The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3)

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The King's Sorcerer (The Caldronian Guild Book 3) Page 17

by Andrew G. Wood

  After picking the last crumb of cheese from his plate and slowly placing it in his mouth, Edwin took a sip of his wine before leaning back in his chair. “So, just to confirm my understanding,” the man said placing his glass back down. “If taught correctly, Reece has the potential to be as powerful as you?” he asked directing the question at Leo.

  “Yes your majesty. Reece is different from your other apprentices and should be treated so,” he replied, just glancing briefly over to Lars for some kind of negative response. None came however, so Leo proceeded on by explaining as basically as knew how, about the different sources of magical ability. Whether the king, or anybody else fully understood what he was on about he had no idea, but felt his explanation was quite good.

  Edwin took a few more sips of wine, before speaking again, clearly deep in thought. “Very well. Lars you will see this boy is treated with the respect he is due. Any more tales of bullying and I will hold you responsible,” he said sternly, even going as far as pointing a finger the sorcerer’s direction. Lars nodded his understanding and agreed he would see that any such behaviour would be stamped out. “Leo, if it is still okay with you and Kellan of course, will tutor Reece in the morning on a one to one basis. Lars you will teach him in the afternoons with your other apprentices.

  Leo felt the lunch had been a productive one, if not a particularly pleasant one. The food was all a little to posh for his liking, and wine was not his favourite of drinks. Even the small sandwiches, although looking nice had some peculiar taste to them, and would have much preferred a simple bowl of soup and a bread roll washed down with a cup of tea.

  Outside the royal quarters, Leo wanted to ask Prince Kellan a favour in return. Although only mentoring Chad for a few months, Leo felt the lad deserved some recognition for his skills. Although not as powerful as Leo, the youngster had shown great skill and adeptness in every situation they had found themselves. From helping escort the prince to safety, to aiding the king in retaking the palace, Leo now thought it was time for him to move on.

  With having Reece to mentor, Chad should be allowed a new higher status, or at least that was what Leo thought should happen. Asking a young boy what he thought, might have appeared the wrong thing to do, but Kellan listened and answered quite astutely. “I cannot make him a king’s sorcerer Leo, that rank is designed only for exceptional people like yourelf.” Leo nodded his understanding, “Very well Sire, I understand,” he replied sounding a little deflated by the initial response. “However, I do agree that Chad is an excellent sorcerer, and although still young I could make him some kind of Junior Master? Although technically we don’t have a guild in which to be a one.” Kellan added making it sound more like a suggestion rather than a decision.

  Kellan stopped and looked up at Leo awaiting an answer. “You don’t think Junior Guild Master Chad is acceptable then?” he eventually asked. Leo had really wanted Chad to be made a king’s sorcerer like him, but it was evidently clear that was never going to happen. “I think Chad would like that. Perhaps we can have some kind of emblem to make his robes as such?” Leo replied thinking this was perhaps the best he was going to get for his friend. “Of course Leo…Come on let us go and give him a nice surprise,” Kellan suggested quickening his pace.

  They found Chad talking to Alec, Beth and Anden in the main foyer of the palace entrance. Kellan ran ahead of Leo, taking two steps at a time, meaning the sorcerer found it difficult to keep up; running with a robe on was never an easy thing, particularly when going down steps. Alec was first to bow his head as the young prince bounded right up to them, “Your majesty,” he said displaying the correct decorum. The three young sorcerers immediately did likewise, although it was evidently clear Kellan had something to say and wanted to do so quickly.

  The young prince waited for Leo to step up alongside him before motioning Chad off to one side. After scratching his head trying to think what to say, Kellan started by explaining what had been discussed in during their lunch. “Reece will be taught by Leo, that is now official.” Chad nodded, thinking that was always likely to be the case anyway, but was glad the youngster was to be given preferential treatment.

  Chad listened and blushed a little as the prince told him how very pleased everybody had been with him. Not only had he shown great skill and ability, but had done so in way far in excess of what was expected of a new apprentice. “Anyway to get to the point,” Kellan said with a grin on his face, “Leo thinks, and I agree of course, that you are too good to be deemed just another apprentice.” Chad listened on, intrigued as to what was coming next.

  Kellan told Chad that Leo would now have less time to teach him, not that there was much more he could do so anyway. Practice could still be done together, especially as both now had new skills to learn from their hosts. Chad’s excellent work and help in recruiting and training the Arandorian apprentices needed to be recognised, and as a result they had decided to give him a promotion of sorts. “I know we don’t actually have a guild of our own anymore, and I’m sure the title did not exist before. However, from now on, you will be known as a Junior Guild Master. Oh and you’ll get to wear some kind of emblem on your sleeve like Leo does to show everybody your new status.”

  Chad nodded once more, before realising that Kellan was expecting him to say something. “Hmm… Thank you your majesty,” he said not quite sure what else to say. Alec, although not really part of the conversation, but had been listening in anyway, was first to step over and congratulate him with a handshake and a pat on the back. This was quickly followed by both Anden and Beth, before Leo eventually added his own praise.

  Chapter 23.

