Burned Once, Twice

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Burned Once, Twice Page 10

by Trinity Blacio

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and swung them around so he stood under the water. “As you wish, Little Star.” He covered her mouth with his. He slid his tongue inside her mouth tasting the faint whiskey she had earlier. Her lips were like silk and full. Gordon almost got lost in the kiss, releasing her hair he gripped her hips and started to love his woman. Giving her the love she needed. At other times, their love would be joined, and Gordon couldn’t wait to feel Xfra inside her while he loved her, both of them loving her together.

  “Why wait,” Xfra stated, stepping into the shower with them. “Jake has things under control.”

  He broke the kiss and met Xfra’s gaze as the man moved behind Faith, a bottle of lube in his hand.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The heat had risen as soon as Xfra stepped into the shower stall. He worked warm lube into her butt. Even though Xfra had put his extra dick inside of her earlier, it had been the small one. “My loving cock is twice as wide and longer. I do not want to hurt you.

  “I can feel Gordon inside you, and I’m stroking him right now. The skin that will separate us is very thin,” Xfra whispered in her ear. He pulled his fingers out.

  “Relax for us, Little Faith.” He rubbed the tip of his cock against her hole before he started to work it inside her.

  “Fuck,” she breathed out, resting her forehead on Gordon’s chest, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

  “Easy, Little Star. We’ve got you,” Gordon whispered, rubbing his hand up and down her arm. “You are doing so well. Deep breaths.”

  Faith placed a kiss on Gordon’s chest. She wasn’t about to tell him the butt plugs she’d experienced with over the years, always fantasizing about being taken by two men.

  “We will have to look into these plugs I see in her mind. It would be nice to watch her walk around with them in her while we are home,” Xfra told Gordon, the head of his cock sliding all the way into her.

  “Stay out of my head. A girl has a right to have some private thoughts,” Faith grumbled.

  With a smack to her ass, Xfra tugged on her hair. “You are part of me now. I need to know what is going on in that head of yours to keep you safe and happy.”

  She moaned, Faith was so full, and their movements had her shaking. Faith loved feeling them both inside her. It was the most intense feeling she’d ever experienced. “God, move faster please.” She tried to move, but they had her right where they wanted her.

  “Calm. We are going to make love, nice and slow.” Gordon reached up and cupped one of her breasts. His thumb brushed back and forth. “I’d love to see nipple jewelry on you.”

  The expression on Gordon’s face had her shivering. The love and passion in his gaze seemed to only increase the heat in the shower. “Please,” she whispered again.

  Xfra slid his hand around her, finding her clit. “We have you, Faith.” He scraped his teeth against her shoulder. “Never in the past two hundred years did I hope of finding a home or someone who belonged to me. Now I have three someones.”

  She reached down and squeezed his arm, his fingers gentle as if he knew she was sensitive down there. Faith moaned, knowing he was once more reading everything in her head. In some ways, it was nice, but, in others, it would be difficult she knew.

  In and out of her they moved, their hands and lips touching her. They whispered words of love, promises of never letting her go that had her trembling in their arms.

  Small orgasmic tremors started, the warm water running over the three of them, Faith closed her eyes, resting against Xfra’s chest. Safe, never had Faith felt so safe and loved.

  “Open your eyes, Little Star. I want to see everything when you fall apart in our arms.” Gordon cupped her cheek.

  Faith opened her eyes to see him grinning at her.

  “Come for us, Little Star,” he ordered.

  Xfra’s touch zoned in on her swollen nub and when he started to rub it, it was as if someone was actually sucking on it. “No.” She bucked, trying to stop the pressure. It was too much.

  Gordon growled, squeezing her breasts, while behind her Xfra sank his teeth into her shoulder, picking up speed and force, countering Gordon’s moves. In seconds, their seed warmed her insides.

  The breath in her lungs seemed to explode, her body shook, and sweat mixed with water ran down her body. Faith’s orgasm totally wiped out what energy she had left in her. The nickname they had given her now fit. Stars danced in her mind as Faith let go and slumped back, too tired to move.

