay and work for you for as long as a year, although the system we've proposed shouldn't take half that time to install.

  "All of these men, and most of our women, are willing to take on the task of patrolling the barrier while you search for trainees to replace them. The rest of the women would supervise the monitoring station. We strongly recommend that you release the remaining men from the commune and allow them to serve as pilots as well. That would give you over a hundred patrol pilots in all, enough to provide uninterrupted surveillance of the entire planet."

  Parisia and Iris were clearly disturbed by the idea of having even more free, unmedicated Earth men to deal with. After a little more whispering, Parisia said, "We will consider it, but only if we fail to find enough volunteers ourselves."

  Tarla expected that reaction. "Then we have another suggestion we'd like you to consider. If you fail to recruit a hundred women to be trained as pilots, perhaps you need to adjust your laws so that some of your men—"

  "Stars above!" Iris exclaimed. "Don't even say it aloud. We have pushed Parliament to the very limits of their tolerance with this defense plan. They would never agree to something that would erode the very foundation of our society."

  Tarla had anticipated that as well. "Then we strongly recommend you begin the search among your women immediately. Our agreement was for no longer than one year. When that time is up, we expect you to hold to your part of the bargain and send us back to Earth, whether your defense system is firmly in place or not."

  For some time, Parisia and Iris asked more specific questions which, in several cases, had to be answered by others in the group. It was eventually agreed that the Earth women should be on hand when Parisia presents the plan to Parliament the next afternoon, in the event she has difficulty with a question.

  Between the concern that the plan would not be approved and the anxiety attached to the women's having to appear before Parliament, the next twenty-four hours dragged by under a cloud of nervous tension. When it was time for them to go, the men decided to wait together in Logan's apartment.

  The men's companionship was strained as the first hour melted into a second and a third. By the time they'd finished dinner, they were behaving like trapped animals.

  "I gotta get outta here!" T.J. declared and headed for the door. "I'm goin' for a walk."

  "Hold it," Logan said, moving quickly to block his path. "You can't go storming out of here to burn off energy. Somebody could see you acting very un-servant-like, and this is definitely not the time to rouse suspicions. Do some pushups instead. Besides, Lee would be very disappointed if you weren't around to hear their news when she gets back."

  "Screw her," T.J. said, not really meaning it. In a huff, he marched across the room and out onto the balcony, but his outburst had served to release some of the tension in the apartment.

  The moon and stars were shining in a black sky when the women finally returned. The men held their collective breath as the women filed solemnly into the apartment and closed the door behind them.

  "The plan was approved with an enormous budget," Tarla announced quietly, and pandemonium erupted the next instant. Squeals, laughter and congratulations were accompanied by hugs and kisses all around. In the midst of the celebrating crowd, Tarla found herself facing Logan, the only one she hadn't hugged. They stood there, staring at each other for several seconds before Logan made a move to walk away.

  On impulse, Tarla reached out and caught his arm to stop him. "This is ridiculous," she said and held up her arms to give him a hug too. He responded so slowly, she wondered if time had been somehow slowed down. But then his arm
s circled her waist and hers went around his neck, and their bodies eased together.

  Tarla's eyes drifted shut as they each tightened their hold on the other. "I'm so sorry I hurt you," she whispered. She felt him exhale heavily against her ear and held him even closer. She had no idea how long they were like that before she realized that the room had become silent.

  "It sure is getting late," Robin said in a louder than normal voice. "We'd all better get to bed so we'll be ready to start on phase two tomorrow."

  From the expressions on all their faces, Tarla could see that no one was thinking about sleep but they understood that it was time to leave Logan and Tarla alone. At the last moment, Robin pointed to the bedroom and hand-gestured as if she were locking a door. Tarla wrinkled her nose at her and shooed her away.

  There is a large gap between knowing something is going to happen and taking the first step toward it, but Tarla managed to take that step. She walked to the doorway of the bedroom and, with a cock of her head, said simply, "In."

