Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

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Hot Seal Next Door_A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance Page 64

by Tia Wylder

  “My background is nothing all that exciting. Just a fat girl who got fucked up emotionally by an absentee father and an abusive mother,” Tiffany grumbled derisively. Daniel’s eyes widened, and he glanced towards her with concern in his gaze.

  “Please, Tiffany. You’re so much more than that.”

  She considered him with disbelief, and he exhaled a sigh, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant he had chosen.

  He unfastened his seat belt, slipping out of the car and waiting for her to follow suit. He lingered at his side of the car for a moment before circling to the passenger side, pulling the door open for her. He pretended not to notice the swift swipe of her hand across her eyes, though his heart ached for the obvious pain in her heart.

  He had managed to get the best table in the place, being notorious in town for his good looks, ambition, and cash. He led Tiffany inside the restaurant, linking their arms together as they walked. When they reached the table, the bottle of wine and candle that adorned the table surprised her. The waiter lit the candle as they sit down, and the romance of the moment couldn’t be overlooked.

  “Wow, if you go this far faking it for an unattractive girl, I can’t imagine what you’d do for a woman you were actually attracted to” Tiffany teased, and Daniel rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t know why you insist upon implying you’re not attractive. Why wouldn’t I be attracted to you? You’re gorgeous, and your figure is a big part of that. Skinny women… aren’t to my tastes. I had that with my ex, and after that…,” he paused, seeming to debate if the next statement was inappropriate. “After that, I’d like a girl with curves. Objectively speaking, of course. I know this is all an act, but I won’t allow you to imply that you’re anything less than gorgeous,” he assured her with a soft but firm voice in the relative silence of the restaurant. Tiffany reddened, looking at the menu the waiter had left. She had considered simply ordering a garden salad, but went with something else.

  “Would you mind if I ordered the surf and turf? I understand if it’s too expensive, but--,” she began but he was swift to cut her off as the waiter approached.

  “Yes, we would like two surf and turf dinners, as well as whatever wine you would recommend to accompany it. This bottle will do for now, but we’ll be wanting an additional one, I’m sure,” Daniel intoned to the waiter. The other man smiled, nodding his head and taking the menus away. Daniel glanced towards Tiffany, surprised to see her observing him with an adoring smile. “Hey, it’s just money. We have to eat,” he grinned. She nodded to herself, and the two fell into a relatively comfortable silence until their food arrived. Tiffany nearly salivated at the sight of the well cooked food, the scent of the food washing over them in heavenly waves. She dug in almost immediately, giving pause when she noticed Daniel watching her with amusement.

  “Sorry, that was rude. I’m a fast eater.” A rosy pink crept across her cheeks. He quirked his lips in a smile, gesturing for her to continue. She smiled sheepishly, continuing to eat at a slower pace. Daniel dug in as well, humming in pleasure at the taste of the food. Tiffany’s cheeks grew warm at the sound, and she only hoped he didn’t see how easily flustered she was.

  Drinks were had, though Daniel allowed Tiffany to do most of the drinking. He assured her that he would see her to her new home safely. Though she had obviously wondered if she would be permitted to move in so quickly, it was a relief that the man was willing to accommodate her. When dinner ended, Daniel left a hefty tip on the table and helped Tiffany to her feet.

  “Are there any major things you need to get from your apartment? Anything that can’t be replaced?” He asked quietly, receiving an uproarious laugh in return.

  “Oh, honey. I don’t even keep family photos. I knew I’d be kicked out at any time, so I sold what I could for cash,” she grinned. He chuckled, guiding her out to the car. He opened the passenger door, gently helping her inside and reaching around to fasten her seatbelt.

  “Can you play it cool while we go and pick up my daughter?” Daniel teased.

  “I’m not that drunk, Danny. Big girls can handle their wine. I am not coming to your house shitfaced leaving a bad first impression.,” Tiffany grinned.

  The drive to Danielle’s house was a short one, the entire drive spent with Daniel ruminating on how to explain the abruptness of Tiffany’s moving in. He knew she would likely be excited, but didn’t want to bank on that alone. She would possibly react badly to her mother being replaced. When he pulled into the driveway, he texted to alert Amanda he had arrived. She rushed outside, eyes brightening immediately upon seeing Tiffany in the car.

