Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 10

by Daniella Wright

  Damn it!

  I eventually settle on my purple and blue tie-dye dress. I pull it on and tie it around my neck. I adjust the girls to make sure they look nice and perky, not a difficult task. Then I grab a pair of black strappy sandals with a small heel and put those on. After checking my purse and making sure I have everything, I stop, remembering that I almost forgot one thing. Underwear.

  With this dress it is a little redundant to wear a bra, but I should wear panties. I rummage through my panty drawer and pick up two contenders; a simple pair of black bikini panties or a blue lacy thong. I eventually decide on the thong.

  After I leave my apartment and get in the cab to go to the pub and realize just how much I put into this outfit. I guess I want this to be a little more than just a drink at a bar. He is cute. Although is a police officer really my type?

  The pub isn’t too far from my apartment so the ride is rather quick. I pay the cabbie and give him an extra dollar for a tip. He thanks me happily and I give him a sweet smile in return. That reminds me of India. The cabbies there were always so nice to me.

  I wander into the pub and immediately I’m bombarded with the stench of beer and man-sweat. I look around and see quite a few televisions playing various sports games. I guess this is more casual. Glad I didn’t decide on the mini skirt. The amount of testosterone-driven beer-swilling men in here would make for a potentially awkward night.

  Nick waves me over to a table he has secured. I almost didn’t recognize him without the uniform. I go to the table and I’m not sure is a hug or a handshake is the correct response. He sticks his hand out so I go with the handshake as well. As I sit down and get my purse situated I notice him checking me out.

  “Glad you could make it.”

  “Thanks! You know, this place is close to my place but I’ve never been here.”

  “Well, drinks are on me. What do you want?”

  “How about a Rose Porteous?” I ask with a bat of my eyelashes.

  Nick smiles and waves over a barmaid who quickly comes by and takes the drink order. A few minutes later she is back with our drinks.

  We start drinking and talking. The words just start flowing so naturally. I tell him about my travels and he tells me about his family. He tells me how he is a third generation police officer in his family and I can’t help but laugh.

  He questions my laughter so I tell him about the time I spit in a Cuban officer’s face. Then I tell him about the time some rally-mates and I were pepper sprayed for impeding the movement of a town official’s car.

  As we talk I find myself looking over his exposed arms. He was also looking over my body and asked about the butterflies on my left arm. I straighten my arm and reach towards him, leaning a bit so that my breasts are pushed together. I explain my tattoo and he gently touches each butterfly as I explain it.

  After the second drink I think we both started throwing the initial reason for the drink out the window. We’re talking about more personal things in our lives like preferences in a partner and some weird things we have done in our youth.

  I manage to slip one foot out of my shoe and reach it out under the table to gently touch his shoe. I know he can’t feel my foot yet. We talk some more and I start touching his ankle under his pants with my toe.

  He gets an almost surprised smile on his face but tries to keep the conversation going as though nothing happened. I smile and slide my foot up along his calf, on the outside of his pants. His calf is so muscular.

  We’re both getting a little more interested in each other and it’s getting a bit obvious. I can feel his calf tensing against my foot, his cheeks are a bit flushed, and I can see his eyes bouncing from my breasts to my face. I play with my hair as though I’m such a sweet, innocent girl and he seems to like it.

  I slide my foot farther up until my toes are on his knee. I can feel him shift, widening his legs to allow my foot to trace the inside of his thigh. Nick smiles at me and I smile back at him as I gently touch his inner thigh. He tries to hide just how turned on he is by this but as soon as my toes find the seam of his pants there is nowhere to hide.

  He glances down at my toes then smiles at me with an almost adventurous smirk.

  “How many drinks has it been?” I ask.

  He laughs. “Three I think. Maybe four.”

  I laugh with him and bring my foot back to slip my shoe back on. Then I slide closer to him around the booth bench. He places his arm up on the back of the bench, as though inviting me closer.

