Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 2

by Jodie Halliday

  To her surprise he replied within 5 minutes and they had a ten minute exchange of news and a discussion as to why he was awake. Ricky explained what was happening at work and the need to liaise with staff around the world, so on that Friday he was sleeping in late and working through until the early hours of Saturday morning. Holly wished him a good night and after what she thought was the last message she saw another from him: delivery for you tomorrow around 5. Hope u can be there to receive. She simply sent an OK back to him, wondering what he might have sent her from Germany. She ate the cookies while going through her email and catching up with world news but she was still hungry and decided that as it was now eight o’clock it was time for dinner. She pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs, startled to see Suzy, also in a dressing gown, at the cooker. She hadn’t heard her go down the stairs even though she had made hardly any noise in her room over the past hour.

  “Suzy, how’s it going?” asked Holly. She dumped the remaining cold coffee down the sink.

  “Oh, OK thanks,” she replied without looking up from her simmering saucepan. Her short, dark hair was a mess and she looked like she had been crying. Holly opened her cupboard and saw that the coffee which she had bought less than two hours ago had been opened.

  “Suzy, I don’t mind you borrowing my stuff but I would like it replaced now and then.” Suzy nodded, then shook her head and sobbed quietly, trying valiantly to hide it. “Suzy, is everything ok?”

  “I’m sorry Holly, I just..” she stuttered, gasping for a breath. “I just don’t have the energy to go out.”

  “Suzy, what happened? When you moved in you were full of beans!”

  Suzy stared at the saucepan then looked up at Holly. Her eyes were red, swollen and streak marks from tears lined her cheeks. Her whole appearance was a far cry from the healthy, exuberant and pretty young girl who had moved in less than two months’ ago. “It’s just all gone wrong, just so wrong!”

  “Hey, go and sit in the lounge, I’ll bring coffees and we can chat,” said Holly, taking the wooden spoon from her hand. Suzy slumped away to the lounge and Holly followed her a little later with two hot mugs. She next to Suzy on the sofa and turned to her. Suzy took a sip from hers and placed it back on the coffee table. “Is the course still going OK?”

  Suzy shook her head. “I failed physiology, like the most basic part of the whole course,” said Suzy, sobbing again. “I have to retake it in four weeks and if I fail this time I’m out.”

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry,” said Holly, putting her arm around her shoulders. She pulled her against her, conscious that they both had dressing gowns on and Suzy, like her, most likely had nothing on underneath.

  “I can’t think, can’t eat, can’t even get out of bed!”

  “Because you failed the exam?”

  Suzy was quietly crying but didn’t answer immediately, She sipped her coffee then breathed in deeply, leaning her head on Holly’s shoulder and staring at the blank TV. “No, I broke up with my girlfriend.”

  Holly’s heart thudded in her chest. She had absolutely no idea that Suzy was into girls and the thought shocked her, not because she was cuddling a girl with lesbian tendencies, but because she realised that during the screening interview she had asked if she had a boyfriend and Suzy had answered ‘no’ which Holly had thought was a good answer. She had never thought to ask about girlfriends. “I’m sorry Suzy,” said Holly quietly.

  “Been together for over a year. Moving here was supposed to give us some space, time to think. She just dumped me. I just can’t even sleep properly anymore,” she said, her body shaking from the emotion of the memories and her stream of tears. “If I fail I’ll have to go home, and my parents will put me to work in their stupid hardware store. They’ll remind me every freaking day that I didn’t make the grade, just like they predicted.” Suzy burst into a fresh round of tears, sobbing violently on the sofa, sniffing and breathing heavily as the pain coursed through her body. Holly hugged her a little closer and glanced out of the window at the street lights and houses opposite. As she leaned forward for her coffee she caught sight of the girl’s left breast, peeking a little from between the folds of her gown. It looked similar or a little larger than her own; young, pert, with a relaxed but clearly defined nipple. She slipped her arm off Suzy’s shoulder and pulled her own gown tighter.

