Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica)

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Events Out of Control (Holly Craig Erotica) Page 8

by Jodie Halliday

  “Right. Well, that’s what we do.”

  “OK, so do you have a PDS that you can rent to us for a week?”

  “Oh, um, let me check. I will need to get online and take a look at inventory. Can you hold?”

  “Yes of course!” said Maggie. Holly looked up. Her blurred vision distorted the pale flesh of Maggie’s breast into a smudge but her lips were well defined and strangely calming on Holly’s internal organs. A minute later the Mike came back on the line.

  “PDS you said, right?”

  “Yes,” said Maggie sweetly.

  “OK, hang on!”

  Andrew stood and kicked the sofa and Holly squealed. “For fuck’s sake. We did business with this guy?” he muttered.

  “Andrew, shh!” said Maggie, cupping the phone.


  “Hi Mike.”

  “Yep, we’ve got three systems.”

  Holly gasped, coughed and shook silently at the news, sinking onto the cushions. Andrew slapped her back and pointed at the arm rests.

  “Mike, we need one at the conference center tonight for the show. Can you arrange that please?”

  “Tonight? It’s Sunday, there’s nobody around until tomorrow morning. Sunday, you know.”

  “I know Mike. We’re prepared to pay for two weeks rental but return it on Friday.”

  “OK, but there’s nobody working now, it’s Sunday.”

  Andrew walked over to Maggie and both of them looked like they could throw the phone against the wall.

  “Mike, do you have the inventory and order system online with you now?”

  “Yes, right here.”

  “OK, could you please select the most modern system you have and mark it as reserved for the next two weeks starting today?”

  Holly’s head hurt but there was simply no way that she knew how to control the flow of emotion which wracked her body. She had sunk so low that her hands remained on the arm but her head was on the cushion, stretching her into an unusual shape which left her buttocks way up in the air. She wanted Maggie’s lips again, to celebrate with her, to feel wanted and a little appreciated as she had before they entered the Speaker Ready room.

  “OK, done that. Blockchain Banking you say?”

  “Yes, we’re the conference organizers here at the center this week.”

  “Ah, I see you in the system now. OK!”

  The cushion next to Holly moved and she saw that Andrew had sat down next to her. He put his arm over her back and pulled her closer, soothing her but it simply made her cry harder. She was shaking against him and could hear him somewhere in the distance consoling her with quiet words. His hands were bigger than Ricky’s and he pulled her away from the arm rest so that she lay against his shoulder. Her hand went across his waist and she fought her tears and sobs as she tried to hear what was being said on the phone.

  “Mike, what do we need to do to get it delivered here tonight?”

  “Oh well, there’s nobody here. I would have to contact the technical manager and see if she can send someone.”

  “Mike. Look, you can make this event a huge success for us. We are prepared to offer cash bonuses, cash in hand, to the techs if they come out tonight.”

  “OK, that’s nice, but it’s Sunday night and they will be with their families.”

  Holly felt Andrew squirm and thought that he was signaling Maggie. He was certainly frustrated with the pace of the call even if they had found a system. She shuddered and cried again, hating herself for the trouble she had caused and the way she was reacting.

  “Mike, we’re not talking about fifty dollars or something. I mean a thousand for each tech. Cash in hand. No questions asked.”

  “Oh, well, I see.”

  “And we’ll pay your guys treble time as well in addition!”

  “OK, that would probably work. Let me call the manager, can you hang on?”

  “Sure, thanks Mike, we really appreciate it.” She punched the mute button and looked over at Andrew and Holly. “Holly, do you remember the stages of this project?”

  “I think so,” she replied.

  “So, I have sourced a system, which was the first part. Do you agree?”

  She stuttered, barely able to talk. “Yes, it’s wonderful news.”

  “It is. So as a reward for my work you can take your knickers off and bring them to me.”


  Andrew slapped her buttocks hard. “Let’s not start that again Holly, you’re in the Bahamas now!” Andrew pointed to the spot where she had stood earlier.

