The Mark of the Phoenix [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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The Mark of the Phoenix [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 9

by Casper Graham

  He could tell they were reluctant to let him return to land, but he persuaded them eventually, reminding them that he had to look after Caspian and Baltic. He only noticed how quiet Edwin was when they made it back to the shore. He reached out and tapped his mate on the shoulder once they got halfway out of the water. His tail transformed back into feet the moment he got onto dry land, and his clothes magically reappeared all over him. His magic also prevented any of the ordinary humans on the shore from staring at him or Edwin.

  “Ed, what is it?”

  “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  He raised his left eyebrow at Edwin. “Are you referring to the missing merfolks?”

  “Yeah. They were in the ocean. There’s water everywhere. They were in their element. Their magic was supposed to react instinctively toward any dangers.”

  “True, but if the one responsible was also another water-shifter, it might be an even battle. Sort of.”

  “Yeah. Your parents pointed it out to me earlier.” Then, Edwin smiled at Drake. “Speaking of your parents, how come you didn’t show them my claim on you?”

  Drake was horrified to hear that. “Merpeople don’t go around displaying their mating marks. We’re close to one another, but some things are too private to be shared even among family members. That’s why I use my magic to cover it up. I’m not embarrassed about being mated to you, Ed. I promise.”

  Edwin shrugged and smiled. “Okay. Glad to hear that. Anyway, going back to the missing merfolks, I don’t think they were abducted by force. Your parents told me there were no signs of battles anywhere.”

  “You think they were secretly kidnapped?”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “I don’t know. They might even be dead.”

  “That crossed my mind, as well, sweetheart, but I didn’t mention it to your parents. Not that I need to. I’m sure they’ve considered that possibility, too.”

  Drake entwined his fingers with Edwin before facing the vast ocean again. “Will we ever get the chance to spend several days just hanging out at home or out on simple dates?”

  Edwin grinned at him. “I’m sure we will be able to do that someday. It’s just bad timing. I don’t mind it, though.”

  “Huh? Why?”

  “I got to meet and mate with you. I still can’t believe my good fortune, having a mate as beautiful as you are.”

  Drake tried not to blush upon hearing that. “You’re a sweet-talker.”

  “Simply stating the truth.”

  Drake chortled. “Okay. Enough already. I’m sure my face has turned really red by now.”

  Edwin moved closer to him before wrapping both arms around his waist and pecking him briefly on the lips. “I love you so much, Dray. I’ve never felt like this before in my entire existence. I can’t survive losing you.”

  Drake shook his head. “Don’t think like that. We will get to the bottom of this case. After that, we’re going to spend eternity together.”


  Drake nodded. “With all my heart.”

  After that, he pressed his lips against Edwin’s. Neither of them uttered another word for a while as they were lost in what the other tasted and felt like. By the time they broke apart, they were both panting out loud.

  “Best kiss ever.”

  Drake snickered. “You’re so easy to please.”

  “Only by my mate.”

  Drake rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

  “I’m telling the truth.”

  Drake snorted. “Fine. By the way, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”


  “What’s with your first name?”

  Edwin scrunched up his face in confusion. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing. I just don’t expect an ancient shifter like you to have such a modern name.”

  “Oh! I didn’t have a name when I popped into existence. Then, I took up the name Eadwine. Later on, I changed it to Edwin to make it more current and added a surname to complete it.”

  “I see. That’s interesting. I’ve always been Drake. I’m named after one of my dragon ancestors. That’s why it isn’t related to the sea like Caspian or Baltic.”

  “It’s fine. It suits you. It sounds almost as beautiful as the way you look.”

  Drake guffawed in amusement. “Will you stop it already?”

  “What? I can’t compliment my mate?”

  Drake chuckled. “Yes, you can, but you’re overdoing it.”

  “I don’t care. I’m going to praise and pamper you forever. You better get ready for it.”

  Drake grinned at Edwin. “I’ll be looking forward to the future then.”

  “Me, too. Anyway, are you ready to go home?”

  “I am, but we haven’t even talked about it yet. Where are we going to live?”

  “I want you to move in with me. I understand it’s going to be tough having to live separately from your brothers, but you’ll still get to see them during the day.”

  “Yeah, but you’re my mate. Besides, Cas, Balt, and I had discussed this years ago. We knew sooner or later we would have to live apart.”


  “Not at all, but I’m worried about Cas and Balt. Cas will have to take care of Balt once the sun sets on his own.”

  Edwin kissed Drake’s right cheek briefly. “You can still give your blood to Balt. I’m not going to stop you from doing that.”

  Drake’s eyes widened in astonishment. “You really don’t mind?”

  Edwin shook his head. “I don’t like it, but I understand it’s the only way to keep Balt halfway on the side of the light. It’s better than the alternative, which is losing Balt completely to the darkness. Besides, I know you quite well by now. You’re very loyal to your brothers. I’m willing to compromise with you in this case.”

  Drake embraced Edwin tighter and nuzzled against the crook of his mate’s neck and shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, sweetheart.”