  “See? I’m giving you the opportunity to show your alpha status here.” She teased Gordon, who laughed, shaking his head.

  “You, woman, are going to be a test, but one we can’t wait to butt heads with.” Gordon pulled out of her and she moaned. “Sorry, Little Star.” He knelt and started to rub her thighs and hips. “Hand me the soap and cloth, would you, Xfra? I’ll clean her while I’m down here.”

  “You don’t have to. I can do it,” she started to protest in embarrassment, but, already, Gordon was shaking his head.

  “Relax, we will take care of you.” Xfra slid out of her ass.

  “Damn,” she mumbled, and allowed Gordon to wash her body while Xfra took pleasure washing her hair. For a big man, Xfra was so gentle with her, his fingers massaging her scalp were heaven. “You both keep this up and I’m going to expect it all the time.” She stepped out of the shower only to be engulfed in a warm towel. “Nice.”

  “I like taking care of you, and I’m afraid you will have to get used to it,” Xfra told her, helping Gordon dry her body and hair.

  “Jake has laid a dress out for you. Go put it on while we dry off.” Gordon patted her butt and stepped aside to dry off.

  She stepped into the bedroom and noticed the dress on the bed. It was stunning, but there was hardly anything there. Even her dresses covered more. Faith picked it up, and the material was like cotton, but was shiny like silk. “Don’t you think this is a bit skimpy? I mean, I don’t mind, but I thought you three would be a bit more guarded about what I wear in public.” Gordon and Xfra came into the room.

  “No one else is going to touch you, and we love seeing your body, so I see no harm,” Gordon said and Xfra agreed.

  “Where I come from, you’d be naked, so this bothers me not.” Xfra slid on a pair of black dress pants with no undergarment. She watched him tuck his two cocks into the pants. “Quit staring and get dressed. We have dinner waiting for us downstairs.” Xfra’s gaze met hers and she could see the smile on his face.

  “And no panties or bra thing either,” Xfra ordered.

  “What? You do realize these suckers are big and they’re going to be bouncing around?” She cupped her breasts and Gordon growled.

  “Do as you were told and quit teasing us,” Gordon grumbled.


  Gordon stopped. Faith stood there scanning the room full of people. “Close your mouth, Little Star,” he laughed and held out his hand. “Come.”

  “What’s going on?” She pulled at the hem of her short dress. She was stunning.The top of the dress barely covered her breasts; anyone could see her nipples through the thin off-white material. When she turned in a circle for him earlier, he had seen her round butt cheeks. Yes, their woman would be the center of attention, and she should be.

  “This is a party for you. All of our friends, acquaintances have come to meet you and congratulate us on finding you. Now, come, where is the Faith I saw the first time she was here visiting our business?”

  “I wasn’t the center of attraction. Did you hire your brother’s friends?” She wiggled her eyebrows and smiled wide, and her eyes twinkled as she placed her hand into his.

  Of course Holbrook moved up to their side with his woman, Adele, laughing. “A few of my men are here, but I’m afraid they are off duty. Congrats, sister of mine, and welcome to the family.” Holbrook placed a kiss on the top of her head and stepped back to allow Adele to hug Faith.

  “Wow, now that is some dress, or should I say materia
l?” she teased. Faith glared up at him.

  “Wait till you have your party. You’ll be lucky to have anything on. My brothers are being nice, allowing her that,” Holbrook threatened.

  “What? You have to be kidding me? Why is it important to have us naked?” Adele snapped.

  “It is very rare for our kind to find our mate, but, when we do, we share with everyone how lucky we are. We are honored to have such a beautiful creature standing next to us for our lives. They will know how important our woman is to us. By allowing them to see her beauty, we are showing them there is hope,” Gordon informed them.

  “Well, hell,” she mumbled and wrapped her arms around Gordon. “Put that way, I guess I can stand one night like this.”

  Holbrook snorted.

  Her head snapped up and she glared at him. “What?”

  “Holbrook?” Gordon growled.

