Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1

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Forbidden Fruit: Volume 1 Page 6

by Harley, Lisa M.

  Forbidden Love Anthology Volume I -- One Hot Summer

  I am a really boring person, so this bio is super short! This is really about all there is to know about me. Sad, isn't it. lol

  I love music and honestly couldn't write without my Spotify playlist. I am kinda obsessed with frogs (not real ones) and office supplies are my downfall! I could spend my whole paycheck at the stationery store...boring, didn't I already say that? lol

  Also, I am slightly addicted to Facebook. Please message me...I would love to hear from ya'll.

  And my links:



  Missy Johnson

  Chapter One

  I was going to kill Ella.

  Very slowly and deliberately, I was going to wrap my hands around her tiny little neck and strangle her. This was another perfect example of this stupid system failing me.

  I sighed. Could I feel anymore sorry for myself?

  This wasn’t all Ella’s fault, I was just angry that it always seemed to be me getting the raw deal. She didn’t force me to get into that stolen car, and it wasn’t her fault my heel broke as we were trying to run from the cops. I just needed someone to blame that wasn’t me for once. And she wasn’t here to defend herself.

  I turned my head slightly to check out the other girls. All nine of them were dressed like fucking strippers; short skirts and barely there tops. Not that I was entirely surprised; considering this was a juvenile detention center for the offspring of the rich and richer.

  How the hell had I, eighteen-year-old Maya Bayley, able to talk her way out of any situation, ended up in here?

  I shifted uncomfortably, feeling very underdressed in my black sweat pants and the light blue facility issued shirt that felt a size or two too small across my boobs. Why was I the only one in uniform? I turned my attention to the guy that had just walked into the room. He was one of only a few male officers in this place.

  I faintly remembered reading about a big scandal with the pervious facility head and one of the girls that happened the year before…I won’t even go there, but the number of male staff had been restricted, and the whole facility had been scrutinized. The investors behind this private facility prided themselves on supporting a positive environment for young women to rehabilitate...

  Bullshit. They just wanted to keep up their pretty little appearances. Everyone knew this was where rich girls who had fallen off the wagon were sent.

  Again, I had no idea why I was here.

  Suck it up and stop complaining.

  It hit me that I could be in prison right now. The only saving grace was that, although I’d just turned eighteen, when I ran off with the neighbor’s car I’d been seventeen.

  What was it the judge had said? ‘I was a drain on society and needed to learn some respect.’ I’d give respect when I received it.

  “Okay girls, welcome to Albertson Juvenile Detention Centre, also known as AJDC. Lisa is handing out your information booklets. Please pay close attention to the rules. We are a facility that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment, so please respect that you one of the lucky few to be accepted into here and not one of the state facilities.”

  I smiled at Lisa as she handed me my packet, and flicked it open. Occupational health and safety, programming schedule…finally I stumbled upon the rules.

  No leaving the premises without a guard—I snorted at this one; pretty sure the two-meter high electric fence was a good deterrent.

  No fraternizing with any of the staff.

  No drug use, fighting or sexual intercourse…

  The rules went on and on. No doing this, and no doing that. Apparently I was going to leave a much better, more well rounded individual than I arrived. I rolled my eyes and glanced around at the other girls, tying to spot a friendly face. All I was greeted with was sour expressions, too much make-up and way too much attitude.

  Grabbing my bag, I pinpointed my location on the map and began heading toward my room. It looked as though I’d be sharing with another girl.

  Freaking awesome.

  I didn’t share well with others. I didn’t do anything well with others and especially not girls. But, this place was a walk in the park compared to some of the places I could’ve been sent to. We basically had free range of the grounds, access to courses to further our schooling, and plenty of entertainment. Some of the detention centers I’d heard about were more like adult prisons. This was like a freaking summer camp. No, I’d been to summer camps before. This place was so much…richer.

  I walked outside and was greeted with huge, sprawling green lawns and blossoming flowers everywhere. Glancing at the map again, I realized I was lost. I turned left instead of right back there. Or maybe I should’ve gone straight…

  Oh who the fuck knew. I was hopeless at reading maps.

  “Are you okay?”

  I looked up into the bluest pair of eyes I’d ever seen.

  “Are you lost?” he said, trying again.

  Shit. I stood there, looking like a freaking idiot, just staring at the poor guy. I blushed and shook my head, my long red hair falling over my face. I pushed it back over my shoulder and smiled.

  “Yep, I’m well and truly lost,” I agreed.

  He laughed and took the map from me, his fingers brushing past mine in the process. He jumped slightly, like he’d been shocked. I blushed again. Gosh, I’m such a freak.

  “Okay, so you’re in Wing C, room four. So what you need to do is go back over there and turn right…” his voice trailed off, then he laughed. “It’s probably safer if I just show you. Pass me your bag.” My heart swooned.

  He’s sweet, as well as hot.

  He wore a dark blue tee shirt under his Albertson Juvenile Detention Centre shirt that hugged his muscular frame, with faded jeans that clung to his hips. His tanned skin complimented his dark, curly hair perfectly and every now and then, he would flick it away as it fell across those eyes.

