Lush Seduction

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Lush Seduction Page 6

by Layla Arts

  She smiled and showed me her middle finger.

  “I prefer if you keep these compliments to yourself.”

  I stood up and walked over to Vicky. She was standing still, and I stood behind her. That was the most remarkable part about having Andrea; she was Russian and could care less about all the actions that happened inside the office. Andrea has seen some things the employees commonly didn’t see.

  I laid my hands on Vicky's arms and calmly pushed them down to her side. I went up to her shoulders and started to massage her.

  “You can relax,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Hadrian.” She objected.


  The longer we stood here, the more composed Vicky became. I liked the effect I had on her with just a modest touch. I knew I that I'd have some type of effect on her.

  I bet she felt the tension too, and perhaps, even longed for me the same way I wanted her. While my fingers moved over her skin tantalizingly, I stared at the back of her neck. She had put her hair in a bun earlier. Now, a couple of birthmarks were visible. I had never seen someone with many birthmarks on the back of their neck. I thought it was adorable.

  Then Vicky stepped away from my movement. “I think it’s better if Andrea gets my costume done,” she told me and gestured Andrea to get this over as soon as possible.

  I didn’t know why she pulled away from my touch. I mean, didn’t she feel any sort of electricity between the two of us? I unquestionably did.

  I cleared my throat rapidly and walked over to the chair behind my desk. I sat down and kept my eyes on Vicky. Sadly, she had no intentions of facing me. It was beyond frustrating to know she didn’t give in that smoothly. I started to doubt whether I was doing the right thing.

  Why are you even questioning yourself? She should feel honored to have you, my subconscious told me. That was completely correct.

  I always treated women like this. It continually worked, so there was nothing to worry about.

  So I stood up and got back to Vicky. Even though she didn’t look me straight in the eyes, I knew she followed every movement through the office. Perhaps, I even saw her shifting uncomfortably on her spot. Before she knew it, I was again behind her. The sweet scent of her body made me crave her right away. I brought my hands back to her neck and touched her skin more tenderly. This time, she didn’t wave me off. Personally, this gave me the confirmation that she wanted to feel my skin on hers.

  My thoughts were hastily pushed aside when I felt my body heatened up because Vicky moaned a bit too loud.

  “Oh my fucking God!“ Vicky said, and I heard her smack her hand against her mouth. “I didn't do that!” She exclaimed quickly. My hands let her skin go, and she stepped a meter away from me. Vicky almost tripped, because of Andrea being kneeled to write down the measurements.

  I snickered at her sudden reaction. Obviously, I would have loved to hear that again. “Admit it, Vicky. You moaned for me.” I encouraged her.

  “I am not going to talk to you about what just happened! And we better forget it right now.”

  “Like I am going to forget that.” I rolled my eyes. Hopefully, she understood this would forever be carved in my memory.

  “Don't be such a dick.”

  “Now I’m a dick out of nowhere. You were the one who moaned when I touched you.”

  “I would rather hear you using the words ‘massaged you’.” She corrected me.

  I laughed. “Oh Vicky, you're a hilarious girl.” I stepped closer. “But I am not going to forget this, and we both know that. Anyways, I can't wait to hear your sizes from Andrea.” I winked. She realized that I was talking about her bra-size. I started to laugh aloud when I saw Vicky burying her head in her hands. When she exposed her face again, I saw her looking at me with a displeased expression.

  “You're a peculiar man,” she stated.

  “I know, that is why girls want me,” I admitted proudly.

  “They want you?” She scoffed.

  “Sure, they want me.”

  “They don't want you. They want your money, Hadrian. You are one of the richest guys in Los Angeles – of course, they are after your money. You can purchase the most expensive things. Whether they have big boobs or are ridiculously smart, they are after your bank account.”

  I stayed silent, and I noticed we were a few inches away from each other's lips.

  “I am done, sir.” I heard Andrea say in her horrendous Russian/English accent.

