Blood of Retribution

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Blood of Retribution Page 15

by Bonnie Lamer

  “Back off, dog,” I order, glaring hard at him. Cerberus just growls at me. I guess at this point, it’s go into the cave willingly or go in after Cerberus has treated us as chew toys for a while.

  Relaxing as much as I can, I let Cerberus nudge us to our destination, my back getting wetter and wetter as he uses me as a walking Kleenex. We walk for quite a ways in the dark and I have stopped counting the number of bruises I’m going to have from the dog’s snouts.

  Finally, we come to a dimly lit cavern with a river running through it. Sitting in the river rocking to and fro with the waves is the ferry that Tana had with her earlier. It’s made of wood and flat, with enough room for six or seven to stand on without fear of bumping someone into the water.

  “Just put them on the ferry,” the old man says. “I’m not going to wait for more. I’ll make a special trip to get these two out of our hair.”

  I swear, dog or not, Cerberus looks disappointed. I think what he really wants to do is find a dark corner so he can lay down and chew on us like rawhide. It’s a good thing he’s trained as well as he is.

  As the old man takes his place next to the large pole that will help guide us down the river it hits me who he is. He’s Charon, the ferryman. Who knew all the Greek mythology I enjoyed reading would turn out to have practical application in my life.

  “Where are you taking us?” I ask trying to keep the nervous tremor out of my voice. I’m trying to remember the different parts of the Underworld. I can only remember two. There’s the worst part, the Fields of Punishment, and a good part called the Elysian Fields. I really hope we’re going to the latter.

  “None will know until we’re there,” Charon grumbles. “The truth will guide the ferry.”

  “How profound,” I mutter. Kallen frowns on me. What? It’s apparently not Charon who decides where we go so it shouldn’t matter if I piss him off. Then again, that’s kind of like believing a magician isn’t in charge of his tricks. I had better keep my mouth shut.

  As we flow along, I feel my blood grow colder. Not from the temperature of the cave, but from the fear that we may never meet the person we have come to meet. Charon is bringing us deeper and deeper and it doesn’t seem like that could be a good thing.

  After an excruciating fifteen minutes, we see a dock ahead. I don’t hear any screams from souls being unmercifully tortured so maybe Charon has brought us to where we need to go. Or the ferry did. I don’t care which.

  There is someone waiting for us on the dock and she does not look happy. Tapping her foot impatiently, she waits for Charon to guide the ferry to her. As we approach, she studies Kallen and me and I get the feeling we’re being sized up. “You are fools,” she says sharply. I guess we didn’t pass inspection.

  Having spoken her mind, this woman who I suspect is Persephone turns her shapely body and walks to shore on the wooden planks of the dock. Her blonde hair is flouncing with each step and the back of her gown made of a soft, lilac colored silk flows behind her.

  “Go,” Charon orders. He has tied the ferry in place so we can get off. I give him a hard look as we go to step from the ferry onto the dock. I wouldn’t put it past him to push the ferry out so we fall into the river. He doesn’t, thank goodness.

  Following the irritated Persephone, we approach a brightly lit cavern. Its mouth is gaping, tall enough for Kallen to pass through without the slightest trace of a bending at the waist. Inside, we find relief from the cold, moist air. It’s nice and toasty in here.

  Across the room, we see Hades. At least, that’s who I assume it is. His demanding presence and cold eyes seem to embody the stories told of him. There is further proof when he silently orders Persephone to reclaim her spot at his side.

  The powerfully built, dark haired Hades sizes us up as his wife did. “Sit,” he says. “I know why you have come.”

  I bet he does. I also bet he knows exactly who we are. I’m sure Tana made sure he knows every detail about us.

  Not knowing what else to do, Kallen and I sit. As soon as our butts hit the chairs in front of Hades, a table is brought in by creatures who can only be described as lifeless souls. Their eyes are dead as if their consciousness’s were taken when they lost their bodies. Their eyes are pale and they walk like what I imagine a zombie would. They seem to know their jobs, though.

  The table is brought forth and on it is a feast built for a, well, for a god. There is more food on the table than I could eat in a year and it all smells delicious. My stomach growls loudly.

  “Please,” Hades drawls, “partake.” I give him an ‘are you kidding me?’ look.

  “He believes he is being funny,” Persephone says flatly. “If you eat you will be trapped here as I am half of the year.”

  I remember the story well. Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and while in the Underworld made the mistake of eating pomegranate seeds. That trapped her soul here for some reason. I have no idea what the connection between food and Hades is, but it’s never safe to eat in his presence.

  “We’ll pass, thanks,” I say.

  Hades chuckles. “Beautiful and wise.” Persephone gives him a dirty look.

  “Why are you here?” Persephone asks. “Why would you volunteer your soul for this awful place?”

  “I don’t plan to stay,” I assure her.

  This makes Hades break out in a loud laugh. “You will find that easier to say than to do.”

  I roll my eyes. “Look, we’re only here to get information. We know you’ve been helping Tana even though her soul isn’t stuck here. We want to know why and what her end game is.”

