Roark's Baby

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Roark's Baby Page 3

by Hannah Davenport

That was my fear as well; Lara always considered me and my duties first, placing such things above herself. It did not matter that I strove daily to convince her that nothing was more important than her and our young—she was very stubborn.

  “She had better,” I muttered in a low growl. “However, I am monitoring her.”

  “I thought as much.”

  I had reached out to her once already, and she reassured me all was well. It did little to alleviate my discomfort at being parted from her during this vulnerable time.

  Zorvak crossed his arms and stared at the sharp formation. “The recruits look good this year. They will make an excellent addition to your team.”

  “Yes, Lord La’qa, I agree.”

  He clapped a hand on my shoulder. “Let us adjourn to the mansion. We can eat and talk in private.”

  Without waiting for a reply, we turned in unison and I followed him inside.

  Passing both males and females, I nodded as they caught my eye. Everyone waited in anticipation for the upcoming birth—the first hybrid between the two species.

  Heading into Zorvak’s private chambers, he slid into one chair while I rounded the table and lowered into another, facing him. It was a casual meal room with a round onyx table and six plush, cream-colored chairs.

  At a flick of Zorvak’s wrist, servants hurried away, only to return carrying trays of food. Once everything had been placed on the table and drinks poured, he ordered, “Leave us.” The servants promptly did as instructed.

  After filling my plate, I took a sip of water and sighed.

  “You can speak freely here, my friend.”

  My eyes met his. “I know. Thank you.”

  “How is your bond mate?”

  Hesitating, I shook my head slightly before admitting, “I am not sure. Jasok believes she has another month left, but I worry that her body cannot handle it.”


  “Her fatigue is a weight I carry on my shoulders, and yet she smiles as though she feels perfectly well.”

  “I have found that Earth females are resilient. Cami still amazes me most of the time.”

  A memory flashed to a time not so long ago when I had been badly burned. Lara eased my pain by shouldering it with me. Resilient indeed. And I felt helpless not knowing how to assist her now.

  I picked at my food, unable to stomach the taste, trying in vain to push my insecurities aside. Logically, I knew a bond mate—a true Compatible—would be able to bear my young. Yet Lara had slender hips, and not even all of our technology could predict the size of the youngling accurately…

  I glanced up and found Zorvak staring at me. His lips twitched. “Is it that difficult?”

  “To be away from her, while she carries our young? Yes. It can drive you mad if you let it.” After a sip of water, I licked my lips and continued, “I did not understand at the time, but now it makes perfect sense.”

  “What is that?”

  “She has become my greatest strength—and my greatest weakness.”

  Zorvak chuckled, but I was not amused.

  “Finish your meal and return to her then.”

  I blew out a slow breath. “Thank you, Zorvak.”

  “You are welcome.”

  My own lips twitched. “Perhaps soon, you will have one of your own.”

  The smile dropped from his face. “Time will tell.”

  I could not tell if it was something he wanted or not. I was just about to ask when Zorvak and I both stiffened at the same time, panic flooding my body. Our eyes met briefly, and we exploded from our chairs.

  “Ardak!” we exclaimed in unison, sprinting for the door.

  As we rounded the corner and shoved open a door to the outside, all eyes turned our direction. Voth rushed over.

  “Captain?” he questioned, his eyes shifting between me and Zorvak.

  “Assemble a search party. Ardak is at the market and he is after our bond mates!” I commanded.

  “Yes, Captain!” Voth replied, turning on his heels and immediately issuing orders to the men.

  “They will be fine,” Zorvak said firmly. “They are clever.”

  Before I could answer, excruciating pain tore through me, like a knife piercing my middle. I doubled over, bracing my hands on my thighs.

  “Roark? Is it Lara?” Zorvak asked, the concern bleeding into his tone.

  All I could do was breathe. And then, the pain faded away until I felt normal.

  I stood and sucked in another huge, ragged breath.

  “What happened?” Zorvak pressed.

  “I am not sure. I felt like someone pierced me with a knife.”

