Bear Necessities hs-1

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Bear Necessities hs-1 Page 7

by Dana Marie Bell

  “Sure thing.” She sounded so sweet and demure, right up until she screeched at the top of her lungs, “TA-BBY! PHO-ONE!” He pulled the phone away from his ear with a wince. Damn, that girl had a healthy set of lungs.

  His father chuckled. “Isn’t that the girl Ryan showed some interest in?”

  Bunny gaped. Ryan had shown interest in one of the girls?

  “Tabby speaking. How can I help y’all?”

  He shivered. That deep drawl washed over him again, his cock perking up with insistent interest. Damn, he’d left her only six hours ago and already he was jonesing for the sight of her. “Can you do me a favor, baby?”

  “Sure, sugar. What do you need?”

  “Can you come pick me up? I’m exhausted and I’ve been ordered to leave the bike here.”

  There was a pause. “I can’t. I’m expecting a customer in about ten minutes.”

  He hated to ask, but damn it he was starting to see double he was so exhausted.

  He hadn’t slept a wink in that damn hotel room, pacing and worrying about Tabby and Chloe. His mother had taken one look at him and shaken her head, exasperated. “Can one of the other girls give me a lift?”

  “I’ll do one better. Wait there, someone will pick you up shortly. And don’t even think about sneaking off on the bike. If you’re tired enough to call me, you’re too tired to ride.”

  He could feel himself blushing. “I wasn’t.”

  “Good.” She paused. A bell jingled in the background. It sounded a lot like the one attached to Living Art’s front door. “I have to go.”

  Bunny frowned. Her voice had sounded tight. “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I—” Something crashed. “Shit. I will be. Gotta go.” She hung up, leaving him standing there, a red haze of anger rising inside him.

  “Something’s happening at Living Art.” Bunny headed to the door. “Where’s Ryan?”

  “Trouble?” Will followed him.

  “Yeah. Dad, you need to stay here or get Ryan to stay here. I need to head to the tattoo parlor and check up on Tabby.”

  “Not in your condition.”

  Bunny turned and growled at his father. He’d never challenged the older man, but he’d never had a mate before, either.

  Will threw his hands up in the air. “I’ll call Ryan, have him meet you there.”

  Bunny nodded and stalked toward the elevator, the possible threat to his mate thrumming through his veins. Suddenly he wasn’t so tired anymore.

  God help anyone who laid their hands on what was his.

  Tabby called 9-1-1, but the damage was done. Someone had thrown something through the window and she had let Bunny know something was wrong. Fuck.

  Ten to one he was already on his way over here.

  “What the fuck?”

  She turned to look at the patron who’d entered the store just before the thing came through the window. What the hell was that anyway? It looked like some kind of metal tube. A pipe, maybe? “Ryan?”

  He looked over at her, his pale blue eyes turning brown as she watched. “Where’s Glory?”

  “Here.” Glory stepped out from behind the curtain, followed closely by Cyn.

  He went right to Glory’s side, his gaze roaming over her, his hands twitching at his sides. “What happened?”

  “That came through the window.” Tabby pointed toward the metal object. It lay less than a foot from her.

  “Oh no! Are you all right?” Cyn was suddenly right there, checking Tabby over for damage.

  “I’m fine. I called 9-1-1.”

  Ryan’s gaze was glued to Glory. He sniffed and his nose wrinkled in disgust.

  “What’s that smell?”

  Tabby looked down at the tube, only then noticing the stench beginning to drift up from it. “Oh, hell. Grab your stuff. Everyone out.”

  They hurried out of the store, careful of the broken glass. Ryan scooped Glory up and carried her out, his eyes hard. He barely seemed to notice her weight, but as a Bear, he was much stronger than most men. She probably did feel like a feather in his arms.

  Glory, on the other hand, was freaked. She was stiff as a board in his arms. Ryan set her down on her feet, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. “Did you get hurt?”

  She backed away rapidly. “I’m fine.”

  He looked puzzled, the brown fading away, leaving behind the blue. “Glory?”

