SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle

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SEALs of Winter: A military romance superbundle Page 87

by Seton, Cora

  She flushed a pretty pink and nibbled her lower lip. “Why me?”

  He shrugged. “You snuck up on me. That whole friends-to-lovers thing, I guess. I like you. A lot. And now that I’ve seen you in a different light, I can’t unsee you, if that makes sense.”

  “You mentioned a high school girlfriend. You didn’t see her that way? Or anyone else?”

  “Yeah. Hannah. We dated from the middle of junior year to the middle of senior year, and then she dumped me when I wouldn’t put out.” He’d gotten over Hannah in a week and a half. Exactly the length of time it took her to find a new boyfriend, and for him to learn the lesson that desperately wanting to make love to that one special person was an ideal full of holes—because he’d thought Hannah was more special than he’d evidently been to her.

  “And then after that?”

  “I joined the Navy.”

  “Right out of high school?” She blinked. “How did I not know that about you? I thought you just finished your training a year ago.”

  “That was my SEAL qualification.” He gave her a quick rundown of his career progression to date. “And we’re never really done training, it just becomes an ongoing cycle of deployment and courses.”

  “So you’ve been busy.” He nodded. “But not too busy to learn how to kiss.”

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. He liked her smile. “I’m not a monk.”

  “But you were never tempted to just…do it? Like a hook-up?”

  He dragged his eyes up to hers with a sigh. “Never. I’m the product of a one-night stand. And I never knew my father.”

  Chapter Seven


  That wasn’t what Cassie expected Jared to say at all. But when she thought about it, she didn’t know much about his family life. Her chest ached for him, but she didn’t know how expressing her pain for him would go over—if he wanted her sympathy, he would have told her about his family sooner, right? He must be telling her now for another reason.

  She swallowed hard and nodded. “Wow.”

  He held her gaze. “I grew up in a two-bedroom apartment on the wrong side of town. Could have been worse. Could have been one bedroom, or I could’ve bounced in and out of the system. My mom did the best she could, but I wasn’t her first oops, and by the time I came around, she was old and tired before her time.”

  Cassie tried to desperately do the math. Jackson was, what, five years older than Jared?

  “My mom is forty-four.” Holy sugar… “She had Jackson when she was fourteen. She lived with my grandparents until she finished high school, and then she got a job as a receptionist. She never went out. Never dated. But when Jackson was five, my grandparents took him camping for the weekend, and some of her friends talked her into going out to a bar. Nine months later…”

  Cassie checked to make sure her mouth wasn’t hanging open. “Did your grandmother help raise you, too?”

  He nodded. “Without her, my mother would have been in a world of trouble.”

  “So that’s… I can see why…” She offered a weak smile. “I don’t want to say the wrong thing here.”

  He made a face, but took her hand at the same time. “You couldn’t. It’s kind of a lot of heavy shit to dump on you. You can react however you want.” He looked down at their hands. “There’s more, if you’re willing to hear it.”

  How did she explain that she wanted to know everything about him without seeming voyeuristic? “Of course. Up to you.”

  “By the time I was in school, my mom had added part-time bookkeeping on the side, and she finally started to get ahead. We drove to Disney World one year, and rented a house in Galveston a different summer. I actually had a pretty great childhood, the parts I remember. But then my brother started dating girls, and my mom hated it. They’d have the worst fights about it. She didn’t want him to get into trouble.”

  All of a sudden, Cassie realized what was coming next, and her heart broke—for Jared’s brother and his mother. And Jared, too.

  “Jackson’s girlfriend got pregnant in their junior year of high school. Her parents were horrified. My mother lost her mind. And his girlfriend wasn’t ready to be a mom. She wanted to put the baby up for adoption.”

  “What did Jackson want?” Cassie’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  Jared tugged his lips into a half-hearted smile. “It didn’t matter.”

  “Oh, your poor brother.” Hot tears threatened behind her eyelids and she took a deep breath. “Does he know anything about the child?”

