Free From Eden

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Free From Eden Page 4

by T. Cobbin

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror after putting on the pink, lacy bra and panties, she held the dress up in front of her. Her face was lit up like a star in the night; her freckles were just as bright, showing her delighted emotion. Placing the dress over her head, she held her arms in the air and watched the material float over her skin. It stopped just above her knees, splaying out with the stiff material. She squealed in delight, watching the skirt flare out around her as she twirled.

  “Hey, you okay?” Alex’s panicked voice came through the door.

  She opened the door, walked the few steps into his arms, and kissed him with a passion she felt all the way to her bones. “Yes. This is thrilling. Look.” She moved away from him and twirled again, making the dress swirl around her.

  He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her in so close she could feel the heat rolling off his body. “Honey, I think you look good in anything.” His lips covered hers and his tongue thrust into her mouth.

  With a moan she joined him in a heated kiss that sent electric shocks through her body. Blimey, this man could kiss. Her pussy became wet and her nipples stiffened into tiny bullets. She could feel his rock hard cock through his jeans. Satisfaction ran through her that this fine specimen of a man wanted her. Not just to have babies for testing, not even for procreation, this man wanted inside her merely because he liked her.

  A knock at the door made them part. Brewster entered and looked between them with a frown that turned into a smile.

  “The two of you look like you’ve been caught with your hands in the cookie jar.” He chuckled. “I came to tell you the plan is ready and in place.”

  “I’m so excited I’m not sure I can do this,” she said, trying to remain calm.

  “You can do this. Breathe deep. Send your senses out like before, reach out to the front of the hospital and feel all those people out there.”

  Knowing she had to stay calm, she sent her senses out, through the ward, expanding out past the canteen and various departments. Something caught her attention. A small woman, Lulu recognized her scent but couldn’t place it, so she moved past her and toward the outskirts of the hospital.

  It hit her like a bolt of pain running through her head. She withdrew and found herself curled up on the floor, rocking in between Alex’s arms.

  “Crap,” she whispered. “It hurts.”

  “Calm, sweetheart, I have you, I’ve got you. What is it? Tell me, let me try to help.”

  Lulu’s pain began to dissipate. She could feel a fine layer of sweat against her skin as she slowed her rocking down.

  “She’s here!” she managed to cry out. Her heart was pounding with fear. She never thought she would see or feel any of their energies again. Just as she was about to be free of this place, one half of her wanted to curl up in a ball and stay that way, while the other half wanted to run as fast and as far away as she could.

  “Who’s here?” Alex asked.


  “Are you sure, Miss Lulu?” Brewster’s voice came from behind her.

  She turned toward him and nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. I recognized her scent. It’s Henrietta—she was one of the lead scientists at Eden. She was the one who, after discovering I didn’t have abilities like telekinesis, thought that I wasn’t as worthy as some of the others. She was also the one who made the decision to impregnate me. I may not have had the ability to move things with my mind, but I heard a lot more than those scientists thought.”

  Brewster pulled a phone from his pocket and began to bark orders into it. She heard him tell whoever was on the other end to put the man and woman who were outside of the ward on high alert. They were to now stand outside her door with strict instructions that no one was allowed to enter without permission and each nurse and doctor’s ID were to be checked before entrance.

  Alex brought Jerry inside the room, then returned to her side and wrapped his arms around her again.

  “Do you think you could find her again?” Brewster asked her gently. “I don’t wish to cause you pain, my dear, but if she is out there she is here for a reason.”

  Wiping the tears from her face and relaxing into Alex’s arms, she closed her eyes and began searching around the hospital. Reaching out into as many places as she could, she finally picked up the woman’s scent.

  “She’s walking out of a side door, pushing some kind of trolley, heading toward a small van, it has an oil leak. There’s a man with her, and he’s sweating profusely.” Pausing a moment, she managed to get a picture of the man in her head. “He’s afraid of her. She speaks to him harshly, and he cowers. He’s armed. He has a gun in the back of his trousers.”

