Roark's Baby

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Roark's Baby Page 5

by Hannah Davenport

  You are doing great, ji’si.

  I’m not! I whined, tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Lara, look at me.” When my eyes landed on Roark’s, love and admiration gazed back at me. “You can do this. You can. And soon, we will see our baby.”

  My heart melted when he used the word baby.

  Cami, who had been quiet for a long time now, saddled up next to me, taking my other hand. “Chick-a-dee, you’ve got this. You’re on the home stretch now. Easy-peasy. Just another push or two and that little guy or gal will be out.”

  Roark shook his head. “I am not sure what she just said, but I concur. You are doing great.”

  Even solemn Jasok chimed in. “The head is at the entrance.”

  Another contraction built. I sucked in a deep breath, sensing Roark doing his best to take the pain from me, as he had been for over two hours; he had only succeeded in taking a little, but I knew it would have been worse without his calm presence.

  “I can do this,” I murmured.

  “Yes, you can.” Hearing Roark say those words gave me the confidence to finish it.

  “Here we go.” Holding on to each hand, I pushed with everything in me, grunting and yelling “Ahhhhh!” while bearing down.

  I felt the searing agony, then everything gave way to relief.

  A baby’s cry.

  “It is a boy!” Jasok cried, and tears flowed down my cheeks.

  After cutting the cord, Jasok held him up so we could see, then placed him on my chest. “When you expel the rest, I will heal the tear.”

  I ignored him and focused on my baby.

  “Hi there.” I smiled through the tears as intense joy erased the last several hours. His little arms flailed before he nosed my skin then opened his beautiful eyes.

  He looked just like Roark—red skin and black hair—but he also had the bluest eyes I’d ever seen.

  “He’s a big boy,” Cami said, peering down at my baby. I heard the awe in her voice. I didn’t care that we were not related by blood—she was family, and I would make sure he knew her as Aunty Cami.

  “He is, isn’t he?” I smiled down at him and tenderly added, “No wonder Mommy had a hard time giving birth.”

  I glanced up at Cami. “What do you think? Ten pounds?”

  “Yes. Or at least close to it.”

  “Jasok?” My head snapped at the concern in Roark’s voice.

  “What’s wrong?” Panic quickly spread like spilled water as I looked over my baby. I didn’t see anything obviously wrong…

  “He is so small. And his teeth…”

  I let out a relieved sigh and smiled at my baby again. “We talked about this, Roark. Human babies are not normally this big at birth, and they do not have teeth.”

  A warm heat covered the tear and the pain slowly disappeared. Jasok stood. “All finished.”

  “I don’t know what you did, but all the pain is gone!” I breathed in wonder.

  “Can I move her over to the bed?”

  I shot Roark a loving glance. His concern bled through with every word. When Jasok nodded, I kissed my baby on the top of his sweet head, then lifted him up for Roark to take. “Carry him for me, and I’ll walk.”

  “But he is so tiny…” The baby squalled, causing Roark to shrink back a little.

  “He’s your son.”

  Awkwardly, Roark wrapped his massive hands around our baby, making sure to support his head. He looked uncomfortable until the baby quieted, and then stared straight up at his Daddy. My heart melted as tears pooled, clouding my vision, before I swiped them away.

  “Let me help,” Cami said, grabbing hold of my upper arm.

  My legs trembled with each step, but with Cami’s support, I made it to the bed. Slowly, I sat down before getting comfortable. “Let me.” Cami clutched the pillow and placed it behind my back.

  The baby…

  “What are we going to name him?” I asked.

  Roark stared deeply into his son’s eyes before a knowing smile spread across his face. “His eyes are lighter than yours. They remind me of your stories about Earth.”

  Roark turned him toward me, and when I looked into his own beautiful eyes, I knew. “Skye.”

  “Skye. A fitting name for my son.”

  Cami chuckled. “I like that. It’s a good name.”

  Jasok appeared a bit pensive as he stood just behind Roark.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked anxiously.