  Tabby shook her head and moved away. It seemed Glory wasn’t going to take to mating as easily as she’d thought she would. She saw Cyn snarl and pull out her cell phone, gesturing for people to get back, move away from the store.

  Then the back of Tabby’s head exploded and the world went black.

  Bunny roared to a stop outside Living Art. He turned off the bike and ran toward the huddle of people. “What happened?”

  The deputy speaking to Cyn and Glory pointed to the store. “Someone threw a pipe through the window with some kind of stink bomb attached to it. Oh, and that lady over there got attacked. Sheriff’s dealing with her.”

  Bunny caught sight of Tabby’s green hair on the concrete and lunged toward the sheriff. His heart pounded with fear. Visions of Chloe lying in a pool of blood haunted him.

  Ryan grabbed hold of his arm, trying to stop him. “Tabby’s hurt, but she’s okay.”

  He ripped free of his cousin’s grasp and lunged to the center of the crowd. He didn’t care who he shoved out of his way. He had to get to his injured mate.


  She pulled her hand away from the back of her head with a wince. “Ow. I got hit.”

  That Georgia drawl was slurred by pain.

  The sheriff and a deputy stood aside and let Bunny get close to his mate. He knelt down, probing the back of her head with his fingers. Sure enough, there was a small, bloody wound forming into a lump. He reached for his Bear, grateful for the strength he gave him. He healed the wound, the exhausting drain worth it when she sighed in relief and sagged against him. He stroked her hair, grateful beyond belief when she smiled up at him. He muttered a silent thanks to Bear for healing his mate and looked up at the sheriff. “She’ll be all right.”

  “Did you see who hit you?”

  Bunny turned and glared up at the deputy standing next to the sheriff. The man had spoken in a bored tone, rasping across Bunny’s protective instincts. How dare this man take the attack on his mate so lightly? Hell, even Gabe looked briefly disgusted before he once more controlled his expression. Bunny wondered if the deputy was the type of cop who figured anything that happened to a tattoo artist had to be linked to something illegal and was therefore deserved.

  Tabby shook her head, wincing a little. “Nope. It was pretty much bam, then lights out.” Bunny stroked her forehead, brushing away the last vestiges of the headache her attacker had caused.

  “And no one else was injured.” Anderson was staring down at her, his expression completely closed off. But there was a glint of gold in the man’s eyes that Bunny recognized.

  Bunny knew what Anderson was thinking. He closed his eyes, lest someone see the possessive rage boiling in their depths. Someone had deliberately targeted his mate. “Tabby’s coming home with me.”

  He knew she was going to protest, but before she could, Cyn’s voice cut through the crowd. “Of course she isn’t. She needs x-rays and stuff, and no argument, you got it?” Tabby bit her lip. Cyn stood there with her hands on her hips, her eyes blazing. “Some son of a bitch thinks he’s going to shut my shop down, take you out without a fight? I don’t think so.” Cyn pointed at Tabby. “You. Go to the hospital.” She pointed to Gabe. “You. Find out who did this and stick their asses in jail, where I sincerely hope they will get reamed multiple times.” The people around Cyn chuckled, but Bunny noticed Cyn wasn’t joking. “Glory and I will clean up.”

  “I’ll help.”

  Cyn eyed Ryan up and down. “Good. We could use some muscle around here.”

  Glory looked terrified. Bunny briefly wondered why, bu
t got distracted when Tabby’s hand landed on his shoulder.

  She used his shoulder for leverage and stood up. “Yes, master.” She bowed dramatically to Cyn, wobbling a little bit. Bunny reached up and steadied her with one hand on her thigh.

  She still looked a little pale. He stood and pulled her gently into his arms, running his hands over her, healing her scrapes, doing his best to soothe her.

  She settled in against him but continued to pout. “Are you up to riding?”

  She snorted. “I’m up to driving.”

  That might not be a bad idea. Bunny was beginning to shake, a reaction to his exhaustion and the adrenaline rush. “Good idea. Hospital?”

  She glared at him. He’d healed almost all of her injuries. He knew she didn’t need any x-rays, and apparently so did she.

