Doctor's Orders (Copper Creek Book 2)

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Doctor's Orders (Copper Creek Book 2) Page 18

by Wendy Smith

  Like I said, she knows me so well.

  I sit in her living room, nervous as I was the day I first arrived. Maybe because I never foresaw telling her I was leaving.

  She smiles.

  I take a deep breath. “Well, it’s like this …”

  “You’re moving to Hamilton to be with Drew Campbell.” Of course, Margaret knows; she always does. She took this injured little bird under her wing and nurtured her until she was well and able to fly again.

  I blush. “I might. We broke up because I couldn’t handle the long-distance thing.” Tears prick my eyes.

  “You can’t live without him.” She pats my right hand.

  “I don’t want to. As much as I love being here, and I could keep on doing it, I love him. Maybe it’s just time for me to move forward.”

  Margaret nods. “If you want to know what I think, you’ve grown as a person while you’ve been here. The space and peace have done you well, but perhaps finding Drew is the next step in your journey.”

  “I need to go and see him, and smooth things over. I’m such an idiot.”

  “You’re no idiot. Relationships can be hard as it is, and I’m sure long-distance ones have challenges all of their own. I’m happy to see you following your heart. Plus, I think there’s a lot more for both of you in the big smoke.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks as I throw my arms around her neck and hold on tight. She’s done so much for me, and now she’s happy to see me on my way, even if it leaves more work for her.

  “Thank you for everything,” I whisper.

  “Thank you for coming here. You have such a good heart, Hayley, and you’ve been dedicated to this job.” Margaret pulls back and looks me in the eyes. “I think it’s good you’re going. For your heart, and for your safety.”

  I lean back, and stare.

  She smiles. “I know, Hayley. Graham Taylor came to see me. He was worried that you might put someone else’s needs over your own safety. If I know you, and I think I do, if you’d got another call to go to that damn place you’d go whether you had anyone with you or not. You care so deeply.”

  I drop my gaze, and she raises her fingers to my chin, pulling my head up. “It’s not a bad thing. You take good care of the mums and babies so well. I’ll just have to find another stray to take in.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  She shakes her head. “Don’t be. I know what it’s like to find the right man. It’s mine and Tom’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary next week, and I still kinda like him.”

  I smile and let out a sigh. “I’m going to miss this place. I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. But Drew’s family’s back here, and you’ll come for visits. And when you two make your beautiful babies, I want to know all about it.”

  “He does want a few.”

  “I’m so happy for you, love. You deserve it.”

  She envelopes me in her arms, and I breathe a sigh of relief. It doesn’t make me feel any less as if I’m letting her down, but at least I haven’t lost her friendship.

  “So, if it’s okay with you, I’ll head to Hamilton for the night. Drew might be working, but he gave me a house key ages ago and I want to surprise him.” I bite my bottom lip. “To tell you the truth, I’m a little scared. He told me a week ago that he loved me, but what if he’s changed his mind?”

  She smiles, her eyes full of warmth and understanding. “You know Drew better than anyone. Do you really think he’s not waiting for you?”

  I shake my head. “I just need to see him.”

  “Then go. If I need help, I’ll call for it. Carlstown isn’t that far away.”

  My heart squeezes at the thought of seeing Drew again.

  Now to go and sort things out with him.

  It’s late afternoon by the time I get to Hamilton.

  I need to see him face to face. Sure, I could have called him on the phone, but when I tell Drew that I’ll move to be with him, I want to be in his arms.

  Truth is, I just miss him.

  He’s been there for me, even when he thought there might be no hope. When he came to me at Corey’s place, my heart felt not quite as empty as it had been after I broke things off. That sealed the deal.

  His car’s in the driveway, and the living room light is on. There’s another car parked behind his that I don’t recognise, so I stop out on the street and head toward the door.

  I knock, and after a few minutes of not getting a response, I take a deep breath, slide the key into the lock, and give a silent prayer that he wants me here.


  There’s no sign of him in the living room, and I drop my bag on the couch and move to the big bay window. My breath catches as I see him, standing beside the pool. He’s clearly been swimming—water drops all over his back, and I smile as I turn and start toward the door.

  On the other side of the fence, there’s a blonde standing by Drew. She’s fully dressed, including six-inch stilettos that look out of place by the pool. Obviously, she’s not been swimming with Drew, so who is she and why is she here?


  It’s not actually any of my business.

  We broke up.

  But I have to know one way or another. I push open the door.

  “Hayley?” Drew’s eyes don’t lie. He’s confused, but in them I see all the tenderness I saw a week ago. He’s not upset that I’m here.

  I swallow. “I need to talk to you. I’ll just …”

  “Yeah, you need to get out of here.” The blonde speaks, and my eyebrows twitch in response.

  “She’s not the one leaving.” Drew glares at the woman, and my skin prickles at the tension between them. I’ve interrupted something, but it’s not romantic.

  “But, Drew,” she whines.

  “But, nothing. You weren’t invited here, and I already told you to leave. I suggest that’s what you do.”

