Roark's Baby

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by Hannah Davenport

  Roark’s Baby


  Hannah Davenport

  Published by Hannah Davenport

  Copyright © 2019 Hannah Davenport

  All rights reserved.

  Edits by Rebekah Goodyear


  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or places are coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except for brief quotations in a book review.

  It was supposed to be a normal day, just two girlfriends going out to shop for baby clothes. Instead it became some wacko adventure, we’re being chased by some creepy guy named Ardak who just so happens to want to kill us.... And now I’ve gone into labor far away from medical and projected it to Roark…as if I don’t have enough to worry about, wondering what the first Human/Ulayian baby is going to look like and whether or not I can handle giving birth…

  Will Roark get here in time? Can he manage the pain? Can I actually do this? Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?

  A novelette in The Compatibles series.

  Zorvak’s Rescue (Book 1)

  Roark’s Bondmate (Book 2)

  Bonus: at the end you will find a preview of my upcoming novel.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  In the Beginning

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five



  It should have been a normal day. You know, just two girlfriends going out to shop? Being pregnant had left me exhausted, sore, and often bored. I alternated between the intense desire to just be alone and sleep, and the need for company.

  Barging in uninvited, Cami naturally decided I needed an outing. What we didn’t expect was that it might turn into some wacko adventure…

  Running away from some creepy guy and taking cover in some wagon sort of thing, I couldn’t possibly hide my fear from Roark.

  Ji’si, I feel your panic! he called to me.

  Cami and I are at the market. There’s a man after us.

  What does he look like?

  I don’t know, he…

  Form an image and send it to me.

  I thought of the man, the way my skin had crawled at his stare, and shoved it at Roark.

  Ardak! he growled.

  The wagon thing levitated from the ground and I knew we were moving. Then I felt a pop, pop, pop, and warm liquid gushed down to wet my inner thighs.

  “Did you just pee?” Cami asked, her nose scrunched.

  “No. My water broke.”

  “Oh shit!”

  Chapter One

  Earlier that Same Morning…


  I watched as the first light of morning streaked across the bedroom, casting a warm glow. I stared at Roark’s muscled back, his red skin glistening.

  I sighed, rolling over onto my back. It had been a restless night; I could never get comfortable anymore and to make things worse, the baby did flips and cartwheels during most of the wee hours of morning.

  Roark rolled over; his warm gaze finding mine. Gently, he kissed me, a loving smile playing on his lips. Stroking the hair away from my forehead with tender fingers, he said in that deep sexy voice of his, “Good morning.”

  A faint smile ghosted my lips. “Good morning.”

  I loved drinking in his disheveled look and dark alien eyes as they searched my face. It was my favorite part of the day. Well, except for when he snuggled me at night; I might have loved that just a bit more. We hadn’t made love in the last few weeks, though—he worried he would hurt me or the baby, even when I assured him he wouldn’t.

  God I miss it so much… I thought wistfully, feeling another kind of ache.

  This morning, I felt different somehow. My back hurt, my feet felt as though they had grown ten sizes larger, and all the extra weight made me extremely hot. Even my breasts ached. I didn’t know if I could wait another month for the baby to be born.

  Another month… I sighed.

  Or at least, that’s what Jasok thought. He wasn’t really sure and his lack of knowledge didn’t exactly instill much comfort in me.

  If only we could travel back to Earth, shout that aliens exist, then grab a doctor and bring back her to Ulaya…

  Having the first Human/Ulayian baby left the healer, Jasok, with more questions than answers. Still, he seemed to love documenting my progress, whereas I was tired of seeing his giddy face every week as I padded into the examination room. Sometimes I silently questioned his delivery skills.

  Roark rolled over and sat up on the side of the bed. I heard his heavy sigh before he looked over his shoulder. “How are you feeling today?”

  His eyes gleamed with worry, made more evident by the sound of his voice and the grimace on his face. He studied my slow movements as I readjusted my hips again.

  “Same as yesterday—huge and ungainly,” I answered teasingly, though my tone failed to lighten his mood.

  He twisted around, reached across the bed and took my hand, kissing the palm. “Never say that. You are beautiful.”

  One side of my lips tipped up as I drank in the man I called my own. “Thanks.”

  Then I grimaced. His eyes narrowed and briefly darted to the hand I had clutched to the left side of my abdomen. “What’s wrong?”

  I inched my eyes up to his and smiled. “The baby kicked.”

  “Really?” I nodded. In an instant, he was on my side of the bed, grinning. Roark loved feeling the baby kick. “He’s strong!”

  “It may be a she,” I teased. His gaze met mine for a moment before darting back to my belly. I had a sneaky suspicion that I was having a boy, but wanting the ultimate surprise, I had threatened Jasok with bodily harm if he let the cat out of the bag.

  “Where did he kick this time?” The tenderness in Roark’s voice made my heart skip a beat. Taking his hand, I placed it on the upper left side of my abdomen.