  “Ah, I need to do a quick scan on… ah…Skye. Make sure he is indeed healthy.”

  “And check the placement of his organs?” I raised an eyebrow.

  Jasok loved discovering new things about Humans, and I knew Skye would be yet another mystery for him to solve. Not that I minded; every baby needed a good doctor and the more he knew about Skye, the better it would make me feel.

  “Yes. That way I will have a complete record for him.”

  When Roark hesitated, I wanted to laugh. He didn’t want to let go of his son! And he refused to leave his side, so when Jasok headed to the other side of the medical bay with Skye, Roark followed closely behind, watching Jasok’s every move.

  Cami sat on the edge of the bed and watched the two of them. Pulling her gaze away, she smiled. “I think you have an over-protective Daddy.”

  “Good. Skye deserves it.”

  “And so do you.”

  It felt great having Roark here to dote over his child and help me take care of him.

  That’s all I’ve ever wanted, a family… I mused dreamily.

  “Thanks.” I watched as Cami picked at the hem of her green shirt. “Have you told Zorvak yet?”

  She gave a quick shake of her head.

  “Why not?”

  Cami shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Skye cried out when Jasok placed him under the scanner, his little arms and legs flailing in the air. It made me want to run over there, pick him up and protect him from the mean doctor. I smiled just thinking about that. Jasok was far from mean. And I wasn’t about to run anywhere for a while…

  A few minutes later, Roark carried Skye back and I held my arms up, wanting to hold my baby.

  “He’s beautiful, Lara.”

  I glanced up at Cami. “Thank you.”

  Skye started rooting around on my chest and I instinctively knew what he wanted. Cami pushed up. “Jasok and I will tell the others that everything is good, and that you have a healthy baby. But we’ll let Roark tell them the details.”

  “Are there a lot of people out there?”

  “Yes,” Cami and Roark said in unison, then both of them laughed.

  “Okay, thanks Cami.”

  I watched as she headed over to Jasok and whispered something; he glanced back at me and smiled. Then the two of them walked out, leaving Roark and me alone to enjoy our baby.

  Pulling the damp, loose blue dress up to my neck, I put Skye to my breast. He immediately latched on. I ran my hand over his hair, black like his father’s, but silky like mine. Then I smiled up at Roark. “Thank you.”

  It is I who should be thanking you! He is perfect.

  Even though he’s different?



  Roark frowned. Males are not beautiful, they are handsome.

  He gently touched Skye’s back, counted his toes and then watched him suckle my breast. That is beautiful to watch.

  I think so too.

  Roark leaned in and gently kissed my lips. “I love you, ji’si.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We watched as Skye suckled, his hand constantly fisting. My eyes grew heavy and a slow, big yawn escaped. The day had been a gamut of emotions ranging anywhere from terrified, to painful, and now to the happiest I’d ever been in my life. It left me feeling exhausted.

  “You are tired.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I didn’t sleep very well last night. My back hurt, I could never get comfortable.”

  “Now we know why.” He cocked his head and narrow
ed his eyes. “You should have told me.”

  “This was your big day.”

  A smile ghosted his lips, his eyes trailing down to Skye. “Yes, it is.”

  Another yawn, my eyes grew heavy. Looking down at my baby, he was fast asleep. I drunk in his perfect little body. Five fingers, five toes, perfectly formed, plump charcoal-colored lips...

  I briefly wondered if he had a ha’us, but decided not to disturb him. It wasn’t that important.

  “You should sleep. I will take Skye and show the others. Mother is probably pacing outside right now.”

  Glancing down one more time, I kissed his little forehead and handed him over. He grunted and squirmed, but didn’t wake. “He is perfect, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  Seeing Roark holding our baby, the tenderness in his eyes made my heart melt. I didn’t have to worry, I knew he would take care of Skye, or die trying. His protectiveness shone in every fashion, from the tone of his voice to the way he held our son.

  “Rest. We will be fine.”

  “I think I will. Love you.”

  “I love you, too, ji’si.”

