Fall on Me

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Fall on Me Page 31

by Chloe Walsh

  "When I was in the restaurant," I sobbed. "Kyle, don't…"

  Grabbing my phone, he tapped at the screen then held it to his ear. "No, Lee," he shouted. "This is not happening to you again. You are mine. Mine. He is not fucking with you anymore."



  My whole body was on fire. I was burning the hell up and every sob, sniffle and tear that was coming from Lee's body was adding fuel to that fire.

  "You see the news, girl?" Jimmy snarled as I held Lee's phone to my ear. "Aint so white now, are you? Whole world knows what kind of slut you are. Should have kicked your momma down the stairs. Saved myself years of trouble…"

  Jesus Christ. Is this what she was listening to all her life?

  "I'm not your daughter, you worthless piece of shit, and you've pushed me too far," I snarled as I locked eyes with Lee. She was kneeling on the bed with her hands in her lap. Her eyes were wide and fearful. I had to look away or I would snap. "I'm only going to say this once, so listen very clearly." I paced the floor in a bid to calm myself. "The next time you see my face it will be when I'm standing over your fucking body."

  "Well, aint it the city boy with the fat wallet." Jimmy's cruel laugh filled me ears. "Brave words, boy. Your daddy teach you how to talk like that?" He laughed harder. "No, that's right, you aint got no daddy, do ya, boy?" he snarled. "I know all about you, Carter. All about your whore of momma." He whistled down the line. "Sixteen, wasn't that what I read? Must've fucked her up real bad to make her kill herself…"

  "I'm going to end you," I vowed. "Before you take your last breath on this earth, I will have found a way to make you suffer for what you did to her."

  "Not if I kill you first," Jimmy roared. "You, your whore and your little bastard..."

  I hung up.

  I'd heard enough.

  I'd said enough.

  I meant every word.

  He'd been warned.

  My gaze landed on Lee, crying on the bed, and my whole body shuddered. "Come here," I mumbled as I held my arms out for her.

  "I'm sorry," Lee whispered as she scrambled off the bed and rushed towards me. I caught her just as she flung herself into my arms. I hoisted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and clung to my neck. "I'm sorry he said that to you…"

  She was apologizing for him…

  I turned around and pressed her back to the wall. "Look at my face, Lee," I told her. Sniffling, she lifted her face to mine. Her eyes. Jesus, the fear I saw in her eyes crippled me. "I love you." I wiped her tears with my thumb. "You are everything to me. No one is going to hurt you again. Not while I'm breathing. I'll take the whole fucking world down before I let that happen. Got it?"

  She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. "I love you too. So much." Tucking her face into my neck she whispered, "I think we're cursed, Kyle. Every time we get back up from one blow, someone comes along and knocks us back down. I'm so afraid that the next blow will end us."

  "We'll get through this," I promised her. "We've survived worse than an asshole gossip station and that drunk piece of shit."

  "Look at the odds though," she whispered. "Kyle, they're all stacked against us."

  "So fucking what?" I growled, pulling back so I could see her face. "Let me tell you something, princess. The odds were never in our favor, but we're doing it. We beat those fucking odds every second of the day. I'm damn proud of us for it. I'm so fucking proud of you, and I love you. I more than love you, if that makes any sense." I pressed my forehead to hers and tried to slow my breathing. "I'm not good with words or expressing my feelings and shit, but that's the best definition I can give you. I more than love you, Lee. I am more than in love with you. Every day. Every night. I can guarantee you that won't change."

  "You're right," she whispered as she brushed her lips against mine. "I'm proud of you, too. I more than love you, too. This won't break us."

  "There's my girl," I said as I smiled at her. "Now say it for me…"

  "Fuck the odds," she said with a small smile. "I'm keeping you."

  "Hell yeah." I grinned at the sound of a swear word coming out of her mouth. "Fuck the odds and the whole damn world. You, baby, are permanent. You are cemented, glued and fucking nailed to everything inside my body that pumps life into me. The odds and every other asshole who tries to interfere with that will lose, because I'm betting my money on us. And I always win."

  "I love you, Kyle," she whispered as she buried her face in my shirt.

  "I love you too, princess," I murmured as I kissed her hair. "I'm always gonna protect you." Even as I said the words, the fear of tomorrow flooded my veins.

  Trouble was brewing.

  I could taste it.

  But I would keep my promise to her.

  If I had to die trying.


  The end

  Follow Kyle and Lee's story in

  Forever We Fall

  Broken #4

  December 2014

  Acknowledgements to some of my wonderful readers

  Alycia Sanchioni. Lorrie Moar. Cindy Ellis. Gayle Brown. Stephanie Kidney. Dania North. Sami Prince .Jen Littlefield. Csenge Benyei. Lisa Thomas. Lisa Fallon. Deborah Noble. Daisy Balanzar. Zoe Todd. Charlotte Evans. Charlotte Johnson Drew. Gina Stone Holman. Joanna Thingsaker. Nicola Pafomow. Rachel Percival. Amanda Austin. Aimee Monastero Olivet. Barbara Hoover. Pamela Price. Angela Ginty. Kathy Shorten. Colette Wilmot. Tracy Quirke. Mary Finnegan .Amy Harrington

  I love you all, guys


  Fellow Author, LJ Burnley…

  When All Else Fails

  L J Burnley


  My Teacher once asked me to describe Fear.

