Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 27

by Daniella Wright

  I sigh, curling closer to Jeremy's side as he snoozes on their beat-down sofa. Jake had mentioned something about going to fetch dinner for the three of us, which I suppose I might expect from Jake. He's always been the more outwardly caring of the two. He has a romantic streak a mile long, something I could find myself getting used to. Not to say Jeremy doesn't have his charms. I lean up pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wearily blinks his eyes open, glancing at me with a faint smile.

  "Food here?" He inquires sleepily, and I chuckle warmly.

  "Not yet. Was just loving up on one of my boys," I grin, and he reddens faintly. He's always somewhat embarrassed by my more affectionate side but never seems to mind it too much. He tangles a hand in my hair, drawing me in for another kiss just as the door bursts open. Startled by the sound, I jolt away from him and nearly fall off the couch. Jake offers me an apologetic look from the door, standing with two armfuls full of takeout bags.

  "Sorry, love. I could barely get the door open," he manages with a small smile, stepping inside with our food. I know that the two eat enough to feed an army, but even this seems extravagant. Jake sets one of the bags aside, busying himself with sorting through it. He sets several candles on their small dining table, lighting them while humming under his breath. Jeremy watches with a faint smile, and I feel my heart swell as he Jake turns to smile tenderly at me. "I thought a bit of a romantic dinner was in order. To treat our little princess," he grins, and I roll my eyes as I redden in embarrassment.

  "Does president's daughter really equate with a princess?" I inquire softly, rising up from the couch to meander into their dining area.

  "Seems better, in my opinion," Jeremy pipes up, offering me a wink as he begins to sort through the food. It's from my favorite Chinese takeout place, and I can't help but feel more than a little charmed by the effort Jake had put into this little dinner. Jeremy pulls my chair out for me, and I take a seat. The two sit on either side of me, and we quietly enjoy our dinner. Jake seems lost in thought, and I clear my throat to catch his attention.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" I murmur, and he quirks a tender smile.

  "Though I'm sure you can spare more than a penny…," he trails off, setting his fork down. "It still surprises me how easy it was to turn a good girl bad," he says teasingly, pausing for a moment before continuing. "It's just a wonder we got so lucky," he grins. I feel myself growing slightly flustered at his words, and though I know this is nothing more than a sex thing for the two of them, I can't help how much my heart longs for the two men.

  "Maybe I was never a good girl. Maybe I just needed a couple of bad boys to show me how much more there was to life," I murmur softly. The two exchange a glance, seeming a bit flustered as well. However, the moment soon passes and it grows nearer to time for me to leave. I pull my chair back from the table, hesitating as I consider my words. "I appreciate the two of you being so kind to me. I know this is just… well, I'm not making it more than it is. I just appreciate the two of you," I say weakly. Jake smiles, looking as if he wants to say something but remains quiet anyway. The two rise from their seats, standing at either side of me and pulling me in for a sort of group hug. I smile at the attention, feeling my heart throb painfully in my chest.

  As I slip out of their dorm and make my way home for the evening, I can only wonder how long it will be before this ends in heartbreak.


  Each day that passes, my anticipation only grows. I know something has to come to a head eventually, that someday the two athletic men will get tired of our little fling. However, I can only enjoy what time I have with the two of them for the time being. Though I know it's the worst possible thing I could have done, I realize that I've foolishly fallen for the two men. It's not something I want to confront them with, as I'm sure once they realize I'm getting too attached they will try to bail out. I've managed to keep my cool, for the most part, being affectionate without risking being overly so.

  I'm planning to meet the two after classes today, and truth be told, my thoughts remain with the two men throughout my daily schedule. It seems like our little study hour can't come soon enough. I only vaguely pay attention to what my teachers are saying, just managing to keep up enough to take notes. I'm sure the notes will make little to no sense when I look at them later, but for now, they seem to suffice. When the clock strikes the hour to end my final class, I gather my books. My heart pounds in my chest, and I'm nearly overcome by just how excited I am. I make my way through the hallways at a swift pace, nearly shrieking when an arm reaches out from what I had thought was an empty classroom and draws me inside. I stumble into the classroom, struggling against my assailant, only to calm down when I realize it's Jeremy. Jake sits on the edge of the desk at the front of the classroom, watching us with a faint smile.