  He entered but tensed when he saw her close and lock the door. "What's going on?"

  "I'm locking you in with me."

  Arching one eyebrow, he spoke sarcastically. "You may not have noticed, but the latch is on this side. I could walk out whenever I want."

  "It's symbolic," she said, then watched his other eyebrow rise to match the first. "Robin ordered me to lock us in here until we either had sex or killed each other."

  Instead of accepting her subtle invitation to sweep her onto the bed for a few hours of unbridled passion, Logan backed away and crossed his arms defensively. "And what if I'd rather not do either?"

  Her heart stopped and started again. "How about talking? Would you at least be willing to try that again?"

  He paced back and forth a few times before agreeing. "Okay, but we leave this room."



  "That's right. This room is where the current problem between us started. So, this room has to be where it ends."

  He frowned, paced and finally leaned against the locked door. "Okay, but no touching, just talking."

  "Agreed. Now, since my earlier explanation only made things worse and you don't want me to touch you so you can read my mind, why don't you ask questions and I'll answer."

  Logan sighed and crossed his arms. "Okay. Are you human or something else?"

  "Humanoid, like everyone else here, only my DNA would show subtle differences because I'm of the Noronian race."

  "Where's Norona?"

  "A different galaxy from Earth. It can be reached by ship in about two weeks."

  He angled his head, looking very skeptical. "How'd you end up being an Army nurse if you're from another planet?"

  "Did you really not hear any of what I told you before?" She wanted to get to the important parts, but she ordered herself to be patient. She apologized and again related the highlights of the safe but unfulfilling life in Innerworld that led to her becoming an Outerworld emissary. This time he had a few questions, which she answered as concisely as possible.

  "Now tell me about the Noronian mating fever."

  He changed the subject so abruptly, she was caught off guard and her cheeks flushed instantly.

  "You said you'd answer all my questions," Logan reminded her with a frown.

  "Yes, of course. I'm, uh, just trying to figure out the best place to start since it's what made you believe I was a freak."

  For the first time, he pushed himself away from the wall and uncrossed his arms. "Why not start with the truth about what causes it?" He sat on the armless chair on the opposite side of the room from the bed.

  Tarla realized he was suddenly comfortable but she had no idea why. "It's a natural part of maturing," she said hedging.

  "It didn't look natural to me. What aren't you telling me?"

  The way he was looking at her now warned that her answer—her truthful answer—was the only thing that would keep her out of hot water. "When it's time for a Noronian to... to take a mate, the symptoms can become quite extreme, especially if the, uh, treatment is put off for a time."

  "I gather the treatment is full intercourse, not just having a climax."

  "That's right," she said, half-smiling over his quick grasp.

  "So, let's say Wilkes had been here instead of me, would you have assaulted him?"

  "Gawd no!" she blurted out too quickly. "Even crazed with fever, I'd have to have some attraction!"

  An eyebrow raised again. "Geoffrey then. Would you have ordered him to go deep inside you?"

  Tarla felt her cheeks get hot and couldn't come up with a lie fast enough.

  "I see. So, you're saying that not just any warm body can deliver... the treatment. But what I don't understand is how you choose your doctor?"

  He was making her so nervous, her scalp was beginning to itch. Without thinking it through, she said, "We don't choose. It's fate. When our soul's mate appears, we just know and when we're of age, the fever is triggered and having intercourse with the mate cools it down but the only permanent cure is to be joined."

  "I see," he said again. "Does that mean I'm your soulmate?"

  She shook her head in denial. "Don't be ridiculous. You can't be. You're not Noronian. And anyway, I'm pretty sure it was a one-time thing. It's been two weeks without another episode. Besides, I'm well past the time when it should have happened."

  "But what if it wasn't just a one-time thing? What if it happens again?"

  She swiped at the nervous perspiration beading on her upper lip. "If it does, I'll check in with Heart's medical staff. I'm sure they'd be able to help."

