The Pearl of the Dragon [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy]

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The Pearl of the Dragon [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy] Page 9

by Casper Graham

  “Lie down on your back.”

  Gavin obliged in a hurry. “I’m ready, babe.”

  Caspian smirked while pointing at Gavin’s throbbing dick, which was wet with his spit, but he utilized his water magic to lube it up further. He might produce enough slick in his ass, but there was no harm in adding more. After all, he was about to ride on his mate’s really massive dick. “Obviously.”

  “Anytime you want to ride on Gavin Barton’s pole of pleasure, you just have to let me—shit!”

  Caspian grimaced in pain as he sank down onto Gavin’s dick in one rough stroke. It hurt like hell, but it was worth it. He watched in satisfaction as Gavin’s eyes rolled back in enjoyment as he began to fuck himself on his mate’s cock over and over again.

  “Damn. Your dick is a monster all by itself.”

  “The…the better to fu…fuck you with, babe,” Gavin muttered while panting and stuttering. “Why is your ass still so tight? I’ve fucked you often enough. You should be looser now.”

  Caspian rose up and down on Gavin’s cock, moaning like a slut in heat as he ground himself against the hard dick inside his ass. “Are you complaining?”

  Gavin shook his head. “Fuck no. Yeah, squeeze that ass. You’re making my cock feel so good.”

  Caspian wished he could last forever, but he knew it was impossible, especially when Gavin’s dick kept on hitting that incredible spot inside his ass. He could feel his balls tightening soon. Then, he hollered out loud as he climaxed without even touching his dick. He observed as his dick continued to spew out loads of his cum all over Gavin’s face and upper body before it tapered down to a thick dribble from the slit of his cock onto his mate’s muscular stomach.

  He hadn’t even caught his breath before Gavin turned their positions around so Caspian was now on his back underneath his mate. Gavin’s sweat dripped down onto him incessantly while his mate pounded into him. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t. Gavin was thrusting into his ass at a rapid pace, still bumping against his prostate multiple times. He had no idea how much time passed by as Gavin pummeled into him without mercy.

  The next thing he was aware of was his astonishment when he had his second orgasm in such a short amount of time. That seemed to set Gavin off because he could feel his mate’s cum bursting out into him, coating the inside of his ass with a copious amount of warm cum. After a while, Gavin slumped down onto him. They were both sweaty and slippery, but he couldn’t care less. He simply wrapped his arms and legs around his mate’s body as Gavin gave him a tender, loving gaze before leaning forward for a gentle kiss.

  “Best sex ever.”

  Gavin snorted. “Wait until we get to the second round, babe. It will make our sex earlier seem mediocre by comparison.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, stud.”

  Caspian shuddered in anticipation. He couldn’t wait. When his mind began to fill with thoughts about the upcoming interrogation of the shadow people, he grabbed Gavin’s cheeks and pulled his mate down for another round of mind-blowing kisses. He didn’t want to think about anything else for now, especially about the possibility of Baltic having to use his healing magic in a negative way. He couldn’t bear to even consider it. He was going to enjoy the precious moment he had with his mate instead. Everything else could take a backseat for the time being.

  Chapter 11

  Upon arriving in the alternate dimension, Gavin led everyone into the chamber where the other four council members were already waiting for them. He held Caspian’s right hand as they stood side by side in the chamber. Edwin and Drake stood next to him while Jefferson and Baltic approached the five shadow people in the center of the room. Meanwhile, the other four council members took the spots behind him.

  Gavin turned toward his fellow council members and cocked his head toward the shadow people. “Why aren’t they writhing and trying to escape? Is there an invisible trap that I can’t seem to detect?”

  Tarragon smirked at Gavin. “Fairy dust courtesy of yours truly. Its magic usage depends on the one who wields it.”

  Caspian faced Tarragon and bowed before speaking up. “Council, why can’t you employ the fairy dust to delve into the shadow people’s minds instead of asking Balt to do so?”

  Tarragon shook his head. “Fairy dust can’t control the minds. It’s more of a physical weapon.”

  Gavin and Caspian nodded at the same time. After that, they refocused their attention back onto Jefferson and Baltic, who had reached the first of the five shadow people.

  “Where are the other shadow people we captured?”

  Gavin leaned in closer to Caspian before replying in a soft voice. “The council and I failed to acquire the prisoners’ cooperation after interrogating them for the last three days. There are way too many of them, though. That’s why we’ve decided to split them into groups of five. We don’t want Balt to feel overwhelmed.”

  Caspian heaved out a gentle sigh. “Okay. I hope Balt will be all right by the end of today.”

  Gavin felt a twinge of guilt in his gut, but he pushed it away. They all had to do some nasty things to ensure justice was upheld. Moreover, he wanted the problems with the shadow people to stop because he worried about Caspian’s safety all the time. He wouldn’t be able to relax until the shadow people were dealt with. Hence, he simply squeezed Caspian’s hand a little tighter instead of responding verbally to his mate’s concern.