  “Fear, is a strong emotion caused by the anticipation or awareness of Danger.” I replied.

  He then asked me to describe Fearless, and I laughed.

  “Fearless is someone too stupid to see the danger.”

  I now realise that there is another meaning to Fearless…….When someone no longer cares about the Fear.

  November 1st 1998

  “Miss Croft?” the strong and confident voice inquired.

  I’d been sitting on the edge of my seat fiddling nervously with the bracelet at my wrist, but now my head shot up at the sound of that voice.

  Oh, my, God!

  Before me was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen, and with that thought came another one…. I’d always considered the male species with indifference, because the boys I knew didn’t really have a great deal going for them really. They were obnoxious, good for breaking girl’s hearts, and excellent at breaking wind.

  But this was no boy standing before me, and as I stared up into those magnificent blue eyes, a strange yet wonderful sensation worked its way through my body. This man was sex on legs.

  “You are, Miss Croft?” he asked again, with a small smile that played at the corner of his mouth, it was almost as though he knew what thoughts had just been racing through my mind.

  I practically jumped out of my seat and thrust my hand out towards him. “Err, yes,” I said quickly.

  Taking hold of my hand, his eyes travelled every inch of me and embarrassment flared hot on my cheeks. Now I was definitely worried that he’d guessed my train of thought.

  “I’m Marcus Charlton, pleased to meet you.”

  I smiled but words evaded me. Was he thinking I was simple? I was probably acting simple, but worse than that I was sure my hand was sweating.

  Letting go of my hand, he said, “If you’d like to come this way.”

  Half expecting him to wipe his hand down the back of his trousers I followed him down the hall and studied him from behind. I noticed that his short-cropped hair was almost as dark as mine. He was tall, six foot at a guess, with a body that sent shivers of excitement racing down my spine, but it was those eyes of his that had left a lasting impression on my mind. It was almost as though they could penetrate my soul and see exactly what was going on inside.

; July 21st 1999

  "Prepare yourself, Mrs Charlton, for a night to remember," he said as he carried me across the threshold.

  A shiver ran down my spine with the anticipation of things to come. I was both afraid and excited; for tonight, I was about to become a woman.

  He pulled the gown down slowly and let it drop at my feet. Stepping out I moved away and stood waiting, but he made no move to come towards me as his eyes roamed my body from head to toe. In one quick stride he pulled me close, and with one hand in the middle of my back to support me he pushed me backwards slightly enabling his other hand to travel my body, first to my breast and then down towards my stomach. His fingers left a burning trail in their wake and when he slipped his hand between my legs I thought I’d been struck by a thunderbolt.

  Impatient now, I tugged at the button and zip of his pants struggling to undo them. Taking hold of my hands Marcus moved away and slipped out of his trousers. His eyes never left mine and I was suddenly aware that each breath I took was laden with the heavy sound of passion, and when his tight little boxer shorts followed the trousers my breath caught in my throat in a rather loud gasp.

  “He’s so big!” Miss Sensible noted accurately.

  Panic gripped me for a moment and I was suddenly afraid again.

  Obviously seeing the fear in my eyes, he said, “I will not hurt you, Frances, trust me."

  Kneeling before me he slowly removed my stockings, tracing little kisses along the length of my legs as he did. His breath was hot against my skin and every nerve in my body screamed out for more, and closing my eyes I savoured every delicious moment.

  My body started to quiver, but with passion rather than fear, and I was suddenly overwhelmed by desire as he slipped my panties down.

  Lifting me in his arms he laid me gently on the bed and straddled my body, and then the onslaught of passion began. First his lips traced their way down my body leaving no part of me un-kissed, but no other part of his body touched mine except for those lips, and when he took my nipple in his mouth I thought that maybe I’d died and gone to heaven.

  I moaned and arched my body towards him hoping he would take me now, but he continued down, over my stomach, which fluttered at his touch. Light kisses caressed the inside of my thighs, and never, not even in my wildest dreams had I thought I would ever feel this way. I wanted to scream for him to take me, but only a moan escaped my lips.

  Then his fingers were between my legs working their magic, and I opened them wider without even realising it. Suddenly his tongue darted inside me making me jump and I grabbed his shoulders tightly.

  I relaxed slightly, but still gripped his shoulders as he returned his attention to the spot between my legs. And then it happened, and suddenly I was soaring higher and higher like a bird, spinning and spiralling as I went. My mind was reeling at the exquisite pleasure that I was feeling and I cried out as my nails sank deep into the flesh of his shoulders. The passion seemed to come over me in waves building in intensity until it flowed from me, and I cried out as I felt a hot rush between my legs.

  Once I could trust my voice, I spoke, "My God! Marcus, what did you do to me?"

  He looked up from between my legs with his lips glistening. "I gave you your first orgasm, the first of many."