  Zorvak’s eyes narrowed as his eyes raked over my body.

  Lara, are you well? What is happening?

  No, I’m not well! she cried. I’m in labor, we’re flying away in some alien wagon, fleeing this psycho whoever-he-is, and I need to be in a hospital!

  Dread and a fear such as I had never known punched me in the gut, and at that moment I felt powerless.

  Calm yourself, Captain! I scolded myself. Forget that she is your bond mate and focus on how to save her and Cami as you would anyone else!

  I am coming for you, I replied, with more reassurance than I actually felt.

  Please hurry!

  Has Ardak found you?

  No, not yet. We’re hiding under a tarp in this flying thing, hoping that he gives up or doesn’t realize where we are.

  Hold on, ji’si. We are coming.

  Grabbing one of the young new recruits, I ordered, “Fetch Jasok and tell him to bring his medical supplies.”

  “Yes, Captain.” I watched as he hurried away. Turning to face Zorvak, I explained, “Lara is in labor.”

  “You go on ahead,” he replied. “I will bring Jasok. We will be right behind you.”

  “Thank you.” Just as I turned to leave however, more pain tore through my back, catching me off guard. I dropped to my knees, panting for breath. After a minute or two, it receded just like before and slowly, I stood.

  Zorvak watched me in silence and shook his head. “Belay that. It seems best if we travel together; Cami has told me of the pain Human females are said to experience in labor, and if it is even a quarter as great as she describes, I doubt Lara will be able to keep it from you. I will have Jasok and the search party meet us there.”

  “Thank you,” I replied, embarrassed that this pain reduced me to my knees. But Lara needed me, and I refused to let pride stand in the way of her safety.

  His bond mate is in danger as well, I reminded myself.

  With grim determination, I grabbed a weapon and hurried to the waiting air vehicle. Zorvak climbed in the other side and quickly programmed the market coordinates.

  As we took off, another wave of agony struck, and I shut my eyes tight and gritted my teeth, intent on bearing the pain and taking some of it from Lara. If she could bear the torment of my burns, I could handle labor.

  I only hope we can both survive it… I thought somberly.

  Chapter Four


  Just breathe, Lara, I kept telling myself as I quickly panted. Millions of women have given birth and they all survived. Of course, they weren’t hiding from a madman in the back of some jacked-up wagon type trailer, but then you’re not on Earth anymore either, so what the hell? Dammit I’m rambling…

  Letting the pain wash over me, I firmly turned off my racing thoughts and embraced the tightness in my lower abdomen, the sharp stabbing in my lower back.

  I didn’t kid myself; I knew the pain would get much worse, but I also knew I couldn’t make a sound no matter how bad it got.

  Roark? I reached out, desperate for him to rescue me. I needed him here yesterday…

  I am coming, ji’si.

  He sounded odd. Is everything okay?

  I am fine, but I feel your intense pain.

  Oh my God, I hadn’t meant to project it to him!

  I’m so sorry!

  There is nothing to apologize for.

  Picturing a massive twenty-foot steel wall with a tiny door inside my head, I firmly placed Roark on one side while I waited on the other. I didn’t know if it would work, but I hoped that the mental image would serve as a barrier and shield him from my labor pains. At least until they grew too intense to control.

  Which they will, I thought with a sinking feeling.

  I’m scared, I admitted.

  I will be there soon, ji’si, just keep hiding until I reach you.

  Is Ardak dangerous?

  The silence grew; finally Roark answered. I consider him more unstable. Some are not happy that Zorvak was appointed leader, and not blood kin.

  Ardak is one of them? Even before he answered, I remembered the story of Ardak and Esad.

  Yes. He’s rumored to be the previous Lord’s nephew.

  So, his beef’s with Zorvak, not you?

  If by ‘beef,’ you mean problem, then it is with both of us. I am the Captain, and Zorvak’s friend.

  I see. Rubbing my belly, I added, Please hurry.

  I will be there soon.

  Ten minutes or so passed and another contraction rolled through, making me clench my teeth.

