goals and objectives for War in Afghanistan, 8, 14
on how long the war will last, 6–7, 14
meeting with Robert Gates, 103–104
misleading the public, 96–97, 108, 111–112
Mission Accomplished speech, 43–44, 47
nation-building under, 30–39, 31, 32
on objectives and mission, 8, 14
on opium production/trade, 129–133, 135–136, 256
Pakistan and, 82
public approval of, 4
speech at USS Abraham Lincoln, 43–44
troop surge under, 94, 104
U.S. spending under, 30, 95, 137, 158
at Virginia Military Institute, 3, 4, 14
war strategy, 105–106, 108–109
Callen, Michael, 31
Campbell, John, 207, 227–228, 234, 236
Camp David, 244, 272–273
Canada/Canadians, 18, 105–106, 108, 168, 216, 283
Capps, Michael, 221
car bombs, 232
Cariello, Dominic, 132
Carter, Ashton, 231–232, 234
Casey, George, 10
casualties, xvi in 2007, 110
in 2015, 232–233
in 2017, 244
by Afghan security forces, 213–218
of Afghan security forces, 219, 247
ambush near Shkin, 79, 81
civilian, 110, 177–179, 208–209, 246
in earlier part of the war, 4
insider attacks, 213, 232–233
Iraq War, 47
under Obama administration (2010), 155
during Operation Medusa (2006), 106
summer 2003, 47
total number of, xvi
of U.S. Air Force security personnel, 234–235
ceasefire, 248–249
CERP (Commanders’ Emergency Response Program), 166, 167
Champoux, Bernard, 96
Chayes, Sarah, 117
Chechens, 20
Cheney, Dick, 34, 91–93, 174, 202
Churchill, Winston, xi
CIA and CIA operatives, 9, 21, 22, 80, 112, 261 alliance with mujahedin, 116
corruption and, 123, 185, 187
criticism of, 18, 22
drone strike campaign, 200–201
funneling weapons to Afghan rebels, 81–82, 116
intelligence reports on war’s progress, 209
Karzai, Ahmed Wali and, 176
Karzai, Hamid and, 172
Pakistan spy agency teaming up with, 81, 82
Predator drone, 78
Tora Bora campaign, 23–24
warlords and, 116–117, 118, 121, 136
CIA contractors, 81
civilians. See also Afghans casualties, 110, 177–179, 208–209, 246
distinguishing Taliban from, 18–19, 22
massacred by Robert Bales, 203
understanding of elections, 38–39
Claburn, Joseph, 148
Clapper, James, 209–210
Cleveland, Charles, 235
Clinton, Bill (Clinton administration), 31, 45–46, 97
Clinton, Hillary, 151, 169, 181, 184, 203, 267
Clinton, Thomas Jr., 22, 39, 72–73
Collins, Susan, 206, 210
Collins, Tom, 92
Combat Outpost Mizan, 217
Combat Studies Institute, xviii
Combined Forces Command, 48
comic books, 67–68
Commander’s Guide to Money as a Weapons System (U.S. Army), 163
congressional hearings, xviii, 56. See also Senate hearings
Conservative Political Action Conference, 111–112
constitution (Afghanistan), 26, 36, 50–51, 185, 265
contractors, 159, 160, 186–188
cooking, by Afghans, 63–64
Copes, Brian, 164, 167
corruption, xv, 183–195 Afghan government, 123–124, 175–176, 185–186, 189–190
Afghan security forces, 209, 222–223
Afghan warlords and, 122–123
contractors, 186–188
defense contractors and, 187–188
drug-related, 137–138
Kabul Bank scandal, 190–195
Karzai, Hamid and, 12, 170, 189, 194
New Ansari investigation, 188–189
Obama administration on, 183–185, 190, 192
opium production/trade and, 137–138
police, 65
U.S. responsibility, 185–186
Costs of War Project, Brown University, 246
counterinsurgency strategy, 49, 105 Biden on, 274
under Bush, 105–106
Kajaki Dam project and, 161
McChrystal’s strategy and, 149, 150, 151, 152
under Obama, 149–150, 158, 201
public-works projects and, 163
Creal, Thomas, 187–188
