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Conquered Page 7

by Sara Fields

  I swallowed heavily and tried to hide the trembling in my limbs and nearly whined in dismay as my nipples hardened in front of me. I saw their eyes drop to stare at my breasts and I bit my lip in embarrassment.

  Thankfully, they didn’t say anything. Their perusal of my body was shameful enough. Zaavyr allowed me to eat a few more bites of cheese before they turned and left me.

  The rest of the day passed slowly, hour by hour, minute by dreadfully long minute. All I could do was ponder my fate in the hands of the Vakarrans, wondered if they would hurt me, torture me, or take me against my will. A chilly breeze raced through the tent and my nipples peaked. I shivered and watched as the sun began to set and the world darkened around me. Shadows drifted longer and longer until finally, nighttime took a hold of the camp.

  With the advent of the dark, my four captors came to take me back into their custody. Jax unbuckled the cuffs that held my wrists and I cried out as the blood came rushing back into my shoulders, my skin prickling as tendrils of pain shot down my arms.

  Jax and Aedan both took a hold of my shoulders and began to massage my aching muscles. Their grips were firm and demanding, helping to guide the pain away. In no time at all, I groaned in relief as my limbs began to feel normal once again.

  Coltan took me in his arms then and Zaavyr ran a comforting hand over the top of my head. Despite my want to hate them all, I couldn’t. I curled my arms around Coltan’s neck and allowed him to carry my naked body out of the circus tent and back into their own.

  In a corner I hadn’t noticed before was a massive copper tub, filled with steaming hot water. I can’t remember the last time I’d seen such luxury. It looked positively decadent. Coltan placed me down before it.

  “Bathe yourself, Kira,” Zaavyr said. “You’ll have to go back in your cage for the night, but that can’t be avoided. If you need help, just ask and one of us will assist you.”

  “I can fucking bathe myself, thank you very much,” I thought with dismay and a sudden bout of anger.

  All four men jerked in my direction.

  “What did you say?” Zaavyr replied, his voice a mixture of anger, surprise, and confusion.

  “I didn’t say anything,” I said, quite sure I hadn’t spoken aloud.

  “She needs another good punishment to remind her that she’s not in charge here,” Aedan thought, and I whirled in his direction, convinced he’d also said that out loud.

  All four of them studied me then, their eyes intense and scrutinizing. None of them seemed to want to say anything at all and all of them looked kind of startled.

  I chewed my cheek, feeling small under their searching looks. Trying not to dwell on it though, I looked back at the steaming water and yearned to get into the tub. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d bathed in such luxury. It was usually in a river or a lake, the water always cold or slightly less cold depending on the time of the year. Without a response, I turned away and began to climb into the bath.

  The warm water encased my toes first and I moaned out loud as I put my whole leg into it. I followed with my other leg and slowly lowered the rest of my body down into it. None of the Vakarrans approached me, which made me slightly uneasy, but I ignored them as I enjoyed the soothing feeling of the bath. On a table beside the tub, there was a bar of soap as well as bottles of shampoo and conditioner.

  I washed my body free of the men’s cum, of the events of earlier that day and of my shame. The glittery tone of my skin diminished, and with that, my head grew quiet. I became calm, refocused, and the master of my domain.

  I wouldn’t let them rule me. I wasn’t going to be their property.

  Chapter Six


  I watched our prize bathe herself, rolling the events of the past hour over and over in my head. How had she gained access to our internal communication? Our species was the only one I knew that had the ability to talk to each other through our minds. We knew for a fact that humans did not have such capabilities.

  She should not have access to our minds. And we certainly shouldn’t be hearing hers.

  I watched her bathe and admired the pale tone of her skin as the water cascaded down her body. Her nipples peaked in the heat and I couldn’t help but remember how her tight pussy had clamped down around my cock, greedy and desperate for more. Even now, my dick hardened at the thought, wanting and needing more of her.

  I saw her eyes as they drifted, unsure of me. I gazed back at her, careful to keep my expression ambivalent. I knew I was some sort of mystery to her, one she had yet to figure out and I aimed to keep it that way until I figured out what sort of role I wanted to play with her.

  In the morning, we would be leaving the camp and returning to the Vakarran Space Station at the perimeter of this Earth’s solar system, the ISS Starrider. There, we’d begin her training officially, as our human breeder and our slave.

  If she thought this training camp was a shock, she had another think coming when she boarded the Vakarran base. Things would be very different for her there. Humans were subservient. Only the fully trained were allowed in public and that was only at the discretion of their masters. It was not out of the ordinary to see a human slave with red welts across their backs and ass, the result of some of the harsher Vakarran inhabitants of the base.

  It also wasn’t rare for a slave to be killed, should they warrant such a punishment.

  I, for one, would rather my slave’s marks be on her ass, and her ass only. My eyes wavered on one of my belts lying in the corner and I licked my lips. I couldn’t wait for the first time I was able to bind her wrists and ankles to my bed and whip her with the supple leather. I took a deep breath and turned away.

  Just for kicks, I turned to Aedan.

  “You think she can still hear us?” I asked him, my eyes trained back on her, watching for her to twitch or turn in our direction, but she did nothing. Not even the briefest tremor of her skin indicated she’d heard anything.