  The wagon vehicle thumped abruptly before jerking to a halt. I grabbed Cami’s hand, and we shared a look as we waited in silence. I heard voices, one female and one male, talking next to the—whatever this thing was called—maybe a transport platform? That sounded more fitting than a wagon…

  Through a crack where the tarp met the floor, my heart galloped at the sight of boots. I squeezed Cami’s hand even tighter, and noticed she was holding her breath.

  They talked for several excruciatingly long minutes; my knuckles were white and my shoulders hurt from the tension.

  The tightness eased, and I drew in a long, slow breath and waited. The minutes ticked by and they kept talking about how much fruit they needed for the market. It didn’t make much sense as I half-listened, half-prayed for Roark to take me into his arms and tell me everything would be okay.

  Another sharp contraction painfully tightened my stomach. I clenched my jaw tight. Someone whipped the tarp off and I let out an agonized scream. This contraction felt more intense as the pain circled my round, nonexistent waist, slicing me in two.

  Everything happened fast. Cami jumped in front to shield me from the threat. The man standing next to us stumbled back and the woman gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in surprise.

  I no longer cared. I just needed to survive another moment of sheer torture.

  “It is the female from the market,” the man said.

  “Yes, Lara. She is Roark’s bond mate,” the woman exclaimed. “Why is she here?”

  Without waiting for an answer, they both turned, looking each direction in search of something. No doubt they expected Zorvak and Roark to charge them at any moment.

  As the contraction faded, I lifted my eyes and took a good look at the two of them. It was Easi, the pregnant lady who had spoken to us in the market. Shifting my eyes, the man placed a protective hand on her back. I suspected they were bond mates.

  “Why are you hiding?” he asked.

  Cami dropped to her knees, lifted her eyes and answered, “Because Ardak is after us.”

  “Ardak!” the two cried in horror.

  Apparently Ardak was known to more than just Roark and Zorvak. Rumored to be the bastard son of Esad—Zorvak’s greatest enemy—Ardak had once been a member of the Royal Guard, but turned traitor when Zorvak was appointed leader of the planet.

  I gritted my teeth at the thought of this psycho, and when the next contraction hit, my scream was equal parts agonized and raging. I should not be hiding from a madman while in labor. I wanted a hospital, drugs, and the comfort of a bed!

  Hands gripping my shoulders, I opened my eyes to look into Cami’s intense gaze. “Lara, are you alright?”

  “Hell no, I’m in labor!” I snapped.

  “I know that,” she replied calmly, “but how bad is it?”

  “What are you talking about? It’s L..A..B..O.R!”

  “Don’t be a smartass! How far apart are your contractions?”

  I scoffed. “Give me your watch and I’ll time them.”

  Okay, I was being a smartass, but I really wanted to be in a hospital. No, that’s not even true—I needed this entire nightmare to be over, and to be home with my baby and my husband, not stuck on some alien platform in…well, actually I didn’t even know where we were at that point…with a psychopathic rebel chasing us and two confused Ulayians staring at me while I screeched every few minutes!

  “She is having her young? Here? Now?” Easi asked in a high-pitched, panic-stricken voice.

  “No, I’m performing an opera! What the hell do you think is going on?” I barked, then shrieked again as more pain rolled over me.

  “Hush, we’ll get through this together,” Cami soothed, then turned to look at the Ulayians. “Yes, it looks like she might. Unless Zorvak and Roark get here in time. Where are we anyways?”

  “We are southwest of the market near the Denian groves,” Easi replied.

  The contraction faded, and Cami helped as I crawled off the platform and took a look around. We were in some sort of residential area with a single-story white building. To me, that meant a long damn way from the mansion. To the left, there were shoulder-high yellow bushes filled with orange, oblong fruit which I supposed was called Denian fruit, or something close to that.


  Ji’si, do you know where you are?

  Apparently, we hid on someone’s transport wagon. They said we’re southwest of the market near the Denian Groves. Do you know where that is?


  Good. Come and get me, now!

