DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1

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DIANE D The Musical Drama - Volume 1 - Part 1 Page 14

by Doris Miller

Several days later, around twelve young teen white, Hispanic and black boys are walking down the organization hallway with sodas and drinks in their hands being very loud and rowdy. “Mike and Mitch went with their family to Germany, right?” one of the boys asks.

  “Yeah that‘s what Miss Mary and Miss Margarita said,” a second boy says.

  “Wow their family is always taking them away after they beat somebody up,” a third boy says.

  “Yeah I know,” says the second boy. The teen boys go into a door and go inside a room.

  The young teen boys enter into the large meeting room. The entire Diaz-Davidson Organization is in the room standing around getting snacks talking. Diane D comes through the front door. Michael approaches her and says, “Diane, your parents, grandparents and Aunt Marilyn are on their way over here. They just called here ten minutes ago and said that they bought new outfits for some of the performers.”

  “They did?” Diane D says.

  “Yeah. They should be here any minute now.”

  The front door opens. Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Aunt Marilyn walk happily through the front door carrying several new outfits wrapped in plastic garment bags. They all approach Diane D and Michael. Diane D and Michael turn their head towards them. “Hey Diane, hey Michael!” Marilyn says. “Look! We got new outfits for some of the performers to wear tonight!”

  “We sure did!” Mary says. “Here take a look!” Mary, Margarita and Aunt Marilyn hold up the new outfits to Diane D and Michael. Diane D and Michael look at the outfits. Diane D smiles and says, “Hey. These outfits are baad.”

  “I was hoping you would like these outfits Diane,” Mary says.

  “Yeah I like them! They’re pretty cool!”

  “Wow I’m glad you’re happy with it Diane,” Margarita says.

  “Oh Diane, we also got bracelets for you girls to wear for the performance tonight,” Marilyn says.

  “Bracelets?” Diane D asks.

  “Yeah. See?” Marilyn shows Diane D and Michael the bracelets. Diane D and Michael look at the bracelets. They see around 7 silver bracelets. “You girls wanna wear these bracelets for your performance tonight?” Marilyn asks.

  “We’ll see,” Diane D says. “But first let’s go in the back room and have a look at all the outfits.”

  “We have more outfits coming for the rest of the performers,” Barry says.

  “Okay, cool,” Diane D says as she takes some of the outfits and heads off towards the backroom. Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Aunt Marilyn and Michael follow behind her.

  Inside the back room, Mary and Marilyn reach into some bags and pull out several dance costumes which includes short skirts and pant suits. “These are for the Alpha dancers,” Mary says.

  “Wow Mom, those are beautiful,” Diane D says. “These are the ones from the designers, right?”

  “Yes they are. I hope the dancers like them. Let me go get them.” Mary turns and goes to the doorway. She calls out into the large room. “Vivian! Y’all come in here for a minute!” Mary turns back around and heads back into the room.

  Three black women and two black men around their late 20s to early 40s come into the room. They approach Mary. “Hi Mary,” Vivian says. “What’s up?”

  Mary holds up the outfits to Vivian and the other dancers. “See what I picked up for you guys?” says Mary.

  Vivian and the other dancers look at the outfits. They all smile as they look at the outfits. “Wow Mary,” Vivian says. “These are beautiful!”

  “So this is what we’re going to wear tonight?” a second woman asks.

  “Yes, you like them?” Mary asks.

  “I love them,” says the second woman.

  “So do I,” says a third woman.

  Mary smiles to the women. She then turns to the men and asks, “How about you guys, you like your suits?”

  “Yeah I love them,” one of the men say.

  “So do I,” says a second man. “These are nice. Can’t wait to perform in them.”

  “Can’t wait for y’all to perform in them either,” Mary says.

  “So you have outfits for all twenty of us?” the second woman says.

  “Yeah the rest of the outfits are on their way up,” Barry says.