  Jared shook his head. “It was a closed adoption. And he’s never forgiven my mom for not supporting him. But she couldn’t do the baby thing again.”

  “Wow. How old were you at the time?”


  Now it was her turn to shake her head. “Hell of an education.”


  No shit. Any innocence he’d enjoyed up to that point had been stripped away. By the time he hit puberty, he’d heard more conversations about how stupid and dangerous sex was than most people heard their whole lives. And it had scarred him. Not deeply. Just enough to be self-conscious. Self-limiting. Just enough that he hadn’t wanted to share that part of himself, because he wasn’t sure that his family wasn’t cursed.

  “I’m not messed up,” he said, realizing he was repeating something he’d said to her earlier.

  She blinked at him. “I would be.” She laughed softly. “I am, in different ways. Aren’t we all?”

  “I mean, I’m not too messed up to have sex now. And you’re perfect.”

  “Hardly,” she said quietly, reaching for the last edamame.

  “You’re perfect to me.” She really was. Even if she did like to eat soybeans.

  “But…” She slowly squared her chopsticks to the edge of her plate, then pushed all of her dishes away from her a bit. Like she wanted something to do with her hands. “I guess I’m a pretty safe bet for you to jump off the cliff with, then,” she said quickly and didn’t look up at him.

  Damn. “That’s not a factor for me.”

  “You wanted to take things slowly earlier today.”

  “You did, too. I still should. The problem is I can’t keep my hands off of you. That was true before you said you couldn’t have kids, by the way.” He drained his teacup. “I can see how you’d wonder and worry, but my attraction to you didn’t change at that point. Didn’t increase, didn’t decrease.”

  “I believe you.” Her voice said otherwise and she looked up, making an apologetic face. “I do. It’s just…are you sure this is a good idea?”

  “I bought condoms,” he blurted out. She blinked at him. “Tonight. I ran out while you were getting ready. Because I honestly didn’t even think about your fertility. Doesn’t that show that I want to get in your pants because it’s time? Because you’re perfect and sexy and while I thought I was waiting for other reasons, maybe I was just waiting for you?”

  “I have condoms, too,” she said, finally smiling, but the sparkle hadn’t returned to her eyes.

  “We have one more date before we can use them. How about breakfast tomorrow?”

  Her eyes crinkled at the corners and her smile turned into a grin. “Perfect.”

  After paying the bill, he offered her his hand and she slid out of the booth. He pulled her close, sliding his hand around her waist and keeping it there as they walked slowly back to his truck. He got her door, then jogged around to his side. She turned on the radio as soon as he started the engine, but took his hand when he offered it. They sat like that, fingers entwined, not talking, until they were over the bridge and almost home.

  “You’ve never told anyone that, have you?” she asked quietly.

  He could feel her eyes on him, even though he was staring ahead. He shook his head slowly.

  “Thank you for trusting me.” Her voice cracked. “And thank you for tonight. It was a great second date.”

  He squeezed her hand, then let go as he steered into his parking spot. “It doesn’t need to
be over just yet.” He wanted more time. He didn’t want this to be how the night ended. “Let me come in for a drink.”

  She pressed her lips together, suppressing a smile—sort of. “A drink?”

  “And maybe some making out.” He twisted in his seat and stroked his fingers over her cheek. “Shake off the heavy talk with a little spark.”

  She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. He didn’t mind. It gave him a minute to look at her, soak in all the soft planes and delicate peaks of her face. The bow of her lip and the point of her nose. Her freckles. Even in the dim light from the street lamps he could probably count them if he got close enough.

  He was almost there when she blinked her eyes open. “Hey there,” she said softly, smiling.

  “I was about to count your freckles.” He eased his hand back into her hair and down to her neck.