  With the winter months now upon them, the Caldronians in Arandor had only a few more weeks to hone their skills. With the new Arandorian guild of sorcerers finally showing some modicum of success, Leo thought they might just stand a chance. He was not the only one to miss home, and wonder how those Caldronians still residing in Surmont particularly, were coping. None of them were under any illusions that the Belarian king was making life easy for the people, although this thought at least gave them the drive and impetus to return, come springtime.

  Oribe had not merely sat idly by. The defeat of his forces at Riverdale had though caused him a major headache. Replacing losses of regular soldiers was not overly difficult, but losing so many of his sorcerers in the failed attack had meant he was now awaiting reinforcements from Belaria. His guild there was apparently sending the latest batch, and although their training was only basic, he planned to make use of the Caldronian building to further their lessons when they arrived.

  Despite his troops being unable to completely pacify all the main towns of Caldronia, he still held the capital. Despite the occasional unrest, the murder of his troops patrolling the streets seemed to have ceased, especially since he brought in reprisals. For every one of his men found dead on the streets of Surmont, Oribe had ordered ten Caldronians to be publicly executed in the market square.

  Reports had come in from his men undercover in Arandor, and the news there was not particular good. Just as he had feared, the new Arandorian king was proving to be more than an irritation. Not only was the man harbouring the young Caldronian prince and a handful of sorcerers keeping him under guard, but the man was apparently creating his own magical army. However, reports of these new sorcerers speculated that they would be no match for anything Belaria had.

  Oribe had thought long and hard on how best to deal with this growing threat. With Farasavia still occupying part of northeast Caldronia, he had wanted to make gains that direction next. This was something he could not do whilst there was any real chance of Arandor getting involved anytime soon. As a result, he had been forced to take action, sending instruction to his men hiding in the shadows of the Arandorian palace.

  Oribe had decided that if the Caldronians had no heir, then ultimately neither they nor Arandor had anything to fight for. This was something Oribe had wished he had dealt with earlier, but had not thought the bo
y prince any threat at the time. If he could now remove the boy from the picture, Arandor would surely stay out of any fighting; at least until he was ready to make a move that direction.

  In Dornby, capital of Arandor, Edwin was once more running through the plan of action with his small team of advisors. The King had tried to involve the young prince and the lad known as Alec, who seemed to have taken up the role as advisor. So secretive was the information discussed in these meetings, that no house staff or guards were permitted in the room whilst they took place. There were however still plenty of guards outside the room, just in case.

  With their main plan of attack set in place, Edwin told the others in the room the latest of the messages he had intercepted. The Belarians had originally used birds to relay information back and forth from their king to those hiding out in the Arandorian capital. However, since Edwins archers had managed to shoot down a few of the birds and been retrieving the messages for themselves, the enemy had taken to the more tried and tested way of using a rider.

  Edwin actually felt quite proud of the fact that one of those riders carrying messages back from Surmont to Dornby was actually working for him. As a result, he had managed to get a picture of what the enemy was planning. Although still allowing the message to move freely back and forth so as not to arouse suspicion, Edwin and his team had gained what he hoped would be a significant advantage.

  Not only did Edwin know there were several spies and assassins around his palace, but he also knew who they were. Although it was dangerous for him to leave these men and women to roam freely around, it was necessary to do so, or else give up his advantage. However, Farley had instructed him that when the time was right, these people would need to be hunted down and removed.

  Edwin explained that he thought that time had now come. The latest of his intercepted messages had been an order for the assassins to ‘Kill Prince Kellan’. The note had been just that, no more, no less. The news clearly shocked the young prince, and despite Edwin assuring him he was safe in the room, wanted his sorcerers close at hand. Alec, not usually one to over react actually agreed, thinking this was a risk too far.

  Edwin reluctantly agreed, not because he doubted the effectiveness of his own soldiers guarding the door and corridors outside the room, because it meant two more people knowing his plans. The more that knew of them, the more likely it was somebody would let slip what they were doing.

  Leo had been tutoring Reece in creating a shield. Whilst the youngster was indeed powerful, it appeared he also had trouble controlling such a thing, just as Leo still did on occasion. Whether that was down to the lad having the same problem, or down to Leo’s teaching techniques he wasn’t sure.

  Whilst Reece was probably not ready for any job that required a good reliable sorcerer, he was still becoming a very powerful one. His offensive skills were quite something else. Just as Leo had excelled in these particular skillsets, so it seemed Reece was doing likewise. Rather than destroy any more of the king’s garden, Leo had asked for dozens of simple wooden targets to be made, a little like those they had used in Surmont.

  Although Reece’s first attempts of attacking had been a little hit and miss, he had improved very quickly. Whilst still no master, the youngster had practised long hours with his new Mentor, and even though still very inexperienced was still a sorcerer to be reckoned with.

  Leo walked down the corridor a little annoyed that his lesson that morning had been interrupted by order of the king. He was surprised to see Chad walking down the corridor from the other direction. “I thought you were helping with the new apprentices?” Leo asked his friend. Chad just shrugged, “I was. Apparently my services are required elsewhere.”