  As I get just close enough to ensure this is a less than casual evening, a much larger, squared-jawed man approaches the table and lightly punches Nick in the shoulder.

  Chapter 8

  The man sits down at the table, slams his mug of beer on the table, and has successfully trapped me between them. He cheers at one of the television screens and downs a good third of his mug.

  “Great game on tonight, huh Nick?”

  Nick chuckles and shrugs towards me. “Eva, this is Eric. He works at the precinct with me. We went through the academy together.”

  Eric reaches out to shake my hand. I extend my hand and he surprises me completely by pulling my hand close to his lips and planting a small kiss on the back of my hand.

  “Well hello Eva. Nick didn’t tell me he caught himself a fox.”

  Nick reaches across the table and punches Eric in the arm. They have a good laugh about that.

  “Actually we kind of met at the precinct as well,” I laugh.

  Nick stares at me and realizes where I am going with this. He hides his face in his hand, trying to not crack up.

  “Really? Do tell.”

  “Yeah, the other day he brought me in to interrogate me because I was a suspect.” I look over at him and bat my eyelashes innocently.

  His tanned cheeks turn bright red and I can’t help but giggle.

  Eric bursts out laughing and slaps Nick on the back around me. “You sly dog!” he jests. He takes another big swig of beer. “You interrogated this beautiful woman then got a date out of her? Man, I knew you wanted to hop back in the ring but that’s some dirty moves right there!”

  We continue to chat and laugh and drink. As the night goes on I almost completely forget that Eric crashed our slowly intensifying table. He’s also not my type, but it has been a long time. Honestly, despite my many adventures, I’ve never had two men at once. I’m not sure how they would feel about that since they work at the same place.

  Our conversations continue on their various paths. Eric keeps trying to get us interested in the baseball game that is going on over the bar. Neither of us are really interested so we both give a simple head nod and ignore it. He’s already had a few drinks more than us, so he doesn’t notice us blatantly ignoring him.

  Nick and I keep exchanging looks with one another. He’s probably trying to gauge what was going to happen before Eric showed up. I’m trying to gauge whether he would be okay with me playing the field.

  Eric is entranced by the game. He mentioned something about someone needing one more out or something so he isn’t even paying attention to us.

  Nick leans in and compliments my hair, saying that it looks much better down than up in a bun. He asks me if I have any other tattoos and I bend my leg, getting my leg over his lap so he can see the vines on my ankle.

  His cheeks go red and he gently touches and traces the artwork. My cheeks match his as he touches my skin. He asks if I have any others and I just wink at him and give him a sly answer. His smile goes from his happy, nervous mixture to a more intrigued, lustful one. I return his smile with one of my own.

  At some point I guess Eric ordered some food for the table because the barmaid came back over with a basket of onions rings, a huge basket of chili cheese fries, and a stack of napkins. Nick and I laugh at how much we didn’t notice. The three of us enjoy the food.

  Chapter 9

  The game is eventually over and Eric has returned to the conversations at hand. He asks me about myself and seems
very interested in my stories. He tells me a few funny stories about Nick when they both were in the academy, much to the embarrassment of Nick.

  Eric makes me laugh at Nick and I make the situation better by placing my hand gently on Nick’s thigh. He really doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think he likes it. Then Nick retaliates with his own tale of Eric’s follies and I console Eric with a light caress of the chin or thigh.

  Despite the obvious flirting with both of them, neither seems to be backing down. They actually seem to be spurring me to touch them more.

  At some point during the conversation I ended up leaning against Eric with my palm caressing his chin, his large hand caressing my arm, my leg over Nick’s lap, and his hands caressing my thighs. I’m not entirely sure how we ended up like this, but none of us are complaining.

  The bartender calls out for last call and we get up out of the booth after some awkward giggling. Nick goes to the bar to pay off the tab.