  “Miss Tiffany! Did you and daddy have fun? What are you doing here? Are you coming home with us? My momma brings boys home all the time, but daddy never brings girls,” Amanda rambled, crawling into the back seat. Daniel buried his face in his hands, and Tiffany could only laugh in response.

  “I’m going to be staying with the two of you for a while, honey. I’m losing my apartment, and your daddy was kind enough to offer me a place to stay. I hope that’s okay,” Tiffany explained, not sure what sort of reaction to expect. Amanda lit up, as if she had just been bestowed some great gift.

  “We can play princesses all night! Yes! I’m so happy,” Amanda announced, leaning in to grab Tiffany in a hug.

  “Yeah, yeah, well both of my princesses need to buckle up so we can go home,” Daniel muttered. Amanda cooed, and Tiffany simply reddened in response.

  The night found the three playing dress up, and though Daniel refused the feather boas, he allowed the crown to be placed upon his head. Things went well.

  The next morning, there was a banging on the front door. Tiffany, who had slept downstairs with Amanda rose to her feet to answer the door. She was greeted by the scrutinizing gaze of a woman nearly half her size.

  “Hello, who--,” Tiffany began, cut short by a derisive laugh from the woman.

  “Oh, I see my ex husband finally hired some help. Do you speak English? Do you understand me?” Melody inquired snootily, and Tiffany rolled her eyes in exasperation.

  “I just said hello, in plain English. I’m not the hired help either. I’m Daniel’s--,” Tiffany cut herself off as Daniel descended the stairs clad in nothing but a bath towel. He quirked a brow, glancing at Melody with something akin to disgust.

  “What are you doing here?” He demanded, stepping up beside Tiffany.

  “Awfully cozy around the help, aren’t you? Don’t want to give the poor dear any ideas, Daniel,” Melody purred. Daniel rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Tiffany’s shoulders.

  “I’m actually… his girlfriend,” Tiffany managed, much to Melody’s apparent amusement. Melody pushed her way past both, continuing to laugh uproariously. She sneered at the blankets spread on the couch, considering Tiffany with a cruel smile.

  “Strange that the girlfriend would be sleeping on the couch. Though, I suppose it makes sense. He wouldn’t want to actually sleep with such a frumpy little thing,” she paused, looking Tiffany up and down. “I use the term little quite loosely. In any case, it’s laughable to think Daniel would lower his standards so substantially after losing me, it’s obvious he’s losing his touch,” she continued with a wicked smile. Tiffany drew away, looking more than vaguely embarrassed. Amanda watched from the living room, looking petulantly at her mother in the entryway.

  “Don’t be so mean to miss Tiffany, momma,” Amanda called out, and Daniel wrapped his arm more firmly around Tiffany’s shoulders.

  “Yes, Melody. I would thank you to be kinder to my new girlfriend. Assuming you have an ounce of kindness remaining in your waifish body,” he drawled. Melody’s eyes widened in surprise, and Tiffany drew away from both, not wanting to be involved in the argument. Melody stepped closer to Daniel, poking him roughly in the chest.

  “I have more kindness than most, allowing an absentee father visitation rights to his daughter. I’m beginning to rethink my position, considering how rude you’re being…,” she paused,
trailing off to consider Tiffany with cruel smile. “It seems awfully suspicious that you’ve been seeing a new woman with the issues we’ve been having over dear Mandy’s custody. I would never have expected you to fake a relationship, but with this bag of manure you’re claiming to be attracted to, I don’t know what else to think,” Melody hissed. Daniel’s eyes widened, and Tiffany nearly fainted at the prospect of being discovered so early on. However, to the doctor, it was obvious his ex wife was bluffing. She didn’t truly believe the venom she was spewing, although it was rooted in truth. More than anything, he simply found himself growing angrier and angrier at the disrespect his ex wife was showing his new girlfriend. Whether she was his actual girlfriend was irrelevant. She deserved respect.

  “If you don’t stop insulting my girlfriend, I’m going to have to ask you to leave, before I make you leave,” Daniel gritted out. Melody rolled her eyes, glancing back to Amanda who was embracing Tiffany in a tight hug. Tiffany tried to ignore the tears rolling down her own cheeks, knowing that the other woman was simply being immature. Still, she couldn’t deny that the insults struck home.

  “Momma, you don’t have to be so mean,” Amanda gripped, and Melody stepped forward to separate her daughter from the other woman.