Crocker, Ryan, 29–30, 31, 34–35, 86, 126–127, 162, 173–174, 184–185, 194, 223, 270
Crowley, Bob, 204
cultural awareness and training, 69–72
cultural disconnect, between Afghans and U.S. troops, 73–74
cultural ignorance and misunderstandings, 67–69, 168
Cunningham, Scott, 224
currency, 32, 185, 191
Dalrymple, Shawn, 92, 93
Dari language, 21, 57, 67, 68, 70, 120, 214
Daud, Mohammed, 130
Davis, John, 72
Davis, Krissie, 232
Dawson, John, 232
defense contractors, 187–188
Defense Department, xi, xvi, xvii, 17, 35, 76, 167, 178, 220, 231
Defense Department contracts, 187
Delta Force, U.S. Army, 24, 112
democracy, 8, 36, 37, 38, 97, 109, 169, 176, 186
Dennis, Jerod, 79
diplomacy. See also U.S. embassy (Kabul) Bonn conference, 25–26, 27
negotiations with Taliban, 235–236, 263–268, 269–270, 271–274
under Obama, 147
prisoner of war exchange, 270–271
treatment of the Taliban and, 26–27
Dobbins, James, 27, 35, 45–46, 83, 172, 208, 231, 270
Doctors Without Borders, 233
Dostum, Abdul Rashid, 115–122, 171
Doucet, Lyse, 172–173
Doyle, Brian, 57–58
driving, by Afghan forces, 62–63
drones, 78, 177–178, 199
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 129, 137, 256, 258, 259, 261
drugs. See opium production/trade
Dubai, 13, 124, 183, 188, 190, 193
Dunford, Joseph Jr., 211, 242–244
Dunn, Michael, 9
Durbin, Robert, 94, 97
Durkin, Keller, 73–74
East Africa, bombing of U.S. embassies in, 19
education, 57, 160, 168
Eggers, Jeffrey, 20, 163, 202
Eide, Kai, 171, 180
Eikenberry, Karl, 55, 56, 60, 94, 95, 99, 152, 180, 181, 194
election(s), in Afghanistan 2004, 54, 174, 265
2005, 185
2009, 170, 171, 180–181
community council, in Marja, 207
understanding of, by civilians, 38–39
enemy. See also al-Qaeda; Taliban defining and identifying the, 22, 148, 151
insider attacks, 213–218, 232–233
U.S. military’s lack of understanding the, 20–21, 100, 101
U.S. troops not understanding who was the, 23
Engel, Eliot, xviii
Escobar, Greg, 221
exit strategy, lack of a clear and realistic, 4, 7
Fahim, Haseen, 191
Fahim Khan, Mohammed Qasim, 125–127, 171, 191
Farnood, Sherkhan, 190–191, 192, 194
Farris, Stuart, 22, 84–85
Feith, Douglas, 9–10, 82, 137
Finn, Robert, 14, 47, 122
Firebase Shkin, 77–81, 99
Firebase Tillman, 99
Fitrat, Abdul Qadeer, 192, 193
Fitzherbert, Anthony, 136
flag, Afghanistan, 173
Flournoy, Michèle, 154–155, 206–207, 266
Flynn, Michael, 188, 189, 205
Force Reintegration Cell, 268–269
Foreign Service, xvii, 21, 27, 29, 35, 73, 116, 176. See also oral-history interviews, Foreign Service officers/diplomatic
Fort Myer, Virginia, 241, 243, 245
Franks, Tommy, 10, 14–15, 119 overseeing wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq at the same time, 46
on Rumsfeld, Donald, 52–53
Tora Bora campaign (December 2001) and, 23, 24–25
fratricidal (insider) attacks, 213–218, 232–233
Freakley, Benjamin, 94, 97, 130
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), xiv, xvii, 217
Frias, Louis, 67–68
Fulbright Hearings, xiv
funding. See U.S. spending
Gannon, Kathy, 214
Garey, Rich, 71
Garofano, John, 204–205
Gates, Robert, 19, 58, 103–104, 108, 113, 145–146, 147, 171, 179 meeting with George Bush, 103–104
priority of Iraq, 108
replacing Rumsfeld as defense secretary, 104
Germany/Germans, ix, 13, 25–26, 33, 56, 65, 106, 121, 172, 185, 191
Ghani, Ashraf, 194, 231, 248, 271, 272
Gilchrist, Peter, 53, 136–137, 265
Glaspell, Mark, 221–222
“Global War on Terror,” xviii. See also War in Afghanistan