  “That’s right so we have to hurry and try them on," Margarita says.”

  “Okay,” the dancers says. The dancers turn and hurry towards the door as Mary, Margarita and Tomas hurry behind them.

  The following morning at the Diaz-Davison Dominican Salon, a couple of Dominican beauticians Rosa and Gladys, are working in their booths, working on black female clients hairs. The other Dominican beauticians Bonnie, Miriam and Clara are sitting in one of the empty booths chit-chatting. Mary suddenly comes into the salon followed by several women of different ethnic groups and different sizes. Mary says to the beauticians, “Buenos dias, senoras.”

  “Buenos dias, Mary,” the beauticians say.

  Mary points to the women as she tells the beauticians, “Estas son las senoras que van a modelar en el Fashion Show esta noche.”

  “Oh, esta bien,” says the beauticians.

  Mary turns to the women following her and says, “Step right in here ladies.” The women enter the salon. Mary leads some of them to the empty booth chairs and says, “Have a seat right here.” Mary leads the other ladies to a row of empty chairs along the wall and says, “The rest of you take a seat here.” The rest of the women sit on the chairs along the wall. Margarita, Marilyn, Nancy and Charlotte suddenly come from the back office. They approach Mary and the women. The women become excited seeing Margarita, Marilyn, Nancy and Charlotte and say, “Hi!”

  “Hi ladies,” Margarita says. “I see you all made it here. Ready for the Fashion Show tonight?”

  “We sure are,” says one of the women.

  “Wow it’s so exciting to see you!” says a second woman. “We see you have two of the Dianettes here with you!”

  “Yeah my granddaughters Charlotte and Nancy.”

  “Hi Charlotte and Nancy! Nice to see you two!”

  “Hi,” Charlotte and Nancy say.

  “Where’s Diane D?” asks a third woman.

  “Oh Diane is working at the hospital right now,” Margarita says.

  “She is?”


  “Does she be here at times?” asks a fourth woman.

  “Yes she takes over the salon every so often when she‘s not working at the hospital or when she‘s not teaching an exercise class.”

  “She teaches an exercise class?” asks a fifth woman.

  “Yeah. She does personal training too.”

  “Personal training?”


  “Wow that‘s nice!” says the second woman. “Diane D seems to do everything.”

  “Yes so she gets tired sometimes and just wants to go straight home when she finishes doing those things.”

  “Oh I see.”

  Margarita turns to Bonnie, Miriam and Clara and says, “Girls?” Bonnie, Miriam and Clara look at Margarita as Margarita tells them, “Despues de que termino con las senoras, dar a estas mujeres un lavado y un conjunto.”

  “Muy bien Margarita,” Clara says. “Oh Margarita, Raquel and Daisy called and said they are running late today and said they won’t be here until this afternoon.”

  “Oh really?”


  “Okay.” Margarita turns to the women and says, “Well ladies, two of my employees are running late today. I guess I’ll have to work on some of your hairs.” Margarita smiles at Charlotte and Nancy and says, “Unless my granddaughters are willing to make some extra money and work on some of your hairs.” Margarita looks at Charlotte and Nancy and says, “Que piensas Charlotte y Nancy? Quieres ganar dinero extra y trabajar sobre el cabello de estas senoras?”

  Charlotte and Nancy annoyingly fold their arms and look at Margarita as Charlotte says, “Oh Abuela. Usted sabe que yo no
soy bueno en hacer el pelo.”

  “Yo tampoco,” says Nancy.

  “Okay,” Margarita says holding her hands up. “Sorry I asked.”

  Marilyn turns to the women on the chairs and says, “Don’t worry ladies. I’ll work on your hair.”

  “Yeah me too,” Mary says.

  “Okay,” the women say.

  Marilyn points to one of the women, “You, follow me right here.” The woman gets up as Marilyn leads her to one of the booths. Mary tells another woman, “And you can come with me to that booth right there.”