  “You had better learn to show your mother a bit of respect, Amanda. Now pack your things, we’re going home,” Melody snapped back. Amanda’s eyes watered, and rage churned in Daniel’s gut but he couldn’t do much. He didn’t want to upset the potential custody hearing results, and he knew if he were to tell Melody what he truly thought of her, he could never take it back. He gestured for Amanda to approach him, and she rushed towards her father. He swept her up in his arms, holding her flush to his bare chest. She buried her face in his shoulder, sniffling softly.

  “I’ll miss you, Daddy,” she muttered. He narrowed his eyes at Melody, who still seemed caught up in staring at Tiffany.

  “I’ll miss you too, sweetie. Stay strong, okay?” He murmured, gently setting her back on her feet. “Now, Melody, if you would,” he said coldly, gesturing to the open door. The slender woman considered him with a wry smile, grabbing their daughter by the arm and all but dragging her along.

  “You have fun porking the pig, then, Daniel,” she announced icily, slipping out the door. Not wanting to dignify her with a response, the doctor slammed the door shut, turning to consider the remaining woman. Tiffany lay curled up on the sofa, knees drawn up to her chest as she wiped tears away from her eyes. He approached her carefully, suddenly all too aware of the fact that he was wearing nothing but a towel. He considered getting dressed before addressing the issue, but an abrupt sob erupting from the woman’s lips gave him pause. He rushed towards her, sitting beside her on the couch and drawing her into his arms. She didn’t fight, simply sagging against him.

  “Don’t pay her any mind, Tiffany. I swear the woman is the devil incarnate, or at the very least a banshee,” he groused, receiving a watery chuckle in reply. “Honestly, she’s only angry that I’ve moved on. Don’t even buy that bit about her thinking we’re faking this. She has no idea, she’s just talking out of her ass to try and break our spirits,” he continued, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of the plump woman’s head.

  “You’re sure she doesn’t have a clue? I don’t want to risk ruining your custody battle. Maybe I should find somewhere else to stay,” Tiffany sputtered. Daniel shook his head fervently, cupping her chin in a rather intimate gesture. As much as he had to remind himself this was a charade, he couldn’t help how his heart reached out to the woman in his arms.

  “She’s an idiot. If you left now, she’d only be more confident. Amanda loves you, and I’m not willing to throw you out on the streets because of my bitch of an ex wife,” Daniel assured her, stiffening as she shifted in his lap. At that moment, she too became aware of his state of undress. She lurched away to the opposite side of the couch, blushing a shade of pink that Daniel found rather fetching.

  “O-oh, well. If you want me to stay… I appreciate it a lot, Danny. I just don’t want to mess things up for you,” she blurted, pointedly looking away from him. He stood, lingering a moment longer.

  “We’ll just have to make a point to be seen in public together. If everyone knows us as a couple, she’ll have no valid reason to doubt us. I’m taking you back out to dinner, maybe even a movie. Look in the papers and see what’s playing, will you?” He prompted, smirking as she considered him from the corner of her eye. Her gaze was clearly locked between his thighs, but he found himself becoming somewhat flustered under her blatant stare. As if suddenly realizing what she was doing, she turned a bright shade of pink again before turning away.

  “I can do that. … You should probably get dressed, Daniel. Don’t you have work today?” She muttered awkwardly. He hesitated, smiling sheepishly before turning to stalk back upstairs. She was very much correct, he did have work that day.

  “Alright, alright. But do see that you look through those papers. I want to take you to see something funny. Or a romance, maybe,” he called as he slipped upstairs. He tried to ignore the pounding in his chest that lingered once he was out of sight of the woman. What was impossible to ignore, however, was the bulge that jutted from beneath his bath towel. Wondering how long he had been so obviously aroused, he slapped a hand to his forehead before shuffling away to get dressed.

  He really had no idea what he had signed up for.

  Chapter Four

  When he returned home from work that evening, Daniel found Tiffany flitting around the house, sweeping and dusting where the home needed it. He smiled fondly, stepping through the front door and easing it shut behind him.

  “Honey, I’m home,” he announced, chuckling when she jolted upright in surprise. She smiled awkwardly at him, putting the broom and dustpan away before stepping forward to greet him. “You do realize I don’t expect you to keep the place clean, right?” He murmured, and she shrugged her shoulders in response.