  "You jerk, you scared the life out of me," I hiss, lightly slapping Jeremy on the arm.

  "Oh, you love it," he says teasingly. I find myself reddening at just how much truth lies behind those words, though he can never know that.

  "Well," I reply, drawing out the word as I draw him in for a kiss. "I plead the fifth," I whisper against his lips, shifting to smile at Jake as he approaches. Soon I'm sandwiched between the two, and their hands are roaming my body as they've done so many times. This time feels different, however. This time, I'm certain that I'm ready to go all the way with the two. I hesitate for a moment, wondering how to voice the thought. "I was thinking we could try something different," I begin, uncertainty lacing my voice. The two offer me a confused look, and I steel myself before speaking once more. "I think I'm ready to lose my virginity," I murmur shyly. The two look shocked, and I begin to stammer, red setting my cheeks alight as I try to come up with some explanation for my sudden change of heart.

  "Are you sure? With us?" Jake inquires softly, pressing his lips to my temple.

  "Y-yes. If you two don't want to," I begin, but they're swift to shut me down.

  "Of course we want to, boo. It's just that… that's a big step to take. I thought you always said you were waiting for someone you love…," Jeremy trails off, glancing to Jake who reddens in embarrassment.

  "And though we've managed to come to terms with the feelings we're developing for you," he pauses midway through his sentence, mistaking the shock on my face for something negative. "We didn't want to say anything because we know this is just a sex thing for you. Regardless, Jeremy and I… we've come to the terms that we're falling in love with you," Jake murmurs. I look to Jeremy for confirmation and he mutely nods his head.

  "I-I love you too," I say weakly, feeling as if I'm in a waking dream. Their eyes nearly bulge from their heads, and they glance at each other before turning to face me with matching smiles. Jake steps towards me, nudging me to a long desk at the front of the classroom. He swipes his arm across the desk, knocking off the various documents and editing pens that are strewn across it. It's not the most romantic setting in the world, but my ache for them is so strong that I don't think I can wait until we make it back to their dorm. I sit on the edge of the desk, feeling suddenly shy in spite of the numerous times they've seen me in the nude. Jake moves carefully, leaning in for a sweet kiss as Jeremy slips towards the desk as well. I reach out, slipping my hands under Jake's t-shirt to feel the expanse of his abs. His skin is warm, just barely damp with sweat. He shakes with anticipation, and while I know neither of the two are virgins, there's something special about this moment. I would be a fool not to see it.

  Jeremy sits beside me on the desk, slipping his hand up the back of my shirt while I’m engrossed in my kiss with Jake. His hand is cold against my skin, and I jolt slightly before drawing away from Jake with a faint giggle.

  “It’s ridiculous that I’m so nervous about this,” I murmur, watching with my lip drawn between my teeth as Jake tugs his shirt off over his head. Jeremy rubs the small of my back in small soothing circles, and I turn to face him with a small smile. “You want some sugar too, honey?” I purr, and he grins wildly befor
e leaning in to capture my lips with his. I tangle a hand in his shaggy blonde hair, the smoothness of his skin a sharp contrast to the stubble of Jake’s but a moment previous. I’ve kissed them numerous times, but it’s hard to imagine that I’ll ever grow tired of how well their difference work together. Jeremy draws away, lifting his arms as Jake tugs his shirt off as well. He tosses it to the side, considering Jeremy with a quirk of his lips.

  "This is much more foreplay than you're usually up to," Jake comments and Jeremy reddens faintly. He gives his dark haired friend a slight shove, pouting adorably.

  “This is a special moment, you dweeb,” he says sourly, his hand lingering on Jake’s chest. He draws away after a moment, looking back to me with an almost predatory smile. “We’re deflowering the fairest of maidens, after all,” he adds teasingly, and I can’t help but laugh. Jake reaches out to grasp my shirt by the hem, and I quirk my lips in a smile.