  “Okay.” The woman gets up as Mary leads her to one of the other booths. Marilyn and Mary have the women sitting in the chairs at the booth and start working on the women’s hair.

  Margarita turns to the other women on the chair and tells them, “I’ll be right back ladies.”

  “Okay,” the ladies says.

  Margarita turns to Marilyn and Mary and says to them, “Marilyn, Mary, voy a volver a la oficina.”

  “Esta bien Mama,” Marilyn and Mary say. Margarita, Charlotte and Nancy turn and walk back to the back office.

  It is 12:00 Saturday afternoon. The theater lobby is packed full of excited people. There are large posters and large signs in the lobby that reads: THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION PRESENTS: ‘Nicolas AND MICKEY DIAZ-DAVIDSON, DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES, THE ALPHA TAP-DANCERS, MICHAEL AND THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON BAND, THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON YOUTH SHOW, THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON CHOIR, THE RANGOS AND MANY OTHERS! The people in the lobby are all excited as they read the posters and the signs! They all start to cheer and scream!

  It is 7:00 Saturday evening. The theater is packed full of excited people. There are a lot of people holding large banners and large signs high in the air that read, ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION’ with very large bold letters printed on them while other banners and signs read, ‘DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES’ with very large bold letters.

  Backstage, Vivian, the two female dancers and 7 other black female tap dancers are wearing the outfits that Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Marilyn had purchased for them as Margarita and Marilyn give them a last minute fixing. The two male dancers and 8 other black male tap dancers are wearing the outfits that Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Marilyn had purchased for them as Barry and Tomas give them a last minute fixing. Mary enters backstage and anxiously approaches them all. “So how is everything,” she asks. “Are we all set to go?”

  “They’re set to go Mary,” Barry says.


  “We love these outfits Mary,” Vivian says.

  “Yeah these outfits are great,” says one of the male dancers.

  “Thanks,” Mary says. “I’m glad y’all like them.”

  “Yeah the designers put a lot of work into them,” Margarita says.

  “We see,” the male dancer says.

  Inside the theater, a black male announcer comes out on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!” The people become very excited and start to cheer! “Their first performance is ready to come out! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents The Lennix Brothers!” The crowd becomes very excited and starts to cheer. Five white male musicians come out on stage and wave to the crowd. They start to play their instruments and sing to the crowd. The crowd starts to cheer.

  Four minutes later, the Lennix Brothers finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. They take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes on stage. He speaks into the mic and says, “That was a wonderful performance wasn‘t it!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! “Let’s hear it again for The Lennix Brothers!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! “Okay ladies and gentleman, we have another wonderful act presented to you by the Diaz-Davidson Organization!” The crowd screams and cheers more! “Let’s hear it for The Alpha Dancers!” The crowd starts to cheer and scream! Music starts to play.

  Backstage, Vivian, the two female dancers and seven other black female tap dancers are standing in a straight line. The two male dancers and 8 other black male tap dancers are standing in a straight line right next to the female dancers. Mary and Margarita enter backstage and anxiously hurry to the dancers. “Okay now y’all ready to hit that stage?” Mary asks.

  “Yeah we’re ready Mary!” the dancers say.

  “Okay then let‘s go out there and hit that stage,” Margarita says.

  “Yeah!” the dancers say, throwing their fists in the air. The dancers run in place as they hold on to each other’s shoulder. They then hurry towards the door.

  In the theater, the stage curtain opens up. The ten black female dancers and the ten black male dancers come out on stage doing a tap dance routine. The crowd cheers more. The Alpha dancers to a great dance routine as they do an old fashion tap dance routine. They finish they’re performance. The crowd cheers and applauds. They take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage.