  “Right.” He pulled his key out of his pocket and handed it to her. “The Marriott near the college.”

  “Got it.” She twirled the keys around her finger and swung onto the bike.


  He narrowed his eyes. She looked incredible straddling his bike. Her black tank top made her skin glow, emphasizing her green hair. Those damn painted-on jeans strained against her thighs. Her high-heeled black boots rested comfortably against the blacktop, bringing forth every dirty image Bunny had ever had about women and motorcycles.

  Fuck. He could see her sitting like that in nothing but those boots and a smile.

  He pictured it, her body hunched over the handlebars, her breasts swaying free, that saucy grin on her face and her ass in the air, ready for him to take her.

  He growled. “You have no idea.”

  She pulled her helmet on and patted the seat behind her, enticingly close to her ass. “Come on, sugar. Climb aboard.”

  Bunny, his control almost shredded, did, fastening his helmet. She was in for more than one type of ride today.

  “Hospital.” He looked over at Cyn. “I mean it. She’s got a lump on her head. Are you sure she should be driving?”

  Bunny fought the urge to roll his eyes. There was no way Cyn could know he’d already healed Tabby’s injury, and no way he could explain it in such a mixed crowd. “She’s fine.”

  Cyn glared at him. “Lump. Head. Hell, even Tabby’s thick skull isn’t crack-proof.”

  “Hey!” Tabby yanked off the helmet. “I feel fine now, thank you.”

  “I don’t.” Cyn grabbed Tabby’s helmet and held out her hand. “Hospital. Pinky-swear.”

  Tabby rolled her eyes and held out her little pinky. “I swear I’ll get my head checked out.” Of course, they both knew Bunny had already taken care of it, so her oath wasn’t necessary. And she’d phrased it in such a way that she could honestly say she hadn’t lied.

  Cyn grabbed it with her own pinky. “Good.” She stepped back, obviously satisfied.

  “Take care of her for me.”

  “I will.” He wrapped his arms around Tabby. This might even be better than when he drove. He thrust his hips forward, cradling his cock against Tabby’s luscious ass. “Believe me, I will,” he muttered for her ears only.

  She shuddered and started the bike. She pulled out into the street, careful until they were out of sight of the store. “You know I don’t need a hospital.”

  He did. He’d never have let her drive if he thought for one minute she was impaired in any way. The healing was complete. “I know.” He rubbed his hand briefly across her breast. “But I know what you do need.” And, dear God, what he needed more than anything.

  They pulled up to his hotel and found a parking spot close to the front door.

  “Really? You think so?”

  He reached around her for the keys and turned off the bike. “I know so.” He helped her up, tucking their helmets away. “Shall we?”

  She looked…disappointed. He knew he had to hold it together until they were in his room. Once he had her in his temporary den, all bets were off.

  They rode the elevator in silence, Bunny’s hand wrapped around hers. It felt so small in his big paw. His chest rumbled with a low growl. The thought that anyone would try to harm his mate was inconceivable. She deserved so much more than she’d gotten out of life so far. And he was just the man to see that she got it. But first, she was going to mark him.

  The elevator dinged and she sighed, her shoulders slumping wearily. So far it had been a hell of a week and they were both exhausted. That sigh quickly turned into a gasp when he dragged her out of the elevator and almost threw her into his hotel room. God, he needed her. If he didn’t feel her around him soon, he was going to fucking explode. He had to erase the scent of her attacker from her skin, the feel of him from her mind. He closed the door, pushing her up against it.


  “Yours.” She was breathless, trying desperately to soothe him.

  He wasn’t in any mood to be soothed. He bit her right through her shirt, marking her again, forcing her into orgasm. The scent of her pleasure teased him, drove him insane. She had to be naked. He wanted the feel of her soft flesh in his palms. He pulled at her shirt, ripping it half off her body, exposing her lacy bra.

  He pulled one cup of the bra down, exposing one full breast to his hungry gaze.

  Oh, fuck, she’s pierced. A little gold ring dangled from her brown nipple, a green bead glowing against her golden skin.