  “What, are you on shirt duty?” I tease, and he chuckles.

  “Just trying to keep things moving along,” he grins, and I can only smile wickedly.

  “Who’s the one skimping on the foreplay this time?” I grin, reaching behind myself to unclasp my bra. He bites his lip sensually, reaching out to ghost his fingertips to the swell of my breast. “I would think you’d want to prolong this moment. After all, Jeremy had a point. Deflowering of the princess and all,” I manage, exhaling a soft sigh as his touch travels down my stomach.

  “So you admit you’re a princess?” Jeremy pipes up, leaning in to kiss my shoulder. His hand soothingly rubs my shoulders, and I can only press into his touch with a soft sigh.

  “I’m your princess, aren’t I?” I smile cheekily, and Jake leans in to wrap his lips around one of my stiff nipples. He sucks it into his mouth for a moment, drawing away with a lewd pop. I redden, considering him with wide eyes.

  “Our princess. Forgive my eagerness, your highness,” he murmurs before tucking his face against the side of my neck. He flicks his tongue out to my skin, tasting me before taking his teeth to my flesh. He bites hard enough to mark me before tenderly kissing the skin there. I mewl in pleasure, and Jeremy takes the opportunity to mark the other side of my neck.

  “I’m going to have to wear a scarf tomorrow,” I whine, the sound dragging out as Jake kisses down the column of my neck to my shoulder.

  “We just want it to be very clear that you are taken,” Jeremy whispers, ghosting his lips to my ear. I know that I should stop them from marking me further, but the idea of being utterly and entirely claimed by the two of them sends my heart furiously pounding.

  “Even if we are your little secrets,” Jake murmurs, nipping at the curve of my breast. I quiver, trying to find my voice to protest.

  “N-not,” I manage to get out, cutting myself off with a wanton groan as Jeremy latches on to my other breast, drawing away to look me in the eye.

  “She’s right Jake. We’re not small by any means,” he retorts, winking before drawing my nipple back into his mouth. It always amazes me how the two are able to keep cool enough to find their voices when we’re in the throes of passion, but I must say, now is not the ideal moment.

  "Use your mouth for something better than talking," I manage to grit out, tangling a hand in both of their manes. Jeremy rumbles in laughter against my chest, but Jake only doubles his efforts, lapping at the small marks that cover my breast. He drags his tongue against my nipple, flicking it up and down in a tantalizing motion. Jeremy reaches down to fidget with the button of his jeans as he lavishes my chest with attention, and Jake gives him the slightest of nudges. Jeremy heaves a sigh, apparently taking the hint that the focus should be on me for the time being. Jake gently pries my thighs apart, my skin-tight jeans inhibiting my movements slightly. He shifts away from me, glancing to Jeremy from the corner of his eye before helping me out of my jeans. I'm wondering if there will be some argument about who actually gets to claim my virginity, but Jeremy remains focused on my breasts as Jake slips my panties down off of my hips.

  “Lay down,” Jake say warmly, and Jeremy guides me to my back on top of the desk. It’s not the most comfortable place in the world, but my mind is taken off of the awkwardness as Jake settles between my thighs. I look at him through wide eyes, and he meets my gaze, quirking a brow.

  “Are you going to…?” I inquire softly, and he hesitates for a moment before responding with a shake of his head.

  “Not yet. I want to make sure you’re ready,” He murmurs. Jeremy draws away from my chest, leaning in to kiss my ear.

  “You just stay nice and relaxed, baby girl. We’ll take good care of you,” he murmurs. His lips meet my own, cutting off my strangled cry of ecstasy as Jake drags his tongue up my slit. My thighs twitch, and he holds me gently in place as he continues to sloppily probe my entrance. I don’t realize that he’s raised a hand between my legs until I feel one of his fingers gently pressing into my waiting womanhood. Jeremy draws away, and I’m stricken by the uncomfortable look on his face. I notice just how much his bulge is pressing against the fabric of his denim, and I clumsily work the button on his jeans to set his member free. “W-we’re taking care of you,” Jeremy manages weakly, trying to draw away in spite of his obvious desire to press into my hand.