  “Same here,” Leo replied as they turned the corner together.

  Both were further surprised when they noticed Lucas and Will stood outside the door of one of the many rooms. They were not alone however, as either side of those two, stood six more Arandorian guards. “You think they might be in here?” Chad quipped, pointing to the door. “Go straight in Sir,” Lucas said as they approached, opening the doorway for them.

  Inside the room, the warmth given off by the open fireplace was the first thing both Chad and Leo noticed. “Ah here they are your highness,” Edwin said shuffling his chair back and standing. Leo’s first thought had been to warm his hands by the fire but decided he should probably go stand by his prince instead. Most of those sat around the table Leo knew the names of, and those he didn’t he had still spoken with before. Aside from the king and Farley, there was Edgar and a short stocky fellow whose name he could not remember. Sat opposite was Kellan and Alec, and a middle aged woman who if he remembered correctly was called Dorothy, although the others called her Dotty.

  “You sent for us?” Chad asked politely. “Indeed we did.” Edwin replied suggesting they take a seat at the end of the table. Both young sorcerers were told to listen and to do so carefully, with Leo apparently being the focus of those words. What they were about to be told was not to be spoken again outside of that room, and never to be divulged to anybody who was not sat within it.

  Only after Leo and Chad both swore they could, and would, keep the information about to be given them, a complete secret, did Edwin explain their plans further. Essentially they were there to offer protection to the prince. The news that Belarian spies and assassins were working in the palace actually came as no surprise, as both had been told it was the case on several occasions before. However, they were up until now, deemed no threat as they were clearly there to pass information back and forth to the enemy king currently residing in Surmont.

  “So what’s changed?” Leo asked.

  “Now we have intercepted an order requesting Prince Kellan be killed!” Edwin replied rather bluntly. Leo puffed out his cheeks, and immediately looked over to the young royal, who unsurprisingly looked a little apprehensive. The king explained that they would need to round all the known infiltrators up, but needed to do so in one swoop. “This will at least give our new apprentices their first taste of action,” he added looking somewhat apprehensive about using them.

  Leo actually felt a little put out that they had not bothered to include him on the original discussions. One thing he was pleased to see, was that Lars had obviously been omitted from them as well, but he thought it best to keep that opinion to himself. “From now on, I want at least two guards with Kellan, and at least one of you two with him at all times. Understand?” Farley said, although Leo wasn’t sure who had put him in charge.

  Apparently the build up to executing their plans was a dangerous time for all concerned, another reason why they were keeping them to just a handful of people. Nobody was to be permitted entrance to any of the royal chambers unless they were known. That effectively meant that all palace staff, were from that very moment, barred from entering until further notice. “Sounds like we’ll be prisoners,” Kellan sighed, not particularly looking forward to be kept inside all day.

  “We could use a decoy?” Leo suggested although he wasn’t sure he was supposed to throwing ideas about. Farley chuckled, “A great idea Leo. Although quite where you would find a boy of the prince’s size to take his place and put his own life on the line, I have no idea.”

  “I know someone suitable” Leo snapped back.

  Chad looked at his friend, and within a few moments he guessed who Leo was thinking of using. “Jon?” he said just checking he had presumed correctly. Leo nodded to the affirmative before glaring back Farley’s direction. The big man scratched at his chin pondering the suggestion, “You mean the young ranger who travelled with you?” Leo nodded again.

  Farley looked towards his king, explaining it might just work. The prince could dress in what he called normal clothes, and Jon could dress in the prince’s clothes, although would certainly need to be scrubbed up a bit. Jon was a little taller than Kellan, but as Chad also pointed out, the enemy would not even know what the prince looked like. They would surely just assume that the boy dressed in
posh clothes with guards all around him would be their target.

  They all got a little carried away with the plan, before Kellan of all people interrupted them. “Has anyone actually asked Jon if he wants to do this?” He said looking a little anxious. “Even if he does, I still want you two with Kellan,” Edwin added.

  “Why not use Beth and Anden? They are both reliable enough to keep a shield up, and Anden is quite useful with his attacks.”

  The talk went on for some time, whilst Jon was ordered to the room. The young ranger bowed much lower than people normally would as he entered, although was clearly unhappy the Arandorian element of the guard outside the door had taken his bow and daggers. After inviting the rather diminutive figure to take a seat, Edwin gestured for Farley to explain their idea. Just as Leo had thought he would, Jon immediately jumped at the opportunity. “You will need to wash and have a hair-cut though” Leo added with a snigger.

  Jon chuckled along, “Hmm that might change things,” he added with a wry smile.

  Edwin reminded them all that nothing may actually happen, and if as they hoped, they managed to arrest all the intruders in one foul swoop, there may be nothing to worry about. However, he had to admit there may be more enemy sneaking about the palace and surrounding area than he or his men were aware of. As a result of this, Edwin reiterated his wish that both Chad and Leo were to remain close by the prince, although they too were to change clothes. Kellan was to stay in a different suite, and if anybody asked he was the king’s second cousin, on a visit to the palace.


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