  “I tell you what. Have something to eat tonight and try to get some sleep. I’m going to the gym tomorrow and I can get you in on a guest pass. We can also do some shopping but I need to be back here around five o’clock as I’m expecting a delivery,” said Holly, smiling at her.

  “Really? You’d do that?”

  “Sure, it will help take your mind off her, right?” said Holly, nodding. “Then you can start thinking again about your coursework.”

  “Thanks, and I’m so sorry about your food, I just don’t have the energy to get out anymore.” She was still sobbing but wiped her nose with her hand, unconcerned about the sniff which accompanied it.

  “OK, let’s go to the shops in the morning at about ten, then after lunch we can go to the gym,” said Holly. She left Suzy on the sofa and was pleased to see that she smiled at her as she left the room. Back in her bedroom she assumed that the girl had been quite badly shaken by the wholly unexpected rejection from her girlfriend which had affected her concentration and her ability to function normally. It wasn’t something that Holly had ever experienced, but taking her to the gym and shops wasn’t really going out of her way and she would enjoy the company, with Ricky so far away for several more weeks.

  After a late breakfast on Saturday morning Holly drove to the shops with Suzy, stopping at the bank on the way to get some cash in case she needed to pay for whatever delivery was coming that evening. Her concerns about Suzy had diminished a little overnight and the girl seemed to be happy to get out of the house and have her mind occupied with something other than the loss of her girlfriend. They each paid for their own groceries and it seemed that Suzy wasn’t short of money from the items that she selected. She had also offered to cook lunch for Holly which was welcomed with a big grin and thanks.

  By three in the afternoon it was time to get ready for the gym. Holly changed into black lycra compression tights and a red sports bra which left her stomach exposed and pulled on her running shoes. Her fitness monitor slipped under her bra without being noticeable and she put the watch on her wrist. Holly decided that since she would be running, her hair would be in a ponytail, so after tying it up and approving her look in her mirror she went downstairs for a final jolt of coffee. Suzy appeared in the kitchen a few minutes later in similar clothing but hers looked a little more coordinated and expensive. She had also taken some time over her makeup which was limited to gentle eye shadow and a little lip gloss but made a definite impact. It was clear that Suzy was there to be seen as well as for her work-out and the tights over her buttocks showed off the taut little globes and the gap between her thighs. They both had simple jackets to preserve a little modesty and after a couple more minutes of snacks and drinks they left the house on foot and headed towards the campus.

  Holly signed Suzy in and by unspoken agreement they headed their separate ways, but Holly had to smile as she saw heads turning as Suzy made her way to the free weights right at the back. Holly sat down on a machine for shoulder muscles and did three sets of fifteen, then switched to thighs and buttocks, making her way around the ensemble to exercise her core muscles as well as to warm up a little before her run. It was a very nice day for the outdoor track but she wanted to keep an eye on Suzy and see what happened. The place was busy but not packed, with the vast majority of users being students, and of them, either gloriously fit and happy to show it off or seriously unfit and unafraid to admit it. She assumed that they were not first year students as they would have been pushed out of their dorms for the summer, so these people would be in their own lodgings and not attending any internships.

  After about fifteen minutes Holly climbed the s
tairs, grabbed a towel, found a treadmill which had nobody either side, put her keys and phone in the holders provided and selected a brisk walking speed of 4 mph. She saw Suzy sitting at the leg extension curl machine and watched in fascination as a steady stream of people seemed to pass her by, some nodding, others simply looking. Suzy wasn’t listening to music and so it was no surprise that after a little while a guy stopped and began talking to her. Holly increased her speed to 7 mph and checked her heart rate after a minute: 125. She set her watch running and concentrated a little more on her 5k run.