  When the baby kicked again, a huge smile spread across his face. “I never tire of feeling that.” Leaning over he kissed me deeply. Staring into his eyes, I saw the happiness change to solemnity, heard the agony in his voice. “I have to get ready.”

  I knew he needed to shower and change, but I didn’t want him to go. I couldn’t ask him to stay either; I couldn’t even bring myself to make him feel bad about work. Not today.

  “It’s a big day,” I pointed out softly.

  “It is,” he sighed, then dropped his hands between his legs. “Are you sure you will be alright here? I can stay…”

  I knew he wanted to stay, but as Captain of the Royal Guard, he was needed at the mansion, and I refused to interfere with his work.

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry so much,” I replied as cheerfully as possible.

  Jasok believed I had another month until giving birth, but I doubted it. Ulayians carried their babies for seven months, as opposed to the standard nine for Humans. Jasok split the difference and determined that eight months was the magic number in my case, but only time would tell.

  Roark nodded, pushed up from the bed and headed for the shower. Once he was out of sight, I sagged against the pillows. This heavy, exhausted feeling worried me somewhat, and I wan
ted Roark to stay with me, but I refused to be selfish. Today was important to him and the rest of the trainees. Closing my eyes, I knew I could survive one miserable day; I just had to be strong.

  A light noise startled me awake. Huh, I must have dozed a little. When I opened my eyes, Roark was standing in the bedroom wearing a crisp white uniform. He looked so handsome. Sometimes I still found it hard to believe that he was my bond mate—or my husband, as I preferred to call him.

  Taking two steps closer, he bent down and stroked my cheek. “Please, let me know if you need anything. And I mean anything at all.”

  “I will.”

  He searched my face, then kissed me. “I love you, ji’si.”

  “I love you too.” Pushing up with my elbows, I leaned my back against the large dark wooden headboard. Seeing me up and smiling would surely put him more at ease. He rushed to help me reposition and placed more pillows behind my back.

  “Thanks,” I smiled, adding playfully, “Go. They’re waiting on you.”

  He hesitated a moment longer, then with a visible effort of will, turned and left. I slumped back in relief, having exhausted most of my already limited energy. I knew that no matter how much of a brave face I put on or how hard I kept the door closed to my most intimate thoughts and feelings, Roark could still sense everything faintly through our bond.

  Today was a big deal for everyone. Working for the Royal Guard was a huge honor, bestowed on only the best. The recruits were eagerly waiting to learn who had made the cut and today was Roark’s day to shine as their Captain. I would not take that from him.

  I decided that a hot bath might ease my aching body. Never in my life had I enjoyed taking baths as much as I did in Roark’s and my home. The tub was huge and there was something almost magical in the atmosphere. The only caveat was that the tub was also very deep, so getting in and out was something of a chore in my present state.

  It took a while but eventually I made it in and out of the tub again, and wished I hadn’t since everything started hurting again the moment I stood up, and the baby shifted awkwardly.

  Sighing heavily, I towel-dried myself and pulled on a black shift dress. Originally, it had looked somewhat flattering and had a slight slimming effect. At least, it was supposed to. Looking in the mirror now at my disheveled dark auburn hair, dark circles under my eyes, and the ungainly shape of my body, I grimaced thinking it looked more like a black body bag.

  At least it’s comfortable, I thought resignedly.

  Waddling over to the sofa, I made the enormous effort of sitting and getting relatively comfortable, and closed my eyes. And it was that exact moment that the door buzzed.

  Eyes snapping open, I stared at the door, wondering if I could pretend I wasn’t home.

  Won’t work, whoever it is probably knows full well you’re here, I thought irritably.

  Muttering under my breath, I struggled to get back up and make my way across the room. The door buzzed again, and I inwardly cursed whoever my unwanted visitor might be.

  Reaching the console on the wall, I checked the screen: Cami stood holding…I squinted but couldn’t quite make it out. Pressing the wall console with more force than was strictly necessary, the door dematerialized. Cami smiled and stepped inside, looking refreshed. Dressed in a green satin long-sleeved shirt and black pants, her raven hair fell to her shoulders. She looked thin, vibrant…and I think I hated her a little at that moment.

  “No, I insist, come in,” I said.

  “Thanks,” she replied, undaunted by my sarcasm. Her eyes shot straight to my rapidly growing belly. “I didn’t think you could get any larger, but once again, you’ve proved me wrong.”

  She flicked a wrist and strolled past me while I shot daggers at her back.

  Who says that shit to anyone that’s pregnant?

  “Shut it!” I turned, heading back to the couch, then sighed. “It’s not as easy as I thought it would be.”


  Cami drifted toward the kitchen. “I made you something to eat.”

  “You made it, or replicated it?” I shot back. Replicated food didn’t taste nearly as good as home-cooked, and frankly didn’t interest me at the moment, her kind sentiments aside.

  “I made it.” Something thumped the table.

