Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 16

by Daniella Wright

  They come back refreshed in no time.

  “Do we smell better yet?” Evan asked, kissing her deeply on the counter.

  “Much better,” she smiled. “Come here, let me smell you too,” she called Nathan over who happily obliged, letting himself be pulled in for a kiss too.

  “We need to talk,” she said seriously, hugging them both close.

  “Is this the part where you break up with us?” Nathan asked, pulling away, his piercing eyes staring at her intently, confused.

  “What?!” Evan exclaimed, backing away as well.

  “Silly boys!” she laughed. “Of course not.”

  “Then what is it?” Nathan was still skeptical.

  “I’m so grateful to have met you two. You have opened my eyes to so many things. I never thought I could be this happy…” she smiled.

  “It still sounds like you’re breaking up with us,” Nathan said. “Like you’ve gotten what you wanted and you’re ready to move on…”

  “Oh Nathan, you live in your own head too much. Why would I ever want to move on? It’s just the opposite in fact,” she said, reaching behind her and pulling out an envelope from the counter.

  “What’s that?” Evan asked, taking it from her.

  “Open it and see for yourself,” she smiled as he obeyed, pulling out three plane tickets.

  “Tickets to the Midwest? But…” Evan looked at her confused.

  “I want to be with you – with both of you. And I want to travel the world. All the places we’ve dreamt up before; do all the things we’ve always spoken about. I want to experience it all with you – see the world.”

  “Nina…” Nathan didn’t know what to say.

  “I believe we can be something great – I want to at least give it a try. That’s if you’d be keen, of course?” she shrugged, blushing.

  “Definitely! I’m in! It sounds amazing!” Evan exclaimed, hugging her tightly.

  “I’m not sure about the flying thing,” Nathan replies as the two of them stared at him expectantly. “But I’m sure about this thing,” he smiled, wrapping his arms around the both of them, smiling. “This is all I want.”

  “What about dinner?” she asked, grinning.

  “Dinner can wait,” Evan said, picking her up from the counter and throwing her over his shoulder. “We have some celebrating to do!” he carried her to his bedroom, Nathan not far behind.

  “Hey! I spent forever cooking that meal!” she protested.

  “Well, I’m sure we’ll work up quite the appetite,” Evan replied, throwing her on the bed. “And besides, they have these wonderful inventions called microwaves these days,” he grinned.

  They both jumped on the bed simultaneously, all three laughing gleefully.

  They had much to celebrate indeed.

  This was the new start she had always wanted.

  Even though it started months ago already…

  There was no stopping them now!

  Double Team

  ~Bonus Story~

  A Steamy Sports Menage Romance


  I had been a good girl my whole life, until he came around, a jock! He and his Camaro led me into all sorts of trouble, but I soon found it was trouble I liked. I was enjoying playing the bad girl for a change! And just to keep the press more curious, I began to date not just him, but him and his other football player friend at the same time! My father’s re-election was put in serious jeopardy, but in the end, his little girl managed to turn things around, and have a lot of fun at the same time!


  I saw her innocence and wanted to show her some fun. I never expected to develop feelings for her and miss the heck out of her when the three of us weren’t all together. She was way more than I ever expected!


  Life wasn’t the same without our bad girl, Tara. She was willing to try new things and showed us her wild side for sure! I wished I could have protected her from the horrible comments on social media, but she was stronger than I realized. She was bright and definitely beautiful. No wonder I started to fall in love with her!

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  I didn’t want to come downstairs, but eventually my mother knocked on my door. Another dinner party. And all the usual political faces. Father was running for the senate again, as his four year term was coming to an end. I couldn’t avoid the crowd any longer and descended the wide, carpeted staircase slowly, gripping the railing with each step. I usually didn’t mind the official gatherings, but after what my father had done, I was still embarrassed to be seen near him.

  His PR people had managed to spin the situation well, judging by how little space there was left in the living room among his supporters. I smiled the obligatory smile as I took the last step down to floor level and grabbed a glass of champagne from the first tray that passed in front of me.

  “Tara dear,” one of the old senators greeted me, “how are you keeping?”

  I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Well thank you, Senator,” I replied, smiling at him.

  “How are the studies coming along?” he continued.

  “I’m really enjoying it.”

  Before he could continue, I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw a familiar face among the crowd. I recognized him instantly. He was a star football player at our university. He had never spoken to me before, though I had seen him at these functions on previous occasions. His mother was in politics too. Though I was generally shy, I excused myself from the senator and walked towards the tall, sports star.

  “Tara,” he said, “that’s your name right?”

  “Yes,” I replied, “thanks for saving me,” I added, nodding in the direction of the old politician.

  He laughed.

  “My name’s Jeremy,” he said.

  “I know,” I said, blushing.

  How could I not know who he was, I thought. His face was plastered on all the social media sites. He was the star quarterback for the Bobcats. Now I was waiting for him to ask about the scandal with my father, but he surprised me.