  Interesting. Aedan shook his head, his eyes tumultuous.

  Well, what do you make of that, I thought.

  “Kira,” I began, speaking to her with my mind.

  Still nothing.

  How strange. She splashed around in the water, standing to wash her body and I saw that the glittery spots that had marked her skin had disappeared. I stood and walked over to her and she watched me warily.

  “Rinse yourself,” I demanded, and she stilled.

  My chest rose and fell as we stared at each other, as I stood there and owned the space before her, waiting for her to comply. Slowly, she then dipped down into the water and stood back up. I could see her hands quivering at her sides, clenching and unclenching in anger. Still a wild streak in this one, despite what we’d done to her today.

  She was going to be a bigger challenge than we thought. That much was clear.

  I palmed her breasts and she flinched, but I didn’t allow that to faze me. She should learn to fear us. Her intelligence and strong will would cause her to struggle. She would have a hard time learning to submit to our rule.

  I brushed my thumbs over her nipples, searching for the marks on her skin that we’d all seen. There was nothing. I lifted my eyes to meet hers again, and they were full of brightness and courage. I respected her for it, but it was going to hinder her in the long run.

  They all broke eventually. She would too. I cupped her face in my palm, studying that tenacity of hers, feeling the slight tremble of her jaw underneath my touch. Her blue eyes, dark blue like a sapphire, sparkled in the lights of our tent, both with anxiety and fury all at once.

  There was deep-seated hatred in her eyes too, buried there, hidden away, but I could see it. She hated us, the Vakarran species and I couldn’t blame her.

  We took Earth because we had wanted to. We had also needed more females to breed and she was unlucky enough to be human, a species perfectly compatible with our genetics, surprisingly so. Humans were weak, their skin easily pierced and marked. They had no way to communicate excep
t via speech. Even their fingernails were weak.

  Even their weaponry was elementary. Conquest of their planet had been easy, but had they all been like Kira here, I doubted it would have been as simple. She was smart, resourceful, a warrior in her own right.

  My own little human badass. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought.

  “Finish your bath. It’s time to get to bed. We leave as soon as the sun rises,” I ordered, and her eyelids narrowed slightly.

  She didn’t ask where we were going, and I didn’t offer. She’d figure it out soon enough. We all watched while she briskly shampooed and conditioned her hair. Once she finished, she climbed out and we all took the opportunity to enjoy the sight of her wet naked curves. I smirked when I saw her notice us and the ensuing blush that graced her cheeks was amusing.

  Coltan stood and moved toward her, taking her shoulders and attempting to push her down to the floor. She fought him, and he slapped her ass hard.

  “Keep it up, and you’ll end up straight over my knee,” he warned, and her eyes opened wide in shock for just a moment.

  I pressed my palms together in excitement. She eventually gave in, falling to her knees on the dirt in front of him.

  She turned her head, choosing not to say anything. Her long chocolate brown hair fell in front of her face and Coltan quickly took it in his hands. He brushed her hair and wasn’t particularly gentle, combing out tangles with a certain firmness that kept her still and obedient.

  When he was finished, he helped her back up and guided her into the cage. Her gaze was softer with him than she was with me, and especially different from her dark glares at Aedan, but I’d strategized that between us. Coltan would be the good guy, Aedan the bad guy, and she wouldn’t know about me until I decided what I would be to her.

  Zaavyr watched us all and I winked in his direction.

  He smirked and shook his head. He took off his shirt and got ready for bed. The rest of us followed suit. I laid down on my own bed and Coltan turned out the lights.

  I fell asleep, dreaming of how my little human would soon be trembling under my lash.

  * * *

  When morning came, we all packed our things together in our bags, leaving behind what we didn’t need. Zaavyr collared Kira and attached a long leather leash to the O-ring at her throat. With packs on our backs and her following behind us, we left the camp to board the small space vessel waiting for us at the airfield not far away.

  The trip wouldn’t take long. Our ship was complete with the most up-to-date technology, a super-max capacitor that used dark matter from space to power our engines. It made exiting the Earth’s atmosphere simple and quick, and entry into space a breeze. It would only take us a few hours to approach the ISS Starrider.

  Strohass would be waiting too. All of us knew it, but none of us really wanted to say it. He’d give us some time to begin her training, but not much. He’d want to see the human who had killed his friends. Would want to have his own time with her and the four of us were already dreading it.

  I shook my head, not wanting to think about it.

  I sat down in the central command station on the ship and typed in the location of the Starrider and we lifted off the ground. My mates and Kira sat down in the seats behind me, securing her safely inside her seat with the chest and waist belts that came standard on our ships. I chuckled, noticing they had only put on their lap belts. Typical.

  Our ascent began slowly, but the higher we rose, the faster our ship began to move. In no time at all, we left the sorry planet of Earth behind. The other planets of the small solar system rushed by until we approached the ISS Starrider.

  Behind me, Zaavyr, Coltan, and Aedan kept a firm hold on Kira’s leash, ensuring that she wasn’t going anywhere unless they allowed it. I turned and grinned at seeing the frustration obvious in her expression. I also realized that the three of them had left their belts out of her reach, meaning no guns or daggers for her to steal.