  I glanced over my shoulder and noticed the silver-colored pan she’d just dropped unceremoniously. Carefully, I lowered back down to the couch, only to drop the last couple of inches.

  “What is that?” I asked, shifting.

  “It’s cake! It tastes a little different than what we’re used to, but I found similar enough ingredients to pull it off.” She held up a hand. “Don’t get up. I’ll bring you a piece.”

  “Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on it,” I retorted playfully, unashamedly taking full advantage of my pregnancy status.

  Cami strolled through the apartment with two small plates. Handing one to me, she took a seat in the chair and stabbed a fork into the cake. “You look miserable.”

  Glowering, I forced myself not to bite her head off. “Everything is a bit harder now, that’s for sure. Carrying around all this weight…it’s a daily workout.”

  Looking down at the plate resting on my belly, the golden-brown cake was enticing, its sweet aroma making my stomach growl.

  “What did Jasok say?” Cami asked, just as we shoved bites into our mouths simultaneously.

  “Wow,” I said, swallowing. “This is great! It reminds me of apples, cinnamon and…mango, I think.”

  “I know, right?” Her expression was animated with raised brows and a huge grin.

  Eating another piece, I took my time enjoying the texture. Somewhat lighter than actual cake, the spices gave a little sweet mixed with tartness. It might have been the loveliest thing I’d eaten since leaving Earth.

  “Jasok says the baby is small but I swear, it feels like I’m carrying around a ten-pound bowling ball.”

  Cami’s eyes kept straying uncharacteristically to my belly. I put the fork on the plate. “Okay, what’s up? Why are you acting so weird?”

  Her eyes shot to mine. “Nothing’s up, and I’m not acting weird.”

  “Don’t give me that! I’ve known you a long time, Cami. What gives?”

  She sighed, staring at her half-eaten cake. “I think I might be pregnant too.”

  Giddiness crept into my soul, and an internal weight I hadn’t known I’d been carrying lifted.

  “That’s great! Now my baby will have someone to play with.”

  Cami’s news made me feel strangely better. I guess I had never let myself dwell on the fact that my baby would be different, alone, always an outsider amongst other kids. Some, like Girgia and Idlon, were absolutely wonderful, but I never deluded myself into believing that all Ulayian children would be that accepting.

  “I haven’t told Zorvak yet.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged, taking another bite.

  “Cami?” I prodded. This wasn’t normal behavior for her; Cami would usually talk a mile a minute about anything and everything.

  “I don’t know,” she replied, nearly whining. “I miss Mom, and thinking I’m pregnant brings her absence front and center.”

  “I’m sorry, Cami.” My shoulders slumped, knowing exactly how she felt. There’s something about having a baby that makes you want your own mother with you, no matter the circumstances.

  “Don’t be.” She shrugged again. “You’re right. I need to tell Zorvak. He will be over the moon happy.”

  I chuckled lightly and rubbed my belly. “He doesn’t strike me as an ‘over the moon happy’ kind of guy.”

  “He is so different around me, not like his official demeanor, the one everyone else sees.”

  “I think Roark is the same way,” I admitted, savoring more cake.

  “He is absolutely the same way! I rarely see him smile. He’s all work, and no play.”

  “Hmm…I guess so.”

  “I know so.”

rming a little on the couch, Cami eyed me with worry. Narrowing her eyes, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I probably just slept in the wrong position last night.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “If you say so…” Her shoulders relaxing slightly, she stood, glancing down at me. “I’m going to get something to drink. Want something while I’m there?”

  “Water sounds great. Thanks.”

  Carrying two glasses over, she handed me one and then sat again, tucking her legs underneath and draining half the glass in one gulp. “Have you met many women here?”

  “Not really. A few at the mansion as I travel back and forth.”

  “Have they been nice to you?”

  I almost spit my own water out and chuckled. “You mean outside of Ersa? Ah, no! Well, only to my face, but I hear the low whispering when I’m out and about. What about you?”

  “Are you kidding? I know how they feel about me, even when they smile and try to make idle chitchat. No thank you! Now, I just taunt them with my eye rolling.”

  She laughed and sounded like herself again, the relaxed Cami I knew so well—the fun Cami before the constantly serious, needing to study, never-went-out-for-anything Cami. Just imagining her taunting the other women made me laugh too.

  “At least we can’t tell if they’re rolling their eyes at us!”

  “Exactly!” She grinned from ear to ear. “See, you get it. They can’t even retaliate. Zorvak chastises me when he catches me doing it. So now I wait until he’s not around, or has his back turned.” She took a sip of water, slowly glanced at the room and sighed. “I wish we had ice cream. I miss ice cream.”

  “Oh my God! Chocolate ice cream! Now I’m craving it, you wench. Why did you have to bring it up?”

  “Because I want some. Duh!”

  “You know what I would love to have? Hot fudge cake with vanilla ice cream.”

  Cami licked her lips. “What about a chocolate nut sundae?”

  “Strawberry short cake with lots of toppings. Maybe even some whipped cream.”


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