  We walk outside into the cool evening breeze. They ask me where I’m parked and I tell them that I chose to get here by cab since I was coming to a pub. They laugh and agree that was probably a good idea.

  Eric admits that he’s had much more than he was intending to have and Nick agrees. We start walking down the street and looking at some of the fun shops that are still open this late at night. None of us seem to want the night to end.

  As we walk we come upon a store window to a pet store that just got in a bunch tiny rabbits. I squeal and run over to the window like a little kid. I press my hands and face against the glass. I can hear them laughing behind me.

  I feel a cool breeze come up under my dress and have to quickly spin around and hold my dress down. I drop my purse in the process and stare at them with beet-red cheeks and giant eyes. Nick goes to pick up my purse for me and I can see him chuckling on the inside. Eric is still staring at me. Their reactions tell me they noticed my choice in underwear.

  We continue to wander down the street, then cross and come up the other side. Our casual touching and flirtatious conversation hasn’t even begun to slow down. Even though we are all perfectly capable of walking we sometimes choose to lightly bump into one another just for an excuse to hug someone close.

  A few times I purposefully stumbled against Nick just so I could wrap my arms around his firm bicep and press my breasts against him. He patted my arm and the tips of his fingers gently brushed the fabric right where my nipple is. I shuddered and he smiled, knowing full well what he just did.

  Eric was a bit more brazen. A crumpled piece of paper tumbled past me barely eight feet from a trash can, so I bent down to pick it up. He came up right behind me and gently patted my rear with a devious grin across his face.

  “You saw my panties, didn’t you?” I ask as we approach our original starting point in front of the pub.

  Eric bursts out laughing, “Nice thong.”

  Nick plays it a little more casual with a snicker and nod. “Great color. Really match your dress.”

  My cheeks go red but this time I’m not so much embarrassed as playfully angry. I lightly smack them both on the shoulder and they continue to laugh.

  We finally get back to the front of the pub.

  “I guess I should get going then.” I smile, hoping not to actually go home.

  They both nod with a few sounds that imply “Yeah, I guess so” without ever actually saying anything.

  I smirk and press my body up against Nick. I lift myself onto my tip toes and gently kiss him on the lips. Then I step over to Eric, get on my tip toes, and have to pull his head down a little to kiss him on the lips as well.

  “I had fun tonight. We should do this again sometime!” Then I turn around and begin walking away from them.

  Nick and Eric look at one another in astonishment and seem to have a silent conversation with each other. I keep walking and hear them mumble. I can’t make out what they are saying exactly but I imagine it is in my favor.

  “Eva?” Nick calls out.

  I stop in my tracks and turn to them, playing coy as though I don’t already know what’s about to come tumbling out of his mouth.

  “Would you, maybe, like to come back to my place for a bite to eat?”

  I quickly hop back over to them. “Sure! When?” I want to hear them say it.

  Nick exchanges a glance with Eric then says to me, “Now?”

  “Oh!” I giggle and lean in close to whisper in his ear with my lips just barely brushing those little hairs that cover the skin. My breasts are right up against his shoulder and if he were to turn his arm and bend his wrist his fingers would be able to caress me right between my legs. “Take me home.”

  Nick’s cheeks turn bright red, even in the darkness we can see his color change. He begins to sweat and giggles like a giddy school girl. Eric holds back a hearty laugh and hails a cab.

  Nick slides in, pulling me behind. I get in and am almost sitting right on his lap. Then I feel warmth behind me. I turn to look and there’s Eric, squeezing into the back seat with us. This is too good to be true. Eric smiles, closes the door, and immediately gives the cabbie the address of Nick’s place.

  Chapter 10

  Sitting between these two muscle-bound Adonis-like men I feel like I have just won the jackpot at the world’s sexiest lottery. I have Nick on my left who looks like he could toss me over his shoulder without a second thought, and I might let him. Then I have Eric on my right who looks like he had been carved from marble with his statuesque features. I’m fairly certain he could throw both myself and Nick over his shoulder without even breaking a sweat.