  He smirked. "Couldn't you just come to me?"

  "Don't worry. I got the message. You hate me and never want me to touch you again."

  "I don't hate you," he said quietly.

  Tarla was suddenly unable to stand still. She needed air. Her thoughts flew to the shower and the possibility of being drenched in cold water. Oh dear god no, not now. She started for the bedroom door but Logan was across the room in a heartbeat.

  The instant he closed his hand over her shoulder, he felt the heat. He didn't have a few days to digest everything she'd told him. He didn't even have a few hours to decide how he felt about her lies and deception. A battle had been raging between his head and his heart for two weeks without a decision, and now he only had seconds to turn her away or help cool her down.

  "I don't hate you," he repeated and turned her around. Her eyes had not yet filled with blood but she was obviously very uncomfortable. He waited for her expression to change from panic to surrender then picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  She tried to speak but he quickly pressed his lips to hers. "Hush. I've got this," he said with a hint of a grin. Seconds later, he had removed their clothes and was kneeling between her thighs. He'd already discovered what she liked and, since he had been unable to shut out the sensual memories despite his freak-out, he would have loved to do a repeat of that night, but this was clearly not the time to be selfish.

  She was already very wet and when he stroked her, and when she trembled and whimpered of wanting him, his body surged in sexual response. He understood that foreplay was not what she needed at the moment.

  Without further delay, he thrust his shaft deep into her body and let her take the lead after that. He held his own pleasure back until she'd had enough to start cooling down, then he allowed himself to discover what it felt like to truly be with Tarla. His Tarla.

  * * *

  Tarla had no idea how long she'd been asleep but she felt rested. She also felt Logan's body pressed against her own. At least this time she'd stayed conscious long enough to make sure he was somewhat satisfied also.

  He said he didn't hate her. But he didn't repeat his earlier claims of loving her. Now that she had no doubt that he was the trigger to her fever and that, no matter how improbable it was, he was the man meant to be her other half, she wondered what she could do to renew his trust and bring those thoughts
of love back to life.

  It wasn't supposed to be this hard. Then again, nothing about her life had ever seemed easy.

  What she did know was that no other man's body had ever seemed so familiar, so right, so perfectly fitted to her own.

  She also had considerable experience with pleasing a man. That had to be something she could use to work out all their differences. She shifted onto her side to get a peek at him while he slept and couldn't resist placing a soft kiss on his parted lips. Without opening his eyes, he kissed her back, just as lightly. She added a little pressure to the next kiss and he smiled against her closed mouth.

  His hand found her hip, eased around to cup her bottom then eased up her side, over one breast and up her throat to her cheek. "You're cool," he murmured.

  "Mmm-hmm. Thanks to you."

  He moved his hand back to her breast and kneaded it but she moved his hand away. "Go back to sleep," she whispered. "I've got this."

  He chuckled and, to show his willingness to fully cooperate, placed both his hands behind his head.

  She gave him one more peck on the mouth then let her tongue draw a trail down the side of his neck to a nipple. As she drew it into her mouth with a gentle suck, she felt his chest muscles contract. Three times they'd been intimate and every time, he'd focused on giving her what she needed. He was overdue to have the favor returned.

  Her hands and mouth explored his broad shoulders, his muscled chest and abdomen, pleased to note that she hadn't needed to caress his manhood to have it standing at attention for her. Not wanting to be unappreciative, her fingers roamed lower, down between his thighs until they were teasing the soft man flesh there. He opened his legs to give her freer access and she repositioned herself between them.

  Logan had managed to keep his eyes closed until she wrapped one hand firmly around his erection while simultaneously rolling his sacs in the other. But when she also closed her mouth over the tip and tongued his opening, his eyes squeezed shut again.

  Using every skill she'd ever learned to keep a man on the verge of climax as long as possible, Tarla played with Logan until she heard the words she awaited.


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