  Holly exhaled, her breathing still warbling and uneven from her crying. She moved unsteadily between them, turned to face Maggie and reached up under her skirt.

  “Are you OK Holly?” asked Maggie. “You look bloody dreadful.”

  “Thirsty, and a bit hungry too,” she replied, tugging at the material and ignoring the comment about her face. Her fingers came away wet and sticky and she groaned internally at the shame she was about to experience.

  “Very good girl Holly,” said Maggie, taking her knickers. “Andrew will get you something to drink and there are snacks in the minibar. We’ll get room service later. Go to the bathroom right now and fix your face and hair please, and hurry up about it.”

  Holly was glad to leave the room but at the same time anxious to hear what Mike was going to say. She flicked the light switch and groaned at what she saw in the mirror. It wasn’t going to be a quick repair job. There were huge dark bags under her eyes and what looked like skid marks down her cheeks. Her eyes were red from crying and she was pale as though the life had been washed out of her. She reached for a yellow hotel flannel and saw that her hand was shaking. It wasn’t cold in the room but she had to hold onto the side of the sink with her left hand as she mopped the mess off her cheeks and under her chin. The flannel came away with black slicks on it which reminded her of a beach tainted after an oil spill and her crying threatened to return as she caught a couple of involuntary breaths. However, she found that if she concentrated on the puffy skin below her eyes she could bring the contrast back to where it looked like she had simply done a sloppy job. She hitched up her skirt and sat on the toilet but nothing happened which for Holly was grateful but still deeply suspicious.

  Mike came back on the line just as she shuffled back into the lounge looking marginally better. “OK, the tech’s name is George and he will come with two other guys. He was grateful for the thousand dollar bonus per person and they are prepared to install and test with you.” Holly dropped to her knees and hugged the carpet at the news and what seemed like a complete reversal of fortune.

  Maggie brought Holly’s knickers to her face and breathed in deeply, then grinned. “Mike, could you let me have George’s last name and cell number?” Holly shuddered as she watched Maggie through her misty eyes.

  “Sure, is everything all right here, sounds like someone’s unhappy!”

  “Oh, they’re watching an old movie and it’s got to the sad part,” said Maggie, indicating to Andrew that he should calm Holly down. “Can I give you our credit card number?” she asked, licking her fingers.

  “No need, we’ll invoice Blockchain Banking!”

  “Mike, I would rather have the two week rental fully paid if that’s OK. That would leave just the treble time for the tech work.”

  Andrew returned with some sparking water and two packs of cookies. He sat behind Holly and pulled her against his chest so that she faced Maggie then pulled her skirt a little way up her thighs. He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear. “Let Maggie see under your skirt.”

  They went through the invoice payment process, confirmed delivery times and contact numbers. Mike committed to being awake until he heard from Maggie that the equipment had arrived. He said that George would need to go to the warehouse, then back down to the event center which would take about an hour. “Looks like they should be with you around ten,” said Mike. Holly shuddered again at the news and forced the cookies to stay d

  “Great job, thanks Mike, we really appreciate such a fast and professional service!”

  “OK, no problems, have a good night!”

  “We will!” Maggie put the phone down and turned to Andrew, still holding Holly’s knickers. She took one glance at Holly and seemed to melt away. “Oh you little darling!” She came over and knelt in front of them. “Feeling better?” she asked as she touched her legs.

  “Yeah, good to have some water and something to eat,” she said, still shaking and now staring down at the carpet between her feet and Maggie’s jeans.

  Maggie took the bottle of water from her hand and placed it on the carpet beside her husband then shuffled closer, parting Holly’s legs with her knees. She reached out and touched Holly’s cheek before pulling her closer as Andrew reached around and ran his fingers along Holly’s thighs. Maggie sighed with pleasure as she wet her lips then kissed her husband tenderly with Holly sandwiched between. She turned her attention then to Holly and this time the kiss lingered and developed. While Maggie took Holly’s upper lips between her own, Andrew’s hands widened Holly’s legs even further, exposing her fully to his wife. Holly could feel his hardness against the small of her back which gave her a little more encouragement that their hatred and anger for her was subsiding.