  Who was this guy? My knees almost gave way just looking at him. Seriously, if I could orgasm through sight alone, he would’ve done it for me.

  “You’re one of the new girls, I’m guessing?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  I nodded. “Maya.”

  “Nice meeting you, Maya. I’m Max.”

  “Are you one of the guards here?” I asked, my face flushing. It was a stupid question, considering his uniform stated as much, and the fact that this was an all female institution. Who else would he be?

  “Yes,” he chuckled. “What gave it away?”

  “Yes, okay, I’m an idiot, now let’s move on,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Happy to,” he grinned, motioning for me to walk. I fell into step beside him, trying to think of something funny or cute to say.

  Nup. Nothing. Nada.

  “So, what did you do to wind up in here?” he finally asked.

  “I stole a car.” I thought about lying, but if he wanted to know the truth, he could’ve just checked my file.

  “Ooh, hardcore.”

  I narrowed my eyes, not sure if he was teasing me or not.

  “Yes, and now I’m stuck in this place,” I replied. He threw back his head and laughed.

  “It’s not that bad here, trust me.” Those blue eyes twinkled as they stared into mine, sending my hormones into a frenzy. This guy was all sorts of hot.

  He’s also a guard and nearly twice your age. Or at least he looked it.

  “Well, there we are.” He pointed to the building in front of us. “Your home for the next…”

  “Six months,” I finished. I reached for my bag. As I took it from him, his fingers again touched mine, this time the intention was unmistakable. He was flirting with me. Between the looks he was throwing me, and those accidental touches
…I was sure of it.

  He nodded, a ghost of a smile on his mouth. Did he like that I was going to be around? Maybe this whole detention thing wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  “I guess I’ll be seeing you, Maya.” He pressed his lips together into another smile before walking away, leaving me standing there, outside wing C, staring after him.

  Pushing open the door, I made my way to my assigned room.

  My roommate was already there; a tiny little blonde girl who looked like she belonged less in here than I did. Relief flooded me. I’d been expecting a six-foot butch weightlifter, named Spike.

  “Hi,” I said, offering her a smile. She glanced over and scowled at me. “I’m Maya. I guess we’re roommates?”

  “Guess so,” she said, rolling her eyes. I stood in the doorway, a little taken aback by her snooty attitude. Shake it off, Maya. Walking over to the other bed, I dumped my suitcase and sat down.

  And this is where I need to learn to shut up. But I couldn’t handle people having attitude toward me for no reason, so I decide to try again.

  “Is this your first time here?”

  She sighed, her shoulders falling back, and turned to face me.

  “Sweetie, I’m not here to make friends, okay? I don’t give a damn about you, or any of the other skanks around here. I’m going to do my time, and then fuck off the hell out of here, mkay?” She flashed a big smile that sent her big blue eyes lighting up, while I sat there, my mouth hanging open.

  What the fuck?

  This Pollyanna had way too much attitude. I hoped she wasn’t an indication of the rest of the girls here, but in my heart, I already knew the answer to that.

  No sooner than the thought had left my head, two other girls walked into the room, giggling like parrots, and walked right over to Pollyanna, completely ignoring me. I stood there for a moment, open-mouthed as the three of them chattered and giggled amongst themselves.

  Fair enough then.

  Leaving my suitcase untouched on the bed, I grabbed my purse and stalked out of the room. I kept going….and going until I found myself a shady tree right on the far back edge of the property. I sat down, staring at the high fences before me, suddenly feeling depressed that there was no escape.

  This place sucked. But then again, that was the story of my life. I sighed, banging my head against the roughness of the bark.

  It was times like this I wished I still smoked.

  Sighing again, I leaned my head against the rough trunk of the tree, staring into the distance. This spot was nice. Isolated and relaxing, I could see for miles. There was no chance in hell of anyone sneaking up on me here.

  My life read like a bad movie. Dad died at two, mom couldn’t cope and turned to drugs and sex. I got put in the system when I was five and was shipped from foster home, to group home, to foster home. Some were good. They treated me as part of the family as best they could. Others…not so good. Think of the worst possible experience for a pre pubescent girl, triple it and then you might be close to what my life was like at times.

  As soon I was old enough, I began leeching off friends. A few nights here, a night there. I was always skipping school so I could make a few dollars giving head to the senior boys in school behind the gym—even the odd teacher. Okay, so that had been a one-time thing when he’d caught me giving it to one of the boys and threatened to have me expelled. It was either that and another group home, or suck it up…so I sucked it up.

  And then I end up here anyway.

  My life sucked, but it was more than that. My whole attitude sucked. I used my body to get what I wanted, and saw no reason to trust anyone. As much as I hated being here, I was determined to try and use it to my advantage.

  Believe it or not, I didn’t want to be like this forever. I actually wanted to make something of myself. I had dreams and ambitions like any other girl, though for me they lived in between the pages of the books I read, way out of reach for me to achieve. I wanted to be someone. I wanted a life I could be proud of.

  Only I just wasn’t sure how to do that.