  “Thank you, Andrea.” I took the extra paperwork from her and shoved it safely in the dresser of my wooden desk. “You will get paid as soon as possible.”

  I walked back to my chair and sat behind my desk. I grabbed a pile of important files – I needed to do other things than preparing the club for the show. After a long time, the Empire would be open again. Summer break was over, so many people were back in Los Angeles to be entertained.

  “Is there anything else I need to do?”

  I hadn't thought about Vicky, who was still standing there in her underwear. I could hardly keep my eyes away from her beautiful body, but I had to.

  I took a swig from the bottle of scotch.

  “No, you can go.” I dismissed her bitterly

  “Oh,” she said.

  I heard Vicky taking her clothes from the couch and putting them on. She struggled slightly with her shoes.

  “Did you want to stay?” I wondered.

  “No,” She immediately responded. “I thought you wanted something else. But I'll see you tomorrow then.” Vicky walked to the door and already opened it. “Have a good day, Hadrian.”

  “You too, Vicky.”

  She closed the door firmly behind herself.

  I noticed in her eyes that she wasn't done with me yet, and thankfully I wasn't with her.

  Nonetheless, I didn’t know if she wanted to stay longer or not. She said no, but I knew there was something behind it. Her words were still in my head, and they were on repeat.

  They don't want you. They want your money, Hadrian.

  I owned a huge amount of money, and I could practically buy everything I wanted. I stroked my hand through my hair out of frustration.

  I knew these girls wanted me because I was wealthy and gorgeous. I could hardly say I was a hideous twat who walked around. Yet I never thought about having a proper relationship with any of those women. They were ghastly creatures, and just mostly suitable for a simple night.

  My head shot up when I heard the door from the office going open.

  “Meet me tonight at eight at V's Café. Same booth, same coffee.” Vicky said and closed the door again.


  Vicky West

  “You're insane!” Kent exclaimed.

  “I'm not, thank you very much,” I said and followed him from the other side of the counter. “It's just a small talk with Hadrian because I want to know what goes on in his brain.”

  “I am not going to serve coffee to an asshole.”

  “It's your job.”

  Kent stopped in his track and turned around to gaze at me. “So what? Why are you asking me out all of the employees?”

  “Because you're my friend, Kent,” I said seriously. “You know about all the crap with Hadrian, so why not help me out?” I asked him lovingly.

  I knew Kent didn't want to do something for Hadrian Smith, and I understood that very well. But at the same time, Hadrian and I were just going to have an ordinary chitchat at the same booth he sat yesterday. After today, I needed to apologize for speaking so discordantly to him about his money. Not that he was allowed to touch me – Yet I didn’t object.

  I could hardly blame him for it. I should’ve said something about it.

  “What about Clarity?”

  “She doesn't know.”

  “Well, it is time that she does.”

  “Kent, wait!” I ran after him. “I can't tell Clarity this. She only knows that I have been back working at the Empire, but that's it. Besides her, I also can't ask Veronica to
do this before she is going to think Hadrian and me are practically engaged!” I spoke dramatically. “Do you get what I am saying?”

  Kent sighed heavily. “Fine,” he grumbled, and I thanked him cheerfully. “You owe me.”

  “I know, Kent. I owe you a lot.”

  After I finished work, I could finally change into my normal attire. I strolled into the staff bathroom and locked the door behind me. I stripped out of my dress from work and took a white shirt with ripped blue skinny jeans out of it. I put on my short black boots and got out of the bathroom.

  I went to my private locker and placed my bag inside, safely.

  I glanced at my watch and saw that it was already a few minutes past eight. I quickly pulled my hair back to make a ponytail of my black wavy hair and went back inside the café. I searched for the same booth promptly and saw Hadrian already sitting there from a distance. He was observing everything in the café. I smiled gingerly and approached him.

  “Hi,” I greeted him.

  He saw me standing, and a genuine smile appeared on his face. “Hey,” he replied.

  “Have you already ordered?”