  I saw her sight drop to mine and I stared her down. Gradually, she looked away, her lip poking out in the cutest subliminal pout that I’d ever seen. Ever searching, she analyzed her surroundings, but while I was manning the command, the rest of my mates had made sure nothing was in her immediate grasp.

  Caught between the four of us, she looked rather lost.

  The trip passed quickly, the four of us keeping ourselves busy with mandatory logs of our time spent on Earth as well as a few required protocols that we had to follow in order to enter the Vakarran station. All of us logged our hours spent in the presence of humans, including names, faces, and any and all conversations.

  The data went into our server, for analysis by a specialist in communication. We all filled out the forms, but there were certain things I left out, especially in terms of our relations with Kira thus far. Strohass and his team didn’t need to know anything more than necessary.

  Just when we were finishing, I began the final approach to the station. A large metal plate lifted, exposing a great ship terminal meant to hold several thousand small ships the size of ours. The station itself was the size of a small planet, large enough to hold a good portion of our army in location, ready to defend or attack at any time.

  As we flew into the ISS Starrider, I deployed the landing gear and our ship landed on the pad smoothly. Once the vessel was secured, I released the doors and heard them open with a hiss. I heard the others move behind me and the five of us ventured down the gangway, into the terminal.

  We walked through the safe zones and into the processing area, where my battalion quickly checked in with the commanding officers on duty. It took very little time, but we escaped into the hallways where the officer living quarters were located without any delay. I was particularly pleased that we did so without running into Strohass at all. He probably hadn’t been alerted to our arrival, but I preferred it that way.

  I turned and urged the men to hurry along to our chambers and none of them responded out loud, instinctively knowing what I was alluding to. I saw Kira behind on her leash, still completely nude, her pink nipples pebbled in the chilly air. I could see the discomfort on her face, how she tried to hide her private places as other Vakarrans passed us by, how she glared at the back of their heads in hatred. She wouldn’t be allowed such trivial thoughts soon. She’d learn that I expected her hands by her sides at all times, her breasts and pussy free for me to play with whenever I wanted.

  Our little rebel had much to learn.

  She wouldn’t get anywhere if she continued such behavior. I met Zaavyr’s eyes and shook my head.

  “We must get on training her right away. She needs to learn that humans are subservient to our species, that her days of independence are long gone,” I said.

  “I know. Once we are settled, we will begin. She will learn to kneel with a simple glance, to spread her legs whenever we wish, and to submit to our every whim,” Zaavyr responded.

  “I’ll take the lead on this one,” I began. “It’s time for me to get into her head and teach her that we are her masters now, no matter what now.”

  Zaavyr nodded curtly, handing me the leash then. He trusted me, knew that I would be the one who figured out how to break her of her rebellion, to show her that her only choice now was to spread her legs and to submit.

  I jerked the leash, causing Kira to lurch forward, off balance. She glared at me for a short moment before she dropped her eyes. I clenched my teeth and narrowed my eyes, scrutinizing her naked form, knowing that I was making her feel humiliated and ashamed.

  Her nipples peaked even harder.


  I pulled her toward me, gripping the end of the leash scant inches from the base of her throat. I reached down with my other hand and smacked her pussy, gripping it in my palm as she cried out in shock. Meeting my eyes, she chewed on her cheek, struggling not to react to my dominance.

  She was in for so much more.

  Behind me, the door to our apartment clicked open and I heard feet shuffle in
side. I waited purposely as a group of men passed by us.

  “Men!” I shouted aloud.

  They paused and turned toward me.

  “Want to see a little show?”

  I recognized them. They were one of the lower battalions, making their way up through the ranks, like we did. Upon seeing Kira leashed, something that most trained humans didn’t need, they grinned. They knew what we were doing. They knew that she needed to be broken. I turned my head, confident they would stay to watch what I had planned.

  “Get on your hands and knees, now,” I said to Kira, my tone expectant.

  Slowly, her mouth tightened into a frown and she paused for a moment too long. My hand swung forward, slapping the moist flesh of her pussy with a sound that echoed throughout the hallway. Her mouth opened in the shape of an ‘o’ and her shoulders curved forward, a soft whine emerging from her lips.

  “Fucking bastard,” she muttered. The men chuckled behind her.

  I reached forward, my fingers curving around her throat in warning. I saw it then. The glimmer of insecurity and fear I was looking for.

  “You’ll regret that when I whip your ass for your insolence in a few moments,” I countered. She bit her lip and looked away.

  “Hands and knees. Now, Kira,” I demanded.

  Her lips tightened in shame and anger, but she relented then, slowly dropping to the tile below, first one knee and then the other. I pointed down and she dropped her hands to the floor. Her body language was meek, but I knew better. I knew she was just playing at submitting to me.

  I laughed softly to myself.

  “My buddies here want to see that pretty asshole of yours. Grip those cheeks and show them that virgin hole so they can judge it for themselves,” I ordered, squatting next to her and holding her gaze. Her face paled and her eyes widened slightly, a red blush edging up her face.

  The men behind her were silent. Waiting.


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