  December 23rd 1999

  I was swaying a little as I walked towards the house and letting myself in I made my way to the living room. I was no sooner through the door than Marcus was on his feet, and on reaching me he slapped me hard across the face.

  "You’re nothing but a slut!" he shouted.

  Shocked, I stepped back. "Marcus, what..."

  "Shut up you bitch." He slapped me again, and my mouth closed abruptly. "I know exactly what’s been going on you little slag."

  "What has been going on, Marcus?" I asked, not even sure myself.

  "Don't play your games with me." He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face close to his, and that was when I smelt the whisky on his breath.

  "I'm not playing games, and I don’t know what you’re talking about."

  "Don't lie." He banged my head against the wall. "Elaine's phoned, and she’s told me everything." He banged my head against the wall again.

  "Marcus, stop it and let me explain."

  "Explain what exactly?" With each word my head connected with the wall.

  "Whatever Elaine’s told you, its lies." The tears were ready to fall.

  "You’re a bitch, Frances." He pulled me away from the wall and pushed me to the floor where he set about me.

  "Marcus, please stop it," I cried. "Please, Marcus, stop," I begged.

  He pulled me from the ball that my body had formed until I was lying on my back, and then straddling me he trapped my arms beneath his legs.

  "Are you sorry?" he asked.

  "I haven't done anything."

  He slapped my face. "Are you sorry?” he repeated.

  "For what?” I shouted. My head was thumping and the weight of his body on top of mine was almost crushing my chest.

  He slapped me again much harder this time, and my face stung. "You’ve no Idea, have you?" he said quietly, before the palm of his hand connected with my mouth.

  "I don't know what she's told you, but its lies." I was crying now, and I was afraid.

  “I want to hear you say you’re sorry,” he said menacingly as he raised his hand.

  “Just tell him!” Miss Sensible screamed inside my head.

  "I'm sorry," I said quietly, through my tears.

  "Elaine warned you off Patrick, didn’t she?”

  I nodded.

  "Yet you deliberately flirted with him, did you not?”

  "She was being mean to me." I sounded like a petulant child, even to my own ears.

  "What's with you, Frances? I don't understand, am I not enough for you?" He seemed puzzled.

  "It wasn’t about you.”

  "Of course it’s about me, and what you were doing with Newton.”

  "I wasn't doing anything.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” His voice was amazingly calm although his eyes blazed with anger.

  "I wasn’t, and I've had enough, so let me up."

  "You've nowhere near had enough." He thumped me hard, and then blackness.

  When I came round it was pitch black and I couldn't move my arms, but as there was no weight on my body it was clearly obvious that Marcus wasn’t still sat on top of me. I stopped struggling to be free as panic threatened to overwhelm me. Taking deep breaths I tried to pierce the darkness. Finally my eyes adjusted a little and I knew I was in the bedroom and I was cold. I suddenly realised I was naked, and with that realisation came another one; the reason I couldn’t move my arms was because I was tied to the bed head, and that was when I saw him sitting on a chair over by the door. I could just about make out his shape. My mouth was dry and I ran my tongue over my lips in a bid to moisten them. There was a rather large swelling but it was no longer bleeding.

  “Marcus," I croaked. "Marcus, please, I know you’re there." Only silence greeted me and I tried again. "Marcus."

  There was still no answer. "Marcus, please answer me." My voice had risen as quickly as the hysteria building inside me.

  I was afraid, so desperately afraid of the only person I had left in the world, my husband, whom I loved and adored. I couldn’t understand what Elaine may have said to make him act the way he had, and not only that, but how the hell had she got our telephone number?

  "We need to talk.”

  I jumped, even though I’d known he was there. I hadn’t been expecting him to speak to me and I was startled when he did.

  "I'm sorry, Marcus, but it was only a bit of harmless flirting and I didn’t mean any harm. Elaine had been winding me up and,” I paused, my actions felt petty now, but in a desperate bid to make him understand, I carried on anyway. “It was her fault.” My voice shook as I spoke.

  "There’s only one person at fault, Frances," he said angrily. “You,
and I refuse to tolerate this again.”

  “I’m sorry,” I wailed.

  "I'm going down now, and maybe you should have a good think about things while I'm gone. I want the truth, Frances," he said, with a voice full of menace.

  "I’ve just told you the truth.”

  He moved to open the door, and with the light from the landing shining on his face I could see that he hadn’t believed a word I’d said.

  “I need a drink, Marcus, and I'm cold."

  “Maybe later.”

  I lay for what seemed like hours, and my throat was now so dry I could barely swallow, not to mention the fact that my body was numb from the cold. Despite my situation my mind was in turmoil. What had possessed Marcus to make him act this way?

  Hannah’s words came back to me, she’d said, “Claudia must be thrilled he’s finally found someone he can trust.” And then again more recently, she’d said, “Marcus deserves it, he had a bad relationship.”

  Just how bad had it been? And was it bad enough to warrant his reaction tonight?


  Available as an e-book at Amazon

  For paperback via Waterstones online and www.ljburnley.com




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