  “Not yet, I was waiting for you.”

  “I will get us some coffee then,” I inclined, and he nodded his head.

  I made my way over to the counter and saw Kent already shooting me an unhappy glare. I sat on the bar chair, and he stumbled towards me with an empty tray. “Black coffee, again?” He asked mockingly.

  “And one with milk and sugar.” I pushed my eyebrows down as I kept my focus on Kent. “What's wrong?” I questioned teasingly.

  “Well, Hadrian Smith is watching you the whole freaking time. I think he might be obsessed with you, Vicks.” I sneered shortly before I realized he was being absolutely serious. “It looks like he only sees you in this café.”

  “That's not true. It is because he only knows me and this is only his second time here at V's Café.”

  Kent placed the two cups of coffee on the tray and shoved it to me. I didn't need Kent to bring it over to us since I could easily walk on my own – not that Kent even wanted to bring us our order. I thanked him, but unfortunately, Kent didn't let me go without a simple warning again. I appreciated how protective Kent was, but he didn't need to warn me about Hadrian every second of the day. We were just going to have a simple chat because I was curious. Something which I’m known for.

  “The coffee.” I placed the tray on the table. I sat back in the same spot as yesterday and wrapped my hands around my cup. Hadrian had already taken his, and was determined to take a quick sip before talking. I placed the tray out of sight so we wouldn't have that stupid plastic thing between us.

  “I need to apologize for my rude comment earlier.”

  “Which one?” Hadrian joked around.

  “I'm serious, Hadrian. It was kind of rude to say people were only hanging out with you because of the amount of money you have. I know you're wealthy, but I didn't need to say that.”

  “It's okay, Vicky. I know how things work in this business, and I know people are very fond of my money. But I only have sex with people for one night, so there is never going to be a relationship with them. They don't have the brains.”

  “I don't need to know about your sex life, Hadrian.” I made it clear forthwith.

  “One day you're going to be a part of it,” he whispered.

  I laughed and shook my head in disagreement. “Anyways, what about your life?” I held my cup in my hands.

  “You're interested in me?” Hadrian asked, and then laughed. “Oh, you really are. I guess this is the part that I ask you what you want to know?”

  “How did you get the Empire?”

  Hadrian leaned back with his body against the booth. He bit his lip and thought for a while. Perhaps he didn't want to tell me this? He rested his face on the palm of his hand. His eyes were staring intensively into mine. At one point, I noticed I was leaning further toward him. Just his way of staring made me even more partial to his story.

  “My grandfather owned the Empire before me. I always walked around, following my grandfather to every room. I was overwhelmed by the success he had, and I wanted to have it too. The way my grandfather lived his life made me jealous of him. Not in an obsessive way, but I thought he was an extraordinary man. It felt like every evening there was a party at the Empire, and everyone was willing to join it when they had the chance. I was 19 years old when my grandfather passed away. That’s when I inherited the club. I was finally able to feel powerful. Everything he once owned was given to me.”

  He blew against the surface of his drink.

  “I fired most employees who were too old. I hired new dancers, and I felt complete. I had everything I wanted: the club, money, power and obviously, women.” Hadrian shrugged. “ I had achieved everything that I wanted.” Hadrian cleared his throat before going further. “Not that I had to add much to the club itself. It has always looked luxurious and one of a kind.” Hadrian was silent for a few seconds, unintentionally. “Then everything went rather downhill. My father never understood why his father didn't want to give him the club. He felt underappreciated in some kind of way. However, it had always been definite to us that he wouldn’t be able to run a club. My father was frightful when it came to owning authority.” Hadrian broke our eye contact and stared out of the window. “Having said that, death came sooner than we expected. He had an accident at work with a machine. He was suddenly gone at the age of 46.”

  “I'm sorry, Hadrian. That's awful,” I spoke.

  “Don't be sorry,” He assured me. “It was seven years ago, so I am okay.”