  The two of them remained like that in each other’s arms for a few minutes before they decided it was time to return to the house Drake shared with his brothers. He needed to pack up some of his clothes and move them to Edwin’s penthouse. He would do the rest gradually over the upcoming days.

  “Water or fire?” Drake asked once they broke apart.

  “It’s up to you.”

  “Fire then. We reached here through my water portal. I’m wondering what it will feel like to travel through fire.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. Hold my hand tightly. One fire portal coming up soon.”

  Drake was both excited and frightened at the sight of the fire, but he would have to adapt to it. He had a strong feeling the two of them would be using a portal of fire quite often in the future. As they stepped closer to the fire, his heart beat a lot faster than before. He was astounded when it didn’t feel hot or even burn him when Edwin tugged him into it. The next thing he knew, the two of them were standing outside the house he shared with Caspian and Baltic. He was startled when he entered the house to find Caspian smirking at him while leaning against the wall next to the foot of the stairs.

  “Well, well, look who has decided to come home. The prodigal son returns.”

  He rolled his eyes at Caspian. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “And you’re red as a tomato. Feeling guilty much?” Suddenly, Caspian’s eyes widened. “You smell like the seawater, but the saltiness isn’t as strong as before…holy shit! You’re mated.”

  Drake ignored the heat creeping up his neck and cheeks. “Of course I am. What do you think I spent the night at Edwin’s penthouse for?”

  He was taken aback when Caspian rushed toward him and hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy for you, Dray.”

  “Thanks, Cas. Please don’t harp on it. I’m embarrassed to talk about mating with you.”

  Caspian guffawed in response. Then, the two of them embraced for a moment longer before Caspian pulled back a li
ttle bit and stared at him from head to toe. “So, how does it feel being mated to a phoenix?”

  He was about to answer the question when he heard Edwin clearing his throat really loudly. “That phoenix is here, you know?”

  “Hush. I’m talking to Dray,” Caspian retorted cheekily before grinning at Drake. “Does it feel any different than before?”

  Drake shrugged. “Yes and no. I mean, I’m still me, but at the same time, I feel complete and more centered.”

  “That’s awesome. Now I can’t wait to find mine. Will you be moving in with Ed?”

  “Yeah, but I’ll be here bright and early tomorrow morning. I still work here after all.”

  “And this will always be your home, Dray.”

  “I know. Thanks, Cas.”

  “You’re welcome. Let’s go upstairs now. We need to tell Balt the good news.”

  Drake was about to follow his brother when Edwin grabbed his arm and stopped him. “Are you sure that’s wise?”

  Drake smiled at Edwin. “Balt won’t harm me. He has been feeding on my blood and also Cas’s. We’re immune to his siren magic.”

  Edwin hesitated for a moment. “Fine. I’m going in with you, though. I’m much stronger than him magically. I won’t be affected by him.”

  Drake nodded. “You also have my pearl. It will protect you.”

  When the three of them entered Baltic’s bedroom, bypassing the barrier created using water magic, Drake noticed Edwin tensing up. He realized Baltic was ignoring him and Caspian. Instead, his younger brother focused on Edwin.

  “Hello, handsome. Coming back to…” Baltic trailed off, seemingly shocked for a brief moment before smirking in obvious amusement. “You’re mated to Dray, aren’t you? I can smell his magic on you.”

  “Hey, Balt. How are you feeling tonight?”

  Baltic shrugged. “More lucid than the other nights. Congratulations, Dray. You’ve caught a wonderful mate.”

  “Thanks, Balt. I’ll be moving some of my clothes over to Ed’s penthouse tonight. Then, I’ll pack the rest gradually over the next few days. Or weeks. We’ll see.”

  “Will I still get to feed on your blood?”

  Drake sensed Edwin tensing next to him, so he gripped his mate’s wrist and rubbed small circles on it to calm him down before replying to Baltic’s question. “Yeah.”

  Baltic turned toward Edwin. “You’re okay with that?”

  Edwin moved forward slightly and stood in front of Drake. “Drake is my mate. He’s not my prisoner. It’s his blood to do with as he sees fit. I’ll get used to it.”

  Baltic nodded. “Take care of my older brother, Ed. If you hurt him and break his heart, phoenix or not, I’ll find a way to end your existence. For good.”

  Drake could feel the tension rising in the room while Edwin and Baltic glared at each other. He tried to get Caspian to interfere, but his older brother simply shook his head. He was astounded by Edwin’s response, though.

  “I’ll never cause Dray any pain intentionally. I promise.”

  Baltic snorted. “Glad that we’re on the same wavelength.”

  Drake approached Baltic and pulled his younger brother into a tight embrace. “Resist the call of the siren magic within you. Stay here until the sun rises. Cas and I still believe you’re going to find your mate some day soon. Don’t give up.”

  He could feel Baltic patting him on his back before his brother leaned even closer to his left ear. “I’ll be fine. Anyway, I think you and Ed should pack up and leave. I can sense his fear all the way over here.”

  “He will have to adapt, Balt. He may be my mate, but you’re my younger brother. You’re important to me, too.”

  “I know, but he needs more time. He seems like a great man.”

  “He is.”