  She looks between us. “So, this is my replacement?”

  The penny drops. Lucy. I take a step toward Drew. What I want right now is to be in his arms and to show this woman just who he belongs to.

  “No. I love Hayley. I don’t think I ever loved you.”

  She’s in my way, so I open the gate and head toward Drew, stepping around Lucy. In an instant, I feel her hands on me and I’m falling, hitting the water with a splash. What the hell?

  She’s not that far from the edge, so with my nostrils flaring in anger, I reach for her legs and tug at them until she loses her balance, falling in behind me.

  Drew roars with laughter, approaching the pool and holding his hand out to me. “Want some help getting out? I’m sorry. Apparently, life with the landlord isn’t really working out that well for Lucy.”

  “You bitch. Drew, I just want what’s fair.”

  I turn to see her in the water behind me, her hair hanging limp around her face.

  “Then tell your lawyer to speak to mine. They can sort it out. I’ve got better things to do, and I’m so sick of you harassing me. It’s been over for months, Lucy. Leave me alone or I’ll get a restraining order.”

  I take his hand, and his gaze switches back to me. “I hope you’re here for the reason I think you are.”

  “Couldn’t live without you. Is that what you want to hear?”

  His mouth spreads into a wide grin, and that tells me everything I need to know.

  He really does love me.

  Lucy slinks off, and when I hear the sound of a car starting I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Are you okay?”

  I shrug. “I’ll be fine. It’s just water.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I told you.”

  He shakes his head. “I want to hear it.”

  Tears well, and I don’t even know why. He takes my hands in his. “I love you, Drew. And I should have listened to my heart. I can’t imagine life without you.”

  He smiles, his eyes searching mine. “It’s about time you caught up.”

  I l
augh, and his mouth claims mine. We’re a tangle of lips and tongues, and I’m lost in Drew’s love. The way it should always be.

  “You know, it’s probably a good idea to get you out of those wet clothes,” he murmurs.

  “I can’t believe she pushed me in.”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know how she tracked me down. She keeps threatening me, but never following through.”

  “What will you do if she does?”

  “Get my lawyer to deal with it. I’d much rather pay all my attention to you. How about a shower?”

  I grin. “Now you’re talking.”

  The shower warms me, and Drew turns up the heat as he towels me off and leads me to the bedroom. I’ve missed him so much.

  I laugh, jumping up and hooking my legs around him. We tumble backward onto the bed, and Drew’s hands are all over me, rediscovering what I made him think he lost.

  The truth is that it was him all along. My heart was with him all the time.

  His lips are on one breast, his tongue flicking over my nipple. Drew’s laying claim to me again, and I’m loving every second. He’s the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

  I cry silently as he covers my body in kisses, burying his face between my legs and worshipping my body. How did I ever think I could leave this behind me? How could I ever give this up? My fate with Drew was sealed the day we met, when he gave me that first soul-burning kiss.

  My body jolts as he forgoes teasing for the immediacy of sex, sliding up my body and into me. Two months ago, he was right. We are pieces of the same puzzle.

  “This is so right,” he murmurs, his lips brushing my neck.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  Drew raises his head, and his eyes scan my face. “You did nothing wrong.”

  “I hurt you.”

  “You hurt yourself, too. I don’t care what my mother says, or your mother thinks, or what anyone else wants. It’s been you since the day we met.”

  He moves slowly, and I spread my legs a little wider to let him in farther. He groans. “You’ll be the end of me.”

  His kisses fill me with joy. I’m surrounded by his love, by him, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here.

  I’m where I need to be.

  “Hayley.” He calls my name when he comes, and gives me a deep kiss that leaves me swooning.

  I can’t give this up.

  When he lies beside me, I curl around him. “Why didn’t you just tell me you love me before I broke things off?”

  His nose twitches. “You were at breaking point. I didn’t know if it would make it better or worse.” He swallows. “When we didn’t make it, I hated that I hadn’t told you, but I was glad because I knew it’d make things even harder for you. When Corey told me what Ash did, it nearly ripped me in two that I hadn’t told you.”

  I sniff as tears stream down my cheeks. “The last time I saw you, I wish I’d asked you to stay.”

  Drew reaches for me, and his lips brush mine as he wipes the tears from my chin. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters. I know you’ve found it hard, but I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  “I want to be with you. It’s just hard to say goodbye to Copper Creek, and the last thing I want is to work in a hospital again.”

  “Then don’t.” His voice is gentle, and his eyes convey the emotion behind them.

  He lets out a breath. “Being with you, well, I could give it all up and come home. Maybe I could work as a GP. But I’m in a position here to offer you a life, to give us both everything we ever wanted. It’s all I want. You’re all I want.”

  “You don’t have to give it up,” I whisper. “I’m ready.”


  “Copper Creek was there when I needed it to be. Now, I need you.”

  His lips twitch. “What are you trying to say?”

  I blink away fresh tears. “I’ll move. It won’t be overnight, but I’ll find a job and come here to be with you. If you want me.”

  “Do you really need to ask?” He smiles. “Maybe I won’t let you go.”