  “Don’t. Holbrook, what are you hiding?” Faith gave him a glare and stepped back.

  Gordon leaned down nose to nose. “Nothing to hide, I didn’t want to discuss this right now, but if we must. You are our mate.We will always have your clothes ready for you and, yes, that means less.” He lowered his gaze down her body. “It’s important to keep you free of obstacles. We need to be able to touch you at all times.” To make his point, Gordon lifted his hand and cupped her breast, exposing it to his view. “As I said, we want to see what is ours.” Steam came out of his nose, and Faith gasped. “Question?”

  She shook her head. “Wait, when do I get to see you in your other form?”

  He laughed and tucked her breast back in. “You’ll see us one day, but, come, we have guests waiting for us.”

  Gordon knocked Holbrook out of the way, growling at him and he laughed. “What? They’re both going to have to get used to it.”

  Faith stopped and jerked her hand out of his. She stared across the room where his distant cousin had his mate bent over a half wall loving her. Gordon watched the play of emotions on Faith’s face then looked at Adele. Yep, they were both staring.

  “That is normal?” Faith squeaked.

  Xfra laughed. “Yes, little Faith, that is very much normal for our gatherings. Would you like to meet Gordon’s family?” Xfra moved Faith towards Gordon’s cousin Blade as his cousin kissed his mate and pulled out of her. “Blade, I’d like to introduce you to our woman Faith.” Gordon took her hand and kissed it as she stood between him and Xfra. “Aww, here comes Jake.”

  “You look fabulous! I knew the dress would show off your lovely breasts.” Jake took out her breast to suck on her nipple. “Yes, perfect. Did she meet Blade?” Jake asked, putting her breast back.

  “I was just introducing her,” Gordon informed him.

  “Holbrook, what are you doing?” Adele’s screech to the right of them had Faith ready to run to her friend, but Gordon held onto her tight.

  “No, Faith. Adele must get used to our ways as you must,” Gordon told her. Jake stepped aside as Blade came over, zipping up his pants, his woman standing in front of him naked.

  “You have done well, Jake, Gordon. She is stunning and will give you fine children, but I see you have another mate. You two were always lucky.” Blade placed a kiss on Faith’s head. “Welcome to the family, little one. I’d like you to meet, Mara, our woman.” Another man came over and handed Mara a plate of food.

  “Why don’t you join us at the table while we get our woman some food?” Gordon guided Faith to a table and pulled out a chair for her. “Sit, Little Star. Jake will get you a plate.” Gordon straddled the chair next to her. “Okay, spit it out.”

  “Say what? I feel totally out of place here? You should have told me about your customs instead of thinking I would accept them.” She held up her hand to stop him from talking. “Let me finish. I’m not a prude and I have no problem with what you asked me to wear, or, for that matter, having sex, but I do have a problem with it being taken lightly. To me, sex is about love, or at least it should be. This casual stuff just seems wrong.” She stared over at his cousin who sat down at their table. “I mean no disrespect, sir, and I'm sorry if I hurt you by what I say, Mara.”

  Gordon laughed placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Little Star, Mara, Blade, and Masters have been together for two hundred years.”

  “Yes, we celebrated our togetherness last week.” Blade ran his hand up Mara’s arm and kissed the side of her neck. “You see, Faith, as the years go on, we need to feel and touch our woman often. Eventually, when the years pass, you, too, will need your men touching you, inside you. It’s how we survive.

  “What my family says is we are hunters and not all gentle, but, with you, well you will be like our security blanket. We won’t be able to live without you, Faith. Never think our loving, even if it’s quick, is any less. It’s our way of knowing you are there and real, that we haven’t lost you.” Gordon grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back, staring down at her.

  “We will be inside your head, body, and your heart, Little Star.” He ran his fingers down her neck to her breast, freeing it, playing with it. “The question is, are you strong enough to take all of our loving? You won’t want for anything. Your children are now our children and will be protected always.” He licked her neck. “Chance already has two guards who will be with her and tomorrow we’ll find your other daughter, just in time for Mother’s Day. Our present to you.”

