Scoring Mr. Romeo

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Scoring Mr. Romeo Page 7

by A. m Madden

  Kyle: I bought a new dress and need your opinion…

  He added an eye rolling emoji, before the dancing dots appeared again.

  We’re all going out to dinner. Want to come?

  Me: No.

  Kyle: Why not? Have a date with your hand?

  I debated lying, then thought better of it.

  Me: No, fuckhead. I’m going out with Sabrina.

  I expected dots, but got an actual phone call instead. “What?”

  “Bring her.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “Why not?”


  “Are you planning to get lucky tonight? Shouldn’t you take it slow? She’s a mom, you know.”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Wait!” I released an audible sigh and waited. “It’s been awhile, do you need pointers?” I ended the call before getting a laughing emoji from the jackass.

  A few minutes later, Sabrina appeared in black slacks and an off-white jacket. I watched her walk toward me, sporting a smile that I couldn’t stop. “Hi,” she said shyly when I pushed off my car.

  “You look amazing.” With a hand on her elbow, I chastely kissed both her cheeks before opening her door.

  Before she got in, she placed a hand on my arm and said, “Thank you, Luca.”

  A smile tugged on my lips. “For?”

  She gave a gentle shrug, “It’s been a long time since someone… a man treated me like a lady.”

  “Sweetheart, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” I winked and closed her door. It infuriated me that she hadn’t been treated well in the past. That was all about to change—starting with tonight.

  I pulled out onto the road heading to our destination. “So, where are we going?” she asked, twisting in her seat to watch me as I drove.


  “That’s specific.” When I cut my eyes her way, her full lips quirked to the side in a smirk. “Is where we’re going a surprise?”

  “You don’t like surprises?”

  “I used to… not anymore.” I slowed the car for a red light and turned to face her. Her expression seemed cynical, my thoughts moving to the truth she shared regarding her husband’s infidelity. Before I could change the subject, she asked, “Do you like surprises?”

  “Yes, with the right person surprises can be… orgasmic.”

  “Orgasmic, huh?” A devious expression lit up her hazel eyes. “I’m due for orgasmic.”

  Well, fuck. A sudden pull had me leaning toward her. She mimicked my motion, and just before our lips touched a horn sounded causing her to jump.

  “New Yorkers,” I mumbled, driving through the intersection annoyed at not getting a kiss. “If we were in Italy, the guy behind us would’ve cheered for us to continue.”

  The melodic sound of her laughter filled the car, and the vibration under my palm as it rested on the gearshift calmed me. Even though the heady feeling that I could fall for this woman… really fall for this woman, should have had the opposite effect of relaxing me.

  Every once in a while, I’d glimpse at her. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she looked straight ahead. “Would you like to listen to some music?”

  She smiled as we approached another red light. “Sure, whatever you like is fine. I’m usually listening to Disney music or some new kid’s album. Which really wasn’t new music. It was music from when I was a kid now sung by kids.” I couldn’t help but chuckle, “Sorry, I’m rambling.”

  “I like listening to you ramble.”

  “Do you have a sexy comeback for everything?” In the dim light, I could see her face flush right before she turned toward the window.

  “You think I’m sexy?”

  Her head slowly turned toward me, “No.” She bit the corner of her lip.

  “I didn’t think so.” I winked and turned the radio on just as the light turned green. Gesturing toward the touchscreen console, I said, “Go ahead, pick something.”

  With trepidation, she reached forward and touched one of the preset stations. The first song she landed on was, Pour Some Sugar on Me. Another stab at the small screen changed the tune to, Come on Baby Light My Fire. It didn’t take long to mimic her previous action, changing the station once again, to land on, I Want Your Sex. She groaned, and mumbled, “Oh my God.”

  I started laughing, “How about this.” My thumb changed the mode to my iPhone. “I rarely listen to the radio since my taste in music varies, I prefer my playlists.”