  “Can you tell us which side door, Lulu?” Alex asked, still holding her close to his body.

  She pointed to the side of the hospital where Henrietta was now climbing into the van after packing the trolley into it.

  “She’s leaving.” Lulu pulled back and looked up into Alex’s worried eyes. She lifted her hand and ran it along his cheek then placed a light kiss on his lips. “She’s gone,” she whispered. “I want to go now please.” The small amount of safety she had felt in the hospital was gone. She felt exposed, and the place felt dirty somehow.

  Alex looked at Brewster with a concerned expression. “You think we can do it now?” he asked.

  “Yes, it would seem the lady has left the grounds, so if we move fast, I think we might be okay.”

  “Let me go wash my face and I’ll be ready.” Lulu pulled herself from Alex’s arms, suddenly full of excitement, and went to the bathroom. She could hear the men talking but didn’t pay much attention to it. She was finally leaving this place!

  Chapter 7

  Alex and Brewster had walked out the front of the hospital as if it were an everyday thing, making the necessary diversion for Lulu to leave the hospital unseen by a side entrance. She was laid on a trolley, a blanket tucked up to her chin with an oxygen mask covering and hiding her face. She was pushed into a waiting ambulance by two armed men in paramedic uniforms. Once the doors slammed closed she breathed a sigh of relief.

  When one of the men gave her the all-clear she sat up, pulling the mask off her face. She grinned at the man she’d been introduced to as Matthew who was sitting in the back with her.

  “We did it,” she squealed.

  The bloke’s face lit up, showing off two deep dimples in his cheeks. The driver’s door shut and they pulled out of the hospital grounds.

  A few miles down the road, once they knew the ambulance wasn’t being followed, the vehicle stopped and she was led to a black SUV with tinted windows. The next length of the journey would be to Alex’s. She felt alone during the trip. Another two armed men were in the front seats, but they didn’t say much.

  She couldn’t wait to see Alex again. She would also be meeting his parents, which would be nerve-wracking, but after everything he had told her about them she was sure she’d be greeted with open arms. For the next hour she watched the scenery change over and over until she saw nothing but city buildings that reached the sky. Tall skyscrapers she’d only seen in books rose high above her. The sun glinted off the windows as they went past, giving them a magical look.

  The car began to slow and then entered an underground car park. Her heart thundered and her body hummed with excitement. Pulling to a stop by some silver elevator doors, one of the armed men got out and opened her door, and she saw Alex. To her he looked like the knight in shining armor she had always dreamed of. He was wearing a crisp, white shirt and tight jeans. She could smell the cleaning soap drifting off his clothes mixed with his manly scent.

  “Mmm, you smell good.” She giggled, rushing into his waiting arms.

  “You, my love, are a sight for sore eyes.”

  He lifted her chin from his chest with his forefinger and lowered his head down to hers. He kissed her with such passion she felt like they had been apart for days not hours.

  “Ready to see your new home?” he asked. “My par
ents wanted to be here to meet you. I had to virtually beg them to wait. But I can guarantee that they’re watching us right now with grins on their faces.” He pointed to the right of the elevator doors. She turned to see a small tinted globe buried in the ceiling. She knew it was a camera as she’d seen plenty of them in Eden.

  A ding sounded and the elevator doors opened. Walking into the lift, Alex looped his arm around her waist and pressed the button to go up.

  “Brewster asked me to tell you that he will pop in this evening to make sure all is well. They paid a mighty donation to the hospital to keep your room vacant for a few more days, so unless someone opens their mouths we should be in the clear for a while.” He pulled her in close. “You’ll be safe here, honey. This is the only lift that leads to our apartment and it’s key coded.” He flapped a white card in his hand then slipped it into his pocket. “There are also two emergency stairwells that lead to the roof and down, but again, both need a card. No one will get in.” He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “I have you now, my pretty. Mwahaha.” He kissed her, drawing back when the doors pinged and opened.