  Easi grimaced; her eyes touched on the man, then Cami. “Let us get her inside before another contraction hits.”

  Cami helped me take one small step at a time as we headed for the small white, round cottage, which reminded me strangely of a Smurf mushroom home.

  “This is my mate, Qar,” Easi said. “We live near the mansion, but our family owns these groves. We came here to pick more fruit for the market.”

  Looking at Qar, I replied, “I’m Lara, and this is Cami.” Gratefully, I took a seat on an oversized plush green couch. “Thank you for helping us.”

  Cami lifted my legs, making me stretch out. Qar came back with a small pillow and placed it under my head. I had to admit, this felt much better than the transport platform thing, especially on my back.

  Cami stood at my feet pensively. Finally, she asked, “Do I need to check you?”

  I wanted to laugh. “Seriously? What do you know about delivering babies?”

  “Well,” she quipped back defensively, “do you see anyone else around to do it?”

  I scoffed and looked away. “Point well taken.”

  “May I bring you something? Water perhaps?” Qar asked, a little too enthusiastically.

  Esai smiled, answering on my behalf, “That would be great. Thank you.” As he hurried out of the room, she eased over and confessed, “He is not accustomed to this and needed an excuse to leave.”

  Cami glanced at her with a smirk. “I can tell.” When her eyes found mine, I saw the worry etched on her face. “Want me to check you?” she asked again.

  “No…” Another contraction hit fast and hard, making me wither in pain. No position made it feel better; I had to wait it out and breathe through it.

  Cami and Easi watched with uncertainty, wringing their hands until the pain slowly faded. I blew out a shaky breath and sighed.

  Finishing where I left off, I continued, “No. At least not yet. I don’t feel the need to push right now. The contractions are just painful. Very painful.”

  She swiped imaginary sweat from her brow. “Phew, that’s good.”

  Qar appeared, and just as he was placing the glass in my hand, the door slammed open and Ardak filled the entrance. The sneer on his face made me tremble with fear, and I dropped the glass onto t
he floor. Cami jumped in front of the couch, shielding me from the madman.

  Qar rushed at Ardak, who easily tossed him aside.

  “Qar!” Easi cried as she scrambled to his side.

  Even as Easi’s cries of worry could be heard in the silence, Ardak’s eyes never strayed from the two of us.

  “I have waited a long time for this moment,” Ardak growled, his eyes shifting between Cami and me. “To kill Zorvak’s bond mate is joy enough, but to have both of you, and the unborn filthy hybrid youngling too…”

  Roark! I cried, projecting my horror and terror, and biting the inside of my cheek until the metallic taste of blood came.

  Feeling Roark’s rage chased away some of the fear. Before anyone else could say or do anything, Ardak rushed at Cami, his hand circling her throat as he squeezed. I heard her gurgle for breath and knew he would kill her.

  Frantically searching, I spotted the broken glass on the floor and picked up a large shard. Lifting my arm, I slashed Ardak’s wrist with the sharp edge. Releasing Cami, she stumbled away, gasping for breath as he leapt back in astonishment against the doorframe.


  Eyes wide in pure shock, Ardak stared at me as though I was a wild beast, and then a slow menacing grin spread across his face. Slowly, he advanced and my fear came rushing back. As I took small steps backward, I watched as Cami suddenly appeared behind him with a large pot.

  “Tell me, does Roark know that he’s about to lose everything?” he asked, taking another step closer, making me retreat further.

  “He’s not.” I grinned at the same time Cami swung the pot and hit him over the head, then accidently dropped it on the floor.

  Ardak staggered, then spun around and advanced.

  “Oh, shit!” Cami backed away.

  I grabbed the pot and using all my strength and Roark’s rage, I hit him again with everything I had.

  Ardak staggered, dropped to his knees and fell face first onto the floor with a loud thud. Qar appeared beside him with a rope as I stumbled back and dropped down on the couch.

  Qar grabbed Ardak’s hands and tied them behind his back.

  “Tie it loosely around his throat and then tie the other end to the door,” Cami instructed.


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