  “I have to sort things out back home, but I want this, Drew. I want to sleep in this bed all of the time. I want to sit in that huge bathtub with your arms around me.” I lick my lips. “I want you.”

  His smile grows to be a grin. “Let’s make it happen. There’s nothing more I want right now.”

  I nod. “Me too.”

  In the morning, I wake to Drew draped over me. The sun streams through the bay windows, and I lie naked on the bed, bathed in sunlight. This is how I want to live.

  My heart sinks a little at the thought of going home. But I have work to do and need to figure out plans for my career so I can make the move. I’m going to make our dream a reality.

  The distance will be hard to deal with again, but now I have a plan, and it’ll all be worth it when I can move here permanently. Drew’s given me more than anyone else in my life ever did, and in such a short time.

  “Don’t go back.” His soft voice is in my ear, and it’d be so easy to give him what he wants.

  “I don’t want to. But I have to be a grown-up.”

  “We could run away and never be grown-ups again.”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I kinda like being a grown-up with you. We get to do adult things.”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  I shiver, and he pulls the bedding up. “Don’t. I’m nice and warm here. The sun coming through is gorgeous.”

  “Only because I forgot to pull the blinds. Someone distracted me.” He plants a kiss on my cheek.

  “Are you working today?”

  “My shift starts later.”

  I lick my lips and roll toward him. “I’m going back in a few hours.”

  “You just got here.” He raises his head and leans over to kiss my shoulder.

  “I wanted to talk to you face to face. I’ve done that, and now I have to go home and start packing up my old life.”

  He grins. “I’m glad. I just want you all to myself.”

  “You have me. I’ll start looking for a job today. And Margaret says it doesn’t matter, but she needs someone to replace me, too.”

  Drew nods. “I know, I know. A guy can hope, can’t he?”

  “I’ll be here soon. And we can wake up like this every day.”

  “I like that idea.”

  After Drew cooks us breakfast, I get ready to go home. Not that I want to. If I could, I’d stay right here and wake up tomorrow in that big bed with the sun bathing me in warmth.

  But I have a house to pack and a job to sort out.

  “Do you really have to go?”

  I press my forehead to his. ”You know I do. It won’t be for much longer, though. We’ll work it all out, and I’ll be back before you know it. Complete with all my things.”

  “I have to make room for your stuff?”

  Chuckling, I let him go. “I plan on taking over your house with my girly things.”

  Drew grins. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He gives me one last lingering kiss, and I sit in the car seat before I change my mind. “Be safe.”

  I nod. “I’ll call you tonight?”

  “I’ll look forward to it. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  He leans in the window. “I’m gonna make you say that every day when you come and live here.”

  “You won’t have to make me do anything.”

  I feel empty as I drive away. Living without him was never an option.

  I have no idea how I thought I could.



  Every single kilometre of the journey home is hard. The farther I get from Drew, the more I hate it. I love Copper Creek, and what it’s meant for my life, but right now I don’t want to be there.

  I want to be with the man I love.

  The sooner the better.

  There are a couple of cars parked near my place as I pull into my driveway. The neighbou
rs are quiet and rarely have visitors, so it’s something that catches my eye. I shrug and grab my bag from the back seat, getting out of the car.

  I’ll miss my little house. There’s always been something quite special about it. It’s the perfect size for one person, one person who wants to be alone. Now, I look forward to the space of Drew’s house. That’s a real family home.

  I’m so wrapped up in my little world, I don’t hear anyone behind me at first.


  My blood runs cold as I recognise the voice, and my hand shakes as I try and slide the key in the lock. I lose my grip on the key and it drops onto the doormat with a dull thud. “What do you want?”

  “I just need to speak to you.”

  By the time I’ve turned, he’s on the doorstep behind me. There’s no way out. I take a step back, as far as I can get.

  “I want to know if you’ve considered my offer.”

  “What offer?”

  “To come and be our community midwife.”

  I swallow, clasping my hands together to stop them shaking. He hasn’t spoken to me since I got away from him, and he seems to be pretending nothing happened. “You need to leave.”

  “Not until I’ve got an answer.”

  I swallow. “You already had one.”

  He leans over, taking me in with the cool blue of his eyes. “I don’t think you really want to say no. We’d have a good life, Hayley. I’d give up the other women for you. You must be lonely here. I can help you. Plus the others get the best midwifery care around.”

  I tremble, knowing if I open my mouth I’ll stammer out something when I want so desperately to sound confident. I know how far he’ll go to convince me, know what he’s done to others. Ash Harris doesn’t scare me. He terrifies me.

  “I think you need to fuck off and leave her alone.”

  My eyes widen at the sound of a familiar voice, and I turn my head to the left to see Owen Campbell emerge from behind my house.

  Ash’s brow wrinkles, and his eyes narrow. The two men are pretty evenly matched, and I wouldn’t want to take bets on either one of them in a fight.

  “What he said.” To my right, Corey Campbell appears. Tears well in my eyes that these guys are here to protect me. Summoned by Drew, I guess.


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