  Turning her head away from him, she giggled then looked straight into the same dark blue eyes that Alex had—his father. He was a tall, stern looking man with a thin mustache. His hair was gray, short but curly. Lulu stood stock-still, taking him in, then looked to his right to see a gleaming smile on a woman not much smaller than him. She wore a string of pearls around her neck, her black hair was shoulder length, and her rosy, plump cheeks gave her a friendly look. The woman’s eyes beamed with delight.

  “Stop frightening the poor girl,” she said, poking her husband in the ribs with her elbow.

  Lulu moved her gaze back over to Alex’s father. He too smiled, amusement filling his eyes, and she relaxed a little. They were both dress impeccably smart. Lulu suddenly felt very self-conscious.

  She looked up at Alex, who nodded and walked forward with his hand at the small of her back, pushing her gently forward.

  “Mum, Pop, this is Lulu.” He shook his father’s hand warmly and hugged his mother.

  “Hello, Lulu. I’m Josephine, and this is Jack. We are mighty pleased to meet you, young lady. Alex has done nothing but rave about you for weeks now.” Josephine smiled and pulled her into a hug then led her to the living area with the men following behind them.

  Josephine showed her around the apartment while the men chatted. The apartment was stunning. The living area was all open plan, and each wall had floor-to-ceiling windows; she swore she could see the whole of London out of them. A hallway led to three bedrooms and an office. There was a huge bathroom with a claw-foot tub and a shower big enough to fit a few people in at once. Lulu had never had a bath before. At Eden they’d always taken showers and they only had an allotted amount of time. She’d been taught how to swim in a long, single length of a pool but had never laid down in a bed of warm, soapy water and just chilled.

  Lulu looked around in awe. This place was like a palace. Knowing she was going to be staying there was a dream come true. Each of the bedrooms had a king-size, four-poster bed in it. She wanted to run and dive on one just to see if they were as soft as they looked. She and Alex had yet to discuss where she would be sleeping. The rooms were a lot larger than what she had been living in all her life. In fact, she could probably fit three of her rooms into one of these. It was a bit daunting.

  Josephine was a sweet woman. She was polite and well-spoken, but as Lulu listened to the stories she told of Alex growing up she could see a cheeky side to her too. It would seem something called April Fool’s Day was her favorite day of the year besides Christmas. After receiving a brief explanation of Christmas Lulu thought that might end up being her favorite day.

  Alex’s father Jack wasn’t as stern as he looked. He was eager to find out as much detail as possible about Eden. He had his fingers in all kinds of things and was interested in how a company or complex had been hidden from the public, and even the government, for so long. After about an hour though Lulu began to get tired and asked to be excused. Being around people, even Alex and his parents, for this amount of time made her head ache.

  “Alex, I know we have to be careful, but is there any way I can go outside for a bit like we did at the hospital?”

  He stood and held his hand out, nodding to his parents. Standing, she took his hand.

  He led her to a room filled with books. She gasped at the sheer volume of them. “Oh my, so many.”

  “Come on.” He chuckled. “Let me show you something first. You have plenty of time to explore this room later.”

  Alex pulled on a lever and a bookcase shelf slid behind another one, revealing an iron staircase looping upward. Still holding onto her hand, he led her up to the roof where someone had built a small garden area, which was filled with flowers and sunshine. Trellises of flowers lined three walls and a low bearing wall, so nothing could be seen from outside. The scent from the mixture of blooms was intensely sweet. Breathing in the air, Lulu could feel the stress of the day drifting away with the wind.

  “My parents added the staircase not long after they moved in. My mother had it hidden because she wanted some place that others wouldn’t know about. Just a family thing. The garden can only be seen from the towers over there.” He pointed to a tall building in the distance. “Once she had the trellises installed she actually had someone go over there with a scope to make sure this place was secret from prying eyes. After my kidnapping my mother and I used this garden a lot. Both of us worried if I went out there would be another attempt. We spent hours talking for the first time in years.”