  He observed as Baltic stretched out both arms toward the first shadow person. He could sense Baltic’s magic coming alive, swirling up and around like a massive tornado all over the chamber. It was an impressive display of magic. He ignored the shadow person’s painful screech, which lasted for several seconds. He waited while Baltic repeated the same process four more times. Then, Baltic turned toward Jefferson, melting into the elf’s arms in exhaustion. While Baltic was recuperating, Gavin noted the shadow people’s postures. They were still standing immobile, but their heads were lolling down.

  After a few moments, Baltic spoke up. “I’ve looked into the minds of these shadow people. Everything within them is horrifying.”

  “Baltic, please tell us what you see,” Oveda said before anyone else could do so. “Don’t keep us in suspense.”

  Baltic bit his lower lip and remained quiet for a few seconds longer before responding. “They want to be the most powerful group of supernatural beings in the world, so they started attacking the humans several hundred years ago. They—”

  “That chaos was started by the conflict among the vampires and the werewolves,” Zestus interrupted while shaking his head. “The supernatural world was almost exposed then for the very first time.”

  Baltic nodded. “The shadow people were involved a bit later. They had taken advantage of the resulting pandemonium to attack humans. The extreme terror in the humans gave rise to new shadow people. However, they didn’t consider the consequences. With more shadow people around, the amount of negative energy they could feed on diminished since it had to be shared among a larger number within the group.”

  “So, they’re now attacking other supernatural beings to cause a widespread panic and to obtain more negative energy?” Sombertooth asked.


  There was a stunned silence in the chamber. Gavin was aware of the punishment that would be meted out if a group of supernatural beings was responsible for the same crime. The punishment would be severe, and the most extreme would be to execute the entire group. Nobody uttered a single word for what seemed like hours. After a while, Gavin cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

  “Tarragon, you’re in charge of the shadow people.”

  Tarragon hesitated for a moment before speaking up. “This is a crime that has gone on for hundreds of years without any punishment. There’s only one fitting solution.”

  Gavin was certain everyone in the room was as shocked as he was. “Are you sure?”

  Tarragon took a moment to answer. “Yes. I hereby decree that the shadow people be
erased from existence. All of them. The entire group of shadow people shares a collective consciousness. They’re all aware of the atrocities being committed by their fellow shadow people, but none of them has come forward and talked to the council in an attempt to stop their comrades. Thus, they’re all guilty. However, if someday a new group of shadow people should come into being, they would start out with a clean slate, completely free from the tainted crimes of the current one.”

  Drake bowed at Tarragon before speaking up. “How are you going to capture the shadow people who are still roaming free at the moment?”

  “I may be the one in charge of all shadow people, but I have no perfect means of catching them all in one swoop. I’ll simply have to dispatch several hunters to kill as many as they can get their hands on until we’ve annihilated the whole group of shadow people. With the majority of the shadow people about to be executed, the amount of magic available for the remainder of them will be greatly reduced. They won’t have as much magic at their disposal to evade our detection. We should be able to get rid of them all.”

  Gavin noted the pale expressions on the triplets’ faces. Even Zestus appeared rather nauseous upon hearing that. Just like the mermen, the pegasus shifter was too pure for something as cold-blooded as murdering all shadow people even though they deserved the punishment. Gavin had no such qualm, though. He was glad the end was finally in sight for the terror that had been hounding the supernatural world for a while now.

  Edwin raised his hand. “I volunteer to do it.”

  Oveda agreed. “But we will need some of the other hunters, as well, specifically the ones with the ability to burn the shadow people into nothingness.”

  “I’ll check among the supernatural beings in my care,” Sombertooth spoke up immediately. “Anyway, Baltic, thank you for your invaluable assistance. Before you leave, will you leave the memories you collected from those five shadow people into a vial? We need to keep records of everything.”

  “Of course. Does this mean I don’t have to dive into the minds of the remaining shadow people?”

  Zestus shook his head. “No. Thank you, Baltic. The memories from these five shadow people are more than adequate.”

  It was a rather anti-climactic turn of events in a manner of speaking. Not that Gavin was going to complain about it. At least, the whole procedure didn’t end up being too invasive, especially for a merman like Baltic. Gavin thought it would have been much worse. He expected Baltic having to twist the shadow people’s magic from within if they resisted having their minds read. He slung one arm around Caspian and led his mate away from the chamber the moment the meeting was dismissed. Tarragon would take care of the shadow people that were already captured. He and Caspian bade their farewells to everyone else before stepping into a portal of water right outside the door. It was time to go home.

  * * * *

  Caspian’s whole body shuddered in utter relief when he and Gavin were finally at home in their bedroom. He allowed Gavin to pull him close and wrap both arms around his waist. It was a shock to him, knowing an entire group of supernatural beings would soon disappear from existence. Granted, the shadow people could come into being again someday, but it didn’t make him feel any better at the moment. He couldn’t imagine having the steely resolve the hunters required to annihilate every single one of those shadow people. He didn’t think he could stand the thought of being responsible for the extinction of all shadow people, temporary or otherwise.

  “Are you okay?”

  Caspian didn’t know what the right response was. On one hand, he was relieved. At least the threat of the shadow people was about to end, but knowing the fact that they would all be hunted as if they were lowly animals was rather difficult to swallow. He pondered his answer for a moment longer before shrugging.