  I hook my left ankle around Nick’s and slowly angle my foot to caress him with my toe. He smiles and reaches over to gently touch my arm. Then I take my hand and place it on his knee, circling my thumb firmly. I can see him blush as the streetlights go by. He tries to turn a bit in his seat; one I think he’s trying to give me a little more room, which is appreciated, and two I can tell he wants to kiss me again but is unsure how best to go about it.

  He places his hand on my knee and starts to caress my thigh. I slide my hand up his leg, over the top of his thigh. He brings his hand to my inner thigh and I swiftly breathe in through my nose which tells him that he is hitting some good spots. He takes that as a sign to go for it and plants a firm yet gentle kiss on my neck. I nearly melt, it has been so long since I’ve done this.

  ˇ˛EI plant a sensual kiss on Nick’s lips and slide my hand all the way up his thigh. My hand gently caresses his throbbing bulge. He kisses me again and grips my thigh. I can feel his heart racing. I want his hand to go farther up my leg but I know he won’t do it, not yet.

  I’m sure this isn’t the first time that the cabbie has seen something like this and I can’t help but find a tiny spark of enjoyment from knowing that he can see us. I also know that Eric can see everything and he hasn’t made a move yet, but I imagine he wants to.

  I turn my head slightly to look at Eric with a sweet smile. He smiles back at me. I can tell he is a little nervous but after I bounce my eyebrow at him, beckoning him hither, he bites the bait.

  Eric slides his hand down my side to caress my hip and lets his fingers go just a little farther down to touch my rear. I can tell he really enjoys the fact that I chose a thong for this evening. That’s probably one of the reasons, if not the main reason, he agreed to do this with Nick.

  He caresses my cheek and pulls my head closer to him with his thick hand. His lips touch mine and it feels amazing. His other hand slides up my thigh, under my dress to fully grab hold of my right cheek.

  Nick doesn’t really seem to mind that I’ve been pulled away from his by his friend. I can feel him press himself right up behind me, kissing the back of my neck. Nick slides his arm around my ribcage, his thumb gently caressing the underside of my breasts.

  The cab eventually stops and I’m sure we’ve steamed up the back seat just a bit. Nick pays the cabbie and he quickly drives off. I smile as I look over at Nick’s small home. It feels go
od to be back in this ravenous, lust-filled saddle where I can do whatever I want and can be seen in whatever light I feel best in.

  Before we even reach the door, Eric has his tongue in my mouth. Nick fumbles with the keys for a moment before managing to get the door open. We don’t even make it to the bedroom before Eric starts untying the top of my dress. I turn to look at Nick who is already down to just his boxers and I wonder how he managed that so fast, we just stepped in the door.

  As soon as the strings are undone the top of my dress falls away and they take a moment to admire my girls and remove at least one article of clothing. Nick pulls me into a kiss and helps me the rest of the way out of my dress. I can feel his bulge pressing right up against me and I love it.

  Eric comes up behind me and I can feel his tense, muscular skin against my back. He slips his thumbs into the thin waistband of my thong and pulls it down. I stand naked between them and they are standing naked, sandwiching me between them.

  Nick smiles as he traces his fingers over the tattoo on my right hip and whispers in my ear, “Found it.”

  I smile and kiss him again before turning around and planting a hot kiss on Eric’s lips. They caress my body gently and kiss up and down my torso. Nick squeezes my breasts from behind while Eric kisses between them, letting his tongue slide over my nipples and occasionally Nick’s fingers.

  Eric kneels down in front of me and Nick holds me flush against him. I slide my hand up Nick’s neck, around to the back of his head, and grab hold of the short but still graspable amount of hair. My other hand sensually slides down my body until it is on top of Eric’s head. There is no hair for me to grasp but I can dig my fingers into his scalp and he seems to enjoy it.


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