Tiger Haven

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Tiger Haven Page 8

by Ariel Marie

  His tiger, distracted by an animal scurrying away, wanted to give chase, but West had to rein it in.

  No chasing animals tonight, he informed his tiger.

  He continued on his mission, creating a wide perimeter around the camp. A smell that was out of the ordinary to the thick rainforest caught his attention. Usually, tigers didn’t use their noses for hunting, but this smell was so out of place that he couldn’t help but stop and try to find where it was coming from. He crept around, moving the brush with his massive paw in search for the offensive smell.


  A crushed cigarette butt. A few of them were gathered in one area, as if one person stood in place while they smoked and observed something

  Or someone.

  West looked around the dark forest floor and found a footprint on the dirt ground. Even in the dark, with his keen shifter eyes, he was able to follow the trail. Anger mounted in his chest as he realized where it led.

  Back to the camp.

  His paws picked up speed as he stalked through the rainforest, barely making any sounds. Tigers were known for their stealth, and it was no different for a shifter. He paused about twenty feet away from the forest edge, not wanting to take the chance that one of the scientists or assistants were out of their tents. It would cause a panic if it was known that a tiger had almost entered the camp.

  He glanced down and found another cigarette butt on the ground. He looked up, and with his shifter eyes, he could see directly though the brush, and directly at Charlee’s tent.

  Someone was watching her.

  His tiger hissed at the thought.

  A noise coming from behind him caught his attention, as if someone was running. West took off in the direction of the noise. His cat took long strides as it raced through the dark. His tiger, in its natural habitat, was able to maneuver through the dense rainforest.

  He leapt over a fallen tree, landing silently. He paused, no longer able to hear the person. He crept silently, searching for a sign of the mystery person. He was sure it was human and not an animal. He caught sight of a print in the mud.

  Human tracks.

  He took off faster, tracking the person, but another sound alerted him that another animal was in the area.


  He paused mid-stride and paused.

  There it was again. Another tiger was in the area, and this one was familiar.

  Drago’s large tiger appeared before him and slowed, making his way out of the dense brush. The air around him shimmered as he slowly morphed into his human form. West followed suit, needing to speak with the security specialist.

  “Someone was here,” West began as he stood to his full height. Both of them were completely naked. Due to the shift, their clothes would be shredded, so when the shift was planned, a shifter would dispense of their clothes first. Nudity was second nature to them.

  “I know. We were tracking him and found that they had been to the camp,” Drago said, folding his arms across his chest. “I think they saw your tiger and got spooked, then ran off.”

  “He was coming this way,” West snapped. He looked around, frustrated. “You’re telling me that you didn’t see anyone run in this direction? Whoever it was, was headed this way.”

  “This way? No, no one has been this way. We were making our way closer to the camp, following his tracks.”

  “I was following his tracks away from that area.” West pointed in the direction he had just come from. How did humans just disappear into the middle of a rainforest?

  “Well, whoever it was, they’re far more familiar with the area then we are,” Drago noted, his eyes perusing around the trees that surrounded them. “There are a million places for someone who knows the area to hide. We would never find them.”

  “Well, we need to. Whoever it was, was posted too close to Charlee’s tent. Cigarettes lined the area, meaning they had been there a while. I want them found,” West snapped, the alpha in him coming to the forefront. Drago’s eyes dropped to the ground in submission.

  “Yes, sir.” Drago nodded.

  “This is getting too close. We cannot afford for the humans to get spooked, pack up, and abandon the project.”

  “I sent Gerald to one of the secluded villages on the outskirts of the park near Kazakhstan,” Drago informed him.

  “What did he find?” West growled, trying to keep his tiger at bay. It prowled beneath his skin, ready to be free again.

  “The villagers admitted that strange men had been there a few days before. Men with strange accents, asking questions about the tigers. When he asked the villagers if they seemed like common poachers, they laughed at him,” Drago said.

  “What would be so funny about that? They’re the locals, they would know who poachers were,” West said, confused.

  “Exactly.” Drago nodded. “They told Gerald that the men were certainly not poachers, but were bad men.”

  West growled. He was sure that they were the men from the train.

  “Find them,” he snapped. Turning his back, he walked into the brush, shifted, and took off, back toward the camp.

  “What’s going on?” Charlee murmured as she and Malena exited their tent. It was the wee hours of the morning, time for them to begin their hike for the day. Dr. Skobo’s angry voice carried through the air.

  “I don’t know. Something must be wrong,” Malena said, concern lining her voice as they walked toward the men where they gathered near one of the Land Rovers. That was where they walked up on a one-sided shouting match with Dr. Skobo and West.

  “What’s going on?” Charlee asked, looking around as she came to stand beside Dr. Skobo. His mouth snapped shut, and his face was beet red as he turned to Charlee. Her eyes turned to the very silent West. His solemn look was downright scary. His eyes burned with anger, and if it spilled over, she would be afraid for Dr. Skobo’s life.

  The look he shot Dr. Skobo was one of an angry predator. She noticed it again, that slight look that reminded her of a tiger. She shook her head and blinked as Dr. Skobo burst out with an explanation.