  I finished my coffee and stared at Hadrian. He had these wonderful forest-colored eyes, I had never observed them in any kind of way for a long time. He had small bags under his eyes as well, but not because of being tired; it just was a feature of him. I stopped at his lips, which were plump and kissab-

  “You should stop doing that.” I got pulled out of my daydream when Hadrian spoke.

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Licking your lips.”

  “Oh,” I muttered. “How do you know I do that?”

  “I have spent a numerous amount of days with you, Vicky. Of course, I am going to see the little things you do.” Hadrian spoke matter-of-factly. “But now that we have talked about me, what is your life like?”

  I snickered briefly. “Not very special since I have moved to Los Angeles. I lived in Texas my whole life, but I couldn't live there anymore – I really wanted to work at the Empire. You see, I’ve had this dream for years. I wanted to dance at the Empire so I could entertain people. And when I heard the Empire was having an audition day, I moved to Los Angeles.”

  “Seriously?!” he asked, purposefully loud.


  “You really love doing this, huh?”

  “Yes.” I beamed a smile.

  “Most people come to the Empire because they know I work there,” Hadrian said while looking down for a bit. “It's wonderful to see someone with passion for their job. Nowadays, you don’t see that very often.”

  “What’s living here in Los Angeles like?”

  At this moment, I have lived here for a few weeks, but I had never done anything else other than work my ass off to pay all the bills. Money didn't appear when you needed it, so I had to do everything I could. And with the job at the Empire, I could finally spend my money on other things than the rent for my apartment.

  “Well,” he started and changed his sitting position. He was comfortably perched against the booth. “Los Angeles is a pretty hectic city. There are numerous parties, people who want to make deals with you and women who keep chasing you as puppies.” He clarified nonchalantly.

  “They're not the only puppy.” I joked. Somewhat.

  “Very funny, Vicky,” Hadrian spoke sarcastically, and I couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping my mouth. “I mostly go to a party for the free alcohol and food.” Hadrian held his hands up in defense.
br />   “I think you aren’t the only one who does. Tell me more about the people from LA.”

  A smile crept onto his face.

  “Before we go further, we need more coffee.” Hadrian held his hand up.

  And to my surprise, I saw Kent not looking so satisfied with me.

  I heard the most awful stories, but also funny ones. I never imagined that some people offered Hadrian to have sex with their wives, so their sex life would be exciting again – people from Los Angeles really did the weirdest things.

  Because Hadrian took a bottle of wine back home from every party, he decided to build a wine cellar.

  “They're too drunk to notice, Vicky,” Hadrian said to me with a laugh. “They wouldn't care about that.”

  “I would!” I exclaimed. “You just don't steal from people.”

  “They can buy thousands of new bottles, it doesn't matter if they lose one.” Hadrian shrugged. “My favorite part is when they visit you – and you drink a glass of wine together – they do not notice it is a bottle from the day before.”

  Hadrian and I looked at the side of the table – I locked eyes with Kent.

  “We are closing,” Kent announced coldly.

  “Sure, we will go,” I told him. I shoved myself out of the booth. I took the tray with the cups back to the counter. I placed them neatly on it and searched for money. I paid for the six cups of coffee we ordered together.

  “I will see you tomorrow, okay?” I asked Kent.

  “Sure.” He muttered, but he grasped my wrist when I wanted to walk off. “Look out for yourself,” he whispered to me before he left to the kitchen.

  I saw Hadrian moving towards me. “I need to get my bag,” I said quickly and walked to the lockers. I took my bag and saw that Hadrian was still standing on the same spot. His hands were in his pocket, and when I stood next to him, I felt Hadrian escorting me out of the café with his hand on my lower back.

  “I can bring you home if you want,” Hadrian suggested, pointing at his car.

  My mouth was doubtlessly open since I looked at his luxurious car. It was a blue Bentley Mulsanne. The interior was beige, and I couldn't take my eyes off this gorgeous car. This must've cost a fortune.


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