  “I’m not surprised, Alex, you were nearly killed. I’m glad you found a way to reconnect with her.” Lulu turned in his arms and held her hand against his bristly cheeks. “Your parents adore you, I can see it so clearly. I have always wished for someone to love me like that. All those years it was the only hope I ever had.”

  “You do now, I knew it from the first moment I saw you.”

  Her heart melted. With a smile, she went to peruse the garden.

  In the middle of the grassed area was a circular garden set of cushioned benches with a small table in the center, fairy lights hung from the beams above it. In a corner near a flowerbed was a huge hammock where someone could lay in the shade and read.

  “Oh, I so want to try that out one day if I’m allowed,” she murmured.

  “Sweetheart, this is to be your home, there isn’t any allowed. If you want to do something, then you can do it whenever you want.”

  “It’s still hard to believe I can do that.”

  “I won’t say I know how it feels to never have the freedom to do something without permission, but it will come to you. One day you’ll do something and not even realize you’ve not told or asked anyone.” He cocked his head at her and held her face. “You’re free.”

  It was hard to believe that. She might be out of Eden, but she was still trapped in the apartment to an extent.

  “Do you think the press and all those people will give up one day and leave us alone?”

  “I’m not sure, but we can hope. Anyway, who gives a crap? We can still go out for shopping and day trips. Brewster has allowed us a few armed guards if we need them, but I’ve been dealing with the press for so long I am quite adapt at vanishing before their eyes.”

  She noticed a round tub of water in one corner of the garden. “What’s a bath doing outside?” she whispered, afraid to sound stupid for asking.

  “That’s a hot tub. Come see.” He dragged her over and pressed a few buttons on a panel on the wall. The tub came to life, whirling the water around through jets on each of the sides, sending bubbles and foam floating about. She slid a hand into the warm water and loved the feeling.

  “A hot tub?”

  Alex let go of her hand and began stripping down to his underwear. Her face heated at seeing so much of his skin. Oh boy, what a body he had—athletic muscles, tanned skin, and that little brush of hair that
slid down to his tented shorts. Quickly, she lifted her gaze and her eyes met his, which seemed to sparkle with amusement. Caught again! With a shrug of his shoulders he stepped into the water.

  “Come on, get in with me.” He slid into the water, and it whirled around his body as he sunk down. His long arms laid spread out along the edge and he dropped his head back, looking up in the sky briefly before closing his eyes.

  Excitement flitted over her again. Lifting her dress up and over her shoulders, she popped her shoes off, climbed over the edge of the tub, and slid into the warm water. Following Alex, she spread her arms out and dropped her head backward, closing her eyes.

  Her senses took over. The scent from the flowers drifted over and around her, and with it being slightly windy, it brought with it sounds and scents from the city. She could take off from here and travel as far as her ability could take her. One day she was going to try that, but for now she wanted to explore her sexual side with Alex.

  Chapter 8

  Licking her lips, Lulu climbed onto Alex’s lap, straddling him. His hands curled around her waist, pulling her close.

  “I’m not sure where to go from here,” she said. “As you know, I’ve only had one experience, but I was what they call in heat. They gave Mark something that gave him a chemical tinge when he kissed me. From all of the sex lessons we were taught as a child I knew a man had to be aroused, but I didn’t have to touch him at all. I didn’t want to touch him. My body just wanted one thing, and received it. But this is different, Alex. I want you with a passion because I have come to care, to love you. Not because you have done this...” She spread her hands out to the garden. “Not because you brought me here, or what you can give me, but because you patiently waited for me. You wanted to know me, not where I came from or what I can do, but me. You are my knight in shining armor, you rescued me. Tell me please what I mean to you.”


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