  Holly felt like she was in a dream state, unsure if she was being forced into a situation by Andrew’s hands or loved by Maggie or rewarded with the second kiss of the evening, her first true kiss with a girl. Whatever it was it calmed and excited her all at once. The impending doom that had hung over her seemed to slowly turn from black to a less menacing shade of purple and her heart now beat from pleasure rather than utter terror. She slipped her arm out from Andrew’s grasp and pulled Maggie’s head gently, determined to hold the kiss for as long as possible as she savored the new taste of a girl. That feeling of silky skin from Maggie’s lips was back, playing with her, telling her so many things with the sensuous touch. There was lust, need, even a little appreciation in the way she moved and communicated. It was Holly who broke this kiss as she fell back light-headed against Andrew’s shoulder as his fingers were less than an inch from her pussy.

  “Oh god. Maggie, what happened to me?” said Holly, her eyes closed and her mind totally focused on the man’s fingers which simply had to be sticky by now.

  “Holly, was that the first time?” asked Maggie, holding her hand while she watched her husband caress the young girl. Holly nodded, still leaning back against him. He was fifty she recalled, though not really caring. “Never kissed a girl before?”


  “Oh, poor baby! Well, tonight we’ll introduce you to some new levels of pleasure, I promise.” She kissed her again and Andrew let go of her so that she could lean forward. “We have about an hour until they arrive. We’ll have to go downstairs when they do to get them settled in and make sure they have everything they need, then we can come back up for a while.” Maggie stood and offered her hand to Holly then helped her up. “I think we should take a shower, OK? That will be my payment for stage two completion.”

  Holly nodded, thinking that the last time she had been naked with a woman was with Jane, the girl she had rescued after an attack at the university. Jane had been drunk out of her mind and probably didn’t really count so a simple shower with Maggie would be another first. She felt the woman’s lips on her again, then watched with surprise as she started to unbutton her shirt. Andrew got up and returned to the sofa.

  “Time to give Andrew his anniversary show!” said Maggie, flicking the last two buttons of Holly’s shirt. Maggie held out her arms in invitation and Holly smiled then did the same for her, unbuttoning her before pulling the material open at the front. Maggie placed her hands on Holly’s breasts and caressed them gently. “Oh, this is Dior, very nice. Remember when I touched them before?” Holly nodded, slight giddy with the feeling of being on show and being stripped by a beautiful woman. “What else did I touch Holly?”

  She didn’t bother to question Maggie’s words. She was beginning to enjoy the freedom she had with her responses knowing that neither of them were going to be shocked by anything she said. “My bum, and my boobs that time. You touched my pussy tonight.”

  “Right. And you’ve been dripping wet on both occasions.” Holly nodded, internally delighted with the conversation which she would never have with Ricky. She reached out and touched Maggie’s breasts, cupping them in her hands and feeling their weight and the soft skin above her bra cups. Maggie turned and Holly undid the clasp, pushing the straps over her shoulders. She grabbed Holly’s hands and pulled her against her back, then placed her hands on her breasts to show Andrew. Holly found her nipples and without thinking pinched them lightly, amazed that they felt so similar to her own. “Oh good girl!”

  She turned again and released Holly’s bra then showed her off to her husband, pushing her breasts up then pulling her against her body so their breasts mashed together. The two girls were so similar in size and build that they seemed almost designed to be joined with the maximum amount of skin in contact. Holly glanced at Andrew, catching his eye. He smiled lightly and she detected redemption in his face as though he approved of the way she was arousing his wife. Maggie dropped her jeans on the floor while leaving her knickers in place and knelt in front of Holly, feeling the sheer material of her stockings. She kissed Holly just above her pubic hair then pulled each stocking down slowly, staring all the time at the girl’s slick pussy. Holly kicked them over to the spot where her skirt lay and took a step with Maggie towards Andrew.