  Ed Sheeran’s, Thinking Out Loud, filtered through the speakers. She sighed, “I love this song.”

  “Me, too.”

  The rest of the drive was filled with my favorite tunes and easy conversation. When I pulled into the parking lot next to the pier, her eyes widened like the sun. “We’re going on that yacht?” The inflection in her voice solidified that she’d love this surprise.

  Pride filled with relief washed over me knowing I made the right choice. “We are.” I exited the car, walked around to her side to open her door. Without hesitation, she took my outstretched hand, linked our fingers together as if this was our tenth date rather than our second, if you counted this morning. The chilly night air caused her to shiver. I released her hand to drape my arm across her shoulders. “It’s warmer inside.”

  “Mmm, I’m cozy now,” she said, staring up at me.

  Once we checked our jackets, we were led into the dining room. Some diners were already sitting at their tables, each set with a red rose in the center. But when we reached ours, Sabrina let out a small gasp. “Oh, Luca.” Stepping in front of the maitre d’, I pulled out her chair. Sabrina’s eyes focused on the colorful Gerbera daisies in the small square vase on the center of the table. “How?” She reached out and stroked a few of the petals with the tips of her fingers. “Everyone else has roses.”

  “Roses aren’t special enough for you. Plus, they’re not your favorite.” Her eyes shimmered. The pretty hazel orbs blurred by unshed tears. I reached into my jacket pocket, pulled out a monogrammed handkerchief, and handed it to her.

  Her lips twisted into a smile as she dabbed the corner of her eyes. “Thank you. I’m sorry, it’s just…”

  Repeating the words she had said before, I finished her sentence. “It’s been a long time since someone treated you like a lady.”

  She nodded. “You’re a wonderful man, Luca. How is it you’re single?”

  It should have taken me longer to come up with a reply, but there was only one that came to mind. “Because we just met.” That was the absolute truth. This woman stirred things in me that went beyond me wanting nothing more than sex. Thoughts of her body wrapped up in my arms, her lips touching mine—simple things made my pulse quicken. But, the day I sank deep inside of her, fusing us as one, no doubt would make my soul want to soar.

  Her lips made a small “O” as she expelled a breath and stared at me. “You know what’s funny?”

  I cocked a brow. “What?”

  “I think you really mean that.” On my nod, she looked down at the mascara stained cloth in her hand. “I’m so sorry, I’ll have this cleaned and return it to you.”

  “Keep it. I have a dozen of them, compliments of my nonna.”

  She smiled and ran her thumb over the stitching. “What does the S stand for?”


  “Luca Salvatore Benedetto.” Hearing my name roll off her tongue made me want her to repeat it. “Can’t say that’s Irish.” She laughed.

  I knew Callahan was Irish, but that was her married name. “What’s your maiden name?”

  A coy smile grew across her face. “Ricci.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Nope, my father is half Italian, half Greek. My mom is from Switzerland…” Her fingers fiddled with the ends of her hair. “Hence the blonde. I’m a spitting image of my mother.”

  “She must be gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. I suppose you could say I’m a mutt.”

  “That’s the last thing I�
�d call you.” Sabrina Ricci. That sounded so much better than Callahan. Maybe I’d use that when I introduced her to my mother. That thought stopped me dead in my tracks. When did I ever want to introduce any woman to my mother?

  I know… never.

  “So, how is it that you’re Italian and your son never had pepperoni or sausage before? I think I had sausage before strained vegetables.”

  “My son is the pickiest eater on the planet. The only time he has red sauce is on a pizza.” All I could do was stare at her in disbelief. “I know what you’re thinking. Believe me, it makes my father cringe when we go there and Mikey has pasta with butter. That’s why I was so stunned when he was more than happy to eat what you were having last week.”

  “And you said you’ve never been to Italy?”

  “No, sadly. My father keeps talking about going back to see his great-aunts and uncles, but we haven’t made it there yet.”