  “You know…” He brushed his lips against her jaw and she sighed. “There’s no rush. The three-date thing. That was a minimum. Which is kind of silly, too. It’s all so…” She gasped as he kissed her neck. “I mean, this is nice. And earlier. That was amazing. We can do other stuff. Maybe it might be—”

  “Cassie?” His dick had a lot to say to that, but really, it was simple.


  “I’m done talking for tonight.” They’d sort it out. They’d have sex, and probably soon. Or not, if she changed her mind. But right now he just wanted to kiss her in his truck for a minute. Then against the side of his truck. And definitely on her couch again.


  He took her mouth before she was done with her squeaky acknowledgement, and she moaned against him. God, she tasted good. Like the orange candy they’d been given with the bill at the restaurant and a sweet warmth that was uniquely Cassie. She moaned again, softer and longer this time, and he broke away reluctantly.

  “Upstairs,” he whispered.

  “You’re bossy.”


  She held her position just a few inches from his face and gave him a curious look. “Is that important to you?”


  “Is being bossy how you’ve managed to avoid being tempted over to the dark side so far?”

  He hadn’t thought about it like that, but… “Yeah, I guess. It’s an easy way to impose limits.” He grinned. “I’ve never had any complaints.”

  She sank her front teeth into her plump lower lip and stared at him. “Tell me about it.”


  “Tell me about it now and I’ll do whatever you say when we get upstairs,” she whispered. “I promise.”

  Jesus. She’d just taken the night from some sweet kisses to filthy promises in a heartbeat. “You want me to tell you…”

  “Yes.” She laughed, a nervous trill. “No. God.”

  His pulse pounded in his head. And his cock. There was something irresistible about showing her his experience, but he didn’t want to cross the line and offend her—they were from two very different worlds. Hers probably didn’t include finger banging in dark corners of bars.

  He swallowed hard and tried to guess what she wanted. “When I was nineteen, I went to New York on leave with some friends. We went to a club that had these private alcoves. I was dancing with this girl and she kept saying, ‘take me home, sailor.’ Well, I knew better than to do that. But I wasn’t a boy anymore. I wanted to touch her. And I thought…maybe, if I tell her she can’t touch me, I could make it work…and it did.”

  “So you just…for her?” Her lips curled into a surprised O.

  “That time. I told her to show me what she liked and where to touch her.”

  “And since then?” Her question floated in the truck’s quiet cab, her quiet disbelief of the first question bleeding into more obvious breathless arousal.

  “You really want to hear how I told other women to suck me off?”

  Her eyes narrowed, but then she licked her lips, like now she wanted to do that herself. Every bit of him strained at the seams. “I’m going to get parts of you that no one else has had, right?”

  He nodded. More than she knew. He’d give her everything without thinking twice. “I don’t need limits with you, Cassie.”

  “Maybe it isn’t about limits. Maybe it’s about trust and control.”

  He rubbed his thumb across her lip, slick and wet, and she swiped her tongue at his digit.

  “Is that something you like to do, angel? Give up control?” He never would have pegged her for that.

  She frowned. Maybe he wasn’t the only one surprised by the conversation. “I’ve never thought about it like that.”

  “That makes two of us.” He’d done all sorts of things to keep himself on the straight and narrow. Learned that stating up front what would and wouldn’t happen kept the focus where he wanted it.

  Complete control wasn’t something he needed to get off, though. When he thought of having sex with Cassie, it wasn’t orchestrated. But the thought of trading control back and forth turned him on in new and unexpected ways. He cupped her cheek and kissed her, hard and deep. “Maybe we should take turns being in charge. Pretty soon we’re going to be out of my arena of experience.”

  She kissed him then, her hands eager and grabby, and he let her have her fill before easing back.

  “Now. Upstairs.”

  In her apartment, she paced ahead of him, slowly sliding off her sweater before unzipping her boots. He grinned and followed her example, taking off his boots and his shirt, leaving his t-shirt on.

  “Do you want that drink?” she teased, backing away from the kitchen where any drink would be found.

  He shook his head. “And you can lose that shirt, too.”

