Burned Once, Twice

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Burned Once, Twice Page 1

by Trinity Blacio

  Grandmas Need Loving Too

  Copyright © 2016 by Trinity Blacio

  Published by Trinity Blacio

  Editing and Formatting Services by Wizards in Publishing

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  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Thank you for choosing to read my story. I hope you enjoyed it and will check out my other stories. I love to hear from readers and you usually can catch me on Facebook or Twitter.

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  Grandmas Need Loving, Too

  Two marriages, three children. Two who had been her life, the other out there in the world by herself, alone. Faith Bliss knew loneliness and she hoped and prayed her daughter had found a decent family to adopt her. Even at the age of sixteen, Faith’s luck at love had sucked. As far as she was concerned, her life was over. She had protected her children as best she could, now all

  Faith could do was run and hide from the first husband who bound to kill her. How is Faith supposed to deal with three men claiming her, loving her, and starting her life all over again?

  The Nella, were hunters, dragons, and monsters all rolled into one. When brothers Gordon and Jake Nella came across Faith Bliss they knew she was the one meant to hold their heart, but what they didn’t count on was the third man, Xfra, being their mate also. Not to mention the threat to their woman no one knew how to destroy.

  The four of them face this new threat together, well, Gordon, Jake, and Xfra do, while protecting their woman and her children. Can they convince Faith to start life over again? Will Faith be able to handle their loving, their possession?

  Grandmas Need Loving Too Series

  Book 2

  Burned Once, Twice…


  Trinity Blacio

  “Fiction gives us the second chances that life denies us.”

  Paul Theroux

  Chapter One

  Faith Bliss stood on the balcony staring out at the lush green grounds of her friend Maria’s new home, but not really seeing much, her mind a whirlwind of activity. The first time she actually felt safe to relax for a few days before she would take off again to hide.

  She, Sandy, and Lori had all flown in to help Maria plan her wedding ball. None of them had known of the recent attack. Hearing there were vampires and other species around hadn’t really shocked her, especially since her first husband was a demon.

  She took a drink of iced tea and grinned. If anyone deserved a second chance, it was Maria. After her jerk of a husband had fucked Red, one of their so-called best friends, it had nearly destroyed Maria. Sandy and Lori had had to hold Faith back, she’d been so furious. A friend shouldn’t hurt another. Their friend’s behavior toward Maria was the lowest kind of thing to do.

  Too bad it wasn’t in her cards to start over, even though Faith didn’t know if she could handle starting over for the third time. Faith could only see death in her future. Her only regret was not finding her daughter, Wynter.

  Each of her friends had a sad story as well. Maybe women who have been screwed in their lives formed bonds quicker, who the hell knew? Her life had been a disaster even in high school; some cheerleader she was, getting pregnant by the quarterback who was also supposed to be a good friend.

  “Hope you’re safe, Wynter. Hope you’re safe,” Faith whispered, thinking of the child she had given up so long ago along with a small piece of her heart.

  She closed her eyes, the wind blowing was like a caress on her skin. Faith loved the outside, nature. After this, she had plans to hit Las Vegas and couldn’t wait to tour the Grand Canyon.

  The smell of cinnamon and evergreen drifted to her. Faith opened her eyes searching around trying to figure out where the strong scent was coming from. The grounds offering nothing, she slowly circled around to stare into the house, but nothing. Only one other time had she smelled anything like that. The night Faith had almost died at the hands of her psycho ex number two.

  If it hadn’t been for that man, or whatever species he was, Faith would not be standing here. “Thank you,” she whispered, hoping the man heard her.

  An unseen hand cupped her cheek gently, his thumb brushing over her bottom lip right before her body exploded with pleasure.

  “Oh my.” She spun around towards the backyard, holding onto the railing, her first orgasm in years rolling over her. Even her first husband had never given her pleasure like this.

  “Wow, thank you.” She closed her eyes and rested her chin on her chest, enjoying every tingle coursing through her.

  But then she remembered what had happened to her friend. Her head snapped up, and Faith cussed. The same thing had happened to Maria when her man, Alexander, had come to her. Had Faith also been chosen?

  “Am I yours? No, that can’t be right. I’m going to die,” she whispered, wiping her sweaty palm on her jeans. She reached up and grabbed her drink gulping it down quickly, needing something, wishing it were something stronger.

  “Faith, you out here?” Maria yelled behind her.

  Faith took a breath, smiling at her friend, but Maria gasped.

  “Oh my, Faith. Are you okay?” She took a small step and stopped. “Alexander!” Maria yelled, and at once he was there, along with about twenty men surrounding them.