  Persephone’s face darkens and I find myself considering a dip in the river before she blows. “You have given aid without payment?” she demands to know.

  Hades cocks his head to the side, unperturbed by her mood. “How little you think of me. The payment for my actions is sitting in front of you, my dear.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Persephone says through gritted teeth. “You have accepted as payment souls that have not given themselves freely and allowed the one you aide to remain free of this place?” I’m guessing that’s breaking one of the many laws that abound here.

  A flicker of something like guilt flashes on Hades’ face before he schools it. “The soul that I have received in its stead is well worth the sacrifice of the soul that still roams the earth.”

  “You do not have the right to make such deals,” Persephone argues. “None may dwell here if they have not come of their own accord. Other than myself,” she adds. I bet she has every rule memorized. Going by the stories I’ve read, she hates it here and I would imagine she is always looking for a way out.

  “Have they not come of their own free will?” Hades says sweeping his hands towards us. “Do they not sit at my table with hunger in their eyes? I have not dragged them here against their wishes.”

  “Technically, you did,” I grumble.

  Hades’ eyes are angry when he flips them to me. “I am not a puppet master holding your strings. You have sought me, not the other way around.”

  “We simply seek an audience. We have sought you for information, not to relinquish our souls into your capable care,” Kallen says carefully. I disagree with the ‘capable care’ part of that sentence but that’s why Kallen’s here, to say things I never would.

  “A hen does not go to the wolf to ask questions,” Hades says, “without expecting to be dinner.”

  “Nice, very graphic,” I mutter rolling my eyes. Kallen kicks my ankle under the table and I glare up at him.

  “Point taken,” Kallen says. “However, we have been pulled into a trap of your making. When you gave to our enemy weapons to aid in her attack, you doomed our souls to this fate. Our will is not free as we seek a way to repair the damage done.”

  Hades looks vaguely uncomfortable. He knows Kallen is right but he’s not going to admit that. “There is always more than one outcome for every situation based on the individual choices made.”

  “As you are,
I am quite sure, infinitely cleverer than our mere mortal minds will allow, I believe you are able to see things this way. We, however, are not.” I can’t believe Kallen said that with a straight face and just barely a hint of sarcasm. Even Persephone has a small smile on her face in applause.

  Hades leans back in his chair and temples his fingertips. “Yes, that is a quandary for you.” If the table wasn’t so wide, I could kick him.

  Instead, I ask, “Why did you make a deal that didn’t involve Tana’s soul? I didn’t think you did things like that.”

  “Yes,” Persephone drawls, “that is an answer I would like to hear myself.”

  Hades is trying not to squirm in his chair as his wife bores holes in him with her eyes. “I have been known, from time to time, to broker such a deal.”

  “Then that must have been before my birth,” Persephone says. There is danger in her eyes. Hades had better sleep with one eye open tonight.

  “You’re sleeping with her, aren’t you?!” I exclaim. Kallen turns shocked eyes to me which is why he doesn’t have time to react when the table explodes in front of us. He and I are flown backwards all the way to the dock and splinters are raining down in the cavern. Persephone is a little pissed at the moment.

  “Is this true?” she demands.

  “To make things worse,” I yell to her, “Tana has oozing sores on her head.”

  Kallen clamps a hand over my mouth but he’s too late. We hear everything in the cavern being shattered into minute pieces. Persephone’s voice carries through the caverns of the Underworld as she screams at her husband. Threats against his manhood are the common theme and many colorful twists on how this could occur are spewing from her mouth impressively. I never would have thought there would be so many ways to castrate a man. Kallen is cringing at my side. I don’t think he realized that, either.

  After a good fifteen minutes, things start to settle down. Persephone’s curses and threats have calmed to a dull roar and there are no more sounds of things breaking. That could be because there’s nothing left to break, but still, I consider it progress.

  Kallen must as well because he rises from the ground and holds his hand out to me and helps me up. “We need to tread more carefully,” he whispers. “Let’s try not to destroy the Underworld before we have a way out,” he murmurs. I just grin. I think my way will get us faster results than dickering with Hades. Wrapping his arm around me and tucking me close, Kallen and I walk cautiously back to the cavern and peek inside. Hades is thunderstruck as he faces his wife’s ire. Sure glad I’m not him at the moment.

  Cautiously, and not too loudly, I say, “Excuse me.”

  Persephone’s head whips around and for a split second, I think she’s going to kill me. She doesn’t. Instead, her eyes calm about half a degree and she says, “Enter.”

  Kallen and I step as far as we can into the cavern without the risk of getting splinters or glass shards in our bare feet. “I hate to bring this up, but is this a good time to ask a few questions?”

  Kallen’s arm squeezes me so close that I can’t breathe. I glare up at him but he ignores me. “We understand that this is a difficult situation. If you would prefer we return later, we will understand.” Later? Where the hell are we going to go until ‘later’?