  “Someone slashed the tire to the truck!” Dr. Skobo shouted.

  “What?” Charlee gasped as she moved to the vehicle. Her eyes took in the mangled tire, and noticed how the truck leaned to the side. Whoever did it had to have had a large knife to be able to cut through such a large tire. “But why are you yelling at West?”

  “It’s because of him that we don’t have the Russian guards that Mr. Yakovich assigned. He’s put us in direct danger,” Dr. Skobo shouted again, pointing his finger in West’s face. Murmurs floated in the air at the accusation.

  “Get your finger out of my face or you’ll lose the whole fucking hand,” West snapped.

  “I’m sure there’s a good enough reason,” Charlee proclaimed.

  “Go ahead, ask him,” Dr. Skobo scoffed, waving his hands in the air.

  She turned to West. Deep in her heart, she was sure if he did refuse the Russian’s security, it had to be for a good reason. She would like to think that she was a good judge of character. In the short time she had come to know West, she knew him to be honorable. Her eyes searched his and found the truth in them. There was a reason he didn’t want the Russian security with them.

  “West, why did you turn down the security team?” she asked softly. Everyone in the group turned their eyes to him, waiting for his answer.

  “I don’t trust the Russian government right now,” he stated, shooting a look at Dr. Skobo.

  “That is absurd!” Dr. Skobo scoffed. “What kind of vague answer is that?”

  “I have my reasons,” West announced to the group, looking everyone in the eye. Charlee believed him, and knew that in good time, he would tell them. “It’s for reasons you wouldn’t understand.”

  “Of course. And we’re all supposed to just believe you?” Dr. Skobo snapped.

  “I believe you,” Charlee told West.

  “Of course you do. You’re sleeping with him!” Dr. Skobo shout
ed. Charlee blanched at the scientist’s words. She could feel the heat reach her cheeks as embarrassment flooded her.

  A growl came from West as he jumped at the Russian scientist, but Luka grabbed him, holding him in place. The murderous look that crossed his face left little doubt of what would have happened if he got his hands on him.

  West spat something in Russian at the scientist as he fought to get free from Luka’s strong hold.

  She was a grown woman. Her and West were two consenting adults, and they could do whatever they wanted. It was none of anyone’s business what went on between them after hours when they weren’t working on research. Charlee held her head high and turned to the scientist. Her open hand slap across his face stung her hand, but it was well worth it.

  Dr. Skobo turned to her, and without a word, brushed past her and left the group. Charlee stood in place, unable to believe that she’d dared hit another scientist. Her body literally trembled from the shock of what just occurred.

  “Let’s get ready for the day.” Malena’s voice appeared next to Charlee as she encouraged everyone to gather what they would need for the trip. Murmurs filled the air as the others walked away.

  “Are you okay?” West asked, standing in front of her. His fingers gently tipped her chin up, bringing her eyes to his. Just the slightest touch from him calmed her nerves. Concern burned in his eyes as he looked down at her. She nodded quickly, relaxing slightly as he brushed her hair from her eyes. “Don’t worry about that ass. Let me handle him.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. His eyes searched hers as he grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss in the middle of her palm. “What did you say to him in Russian?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Do you trust me?” he asked. She didn’t even hesitate in her answer.



  After the men changed the tired on the truck, the group was finally able to leave and began looking for another tiger. The tire certainly caused a delay, but luckily, the actual changing of the tire didn’t take too long. They were only a couple hours behind schedule.

  They were deep into the rainforest, miles from their campground. Charlee wiped the back of her hand across her forehead and found it to be covered with sweat. The humidity was increasing as the morning progressed. She paused to grab her water bottle from her backpack and took a quick swig before replacing it back in her pack.

  West and Luka guided the group once again, using their fancy GPS technology that assisted them as they plunged deeper into the rainforest, until they finally reached the mountainous regions of the national park. The next few days would be pure roughing it in the elements on the side of the Altai Mountains.

  She glanced off in the distance and her breath caught in her throat at the scenery that came into view. The perfect green valleys and rolling hills carved into the mountains were absolutely stunning.

  “It’s a thing of beauty,” Malena breathed, as she too was in awe.

  “I love my job,” Charlee announced as a smile spread across her face.

  She paused, knowing that she needed to get the shot. She moved to the side to allow the others to walk around her. She knelt down and grabbed her camera from a compartment in her backpack, and popped the cap off the lens. Peering through the lens, she focused her shot and immediately began snapping photographs. All around them was life. Undisturbed nature at it’s best. Her heart swelled with the knowledge that with her help, the tigers would come back, and hopefully be a thriving species in the wild again.

  “I told you I could get you the perfect shot,” West whispered in her ear. She lowered the camera and turned to him, with a small smile on her lips. His eyes darkened as they glanced down at her. His intense look immediately took her breath away. She looked ahead and watched the last of the group continue on without them. His warm arms encircled her body, bringing her back against his firm chest.