  “I’ve always wanted to introduce myself to you, but I’ve never seen you with any jocks. We not good enough for you?” he joked.

  I snorted and grabbed a canape from a nearby table. He was smiling at me.

  “You scared of being outsmarted?” I joked back.

  I saw one of my father’s colleagues look at me and then quickly turn to the lady standing next to him. She looked down and adjusted the pleats in the front of her dress. I knew they were discussing my father’s moral lapse. I sighed and looked towards the balcony doors.

  “Do you want to get some fresh air?” Jeremy asked.

  “Yes, please,” I replied.

  We left the stuffy room and headed onto the tiled balcony. The roof arched above our heads as we looked down at the sparkling blue pool below. I was sure he would ask me about my father now.

  “Have you ever been to any of our games?” he asked instead.

  I looked up into his blue, gray eyes.

  “Of course!” I replied.

  I finished my glass of champagne and he offered to get me another. Maybe this night wasn’t going to be that terrible, I thought, as I watched him returning. His beige skinny-style pants accentuated his athletic thighs and calves. He handed me the long, thin glass. I liked the contrast between his tanned skin and my dark hue.

  “I suppose you want to know if the rumors are true,” I burst out a second later.

  I realized that I did want to talk about it, after all. He had been very polite in not asking, which was surprising, since he was quite arrogant otherwise, as football stars are.

  “Only if you feel like talking about it,” he replied.

  I swallowed a sip of champagne and saw my mother standing in the doorway. She was giving me the look. “Engage with the people, Tara,” she always said. “This is the life we’ve chosen to lead.”

  “I guess we should go inside,” I pro
mpted and sighed.

  “How about a dance?” he asked as he took hold of my hand.

  “Brilliant idea!” I replied.

  We headed towards the area the DJ was set up in and joined the other young and old revelers. At least we were inside and with the people, I thought. It was easier to ignore the occasional glances when I was dancing.


  The evening wore on and a few hours later I watched my father in the kitchen. A group of men and women were gathered around him. My mother was beside him, where she always was. Her hair was neatly pinned back and her off-the-shoulder navy blue evening gown fitted snuggly into her waist. She always looked good.

  I sighed. When the volume of their discussion became rowdy, my mother reached over and laced her arm through my father’s. She was showing her support. How could she still support him after all he did, I thought and turned away.

  Jeremy appeared next to me.

  “Want to blow this joint?” he asked and winked at me.

  I giggled nervously. I had never done anything like that. My parents would be really mad, but who cared what they thought now. I looked back at them.

  “How’s it going to look if I go off with you?” I said and frowned.

  I was always the good girl and always did the right thing.

  “Who cares?” Jeremy replied, “He’s got a mistress and a bastard!”

  I nodded. Decision made. I showed him out the laundry room door a minute later and followed closely behind.

  “There’s somewhere I want to show you,” Jeremy said, as he opened the door to his dark grey Chevy Camaro.

  I still couldn’t believe I was ditching the dinner party, as I looked back at my parent’s two-story mansion. We pulled out of the drive and sped through the neighborhood. I clung to the sides of the leather seats as we rounded the corner. After ten minutes, he stopped and parked.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  My parents had wanted me to study there, but I had insisted on being further away. Ohio State University, the sign read.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  He took hold of my hand and led me through the dimly lit walkways. Then I saw the reflection of the lights and trees on the water.

  “Mirror lake!” I said and laughed.

  Since it was holiday time, the campus was deserted.

  The fountain suddenly sprang up in the middle of the lake, reached up into the sky then fell back into the water. Jeremy offered me his jacket to sit on and I sat down next to him. He reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved something. I looked over at him.

  “Here’s your chance to be a real bad girl!” he joked.

  He lit it. I stared at the glowing end and waved my hand in front of my face.

  “Come on, you’ve got to have a drag at least,” he said.

  I looked around and didn’t see anybody. I leaned closer and reached up my hand.

  Chapter 2

  A loud banging interrupted my dreams.

  “Who is it?” I groaned at my bedroom door.

  My head felt heavy and my mouth dry. The door opened and in stormed my father, flapping an open newspaper in his hands.

  “Have you seen this?” he bellowed.

  He held the front page open.

  “Senator’s daughter, a pot-head!” the headline read.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” he continued.

  “Wha-what?” I replied.

  I leaned closer to the picture below the headline. It was a very distant image of me and Jeremy by the lake. I couldn’t even see anything in either of our hands.

  “Smoking pot, Tara,” he said, “Do you know what damage this does to my re-election!”

  I sat up in bed and looked down at the bedspread.

  “Sor-” I began to apologize.

  “How could you be so selfish!” he accused.

  Then I changed my tune.

  “How could I be so selfish?” I said, raising my voice too. “What about you and your bastard child!”