  She spun around, showing him her back as she peeled off her top. His erection strained against his fly at the sight of her bare skin curving down to her ass in those jeans. “What next?”

  “Take your pants off.”

  She looked back at him over her shoulder. “Really?”

  “You asked me what I wanted next. Pants. Off.”

  This wasn’t new territory for him, and he had a burning desire to prove to her just how good he could make her feel. That he wasn’t some boy with whom she had to be careful.

  She kept her gaze on him as her hands wiggled over her hips, pushing the denim down to reveal black, barely there panties. When she paused, he crossed his arms to keep from taking over. Then ever so slowly, she leaned forward, all the way forward, and gracefully stepped out of her pants. She picked them up by a belt loop and just as gracefully unfolded her body, spinning around.

  “Off,” she said with a teasing whisper, holding the jeans out from her body for a minute before tossing them aside.

  “I like the look of you bent over like that,” he said, his voice thick.

  She gave a nervous laugh and swung her hands in front of her body, her confidence wavering a bit. “Oh good. I wasn’t sure if that was hot, or just like, whoa, a lot of ass.”

  “Hot.” He cleared his throat. “You’re gorgeous, Cassie. I love looking at every part of you, especially the curvy parts. The…whoa parts.”

  “Well that’s good, because I’ve got a lot of those.”

  If Jared ever saw her ex-husband, he was going to do some damage to that man’s face. “You sure do. And they make me crazy.” He strode toward her, grabbing her hand. “Feel this?” He pressed her fingers against his cock. “That’s what your little strip tease did to me. Hard enough to pound nails.” He dropped to his knees and pressed his face into her belly. Her scent and the silky feel of her skin intoxicated him.

  “I thought you were being bossy,” she murmured, running her hands over his hair.

  “You don’t think I can be in control from down here?” He licked along the waistband of her panties. “Take your bra off.”


  Jared held her hips as Cassie bared even more of herself, her breasts swinging free as she gazed down at him. Oh yeah, he was in charge. And it gave her such a crazy thrill. H
er hands hovered in the air after she dropped the bra—should she touch him again? Touch herself? Wait for a command?

  He laughed—a slow, sexy rumble. “Do whatever you want,” he said, his gaze solidly on her face.

  “I want to take my panties off,” she admitted. She wanted to be bare for him.

  Another laugh and he rocked back on his heels. “Be my guest. That would make me very happy.”

  She rocked her hips, swiveling them under his touch, then turned around slowly. Her heart raced. It hadn’t stopped racing since their conversation turned erotic in Jared’s truck. And she didn’t know which feeling was bigger or scarier—her need to be sexy for Jared or her fear that she’d fall short of his fantasy.

  It was terrifying how much he meant to her. How much she wanted this to mean between them. Maybe it was just the season. Or because she knew he was a SEAL. He’d already come and gone in secret, with no clue when she’d see him again.

  She didn’t know how she’d handle those feelings once she gave him her heart. So it would be foolish to fall in love.

  Totally foolish.

  But the way he made her feel, all light and beautiful and desirable…with and without her clothes on. Maybe her heart wasn’t hers to give anymore. Maybe it was already his.

  Maybe by the time he had to leave again, he’d be able to leave his heart with her for safe keeping.

  So many maybes. Too many to talk about on a second date.

  She pushed the last scrap of lace off her body and shook off her thoughts. Naked, she gave herself over to Jared, trusting that he’d take care of her.

  He swept his hands up her legs, sliding over her hips’ curves. His big, callused hands left a trail of goose bumps in their wake as his surprisingly delicate touch lit all her senses on fire. He leaned in and kissed the top of her mound. “Spread your legs for me, angel.”

  She took a deep breath and splayed her legs wide, tipping her pelvis and arching her back at the same time. She could feel how wet she was for him, but instead of worrying, she hummed with anticipation for his touch.

  When it came, it wasn’t the blunt tip of his fingers. He glided his palm over her folds, cupping her entire sex.


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