  “What? What’s wrong?” He scanned around then his gaze captured Faith’s and he grinned. “Who?” he asked, confirming what she believed.

  “I don’t know,” she said. Please don’t let it be another psycho. “Listen, it was nothing. I’m sure I’m just having one of those old age moments, hot flashes and mood swings at the same time.” Faith tucked her blondish-gray hair behind her ear.

  “I know I promised you some fun. You, Mr. Hot Stuff, are going to have to back away and allow us to have a girls’ night out. I’ve already arranged the private suite at Zero, here in town. It’s supposed to be the hottest dance club around this neck of the woods, and I’ll not have any of you messing up my plans. It’s only once in a lifetime your best friend is changed, becoming a bloodsucker, plus getting married.”

  Alexander moaned and shook his head. “Only your friends could be as
troublesome as you, my dear,” he stated, but she knew he was watching her, checking to make sure she was okay.

  Alexander was very protective of Maria and her friends, which was weird since he included her and no one else ever worried about her.

  “Lori, Sandy, get your dancing outfits on, the sleazy ones that mean we’re going to get laid tonight, and meet me at the door.” Faith grinned from ear to ear when Alexander stepped in front of her, growling.

  “Oh no you don’t! I will not have any man’s hands all over my future wife! They’ll die first.” A small vein in his neck throbbed.

  Faith laughed and moved around him. “Maria, wear your sexiest outfit and, Alexander, think of the fun you’ll have tonight when we get back, punishing her. Don’t think I didn’t notice the paddles and toys in your ‘extra room.’” Faith raised her fingers in air quotes.

  She laid her hand on his arm and ripped it away fast, hearing what had to be another growl. “I would never allow anyone else to hurt Maria. I’ve never seen her happier. But this is her bachelorette party, so give us some leeway. Where is Tara?”

  Cain stepped in front of Maria’s daughter. “She is not going!”

  “Oh yes I am. Now move it, wolf boy, or lose it,” Tara slapped him on the arm and stepped around him, grinning. “I’ve already got Mom’s clothes and mine all picked out, Faith. We’ll meet you at the door in about thirty minutes.”

  Alexander stepped in front of Faith, his full attention on her. “I know one of my kind has placed his mark on you, so be careful, wild one. I heard the snarl, and we don’t share well.”

  Faith shrugged. “He might have marked me, but I’m my own person, Alexander. After, well…let’s say the guy who bugged Maria had nothing on the ones in my past. Always live as it was my last day.” She held her hand up before he could speak again. “But I’ll also protect those around me first, and believe me I know what I’m doing.” Faith spun around and left before anyone could see the tears in her eyes.

  She’d not told her friends psycho number one had made an appearance recently, right before psycho number two had tried to kill her a second time.

  Although number two was dead and gone, his brothers might come calling any time. Faith was more than happy to be out of town when they found what was left of his body. One of the casualties of the Nella.

  Even the word had Faith’s heart racing and her body sexually needing. Which was totally weird, but, then again she always did fall for the crazy ones. She stepped into the room assigned to her and stripped.

  Tonight she would wear the little red number she purchased a couple of weeks back. She peered into the mirror. The tattoo guy had done a wonderful job covering the scar left from Nut Job Two. Not only did the image cover her, it was a piece of art she loved to see.

  “Enough daydreaming. Time to get dressed.” She moved to the closet to get her dress. Faith would use all her gifts to protect those with her, but, at the same time, she could have some fun.


  Gordon and Jake waited in Alexander Winslow’s office. Only he would know the truth, who they really were.

  “Are you sure about this? Why now?” Jake questioned him. His brother leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, long black hair covering part of his face.

  “We both touched her.We have no choice, but to bring our woman into our world. Both of us need to trust one person. Plus, Alexander has the connections we need. We trusted his father; it’s time to trust his son. His soon-to-be wife is our woman’s best friend. We can’t cut her totally from this world.As it is, she’ll have to deal with our ways,” he mumbled, hoping Faith would be able to handle their loving.

  “Did you ever believe we would find someone? Especially here among the humans? You know our fathers are not happy, but Mom is thrilled.” Jake tensed as Alexander moved into his office with another man.

  “My father gives you his warm greetings but wouldn’t tell me who you were. He said I could trust you with anything, including my wife.” Alexander sat behind the desk and pointed to the two chairs in front of it.

  Gordon sat, but Jake remained at his side and a step behind in defensive posture. “My name is Gordon Nella and this is my brother Jake Nella.”

  Both Alexander and his associate gaped and he had to grin.

  “I see you recognize the name. You understand your woman is already under our protection, as is your family.”