government. See Afghan government; U.S. government
Graczewski, Tim, 160–161
Graham, Lindsey, 236, 271
Green Berets, 17, 59, 67, 232
Greentree, Todd, 27, 176, 258
Grossman, Marc, 181
Guantánamo Bay, 82, 264, 270, 271
Guggisberg, Todd, 39
Haass, Richard, 34
Hadley, Stephen, 14, 33, 36, 110, 176
Haiti, 31, 45, 120
Harun, Ibrahim Suleiman Adnan, 80–81
Hazara warlords, 83
Helberg, Glen, 13
Helmand province, 105, 124–125, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 139, 148, 155, 162, 202, 232, 236, 254, 255, 256–257, 261, 268–269
Herat, Afghanistan, 10, 39, 177–178
HESCO barriers, 78
Hindu Kush mountains, 80
Hoekstra, Peter, 139
Holbrooke, Richard, 140–141, 152, 153, 156, 170, 171, 180, 256, 259, 267
Hollis, Andre, 117
homosexuality, 75
House Armed Services Committee, 154–155, 163, 207, 245
humanitarian assistance/groups, 13, 74, 233
human rights Afghan constitution and, 185
Afghan police and, 224
warlords and, 117
Human Rights Watch, 115, 116
Hussein, Saddam, 47
Hutson, Thomas, 51, 120
hydroelectric power station, 161–162
India, 26, 83, 171
industrial park project, 160–161
INL, 136, 137, 139
intelligence officials/reports from Afghanistan/Pakistan border, 80
assessment on war’s progress, 111, 209–210
on bin Laden, 23, 25
Kabul Bank scandal and, 192
on strength of the Taliban, 94–95
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), 107
interviews. See Lessons Learned interviews; oral-history interviews
Iran, xii, 20, 21, 25, 26, 51, 134, 172
Iraq and Iraq War Bush and Robert Gates discussing, 104
CERP projects cut-and-pasted from, 166
fighting war in Afghanistan during the, 45–47
Islamic State, 229, 235
Khalilzad as ambassador to, 175
Mission Accomplished speech (USS Abraham Lincoln), 43–44
Obama’s approach to ending, 228–229
prioritizing over Afghanistan, 15, 45, 47, 108, 109, 110, 112–113
training Afghan army and, 60, 69, 70
U.S. troops for, 45, 94
Iraqi army, 229
ISAF (International Security Assistance Force), 107
Ishaqzai, Haji Lal Jan, 260
ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), 81–82, 86
Islam poppy cultivation and, 134
views by U.S. soldiers on, 72–73
Islamabad, 77, 82, 83, 85, 86
Islam for Dummies, 67
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, 270
Islamic State, 229, 235, 236, 247
Jalalabad, Afghanistan, 10, 23, 123, 232, 234
James, Randy, 76
Jang-Ho, Yoon, 91
Janke, Jeff, 62
Johnson, Thomas, 168, 223
Jordanian embassy, 48
Kabul, Afghanistan, 10, 32, 36. See also Afghan government; U.S. embassy (Kabul) bombing of, 236
nation-building and, 29–30
suicide bombings in, 202
U.S. and NATO ceremony in (2014), 227–228, 229
U.S. dignitaries visiting in 2001, 30
Kabul Bank scandal, 190–195
Kabul Military Training Center, 55–56, 60–61
Kajaki Dam project, 161–162
Kamiya, Jason, 68–69
Kandahar (city), Afghanistan, 17, 25, 26, 101–102, 106, 112, 117, 123, 148, 160–162, 174, 250, 260, 263
Kandahar Air Field, 12, 13–14, 17–18, 160, 232
Kandahar province, 22, 27, 61, 73, 100, 105, 135, 147, 148, 155, 162, 165, 168, 171, 172, 203, 215, 223, 260, 261, 273
Kapusta, Philip, 8, 10
Karimi, Barna, 165
Karzai, Ahmed Wali, 123, 175, 176, 260
Karzai, Hamid assassination attempts, 174
B-52 bomb dropped on camp of, 172
Cheney’s visit and, 91, 93
corruption and, 123, 170, 189, 194
Dostum, Abdul Rashid and, 119–120
election of 2004, 54, 265
election of 2009, 170, 171, 180–181
handing out posters of, 38