  One month later, Mike, Mitch and around 25 teen and pre-teen boys are walking down the organization hallway with sodas and drinks in their hands being very loud and rowdy as they chit-chat and laugh. Crystal, one of the female staff members look at Mike, Mitch and the Youth Performers and Athletes as they go into a door and go inside the meeting room. Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and the rest of the Diaz-Davidson Organization come down the hallway. Crystal approaches Mary and Margarita. She then asks, “Hey Mary, Margarita. I see that the twins Mike and Mitch are back from Germany. I just saw them walking down the hallway with the other kids.”

  “Yeah Mike and Mitch came back from Germany last week,” Mary says.

  “They did? Well what happened with the case when Mike beat on that kid and gave him a concussion?”

  “Well that kid Rodney’s family decided to drop the charges against Mike,” Margarita says.

  “What! That kid’s family decided to drop the charges too? Why?”

  “Well Rodney’s parents kept getting pressure from Mike and Mitch’s family and relatives.”

  “What! Their family and relatives are pressuring another family?”

  “Yes again,” Mary says. “Their family kept intimidating Rodney’s family just like they did Ray’s family.”

  “My goodness! I’m sorry that kid Rodney’s family went through that too. Well how is he doing anyway?”

  “We spoke to his parents the other day,” Margarita says. “He‘s not really out of the woodwork yet, but he‘s getting there.”

  “Well I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Yeah. Come on, let’s go inside.” Margarita, Mary and Crystal turn and head to the room.

  Margarita, Mary and Crystal enter the organization meeting room. The entire Diaz-Davidson Organization are standing around talking and having snacks. Around 25 teen and pre-teen boys surround Mike and Mitch talking and laughing as Mike sits on top of a chair back. Mike and Mitch see Margarita. They go approach Margarita as the rest of the boys follow them. “Hey Miss Margarita,” Mitch says.

  “Hi guys,” Margarita says. She looks at everyone else in the room and shouts, “Okay everybody, the rest of my family are on their way back in with some food! They’re out in the parking lot parking the cars! Once they come in, we’ll have some lunch then get this meeting started again okay?”

  “Okay!” says the crowd.

  Phyllis approaches Margarita and says, “Um Margarita?”

  Mike and Mitch turn to Phyllis as Mike says, “Wait a minute, you can’t talk to her now.” Mike turns back to Margarita and says, “So Miss Margarita…..”

  “Excuse me!” Phyllis says.

  Mike and Mitch turn back to Phyllis as Mitch says, “We said you can’t talk to her now!” Mitch turns back to Margarita and says, “So Miss Margarita…..”

  “Excuse me I can talk to Miss Margarita whenever I want,” Phyllis says. She turns back to Margarita and says, “Margarita…”

  “We said you can’t talk to her now!” Mike shouts. “We’re talking to her now!”

  “So back away from her!” Mitch shouts as he and Mike turn back to Margarita and says, “So Miss Margarita….”

  “Wait a minute,” Phyllis says. “Who do you two think you are?” She angrily points her hand at Mike and Mitch and shouts, “You don’t tell me not to talk to Miss Margarita!”

  Mike angrily turns to Phyllis and throws his arms in the air shouting, “What, you wanna step to us?!”

  Mitch steps up in front of Mike protecting him and shouts to Phyllis, “I swear you put your freaking hands on my brother or me and there will be problems!” The male staff members hurry and grab Mitch and Mike as everyone else start to surround them looking on.

  Phyllis backs away as Mike shouts, “Yeah that’s right, back away!” The male staff members take Mike and Mitch away from Phyllis.

  Phyllis shouts, “I’ll talk to Miss Margarita whenever I want!”

  “Not while we’re talking to her!” Mike shouts.

  “Yes I will while you’re talking to her!”

  “No your not!” Mitch shouts.

  “Yes I will!”

  “No you’re not dammit!” Mike shouts.

  “Now hold on, just hold up!” Margarita shouts as Mike and Mitch look at her. “Wait just a second here!” Margarita angrily looks at Mike and Mitch and points her finger at them shouting, “First of all, she‘s right! Who do you two think you are?!”