  We studied the short menu, there were only a couple of options to choose from. Once the waiter was back, we placed our order along with a bottle of Cabernet.

  A small dance floor was strategically placed between the tables and a long bar that stretched along the back of the boat. We had been so comfortable with our conversation, I hadn’t even noticed we started moving. When soft dinner music started to play, I stood. “Dance with me.”

  The jazz instrumental song that played, filled the room with a seductive aura. I circled her waist with my arms, resting my hands on the curve of her ass. Because of our difference in height, she placed her hands on my chest. I could feel the warmth of her touch through the fabric of my shirt.

  Our hips pressed together, leaving no space between us. With each sway, the friction between our bodies became a distraction, as did the look in her eyes. I didn’t want to move too quickly with her, especially because of the hurt she carried. It was buried well beneath the surface, but with the subtle comments she had made caused shards of her past to surface. Sharp enough to reopen wounds and cut into her happiness.

  “This was a lovely surprise.”

  “I have many more surprises for you.” My words were absolutely true. There were so many things I wanted to do, and while living in New York never had anyone I wanted to do them with. For the first time since moving here, I could picture that person clear as day. Seeing the sights, taking drives, laying on a beach, or even making out at the back of a darkened theater were vivid in my mind, and Sabrina was who I saw doing it all with me.

  I watched her watch me, wondering what else she was thinking. Asking her could ruin the moment we shared, but ignoring could as well. If I had to guess, she spent the last year of her life, or longer, ignoring her own needs. How could I have been the first man to come along and pay her the attention she deserved?

  This woman needed to be properly romanced.

  And I was just the man to do that.

  Chapter 9


  There was nothing sexier than a confident man. The way Luca led me to the dance floor, pulled me into his arms, and began leading us with slow deliberate movements was a major turn on. Looking into his eyes while we did so, awakened parts of me I thought were asleep for good.

  No other man had my body reacting with a single touch, not even my late husband. At first I thought it was nerves. But, the thing was, I wasn’t nervous. If anything, I was the complete opposite.

  His deep brown eyes focused on me. “What are you thinking about?” He tucked my hair behind my ear eliciting a surge of boldness laced with anticipation inside of me. There was a level of instant comfort being in his presence. Granted, the longer my hands stayed pressed against his muscular chest, the quicker my resolve was going to fade. Part of me wanted to stay on this dance floor forever, but the other part of me, the part that hadn’t been with a man in over a year, wanted to go home.

  “That I wish we were alone.” I moistened my lips. “Did you have any plans for us after dinner?”

  “Yes, to please you.” His lips curled up at the corners, heat pooled in his eyes, and he leaned down to bring his mouth as close to my ear without touching it. “Why? What did you have in mind?”

  A surge of desire shot through me, settling right between my legs. “I’d like to go back to my place.”

  Dinner was great, the company was even better, but walking into my apartment with Luca right behind me was the perfect way to end our date. I had never been the aggressor in a relationship before. He was the epitome of a man. Every movement, touch, smile, wink, set my female parts on fire. Even the way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he sipped his espresso turned me on.

  I set my bag and keys on the small table by the door and hung my jacket on the coat rack. “May I take your coat?” In other words, please stay. He shrugged it off, and I hung it next to mine. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thank you.” He inched closer to me. “I do want to kiss you, though.”

  “I want that, too.”

  In a slow and deliberate move, he slid his fingers into my hair. The heels of his hands rested on my cheekbones. Soft, strong lips met mine, and on a moan, I parted my lips. I could feel his smile when the tip of his tongue slid into my mouth. He tasted of coffee and all man. It was like an aphrodisiac spurring me to want more, to taste more, to savor more.

  Our mouths became eager, our kiss more fervent, and it took every ounce of strength I had not to tear off his clothes. God… had a woman ever orgasmed solely from a kiss? On their own volition, my hips pressed into his, finding the friction they craved. His hardened length on my stomach caused me to shift to the side, seeking what my body wanted.