  Faith’s eyes filled with tears and she reached up, touching his cheek. “We have a saying here on Earth. Today, I make the most sincere promise one heart can make to another. I vow to be your constant love and support, your devoted partner in life. To allow myself to grow through your remarkable love for me. I vow to be your home, to be your place of comfort and calm.”

  The room grew quiet, and all eyes shifted to them. Jake rushed to their side as Xfra came around to stand behind her. Gordon brought up his wrist and bit into it. “Open,” he growled.

  Faith opened her mouth and took in his blood. “You are ours.We bind you to us. We give you our hearts and promise we will always be next to you, behind you, and in you. No one will ever take you away from us and live. I give you my pledge.” Gordon allowed Jake and Xfra to feed her.

  The room busted out in a roar, cheering as he stood and unfastened his pants. Jake and Xfra lifted Faith up, preparing her for him. “Mine!” Gordon stepped behind her and claimed what was his.


  Faith was full, sore, and totally worn-out. She rested her back against Jake’s chest, sipping hot chocolate Gordon had given her. Yes, she had been totally embarrassed as all three of her men had made love to her right there in front of everyone. Xfra had informed her later it was a formal claiming like in the old days.

  She still couldn’t believe she was standing there naked, watching people dance and talk. Tonight was a total eye-opener. She wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Two weeks ago, she’d been pretty sure she’d be dead by now. Not only was she alive, but she could have children now. Jake placed a hand on her lower stomach, right before he took her again, this time on the bar.

  She would never look at this room the same way again. Faith peeked up at Gordon.

  “Thank you for the drink, I needed this.” She took another sip.

  “You are welcome. Tonight has been a long night for you. Come, let us say good night so you can go rest.” Jake took her cup and Gordon bent down and lifted her into his arms. “Hey, I wasn’t done.”

  “I’ll get you another cup upstairs.” Jake followed Gordon and Xfra up to the dance floor. Gordon stopped and lowered her feet to the floor and took the microphone from Xfra.

  The music cut and all attention shifted towards them. “We would like to thank all our friends for coming to our special night.” Gordon raised his hand. Music she’d never heard started to play, but what shocked her more was when Gordon started to sing to her.

  He was singing in some language she shouldn’t understand but did. Words of love, thanks, and devotion. Tears filled her eyes as he, Jake, and
Xfra knelt in front of her, their heads bowed while Gordon sang. The song rose to a fever pitch, whispers emanating from those surrounding them as Jake lifted his hand, palm up.

  In the middle of his hand was a ring. She glanced to her right where Xfra offered a choker. Gordon finally lifted his head, saying, “Marry us, be our love slave, and hold our heart.” Gordon extended a ruby heart charm.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. She’d never expected anything like this and knew she had found her home. “I would be honored to be your wife, your love slave, and I promise to protect your heart with my life.”

  The room roared and lights flickered as her men rose, putting the ring on her finger, charm on the choker, and the choker around her neck.

  “We say goodnight to you all. Safe journey home.” Gordon placed the microphone on the floor, scooping her up again. “Let’s go to bed, Little Star. Tomorrow we’ll start our search for our daughter.”

  “I will heal you tonight. How would you like to sleep under the stars, Little Faith?” Xfra whispered in her ear and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  Not one guest remained. Faith placed a kiss on Gordon’s chest and sighed. Never had she felt so content and safe. Her three men had given her a home to call her own and so much love, her new life had been what Faith had been waiting for all these years.

  About the Author

  Trinity Blacio has been writing now professionally for ten years. Currently, she has available titles from Freya’s Bower, Riverdale Avenue Books, and she has several self-pub books also. She is always excited to be writing, hearing from readers, and helping fellow authors.

  She lives in Elyria, Ohio and shares with her two children, Cheyenne and Rudy, two cats Smokey and Missy. When Trinity has time you can find her reading all sorts of romance novels. But as you have figured out her favorite are Dark Fantasy, Erotic, Ménage, Erotic Horror.


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