  Chapter Seven


  Lara wasted no time falling asleep, a testament to how hard she had worked today, even after the scare at the market and the groves. That was something to talk to her about another time.

  She still amazed me every day, and her strength rivaled any member of the Royal Guard.

  The labor pains had nearly crippled me, yet Lara kept going. I wondered vaguely if all Human females were this strong, or just my bond mate.

  Looking down at my perfect little son, a fierce protectiveness burned inside my soul. His small stature worried me a little, but I would make sure he was strong. Until then, I would kill anyone who sought to hurt him.

  When I thought about my own mother and father, a wave of sadness struck, and my chest tightened as I recalled how I had hidden them from everyone. Had they loved me as much as I loved Skye?


  Even though I had made amends, at that moment, I felt like a terrible son.

  My life had taken a new turn today. I would remain the Captain of the Royal Guard, but from this day forward, I would strive to be the best bond mate, father, and son I could possibly be.

  Holding Skye with one arm against my chest, I clutched a blanket and covered Lara from feet to neck. Always claiming that Ulaya was cold, she liked to sleep with a blanket.

  One more loving glance at my bond mate, I headed out of medical where I knew everyone would be waiting.

  As soon as I walked outside, they all crowded around me and began speaking at once. I shifted the baby so everyone could get a good look. “This is my son, Skye.”

  “He is so adorable!” Mother exclaimed. “And so small. May I hold him?”

  I did not want to give him up, but I couldn’t deny her. Reluctantly, I handed him over. Seeing the love in my mother’s eyes, the softness on her face as she snuggled Skye to her chest, unfamiliar emotions threatened to weaken my knees.

  So many times, I had seen Lara cry. I imagined that this was how she felt.

  Zorvak and Voth appeared next to me, each watching my mother with her grandson.

  I looked at Voth and without asking, he said, “It is finished.”

  I nodded, glad that I could focus on my family.

  “He looks small,” Zorvak said.

  Skye was smaller than normal new Ulayian young, so I took no offense at his comment.

  “Yes, but large for a Human,” I replied.

  “I see.”

  I watched as Cami approached my mother, whispered something, and then gently took Skye into her arms. Zorvak shifted his weight as we watched Cami smile down at the baby. When she glanced up, she caught Zorvak’s gaze with an odd look gleaming in her eyes.


  I noticed that the Ulayian couple—Easi and Qar—who had helped Lara and Cami earlier stood close by; the female approached briefly and smiled down in visible awe at Skye. Cami said something to her, and after a minute or so, wandered over until she stood in front of Zorvak.

  “Want to hold him?” she asked.

  “You are doing a fine job,” he replied smoothly.

  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.

  “I think you should hold him,” she countered in a cryptic tone.

  “And why is that?”

  She shrugged, briefly smiled down at Skye, then looked up again at Zorvak. “For practice. That way you’ll know what to do in seven months when our child is born.”

  Ulayians never turn colors but at that moment, I knew if Zorvak had been Human, he would have been “ashen white,” as Lara called it. Watching him closely, I noticed his slightly parted lips as his hands dropped to his sides.

  “Have you seen Jasok? Has he checked you over?” His voice was somewhat high-pitched until he cleared his throat.

  “No, not yet.”

  “Give Roark his son,” Zorvak said hurriedly, and Cami handed me the baby. “We need to see the healer, now.”

  He clutched her wrist and whisked her inside medical. Watching them leave until they disappeared, Voth and I both chuckled. I had just spent the last several months constantly worrying; now it was Zorvak’s turn.

  Skye cried out, and I repositioned him so I could see his face. His little eyes blinked open and I heard Voth gasp. Mother rushed over and when she looked upon his face, her hand flew to her chest.

  Voth spoke first. “Those eyes are an amazing color.”

  “They draw you in and you cannot look away,” Mother agreed.

  Dad clapped me on the back. “You did good, son.”

  Skye cried out again and I kissed his forehead. His little mouth tried to suck on my chin. I laughed, Mother smiled, and Voth said, “If he had teeth, you would be bleeding now.”