  How easy it would be for me to wrap my legs around his slim waist, to put him exactly where I needed him. Luca broke our kiss, and I immediately felt the loss. His breathing labored, “We need to slow down.”

  I wanted to ask, Why? But my brain knew he was right, so all I did was nod.

  “Want to sit down? We can watch a movie or something.”

  “That sounds fine, and if you don’t mind, can I please have a glass of ice water?” I nodded. “But first, I’m going to use your bathroom.”

  I pointed to the hallway. “It’s the first door on the right.”

  It may have been chilly outside, but my apartment felt like the tropics. I grabbed two glasses and opened the freezer to get some ice. If I had time, I would have stuck my head inside to cool off. Instead, I filled our glasses and headed back to the sofa.

  Luca walked out, his eyes never leaving mine. “Did you find something to watch?”

  Hell, I hadn’t even thought about that yet. “No, but here.” I handed him his glass of water. Rather than take a sip, he set it down on the table. Mine, on the other hand, was already half empty.

  When I stretched my arm past him to reach for the remote, he stopped me. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he positioned me so my back was facing him. My muscles danced for joy when they felt his strong thumbs press into them. His fingers worked magic on every tense muscle he touched. “Mmmm…”

  “Feel good?”

  My head lolled forward. “Yes, it feels great.”

  Puffs of warm breath caressed my neck, his hands no longer on my shoulders, but in front of me. His fingers rested on the buttons of my blouse. “May I?”

  “Please.” I could feel my nipples harden against the sheer fabric of my bra, waiting, needing, and wanting him to touch them.

  What felt like an eternity, but only mere seconds later, my blouse pooled at my waist. His soft lips met my shoulder in a kiss as he unfastened the clasp of my bra. The restrictive elastic loosened, but he didn’t remove it. I lost all sense of myself when his hands gently urged me forward. Before I knew it, I was face down, stretched out on the sofa, with my cheek flat against the cushion.

  “I’ll be right back.” I didn’t know where he was going, but when he returned, he straddled my upper thighs. The sound of a plastic cap opening and closing caught my attention. Without delay, his hands were sliding up and d
own my back. “I borrowed the lotion that was on your vanity. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I shook my head, falling deeper and deeper into euphoria. His strong hands continued to knead my tired muscles. Knot after knot was untied by the use of the correct amount of pressure. The way he caressed my skin was how I imagined a musician strummed his guitar or played the piano—methodical, deliberate, and with purpose.

  Not an inch was missed from the top of my neck to the waistband of my pants, which I cursed having on at the moment. With smooth, long strokes, his hands moved up and down my spine, to the base of my neck and all the way to my wrists. He’d give my skin a little pinch as he made his way back to my shoulders. His fingers lingered a bit longer when he reached the side of my breasts. It wouldn’t take much for me to lift myself up to give him access to palm and caress the front of me.

  Each time Luca moved his hands toward my head, I could feel his arousal against my ass. I closed my eyes trying to picture it, but I knew whatever image I conjured up in my brain wouldn’t do it justice. What I did know, was it felt long, thick and hard—perfect.

  “That feels so good, Luca.”

  “Good. Turn over.” At my hesitation, he repeated it. He raised up on his knees, giving me room to flip onto my back. It’d been so very long since a man had seen me naked, an eternity since it was a man other than Dillon. My insides trembled at the thought, but the desire that coursed hot and thick through my veins won the battle.

  I slowly turned over, holding the lace of my bra to my breasts until I was flat on my back. Luca’s eyes darkened, his black pupils practically eating up the chocolate irises. He didn’t speak in words; it was through his expression that I could read his thoughts. His fingertips began at my forehead and slowly slid down my face tickling my skin along the way. I closed my eyes, feeling his firm touch travel over my jaw and down my neck. They reached the swell of my breasts and stopped.


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