  Suzy seemed to be shaking her head more than nodding and the guy got the message. At the 1 mile mark Holly saw a girl walk past Suzy on the way to the water fountain. She walked past again and nodded, ending up at a water fountain near the entrance. A minute later, she walked past Suzy and either smiled or nodded or both because Suzy smiled at her and said something. They chatted for several minutes during which time Suzy simply sat at the machine while the girl leaned on the metal frame. Holly’s watch chimed the mile marker and she checked the time: 8.6 minutes. That was not good, and Holly cranked the speed to 7.5 and looked back down. Suzy and the girl had disappeared, which made Holly smile as she increased speed again. It wasn’t until the two mile marker when Holly checked her mile time of 7:30 that she spotted them. Suzy was on the bench press with the girl standing behind, spotting her, a great exercise for two people working together with a little competition thrown in. It also gave the spotter a chance to gaze down at the other person from head to toe without being obscenely obvious. She watched them giggling, touching and at one point whispering. From a distance Holly thought they looked similar in height and build and grinned as they worked together with the girl now on the bench and Suzy behind her. Holly cranked up the treadmill for her final mile and looked straight ahead, focused on her stride and maintaining position on the belt. The three mile marker didn’t have great news for her and so after the remaining 0.1 mile went by she stopped her watch and slowed the belt to 4 mph, wiping her face with the towel as her heart rate dropped rapidly from the 142 peak.

  Holly sat at the rowing machine and looked around but was still unable to spot Suzy. She decided that it didn’t matter and rowed two five hundred meter distances in 2:10 and 2:14, after a final set of exercises at the seated leg press and pull down machines. Holly chose these not because she particularly liked them but from where they were installed it gave her a really good position to view the whole gym. This helped her to confirm after five minutes that Suzy wasn’t on the lower floor nor up with the treadmills, and it was therefore time to go since she wasn’t going to search the changing rooms, showers and sauna for her.

  With her jacket on she left the gym and walked the short distance across the campus and into Foley Road. As expected, Suzy didn’t seem to be home. She slipped off her jacket in the kitchen and made a protein shake that she carried through to the lounge, thought better of it and went up to her room. At her desk she sipped the drink and her chair squeaked as she leaned back and savored the feeling from the invigorating session and the tight hug of her leggings. Her hand felt so good over her pussy as her nails sensitised the lips beneath the taut material. She reached under her bra and unclipped the heart rate monitor then squeezed her breasts, thinking about Ricky and then about her standby fantasy man, Mike, the laborer at the Red Lion pub up the road who, in her fantasies, had tied her up, publically flogged and satisfied her on many solitary sessions. She slipped her fingers inside the tight material, marveling at the feeling of captivity and the way the material pressed her fingers hard against her skin. She felt past her pussy and down into the legs as her palm gently rubbed her mound.

  She wondered what Suzy was doing, who she had found. There had been so many eligible people in the gym, all posing to some degree. Several seemed to just sit at a machine, drink water, check email and texts then walk to the next machine and do the same again. At the other end of the spectrum were those who needed to be heard as well as seen, who used large weights for squats and who shouted and groaned with every movement. In the middle were the exercisers, representing the majority who were there to work out, be seen, have fun and possibly meet someone new. Holly considered her own use of the gym in the past which had revolved around the outdoor track and her solitary running of 5k and 10k distances. It had been rare that she would speak to anyone except to say hello to the receptionist as she scanned her badge on the way in. Perhaps if she had treated it like the social event that it seemed to be, she might have found someone other than her previous boyfriend, Rob. Then again, she would never have found her love, Ricky, in there. She slid her hand out of the warmth between her legs and inhaled the scent, a mix of arousal and sweat. She had three new emails which she consigned to the trash can and caught up on world news. She thought about logging in to her work account but that would mean getting her laptop from her bag, powering up and logging into to her wireless network which all seemed to be too much trouble for a Saturday afternoon. She thought she ought to get the corporate email set up on her phone and made a mental note to ask about it next week. The doorbell rang and she glanced over at her bedside clock. Ten past five, so this would be the delivery. She grabbed her purse and went downstairs, opened the front door and almost collapsed against the frame.


  “Ricky! My Ricky!” she shouted, gleefully rushing out to throw her arms around his neck. She held him tight, squeezing him, never so pleased to see anyone in her life as the man in her arms. She pulled back, startled. “I thought you were in Frankfurt?”