  “I’ve been wanting to feel you in my arms all day,” he murmured against the back of her head. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  She turned back, raising her camera again, but this time, she couldn’t concentrate with his arms surrounding her. Just the feel of him had her wanting to strip his clothes off and have her wicked way with him. She turned her head, finding a magnificent looking bird pushing off from a tree branch. She captured the photo perfectly, just as the bird disappeared off into the distance.

  Her breaths came in short gasps as he pushed into her from behind, bringing his hardened length in direct contact with the swell of her ass. She pushed back against him, and his chest rumbled with pleasure. Her pussy pulsed with the thought of the night they had shared, and any future nights.

  “What kind of bird was that?” he asked, his voice low as he trailed his hand across her abdomen.

  Her head fell back against his chest as his right hand disappeared into her khaki shorts. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of him surrounding her. She inhaled and breathed in his scent. He was all masculine. It was like the smell of him was an aphrodisiac. His fingers dove underneath her panties and continued their journey south.

  “I don’t know,” she gasped as his fingers parted her plump lips, exposing her suddenly swollen nub. She could feel herself grow moist as his finger gently began to rub her sensitive nub. She bit her lower lip as he pinched her clit between his two fingers, before soothing it with just one finger.

  “Go ahead, take your pictures,” he murmured in her ear as he gently nipped on her lobe, leaving a trail of open mouth kisses on her neck. She released a moan as he continued his tortuous assault. She opened her eyes and tried to focus, but his hand and mouth were delicious distractions. She glanced around and found them totally secluded, yet on edge of the hill. The world was their audience.

  She brought her camera up to try to find another shot, but her eyes closed again with the feel of his fingers dipping farther into her core. His fingers pulled her wetness from her center back to her clit and increased their speed. Her hips began to move in tandem with his fingers. She wanted—no, needed more.

  “West,” she gasped, her core pulsating, needing to feel him inside of her. “Please.”

  What she was asking for, she didn’t know. Please stop? Hell no. Please have your way with me right here on the rainforest floor?


  His other hand came up and cupped her breast through her shirt and squeezed. Her sensitive mound ached to have his hands on her bare breasts. She held onto her camera tight, afraid that she would drop the damn thing. If she did, the feel of his fingers on her pussy would be well worth it. Her other hand reached up and grabbed onto the back of his neck, in need of something to support her. Her heart raced from the sensations that swept over her. It was enough to send her tumbling down the hill face-first.

  “Open your eyes.” His deep voice caused her body to tremble. She complied and looked out at the world, just as he pinched her nub again, causing her orgasm to slam into her. She cried out as her muscles tightened, the waves of her orgasm crashing into her. His arm caught her as her legs gave out. He held her up against him as she shook from the sensations that coursed through her.

  They stood there, both breathing heavily. She let go of his neck, shocked that she just had one of the hardest orgasms while in the rainforest for anyone to see. Thankfully, with them being in the rainforest, that chance was slim.

  “Oh my,” she murmured as he slowly removed his hand from her shorts. She turned and leaned into him, resting her forehead against his chest, still trying to catch her breath. West wrapped his arms around her body that still trembled, and she was sure that her legs had grown weaker.

  What the hell has he done to me? she thought to herself with a short laugh.

  “We better catch up with the others.” West’s voice broke through her orgasm fog.

  “I’m not sure my legs will work.” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  His chest shook with his laughter. He tipped her head back and covered her mouth with his. A moan esc
aped her as she leaned into the kiss, loving the feel of his tongue wooing hers.

  He pulled back and placed another chaste kiss upon her lips.

  “That was just a preview. There will be more later. I promise you this.”

  The smell of Charlee remained on his hand and he loved it. The cat in him wanted him to lick his fingers to get a taste of her, but he resisted. His cock had yet to go down. It took everything in him not to strip their clothes off, push her up against one of the trees and plunge his cock deep inside of her, and fuck her until neither of them could walk.

  One time was not enough, he needed to have her again. His tiger would not rest until they could be sated inside of her once more. He should have never touched her when they were on the hill. It was a tease, and left him even more sexually frustrated.

  The group had finally made it to a safe destination where they could set up and wait to see if they could find one of the tigers that had been tagged before with the old tags. According to the paperwork that was given about some of the tigers, this one was one that had been caught as a young tiger when it was injured and re-released into the wild. The tiger was named Bubo by the humans who had cared for him.

  Bubo was known to gravitate toward the side of the mountains, according to the records. There were multiple satellite photos of the tiger in the area. West knew if they didn’t catch sight him today, then Luka would shift and go looking for the tiger to get a heads-up on his location.

  West leaned back against his tree and watched Charlee as she worked. Tensions were still high with Dr. Skobo. West was still proud of Charlee for sticking up for herself. Dr. Skobo got off with just that slap. Had Luka let West go, he would have surely did major damage to the scientist.

  “I’ve spoken to Drago,” Luka said, dropping down next to West.

  “And?” West didn’t take his eyes off Charlee. She was certainly in her element. She was speaking with the graduate students, and they were just as captivated by her. He could see from where he was perched that she loved all aspects of teaching.


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