  Chapter Two

  I woke up to my alarm the next morning at seven. I’ve never gotten up that early in my life. Crawling out of bed, I grabbed a change of clothes and my toiletries and headed off down the hall toward the shower. I walked passed a few girls who were already dressed and on their way to breakfast, one of them shooting me an odd look.

  Glancing down, I saw why.

  Shit. I was only wearing a light pink tank and my bright pink and blue striped panties. I was so used to going from my bed to the shower in whatever I slept in, I hadn’t even thought twice about it this morning.

  At least I’m not naked. Because that could’ve so easily have been the case.

  Moving a little faster, I held my stack of clothes a little tighter to my chest. Just as I reached the doors to the bathroom, Max rounded the corner.

  Oh fuck, no.

  If there was ever any proof needed that I was not a morning person, now was it. This moment was it. My hair was ragged, I had huge bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, and god knows what my breath smelled like right now. I looked and felt like crap. This was not the time I want to run into him.

  Too late.

  He spotted me, and smiled. I blushed, as his gaze ran over my body, right down to my toes. I didn’t even want to know what he was thinking right now.

  “Sleep well Maya?” he asked, in that husky voice of his. I nodded, and swallowed hard, not trusting words to come out of me right now. “Maybe I’ll see you later.” His eyes twinkled as they swept over me once more. I nodded and practically fell through the door, into the bathroom.

  Was he checking me out? He was so just checking me out. My heart swelled until I saw my reflection in the mirror. Ugh.

  He was so not checking you out.

  I quickly showered and dressed, before making my way to the cafeteria, just in time to see it closing. Sherry, who I’d learned was my roommates name, smirked at me as she walked past. Great. This day just got better and better.

  I wandered outside with a couple of books and went in search of my tree from yesterday. I set myself up with and began to read.

  To look at me, you probably wouldn’t expect me to be such a book snob, but it was the one thing that had always been there for me. No matter how hard life got, I could always lose myself in a good book, and for a few moments at least, my life would suck a little less.

  I was well and truly engrossed in the love story of Christian and Ana when someone sank down into the leaves next to me. I looked over and saw Max. He held out a bag.

  “Mrs Gromsby, from the cafeteria saw you arrive late and felt bad,” he explained. He glanced around. “It took me ages to find you. I don’t think anyone even knows about this place back here.” I grabbed the package and peeked inside. Nice. An apple and two chocolate muffins. My day had just been made.

  “Thanks,” I grinned. “If I’m not supposed to be here I can move.”

  “No, it’s fine, I was just surprised, that’s all.” He pointed to my book. “Just doing some light reading?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “Uh, yeah,” I blushed.

  Why couldn’t I have been reading anything other than Fifty Shades? My heart jumped to my throat as he picked it up and flicked through it. He read a few passages, his eyes widening in shock.

  “I didn’t even…I’ve never even heard of a spreader bar,” he announced, his expression mortified.

  I laughed and snatched the book from him, sticking it under my bum. He shook his head, amused by my embarrassment.

  “My sister goes crazy over that shit,” he grinned. “Never understood it. Why not read something with an actual plot?”

  “It does have a plot, thank you,” I replied indignantly. “Just because sex, romance and a happy ending isn’t your idea of a good read.”

  “I never said that,” he chuckled, his eyes meeting mine. My heart jumped again.

  I was distracting myself by f
umbling with my water, when I felt the book being swiped from under my ass.

  “Hey, give it back,” I yelled, reaching for it.

  He tucked it behind his back, just out of my reach, his eyes twinkling with laughter. My lips we so close to his that I couldn’t help it. I kissed him, my lips pressing against his.

  What the hell was I doing?

  I began to panic, mortified, as I waited for him to push me away and chastise me for kissing him. But then I felt it.

  He was kissing me back.

  I felt his arm moved under the back of my shirt, exploring my skin as we kissed. Glancing around to make sure we were alone, I maneuvered myself until I was straddling him. He held onto my hips as I rocked myself against his hardness.

  “Maya, no! We cant. I’m…we can’t do this…”

  I cut him off, my long red hair falling around his shoulders as I kissed him. Working my hand under my skirt, I unzipped his pants and released his thick, hard cock. He gasped as I began to work my fingers up and down his length.

  “Oh, god…” he gasped, his hand palming the grass beside him as I worked his length. This was what I was used to. Oh, the power of having a vagina and breasts.

  I moved down a little, and flashed him a smile.

  “Give me a heads up if someone’s coming, okay?”

  Before he could respond, my lips closed around his cock, my tongue twirling circles around his tip. I took him in my mouth and began to suck, first gently, then harder, and harder.

  “Fuck,” he gasped, as his hand gently gripped my head. His fingers stroked my hair, getting lost in my thick red locks as he guided his thickness deeper inside my mouth.

  I took him in as far as I could, my tongue curling around his length. His whole body clenched as the blood began to pulsate through his stiff cock. He let out a groan, as my tongue teased the tip of his cock, tasting his precum. I smirked as I felt him resist the urge to shove himself even further down my throat.

  “Fuck, yeah…”

  His voice trailed off as his warm release coated the back of my mouth. I continued to roll my mouth up and down his shaft, licking up the remnants of his cum. Eventually, he pushed me away, too sensitive to take anymore.


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