  “I thought I’d take you out for coffee,” he replied, smiling at her delight.

  She kissed his lips hard, then pulled back again. “Oh Ricky, how come you’re here?” she grabbed his blond, thick hair as if trying to absolutely confirm that it was him standing in front of her.

  “I said I needed to have a meeting and do some research over here, so they agreed that I should come back for a very short visit.”

  “Oh wow, you angel! How long can you stay?”

  “Just until tomorrow evening, then I have to fly back for Monday morning in Frankfurt,” he said, following her indoors. As the door shut he grabbed her, spun her round and pushed her against the wall. “I’ve missed you Hol, so much!” he said, kissing her lips. She grabbed the back of his head and pulled him tight against her, feeling the warmth and firmness of his body against hers. He was real.

  “Oh Ricky, sorry, I’m all smelly!”

  “I’ll lick you clean, don’t worry!”

  Holly groaned quietly, knowing that he most likely would do just that. “I’ve just got back from the gym. Where are you staying?”

  “At the apartment. Shall we do dinner?”

  “Yeah, and I insist on buying since I’m now earning,” she said.

  “OK, and could you take me to the airport tomorrow evening?”

  Holly thought for a couple of seconds and realised that she would be delighted to see him off. “Sure, I’d love to.”

  “Great, then I can leave my car at the apartment and not the airport. They charge a fortune each day to park.”

  She nodded. “You must be tired, how long’s the flight?” she asked, grabbing her dressing gown.

  “Ten hours”

  “Oh my god, Ricky, you must be exhausted!”

  “Yeah, and hot and sticky.”

  Holly grinned at his obvious suggestion. “OK, let’s shower, eat and then explore the apartment!”

  “You wanna stay there tonight or here?”

  “There. It’s quieter and the bed is nicer.”

  Chapter 4

  She took his hand and led him into the bathroom, her heart thudding in her chest at the thought of almost a day with him. He closed the door as she ran the water and was checking her hair in the mirror when he reached around her waist from behind. He was hard and she was thrilled, giggling as he kissed her neck. She sighed as his lips nibbled her shoulder and his hands cupped her breasts through her sports bra.
“Oh Ricky, I’m so glad you’re here, it’s so nice to see you!” she said, leaning back against him, rubbing his hands as they moved across her chest. With his help she slipped the bra over her head then turned to kiss him, pressing herself against his hardness, willing him to hurry up and get naked as he undid the buttons of his shirt. It fell to the floor and she wrenched his belt to one side then slid his trousers down, thrilled to feel his hard cock against the palm of her hand. She pushed his underwear down as he did the same to her, slipping his fingers around her hips and pushing the tights to the floor. Naked, they stepped carefully under the shower and kissed slowly, passionately as they once again felt skin against skin as his cock slid gently up towards her belly button.

  She grabbed the soap and turned him round to face the shower, then soaped his back, under his arms and then his buttocks. She recalled their last shower and bath, in the apartment maybe six weeks ago when he had pushed his fingers insider her anus and made her squeal at the audacity, the feeling of depth, intrusion and divine pleasure. She ran her hands over his muscular buttocks then down into the valley, hinting with her fingers as to their intended destination. She felt him tense slightly, exhale and part his legs a fraction as one finger simply ran over the opening then continued towards his balls. She loved doing this, exploring a man like she had never done before, in the warmth of the bathroom while squatting behind him, naked and so very aroused.

  She knelt to stop herself from wobbling around and soaped her hands again, feeling between her legs to satiate a little of her own longing before touching the insides of his thighs, then up to his buttocks, through to his balls and up to his stiff, hard cock. He groaned and she smiled to herself, pleased with a new first in her life and torn between prolonging his desire and having him deep inside her. She teased his anus briefly then turned him, washed his cock very carefully then turned him again into the shower, rinsing him off as she rubbed up against his back. To her surprise he turned off the shower and reached for the soap, then stood facing her.


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