  My father’s eyes narrowed. He crumpled up the newspaper, threw it in the corner of my room and stormed out again. I stared at the door. That was the first time I’d stood up to him and it felt good. Why should I have to always be the good girl when it’s okay for him to go around sleeping with other women!

  I was glad the headline was printed! It felt good to get back at him. I reached for my mobile.

  “Seen the headlines? Lol. Would luv to c u again!”

  A second later a message bleeped back. I picked my mobile up quickly.

  “Yes, u bad, bad girl! Let’s hook up Friday nite!”

  I read the message again. Bad girl. I liked the sound of that. I had played the good girl for so many years, for my father’s sake. He wasn’t thinking about my mother and me when he had an affair, so why should I think about him and his re-election now.


  That Friday I met Jeremy at the same spot where we’d got in trouble the first time. There was a night club on the campus that raged during term and in the holidays. They always had drinks specials on and that night was no exception. Luckily it wasn’t quite as crowded as term time, but it still took me a few minutes to spot Jeremy in the crowd of student faces. He waved when he saw me.

  I couldn’t believe I was hanging out with a star football player!

  “Tara!” he shouted over the music.

  I pushed through the throng by the bar and wedged myself next to him.

  “Hi!” I said.

  He looked me up and down. “Whoa! Looking good!”

  I had bought the dress that morning and had never worn anything like it before. It was light blue, tight-fitting, had a low back with cross-over straps and I had to keep pulling it down over my thighs.

  I giggled. “Thanks!”

  “You definitely don’t look like a good girl anymore,” a guy next to him interjected.

  I frowned.

  “Oh this is my friend Jake,” Jeremy said.

  “Hi Jake,” I replied, nodding my head in his direction. “No, I’m done with being the good girl!”

  I tugged on the seam of my dress again. Both guys laughed.

  “Can I get you a drink?” Jake asked.

  “Thanks,” I replied, “I’ll have a Caramel Apple!”

  I loved the sweet and sour combination in my mouth and after a second round, I began to relax. Jake called me over to the crowded dance floor and I joined him. I thought Jeremy would have been the animal on the dance floor. The music pumped out of the speakers and the bass pulsed through my body. Half an hour later, we returned to the table and Jeremy bought us another round of drinks.

  “Cheers,” he said, “to the good girl gone bad!”

  I laughed and clinked my glass against their beer glasses.

  “How much of a bad girl are you really though?” Jake joked.

  I tilted my head and raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t one to turn down a dare, ever!

  I stood up.

  “Why don’t I show you?” I said.

  I beckoned for both of them to follow me and headed in the direction of the unisex bathrooms.

  I pushed open an empty cubicle on the far left side and pulled them both inside. The cubicle fitted all three of us comfortably. I leaned closer to Jeremy and pressed my lips against his. I could see Jake’s green eyes opening wide. I took hold of his hand and put it on my firm rear.

  Jeremy’s hand ran over the curve of my waist and around my hip. He pulled me closer and stuck his tongue deep into my mouth. I moved over to Jake and sought his soft lips. He kissed differently to Jeremy. He was more tender and sensual.

  “Okay,” Jeremy said, “Maybe she’s not just miss goody-two-shoes!”

  He squeezed my butt and I laughed.

  “Exactly!” I said.

  I grabbed Jakes’ belt, undid it and pulled his pants down to his thighs.

  “Whoa!” he said, but didn’t try to stop me.

  He was going commando.

  I took hold o
f his ready member in my hand and ran up and down his shaft. I bent my knees and brought my mouth to his swollen head. In a few seconds Jake was groaning. Though I had only had sex four times, I knew how to give good head.

  As my mouth slid up and down, moistening his shaft, I was getting warm and wet too. A throbbing sensation made me want to put one of their hands underneath my thong. I would need satisfying too.

  Jake began to thrust into my mouth as I took all of him in. He was getting close. He didn’t grab hold of my head though. I hated it when guys did that. He groaned and the throbbing pulses running through this member gushed out into my mouth. Luckily the sweet and sour taste of my Caramel Apple was strong.

  “Good god!” Jake declared.

  Then it was Jeremy’s turn. I pulled my dress up over my hips, revealing the new lace thong I’d bought, to match my new dress. Both guys’ eyes opened wide. I leaned over the top of the toilet and placed my hands on the closed lid, exposing my firm, round butt to them.

  “Ooh!” Jeremy said.

  He moved closer and pressed his hard appendage against me, where it was already protruding up against the front of his pants.

  “Well, come on!” I invited him, “I told you I can be a bad girl!”

  “You weren’t kidding!” Jake said and laughed.

  “Enjoy the show!” I said to him as I pulled my thong down to my ankles.

  Sexy underwear never did stay on long, I thought.

  I heard Jeremy’s zip unzip and waited for the pleasure to follow.

  “I assume you’ve got protection,” I mentioned.

  “Yes, mam,” he said.

  Then I felt his tip just where I wanted it and groaned. He pushed slowly inside.


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