  “I’m sorry,” Alexander apologized. “You totally surprised both of us. I must tell you I never believed you could take human form or that you would choose to.”

  “A friend of your woman’s belongs to us.”

  At once, the man next to Alexander straightened with a snarl, but Alexander raised his hand. “You’re talking about Faith, aren’t you?”

  The man was smart and would make a great leader of his people in time. Jake took the other chair. “You are correct. Your woman will be in our club tonight. I wanted to assure you she and her friends will be perfectly safe there.”

  Alexander’s attention went from him to his brother. “Both of you with Faith?”

  Jake nodded. “We share the same woman as our father did with his brother. It might be different for this world, but it’s quite normal where we come from,” Too much info, as usual.

  “Where are you from? I don’t understand. You live in this world?” Alexander inched closer, his hands on the desk, eying them both.

  “The only person who knows this is your father, and I’ve trusted him over the years.” Gordon turned his head to look at the man behind Alexander and at once the man stiffened.

  “I trust Radar with my soon-to-be wife’s life,” Alexander stated, watching them carefully.

  “We need an exchange, a way to protect us and our family,” Jake explained.

  “What kind of exchange?” Alexander began as Maria came into the room without knocking. How had Gordon not sensed her coming? She has a natural shield around her, Jake shared with him through their private link.

  Sitting back, Gordon could now see her aura, and the power flowing from her. Alexander went to her, hugging her before giving them his attention again.

  “Gentlemen, may I introduce my woman, soon-to-be wife. Maria, this is Gordon, the owner of the club you will be visiting.”

  Gordon stood and bowed then took her hand and kissed it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you and, please, if you and your party need anything, don’t hesitate to come find my brother, Jake, or me.”

  Jake also paid homage to Maria before he took a seat, allowing Alexander to draw his woman back into his arms.

  “What do you need, honey?” he asked, nipping her neck from behind.

  “I wanted to let you know Faith is going to drive us to the club.” Maria shifted position and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I think she’s hoping to find someone to stay with tonight. I found this, and I’m really worried about her.” Maria pulled out an envelope and handed it to Alexander.

  “It’s from her first husband. The man who attacked her a few weeks ago, the one she didn’t tell me about, was a pussycat compared to this one. You should see the scar she carries. Faith had a tattoo guy cover it up with a dragon.” Maria shivered. “I’m worried about her, especially if she goes off with someone.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to your friend,” Jake asserted, and Gordon shook his head. No one would know about Faith until they confronted their woman themselves.

  “Maria, I can personally promise no one will harm your friend. My brother and I will make sure of it.” Gordon rose and held out his hand. “We will speak soon, Alexander, but we need to head to the club.” They must find the new threat to their woman.

  Already, his brother’s scent was strong, and soon even Alexander would notice it. Jake held his head down, moving to the door already, but as soon as it opened, they both froze. Faith stood there, wearing the sexiest dress he had ever seen.

  Chapter Two

  Faith felt like a deer in headlights at th
e beautiful man in front of her. His eyes were dark purple with a hint of red, but they seemed to flicker like a candle, almost glowing. Faith took a small step back but stopped at a small growl coming from the man in front of her. His lip rose, baring a nice set of fangs.

  “Jake, you’re scaring her. Stop it,” a deep sexy voice grumbled. The speaker stepped around the other one. He had to be his brother; their eyes were identical. The same full lips she’d loved to take a bite out of if given a chance. Faith had always had a thing for tall men, and these guys were giants. She was small compared to these men. Damn, already her panties were wet, and the evening hadn’t even gotten started.

  “Please excuse my brother, Little Star. We just heard a bit of disturbing news. My name is Gordon, and this growling thing is my brother, Jake. You will be visiting our club tonight, I believe.” He lifted his hand and ran his finger down her cheek. “We look forward to dancing with you. Your drinks are on the house. Alexander, we will speak soon. We need to get the ladies’ private room ready.”

  Gordon lowered his head to her neck and took a deep breath. “You smell divine and sexy as hell. But, a little warning. You are ours, Little Star, and we do spank. You will be going home with no one, but us,” he whispered in her ear, before moving down the hall.

  “Fuck,” she breathed, forgetting about the other brother in front of her as she watched Gordon move, the tight black leather pants hugging his ass.

  At a warm breath on her neck, she jumped, but strong arms held her still. Jake licked the side of her neck and took a deep breath.

  “Mine,” he growled and nipped her ear. He stared at her for a second, and Faith swore his soul touched hers. Her body blazed. A small whimper escaped her and he grinned and exited the room, leaving her feeling suddenly alone.


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