  After that, Drake pulled away from Baltic. Then, he, Caspian, and Edwin left the room. The three of them didn’t converse much as they packed up most of his clothes into a large suitcase. He mentioned his and Edwin’s trip in the ocean to Caspian, who appeared rather wistful upon hearing the news.

  “I miss Mom and Dad,” Caspian muttered out when Drake finished recounting the trip. “I wish I could meet with them.”

  Drake clapped his brother’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Wait until we catch the one responsible for all these missing merpeople. It’s not safe to travel in the ocean on your own at the moment.”

  “That’s true.”

  Drake shut the suitcase a few moments later. “I think these should be more than enough. I’ll see you tomorrow, Cas.”

  Caspian nodded. “Sure.”

  Drake hugged Caspian when they made it back to the first floor of the house. They didn’t pull apart for several minutes.

  “Take care, Cas.”

  “You, too.”

  Then, the two of them burst out laughing almost at the same time while Edwin simply grinned at them.

  “Look at us, Dray. We’re behaving as if we won’t meet each other ever again.”

  Drake shrugged. “We’ve been inseparable for almost two hundred years.”

  “Yeah. That’s right. Anyway, off you go. Don’t forget your appointment first thing tomorrow morning. You have several customers waiting for you.”

  “I won’t. I’ll be here bright and early tomorrow.”

  Drake turned toward Edwin and grabbed his mate’s hand before they bade farewell to Caspian again. He was feeling rather down about leaving his brothers behind, but he was aware it was a natural progression of things. They would have to live apart once they found their mates. He glanced up at Edwin and beamed at his mate, the one he would be spending the rest of eternity with. It was time to go home.

  Chapter Twelve

  Edwin had a wonderful time living with Drake. It was the most amazing week ever of his long existence. There were the passionate kisses and tender lovemaking sessions. They also ate dinner together before cuddling on the couch to watch a TV show or two while they shared everything that had happened during the day at work. He also noted how similar they were early in the morning just after he woke up from some of the best sleep of his entire existence. Unlike some couples he’d heard of, who complained about early mornings and the lack of caffeine to give them a boost of energy, he and Drake were both morning people. They could open their eyes and start their day immediately. Living together was domestic and peaceful, and it was everything he could have dreamed of and more. The joy of their, more or less, self-imposed seclusion couldn’t last, though.

  However, it was neither his nor Drake’s fault. He received a summon from the council one late afternoon. He was expected to report to the members about the progress of his investigation with regards to the siren. He heaved out a soft sigh and sent off a short text message to Drake, informing his mate about him possibly returning home rather late that evening. Then, he closed down his bakery for the day and stepped into his portal of fire. When he arrived outside the chamber in the other dimension, he inhaled and exhaled for about a minute before heading inside. He bowed at all five council members.

  “Hello, Edwin,” Zestus, the male pegasus shifter in charge of the air creatures, greeted him with a smile. “You haven’t updated us in a while.”

  “Council members, my apologies. I’ve been busy.”

  Miranda snorted. “I’m sure.”

  Edwin turned toward Miranda and tried to suppress his temper. “I got myself mated to Drake.”

  Miranda scowled at him while the other council members congratulated him.

  “We’re all happy for you,” Tarragon, the male fairy in charge of the spiritual creatures, said. “Having said that, we’re waiting to hear from you with regards to the siren.”

  “His name is Wade.”

  Then, Edwin explained the entire situation to all five council members before ending the report with information regarding the missing merpeople from various communities in the oceans. He was astounded to note Miranda’s bored expression. She was usually sneering a
t him. Moreover, she was in charge of the water creatures, which would include the merpeople. He’d thought she would be more alarmed. He felt her behavior to be rather odd. Nevertheless, he kept it to himself. He would have to keep an eye on her somehow.

  Sombertooth, the male hellhound in charge of the fire creatures, spoke up next. “You have the council’s support to investigate this matter. Let us know of your progress within a week.”

  “I will.”

  “Does anyone else have any urgent matter to bring up?” Oveda, the female dwarf in charge of the earth creatures, inquired a moment later. “If there’s nothing else, we will meet up again in a week.”

  Edwin was relieved when he was dismissed. He stepped out from the chamber and got ready to portal back home. He had to hide his irritation when he heard Miranda calling out his name. He turned to face Miranda and bowed.

  “How may I help you, Councilwoman?”

  Miranda walked closer to him. “I should be asking you that, Edwin.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Miranda scoffed at him. “You don’t know much about water-shifters, do you?”

  “Please get straight to the point. I’m anxious to return home to my mate.”

  “Let’s just say there’s more than one way to cure a siren.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Miranda. “What are you trying to imply?”

  Miranda snickered at him. “I know Caspian and Drake have been feeding Baltic their blood to keep him from completely slipping away into the darkness. I wonder if those young mermen know about the proper cure for a siren.”

  “Love. You can also revert a siren back to his or her original form by allowing him or her to consume the pearl of a merperson.”

  Miranda snorted. “Well, since Baltic doesn’t have a mate, love isn’t a possibility. A pearl from a merperson is next to impossible to acquire. It’s a permanent and irreversible sacrifice on the part of the merperson.”


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