  “Yes, but according to Lara, that will not happen for several months.”

  A clamor of noise reached us first, then two little girls came racing down the corridor. Not long after our union ceremony, Zorvak had granted Ersa and the girls’ access to the mansion.

  “Did Lara have her baby? Did Lara have her baby?” Girgia yelled as she skidded to a stop. Idlon almost bumped into her.

  Ersa was visibly exasperated when she finally caught up to them. “Sorry, they were just so excited.”

  “It is fine.”

  “Is that the baby?” Girgia asked with wide round, innocent eyes.

  “Indeed, it is.”

  “Can I see? Can I see?”

  Instead of towering over them, I went to the nearest chair and gently sat down. Girgia climbed into the chair on my right, and Idlon took the one on my left. I lowered Skye to my lap.

  “Hi baby!” Girgia said, patting his hand. When Skye opened his eyes, Girgia’s mouth dropped open. “Grada, I want eyes like his! Pleeease!”

  Ersa smiled, patting her granddaughter’s head. “Your eyes are beautiful too.”

  Idlon gently stroked the top of Skye’s head.

  “How is Lara?” Ersa asked, a tread of concern laced in her words.

  “Sleeping. She had a most difficult day.”

  “But she is well?”

  “She is.” Silently, I touched her mind to make sure she still slept, if only to reassure myself.

  “That is good.”

  Ersa never said, but I knew that she had worried about Lara for many months. Most Ulayian females opted for a home delivery; Ersa’s daughter had been one of them, and she died giving birth to Idlon.

  Looking down at Skye while the girls doted over him, I never knew how one small baby could change my entire life. And he did it in a matter of minutes. I would protect him until he grew old enough, and then I would train him myself.

  His little sky-blue eyes locked with mine and I knew that I would give my life for him and his mother. They were both mine.

  After allowing everyone to visit with Skye, I went back inside medical, only to find Lara still asleep. I stood
watching her, and sensing my presence, she slowly blinked her eyes open and smiled.

  “You need to rest more.”

  She reached her arms out and I handed Skye over. She snuggled him to her chest. “I can’t rest here.”

  “Let me check with Jasok and see how long you need to stay.”

  Just as I was about to search for the healer, the door slid open and Jasok walked in with a huge grin on his face.

  Lara sat up a little in the bed, repositioning to cradle him in her arms. “When can I go home?”

  Standing next to the bed, Jasok grabbed his scanner and said, “Let me make sure everything is healed, then you can be on your way.”

  “Really?” Lara asked, surprised.

  “Yes. Why? Are things different on Earth?”

  “You could say that…” she mumbled.

  As Jasok wheeled over the machine, I took Skye from Lara and snuggled him against my chest.

  A few beeps and chirps later, Jasok said, “Everything looks good. I would like to examine you and your baby tomorrow, but for now, you can go home.”

  Lara smiled, lighting up the entire room.

  “Let me see if I can stand,” she said, swinging her legs around and dangling them before testing her weight. “A little weak, but I’m good.”

  “Are you certain?” I asked.


  With one hand securely holding Skye against my chest, his tiny face nuzzled against my neck, I wrapped my other arm around Lara. Taking our time, we found Mother and Father, Ersa and the girls, Cami and Zorvak, and even Easi and Qar still waiting outside.

  “You are all invited over to the apartment,” I said, then added, “Tomorrow, that is. Lara needs to rest today.”

  With rosy cheeks, Cami grinned up at Zorvak and shared a look that I now understood.

  As we neared, Cami blocked our path. “I got you something, she said to Lara, and then handed her a small box.

  Lara looked down at the pastel pink satin box, opened it, and her eyes widened. She quickly looked up at Cami, who was grinning.

  “Oh my God Cami!” Lara exclaimed. “You shouldn’t have!”

  “Why not? You deserve it,” Cami replied.

  Peering over Lara’s shoulder I saw a delicate and elegant necklace with a Pulse jewel. Lara stepped out from under my arm to embrace Cami.


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