  “I guess.”

  “Justice has to be served, babe.”

  “I’m aware, but I don’t have the courage to imagine myself and all the other merpeople being put in a similar position as the shadow people. It’s inconceivable to me.”

  Gavin tightened his arms around Caspian’s body. “The shadow people are from the darkness, babe. They aren’t pure like the merpeople.”

  “It still doesn’t make it any easier for me to think about them being killed off until they’re all erased from existence for years to come.”

  “They will be back. Humans are especially susceptible to feelings of extreme terror. Once those occur, the shadow people will be created again.”

  Caspian nodded. “You’re right. Anyway, I’m thinking about dragging my siblings back into the ocean for a visit. I’m sure my parents will be glad to have the three of us back home at the same time.”

  Gavin’s expression brightened in a matter of seconds. “Party time?”

  “Yeah. Let us do that. I have no doubt my parents, especially my mom, have been planning a celebration ever since they knew about me and my brothers all being mated.”

  “Any excuse for a party, eh?”

  Caspian chuckled. “Yeah, but it’s really so much more than that. It’s a part of the cultures and customs for merpeople to rejoice together as a community when one of their own finds a mate.”

  “Will it be a giant party?”

  “Just within the community. Everyone will bring food and drinks to share at the party. The mated pair or pairs will be announced and introduced to everybody within the community. Then, we will all eat and drink for the next few hours. There’s also some dancing involved. It’s actually rather tame overall.”

  Gavin chuckled. “Merpeople are close to one another.”

  “Indeed. The whole community is one gigantic, extended family in a way.”

  “I can’t wait. Any excuse to have fun is okay with me.”

  Caspian chortled. “I bet. I’ll inform my brothers, Ed, and Jeff. Once we can agree on the timing, I’ll send the word out to my parents.”


  Caspian rolled his eyes. “You’re a water dragon, but you’ve been out of touch with the water community for way too long. The sea turtle shifters are now in charge of passing messages back and forth between the sea creatures who live on land and those who reside underwater. Don’t concern yourself with the details. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Okay, babe.”

  No other words were spoken between the two of them for the next few moments, but Caspian was taken aback when soft music abruptly filled up the bedroom.

  “Where’s the music from?”

  “From the music player connected to the television. I use my magic to switch it on. You should familiarize yourself with everything in our house, babe.”

  “I have an eternity to do that, stud.”

  Gavin beamed at Caspian before bowing halfway. “May I have this dance, oh beautiful one?”

  Caspian gaped at his mate for a couple of seconds, resisting the temptation to snicker at the hilarity of the situation. “Yes, you may.”

  For the next few moments, he and Gavin danced all over the bedroom. Their movements were awkward and uncoordinated, but he had no doubt this dance would become one of his fondest memories. They laughed together when they stepped on each other’s toes by accident. It was both painful and hilarious simultaneously. Caspian felt so fortunate to have such a wonderful mate, someone who was compatible with him on many different levels, but most importantly, he could envision himself spending forever with Gavin where their days would be filled with laughter and joy.


  “My babies are home.”

  Gavin bit his lower lip and tried not to guffaw at the sight of the triplets’ mother rushing to hug and kiss Caspian, Drake, and Baltic on their foreheads. The triplets’ father was more restrained, but it was obvious to him the octopus shifter missed his children very much, as well. Edwin floated next to Gavin, looking very amused, while Jefferson simply gaped at the touching, yet funny reunion occurring right in front of them.

  “I’ve never met the triplets’ parents befor
e. Are they always this dramatic?”

  Edwin snickered at Jefferson. “Oh, yeah. Look at the triplets’ expressions, guys.”

  Gavin snorted when Caspian squirmed in disgust when his mother began to cry. Drake simply rolled his eyes while Baltic was one hundred percent irritated, judging by the merman’s face at that moment.

  “For goodness sake, Mom,” Baltic yelled with both hands flailing around. “I’m alive and well. I’m mated. I’m no longer a siren. Can you save the drama for grandma instead?”

  The triplets’ mom sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I’m just ecstatic and relieved that you’re home for a visit. Your dad and I can’t stop worrying about you all the time.”

  Gavin was startled to hear the whining tone from Drake a moment later. After all, Drake was usually so serious and stoic.

  “Mom, come on. Cas, Balt, and I are almost two hundred years old.”

  “You will always be our babies.”

  Caspian scoffed. “Not you, too, Dad. Don’t you dare encourage Mom to act even worse than she is.”

  Gavin, Edwin, and Jefferson swam along in silence behind the squabbling triplets and their parents. Once in a while, Gavin would shrug at his best friends, who seemed tickled by the triplets’ behaviors. He was astounded when he entered the cave, which led into the residences for the triplets’ community of merpeople. Caspian had told him every merperson in the community would celebrate their mating, but he didn’t expect to be greeted by what appeared to be tens of thousands of smiling merpeople. He was thankful his and Caspian’s introduction was short and sweet. The two of them were able to head straight toward the food and drinks within a very short period of time.


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