  “I was just trying to keep busy until you got home,” she clarified dismissively. He grinned, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “What’s with the look?” She inquired, tilting her head curiously.

  “Did you pick a movie for us to see?” Daniel inquired, nearly thrumming with excitement. Tiffany quirked a brow, looking vaguely amused. She stepped towards the coffee table, grabbing the newspaper and flipping to the movie show times. He looked over her shoulder, smiling at the movie she pointed out. “You really want to see a kid movie about bears?” He inquired teasingly, and she pouted adorably.

  “I like animated films. They’re cute,” she fixed him a stare, and he raised his hands to placate her.

  “Alright, alright. My lady gets what my lady wants,” he grinned cheekily, linking their arms together. She hesitated, resisting his pull for the briefest of moments.

  “And you’re sure you want to be seen with me?” Tiffany inquired softly, vulnerability showing in her gaze. Daniel breathed a sigh, pulling her into his arms. He rested his chin atop her head, simply allowing her to relax in his embrace for a moment.

  “One day I’m going find who made you feel so badly about yourself,” Daniel assured her. Tiffany giggled softly, drawing away and rubbing at her eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you how beautiful you are?” He inquired gently, brushing his hand to her cheek. She reddened, taking him by the hand and leading him outside.

  “Oh, you’re too sweet. Come on. The movie starts in fifteen minutes,” she smiled, slipping into the passenger seat of the car. He joined her in the car, revving the engine before pulling out of his driveway. He idly mused that the movie they were going to see was something his daughter would likely enjoy, and wished for a moment that he was able to have a real relationship with the woman in the car with him. He quickly shook off the thought, initially alarmed by the fact that it’d even crossed his mind. He had to remember this was all an act, and once he got custody of his daughter, they wouldn’t enjoy this sort of closeness anymore. He’d have his daughter, bu
t his family would still be incomplete. He glanced towards Tiffany from the corner of his eye, smiling faintly at the excited expression on her face.

  “I can’t believe you’re into things like this,” he grinned, pulling into the parking lot of the movie theater. It drizzled lightly, and her excitement dimmed slightly until he drew an umbrella out from the backseat. “I always come prepared,” he assured her, slipping out of his side of the car and opening up the umbrella. He circled around to her side, opening it up and holding the umbrella over her. She smiled at him with something akin to adoration in her eyes, and the two rushed to get their movie tickets. The teen behind the counter smirked as Daniel ordered tickets to ‘Razz Beary in Funland’, but Daniel couldn’t find it within himself to care what the pimply boy thought. He shot the teen a glare, and the young man straightened up, smiling awkwardly as Daniel and Tiffany slipped away.

  “He thought we were idiots,” Tiffany giggled, grabbing Daniel by the arm as they stepped in the theater. He chuckled as well, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well, you know what they say about fools falling in love,” he teased, and Tiffany’s cheek flushed that pretty shade of pink. She smacked him gently on the arm, allowing herself to be led to the ticket boy. He was much more pleasant than the teen at the window, taking their tickets and giving them the stubs with a smile.

  “I hope you enjoy your movie,” he smiled.

  “Oh, I will,” Daniel grinned, wrapping his arm around Tiffany’s waist. She stiffened against his side briefly, and he wondered if he had gone too far. However, she soon relaxed into his embrace and rested her head on his shoulder. The young man smiled, gesturing down one of the dimly lit halls.

  “Theater ten is the one you’ll be looking for. You’re just in time for the last of the previews,” he grinned. Tiffany laughed, and Daniel tightened his grip on her despite knowing she had no interest in the spindly ticket boy. He had to remind himself that he had no business regarding who Tiffany was interested in, but the pang in his heart made him reconsider what he wanted from this entire thing. He allowed himself to be led to the theater in question, noticing the children of all ages scattered across the theater with their parents. So much for a romantic moment in the theater, he mused to himself, unable to begrudge the situation too much when Tiffany pulled him towards the back of the theater. She placed herself in the center seat in the back, and he sat beside her, fiddling with the arm between them for a moment before realizing it was one that could be raised. He smiled to himself, raising the arm and drawing Tiffany in closer to his side. She smiled up at him, seeming not to question the sudden increase of affection from the man. Truth be told, he couldn’t say whether he’d be the same, were their roles reversed.


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