  He bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. He pulled on it relentlessly, tongued the gold ring, and reveled in her soft cries. Her body began to undulate against him, her hips pushing up against his erection.

  He grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, holding her against the door so that he stood upright, her breast right where he wanted it. She wrapped her legs around his waist and grabbed hold of his head, pushing his mouth right where they both wanted it.

  He ripped his mouth away only to suck her other breast into his mouth. Her head slammed back into the door. “Fuck, Alex.”

  He snarled. She’d called him Alex. No one called him Alex except his immediate family.

  Possessiveness roared through him. She was family. She was his.

  He looked up to find her staring down at him through Wolf eyes. Her fangs were bared. “Put me down.”

  He let his fangs scrape her breast. The moan she let loose was music to his ears.


  She grinned. “I want to mark you.”

  He shuddered. “My way.”


  He turned and threw her onto the bed, ignoring her startled screech. “My way.”

  The boots had to come off before he could peel those jeans off her legs. He yanked them off and quickly pulled off her jeans. He eyed the boots lying on the floor. He wasn’t sure he’d allow her to wear those to work again. They screamed fuck me to him.

  He was the only one who got that pleasure.

  Next went the underwear. She lay there, watching him pull her clothing off, the delicate lace ripping under his hands. He was using too much strength, leaving bruises behind, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He needed to feel her coming around him.

  Once she was naked , he stood up. “Play with yourself.”

  Her eyes widened for a moment before her lids dropped, her hands reaching up to pluck at her nipples. Her thighs spread, allowing him to see the juicy lips of her pussy.

  He nearly dropped to his knees, eager to worship the woman writhing on his bed.

  He dragged his clothes from his body, not caring where they fell. He only knew he had to climb up there and bury his face between the thighs of the woman he’d claimed.

  Tabby watched Alex crawl up the bed. There was no way in hell he looked like a Bunny to her, not with that look in his eye. The expression on his face was one of wicked intent, his gaze glued to her pussy. He licked his lips and everything in Tabby quivered in anticipation.

  Oh, hell. He was going to eat her out.

  At the first swipe of his tongue, she gasped. Rough and wet and warm, it was almost too much to bear. He li
cked and sucked and nibbled at her clit like a starving man at a five-course meal.

  It almost made her forget about what she could do with her tongue. “Turn around.”

  He paused. “Hmm?”

  She shuddered. She’d felt that hum through her entire body. She looked down at him. “I want your cock in my mouth.”

  If possible, his eyes turned even darker. He knelt and tapped her hip. “Switch places with me.”

  She grinned. If he knew what she had planned, he might not be so accommodating. “Sure thing.” She let him settle down on his back before swinging her body over his. She lowered her face to his cock, licking the drop of pre-come off. The salty sweetness flowed over her tongue. “Mmm. You taste delicious.”

  He grabbed hold of her hips and tugged her down to him, sucking her clit right into his mouth. She gasped, thrusting her hips back at him. Oh, yeah. The man knew what he was doing.

  Then again, so did she. She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and took him in, sucking on the flared head. She felt him pause before he attacked her pussy with a vengeance. Her thighs trembled.

  Hell if he was going to get her off first. She had every intention of milking an orgasm out of him before she marked him. She laved his slit with her tongue, wringing more drops from him. He groaned, the sound vibrating through her pussy.

  Oh, fuck. He’d moved his tongue to her hole, fucking her ruthlessly with it. His thumb danced across her clit while he drank her juices. She bucked back into him, fucking his mouth. Shit. She didn’t know how much longer she’d be able to hold off that orgasm.

  She reached over and bent his knees for him, tugging on his hips to get him to start fucking her mouth. It took him a few moments to get the idea, but once he did, he fucked her in earnest, his tongue matching the movement of his cock in her mouth.

  She suckled him in earnest now, dying for a full taste of her mate. The heavy weight of him on her tongue was incredible, his scent driving her to the brink of ecstasy.

  Then he did something, twisted his tongue or his thumb somehow and she was coming, screaming around him, desperately licking at his cock to drag him along with her.


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