  “But Miss Margari…,” Mike shouts.

  “Duh duh duh luh duh duh duh! Don’t ever tell any of my staff members or anybody else they cannot talk to me or to back away from me! You hear that?!”

  “But Miss Margarita…,” Mitch shouts.

  “Do you hear that?!”

  “But Miss Margarita….,” Mike and Mitch shout.

  “No ifs, ands or buts, you got that?! No ifs, ands or buts period!” Margarita tells the male staff members, “Guys take them out in the hall for a second!”

  “But Miss Margarita….,” Mike and Mitch shout.

  “Take them out in the hall guys!” Margarita shouts. The male staff members take Mike and Mitch towards the door as Mike and Mitch glare towards Phyllis. Phyllis nervously look back at Mike and Mitch as she and Margarita watch the male staff members take Mike and Mitch out the room. Margarita turns around towards Phyllis. She sees Phyllis sobbing a little, wiping her eyes and nose with a tissue and asks, “You okay Phyllis?”

  Other staff members approach Phyllis as Phyllis says, “Yeah I’m okay. It’s just that Mike and Mitch got a lot of nerve telling me I can’t talk to you and to back away from you. Who are they!”

  “I know Phyllis, don’t let Mike and Mitch get to you. You know you can come and talk to me and be near me anytime.”

  “I know. They did the same thing about Mary two different times before, trying to stop other people from talking to Mary or being near Mary while they were talking to her.”

  “I know. I’m gonna have a talk with Mike and Mitch and straighten them both out again about this, okay?”


  “So what was it you had to say to me before Mike and Mitch interrupted you?”

  “I just had to tell you, you have a telephone call in the office, that’s it.”

  “I have a phone call?”

  “Yes. But being that Mike and Mitch rudely interrupted me from talking to you, I didn’t get a chance to tell you. Obviously Mike and Mitch thought whatever they had to say to you should come first before whatever I had to say to you.”

  “What? You know that’s real messed up Phyllis, it is. That could have been one of my family members on the phone trying to reach me. You know who it was on the phone?”

  “No not really. It was a man’s voice. He didn’t sound like he could be a family member of yours. He called you by Miss Diaz-Davidson. He sounded more like a business call than a family member call, but whoever he is, I left him on hold.”

  “On hold? He still could be waiting there. Come on Phyllis, let’s go to the office real quick and see if we can still catch this guy on the phone.”


  Margarita holds on to Phyllis and turns to everyone and shouts, “Listen everyone!” Everyone looks at Margarita as she shouts, “I’ll be back! I have to check on a phone call that might still be on hold in the office!”

  “Okay Margarita!” everyone shouts as Margarita takes Phyllis and hurries away with her.

  A week later, Phyllis and some other staff members are walking down the organization hallway as they talk with each other. They then hear the youth boys shouting, “Yo hold up Twin! Yeah hold up Mitch!” Phyllis and the other staff members turn their head forward and look towards the voices. They see Mitch hurrying and coming down the hallway dressed in Dirt Bike gear carrying a helmet. Mitch rudely hurries right past Phyllis and the other staff members down the hallway followed by 10 other teen and prer-teen boys who are also dressed in Dirt Bike gear carrying helmets and hurrying right past Phyllis and the other staff members down the hallway being very loud and rowdy as they chit-chat and laugh. Phyllis and the other staff members turn their heads back to look at Mitch and the other boys as Mitch and the other boys hurry and disappear down the hallway. Phyllis and the other staff members turn their heads back forward.

  “Don’t pay those boys any mind Phyllis,” Norman says. “Especially the one that was in the front.”

  “I’m not,” Phyllis says.

  “Yeah just stay away from the one that was in the front, and his clone,” says Evette.

  “I know. That’s the best we all can try to do.” Phyllis and the other staff members continue to talk as they walk down the hallway.




  Chapter 14

  Dirt Bike Competition


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