inauguration of (2009), 169
as interim leader, 13, 26, 30, 172–173
Kabul Bank scandal and, 191, 192–193
as leader of new government, 13, 37
lunch with U.S. diplomats (2002), 32
negotiation efforts with Taliban, 265, 269, 270
poppy cultivation and, 125, 138, 140
relationship with U.S., 170–172, 173–181, 231
Rumsfeld’s press conference with, 44–45
at State of the Union Address to Congress, 32–33
taking responsibility for country’s security, 230–231
Taliban and, 172, 174
U.S.-Afghan security agreement, 231
warlords and, 120–121, 122, 125–126, 171, 176
on war strategy, 151
Karzai, Mahmoud, 191
Kayani, Ashfaq, 86–87
Kem, Jack, 219
Khalilzad, Zalmay, 27–28, 50–51, 59, 73, 138–139, 174–175, 272, 273
Khan, Haji Juma, 261
Khost province, 164, 167, 179, 214
King, David, 12
King, Larry, 96
Kite Runner, 258–259
kleptocracy, 185–186
Known and Unknown (Rumsfeld), xvii
Kolenda, Christopher, 186, 190
Koran, 69, 80–81, 215
Kosovo, 25, 38, 45, 110
Kunar province, 235
Kunduz, Afghanistan, 118, 233, 236
Kunduz hospital, 233
Lachicotte, George, 148
Lamm, David, 121
language(s) Afghan army and, 57
CIA operatives and Afghan, 22
cultural training for U.S. military, 67, 69, 70
Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan, 133, 139
law enforcement. See Afghan police force
Leonnig, Carol, 243
Lessons Learned interviews on Afghan security forces, 57, 59, 63, 219–220, 223, 224–225
on Afghan warlords, 117, 122, 126–127<
br />
on bin Laden, 202
on Bonn Agreement, 26, 27
on civilian casualties, 179, 208
on corruption, 123, 124, 125, 184–185, 186, 187–188, 189
on diplomacy with Taliban, 27, 28
on identifying the enemy, 20, 23
on Iraq War, 45, 47
on Kabul Bank scandal, 191, 192, 193, 194
on Karzai, 170, 175, 176
on lack of campaign plan, 15
McChrystal’s review, 150, 151, 152
on misleading the public, 204–206
on mission/objectives of the war, xv, 7–8, 14, 20, 110, 150
on nation-building, 14, 30–37, 159, 160–161, 162, 163, 164–165, 166–168, 230
on NATO-led coalition, 107, 108, 109
on negotiating with the Taliban, 267, 270
on Obama’s timeline, 153
on Pakistan, 82, 83, 86
Pentagon Papers compared with, xvi
on poppy production/trade, 135, 136, 137, 138–139, 140, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262
request for transcripts and audio recordings, xiv
on Rumsfeld, 106
by soldiers serving more than one combat tour, 148
on suicide attacks and roadside bombs, 95
on treating Taliban the same as al-Qaeda, 26
views by U.S. officials in, xiv–xvi
on war strategy, 105, 108, 110, 152, 230
Liddell, Jason, 154
life expectancy statistics, 204, 227–228
literacy, 31, 57, 65, 219
Little, Matthew, 63–64
Losano, Raymond, 79
Lovell, Kevin, 63
Lovett, Daniel, 70
loya jirga, 36, 50–51
Lute, Douglas, xv–xvi, 52, 57, 110, 112, 159, 160, 220, 255
Mann, Scott, 225
Mansager, Tucker, 45, 53, 54
Marines. See U.S. Marines
Marja, Afghanistan, 155, 207, 257
Marquez, Geraldine, 91
Marsden, David, 159
Marshall Plan, 30
Martin, John, 207–208
Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), 247
Matakaiongo, David, 217
Mattis, James, 242–244, 245, 250, 266
Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan, 10, 27, 39, 50, 118, 120, 121, 217
McCaffrey, Barry, 85–86, 97–98
McCain, John, 155, 271
McChrystal, Stanley, 146, 149–150, 151–152, 153–154, 155–156, 184, 218
McKenna, Andrew, 232
McKiernan, David, 113–114, 145, 146–147
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