  “You will ask your questions now and then you will be given safe passage back to your realm.” Persephone glowers at her husband, daring him to say otherwise. He doesn’t.

  “Ask,” Hades growls, eager to take his anger out on someone.

  Since I am still being squeezed by the boa constrictor that is Kallen’s arm, he starts the conversation off. “What is Tana planning to do next?” Just saying her name makes lightning flash in Persephone’s eyes.

  I’m afraid Hades isn’t going to answer. He takes a long time to think over his response, but eventually, he says, “Her plan is to put the Fairy realm in chaos by eliminating the ruling class, inciting civil war. Then, she will rise and assume control.”

  “That’s ambitious,” I squeak out in a strangled voice. Kallen loosens his grip a little bit so I can talk.

  Not amused, Hades says, “Indeed.”

  “Tana comes from a strong lineage, but her magic is not great enough to force her way to the throne,” Kallen says.

  “Unless her magic is bolstered,” Persephone says,

  “You would have helped her?” I ask Hades. Well, duh. Of course he was planning to help her.

  “I saw merit in her plan.”

  “How many souls would you have received?” I ask. That’s the only currency he deals in.

  There’s a glint in Hades’ eyes now. “All of them.”

  “I don’t believe you.” The words just jumped from my lips like kamikaze pilots, I swear. Why else would I tell an Olympian god that he’s a liar?

  He feels the same way. “Despite the promise from my wife, your passage from this place is not guaranteed.”

  I’m back to being squeezed by Kallen’s boa constrictor arm. “What Xandra meant to say,” wow, I’ve never wanted to take his voice away as badly as I do right now, “is that we are not able to conceive of this possibility, not that you are incapable of performing such a great feat.” So not what I meant to say.

  “Indeed,” Hades says. Appeased, he continues. “Using the powerful magic of the Witch Fairy to release darkness into the realm, the souls residing in the Fairy realm will all be infected eventually. Even the strongest among you. Crimes will be committed that will darken their souls to the point they will be desperate to avoid judgment.”

  “Which is where you come in,” I gasp. My lungs are fairly depleted of oxygen because of the vice grip I am currently in.

  Hades cocks his head and nods. “Yes.”

  “You plan to sully their souls then offer them sanctuary,” Persephone says with disgust.

  I think he and Tana are planning a little more than ‘sullying their souls’. “And while this is happening, her plan is to kill me, Kallen and the King so we can’t stop it.” I wonder why Isla’s not on the list. Actually, she probably is. Tana just hasn’t gotten to her yet.

  “That’s it? That’s the entire plan?” I ask. I think he’s holding something back.

  “Hades,” Persephone says curtly when he doesn’t respond right away. I don’t think Hades will be getting any for a quiet a while.

  After an eternal silence, I can’t hold back anymore. “The summer months must get pretty lonely down here.” Persephone is allowed to leave the Underworld during these months according to lore.

  The implication is lost on no one. I just threw it out there as bait but I think I may have nailed it. Not only does Hades have a good chance of collecting the Fairy souls, he’s planning to take Tana as his mistress. He’s been seduced by her. I hate it when things get reduced to power and sex.

  I want to get out of here before Persephone explodes again. “Um, how do we call Charon back?”

  A rising of Hades’ lips pretends to be a smile. They should probably go to acting school because I’m not buying it. “The ferryman may only escort souls one way.”

  “Okay.” I’m wracking my brain trying to remember if Hades said we could leave or if only Persephone had.

  “Is there another way out?” Kallen asks quickly when his mind reaches the same conclusion as mine. Hades never said those words.

  With a snap of Hades’ fingers, two of the lifeless souls appear. “Take my wife to her bedchamber,” he says.

  Persephone’s pale skin becomes ruddy in anger. “You bastard,” she screams as she’s escorted away.

  “Now,” Hades says, when his wife is gone, “I can properly thank you for bringing your souls as gifts.” He taps his chin with his fingers. “Perhaps a trip to the Fields of Punishment will tame that tongue of yours, Witch Fairy.”

  Oh. Crap. This is not good. There is no way in hell, no pun intended, Hades is just going to set us free. With another snap of his fingers, he nails the lids of our coffins. Four lifeless souls appear to drag us away. />
  We’re not going down without a fight. As the souls near, Kallen balls his hand into a fist and strikes the first one. His hand goes right through. He didn’t even faze it. So, it’s surprising when they grab onto us with firm, solid hands. Neat trick. Kudos to Hades for this.

  “Let go,” I demand uselessly as I struggle violently. Of course I’m completely ignored.

  “Yes, do struggle. That is so much more gratifying than surrender.” The look Hades gives my body makes a low, dangerous growl emit from Kallen’s throat.

  Desperation and fear surround my heart. Time for plan B. Closing my eyes, I call to my wings. In vain. They don’t come. They must not be able to get to me down here. Great. I really am just giving Hades a show by struggling because there’s nothing I can do without my magic or my wings. Even Kallen can’t free himself from the grips of these things and he’s a lot stronger than I am.


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