  “Kneel Holly,” said Andrew. She obeyed and Maggie positioned at her side like a faithful dog. Maggie moved her feet apart a couple of inches then patted Holly. “Get her naked Holly, slowly.”

  She reached around across Maggie’s buttocks and with one finger in each side of the waistband she slowly pulled her knickers down her legs, watching Andrew’s reaction as his wife was stripped by another girl.

  “Give me your hand,” said Maggie. She took Holly’s middle finger and slid it over her own hairless slit. Holly gasped at the feeling, so similar to her own, so warm, wet and such known territory. She was actually touching another girl’s pussy, after all these years and she thought her little heart might burst from the pleasure. The pad of her finger passed over Maggie’s clit and Holly gasped, recognizing the small swelling and the slick hood. The fingers placed against her lips. “Taste!”

  Holly inhaled, closing her eyes again with delight as she flicked her tongue over the finger, then sucked gently. She wanted to cry all over again at the taste, the thought of another woman’s scent now swirling around her mouth. Then it struck her that her hand had passed over pure, soft skin. There had been no hair at all and she recalled the pure baby-like purity of Maggie’s pussy.

  “That’s what you’ve been craving, isn’t it Holly?”

  “Yeah,” she replied simply, her eyes still closed and her mind miles away. She needed her free hand on Maggie’s hip to steady herself as the intoxicating aroma worked its magic. Maggie interrupted her dreams as she pulled her closer to her husband.

  “Legs wide apart Holly,” she said with a hand on her shoulder. “Is he hard now?”

  Holly looked up at Maggie, then at Andrew, seeking guidance. Andrew simply cocked his head and waited silently. Cautiously, Holly placed her hands on his legs then moved slowly up towards the bulge in his trousers. She looked again at Maggie who simply laughed at her anxiety so Holly took that as final permission and slid her hands over the lump. She could feel it with both hands but couldn’t decide where it started or ended. Frowning, she poked around as Maggie continued to giggle as she traced the end. Her calculations then determined what she had in her hands and she opened her mouth to speak but just looked at Maggie.

  “Got a problem Holly?” asked Maggie. She was speechless, still glancing between the two of them as she tried to determine what order of magnitude bigger it was from Ricky.

  Andrew laughed too. “Y
ou’ll see it later, Holly”

  “And it’ll be in both of us before morning comes, believe me!” said Maggie. She took Holly’s hands and led her to the master bathroom where she ran the shower then turned back to Holly, taking her in her arms. “I think it’s going to be OK, Hol,” she said. Holly rested her head on Maggie’s shoulder, feeling like weeping again but unsure if it was from relief or the feeling of the girl against her. The last two hours had been a series of emotional highs and lows and all she really wanted to do was to sleep and wake up knowing that the thing had been installed and was working. She gasped and shuddered again suddenly, shocked that her tears and sobs were so close to the surface. “Shh, there there, it’s OK, cry if you need to, I understand Hol.”

  “Thank you Maggie, really!”

  “It’s OK. But you know you’re going to pay us back don’t you?” said Maggie, grinning.

  Holly looked up and nodded. “I really want to. Part of me says that I’m cheating on Ricky but another says that I have to do what it takes.”

  “You’re hiring me and paying me back, that’s all,” she said seriously.

  “I felt so ill earlier, back when you were making those calls!” With those words the pain came back and she did indeed begin to cry again.

  “Shh, it’s OK now.”

  Holly shook her head, remembering the feeling of isolation, helplessness and of being a total failure. “I was sure I was going to be sick over everything.” She shook with grief and Maggie tested the water then led her under the two huge sprays. She pulled the distraught girl against her body and swayed gently in the steady warm stream. “Maggie, I think I pooped myself when I was on the sofa, something happened anyway.” She felt her tears returning, torment back in her eyes as her chin quivered with shame. The feeling of being held was delightful, so much like being held by her mother after she had been pushed off her bike by the Ashton boys. She felt Maggie touch her buttocks and then to her utter shock a finger slid between her buttocks. Maggie held the finger up so that Holly could see it was clean.


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