  “Jake and I can’t be the only ones to enjoy ourselves,” I whisper, taking his girthy length into my hand. I give him an experienced squeeze near the base of his shaft, prompting a breathy groan to slip past his lips. I’m so focused on trying to please Jeremy that I’m nearly jolted out of my skin when Jake presses a second finger inside of me. He works slowly, and there’s a slight ache at the penetration. I feel myself being stretched wider than I’m used to, and unintentionally flex my inner walls around his fingers.

  “You’re so tight, baby,” Jake murmurs, giving me a moment to adjust to his fingers. Then, he begins to scissor them inside of me, preparing me for his length. The pain ebbs slightly as he works me a bit looser, and I relax around his invading digits, resuming my steady stroking of Jeremy’s member. Jeremy rocks against my hand, eyes fixated between my legs where Jake is preparing me.

  “You’re so lucky I’m letting you have the first go, dude,” he manages weakly. Jake rolls his eyes and I can only giggle softly in response.

  “Whatever dork,” he begins, glancing to me with tenderness in his gaze. “Are you sure you want to do this baby girl? Are you okay with me…,” he trails off, shifting his jeans and boxers lower on his hips. The crown of his manhood is almost purple he’s so aroused, and I can tell he’s struggling to keep himself restrained.

  “Do you have a condom…?” I inquire softly, not wanting to spoil the mood but especially not wanting to spoil the long term with a child.

  “I always keep one on me,” he smiles awkwardly, taking the packet out of his pocket and ripping the foil. My toes curl in anticipation as I watch him slide the condom on his throbbing length.

  “I know it won’t feel as good,” I stammer apologetically, and he chuckles softly before silencing me with a kiss.

  "It'll feel great. It'll be the best I've ever had because it's the girl I love," he grins, pressing against my entrance carefully. Jeremy continues to thrust erratically against my hand, and it's all I can do not to squeeze the life out of him. I'm terrified of how painful this may be, but I know that I want this more than I've wanted anything in my entire life. "I love you, baby," Jake murmurs, pushing into me. The sensation of being stretched wider than I ever have been washes over me and a jolt of pain shoots through me as I'm entered for the first time. Tears prick the corner of my eyes, and Jeremy draws my hand away from his erection to lace our fingers together. He gives me a reassuring smile, and I'm nearly overcome with emotion for both of them.

  “I love you. Both of you. I love you so much,” I gasp out, involuntarily clenching as Jake continues to push deeper inside of me.

  “Relax, baby,” Jeremy murmurs, his voice strained with arousal but still filled with warmth. Jake pauses, giving me a moment to adjust.
Steeling myself, I wrap my leg around his back and pull him flush against me. As a result, he has no choice but to hilt himself inside of me. I manage a strangled cry at the initial pain, and his eyes widen in concern.

  “Tara,” he begins, but I press my lips to his, keeping him as close to me as I am able. For a moment, we simply remain as one, with him fully inside of me and Jeremy clutching my hand. Slowly, I lower my hand back to Jeremy’s manhood and draw away from Jake.

  “I’m okay. I want to finish this. It’ll get better… right?” I gasp out. Jake hesitates, but nods his head, beginning to pull out of me. My hand is tight around Jeremy’s length, and he wraps his hand around mine to loosen my grip. He guides my hand up and down as Jake pulls halfway out of me before pushing back in. The pain is beginning to fade, replaced with an intense surge of pleasure with every move the dark haired man makes. I gasp out his name, and he meets my gaze, worry still in his gaze.

  “You okay?” He inquires softly, and I experimentally clench around him. He nearly doubles over at the sensation, gritting his teeth against a sharp cry.

  “More,” I say desperately, urging him to move once again.

  “O-okay,” he manages, beginning to thrust into me at a more steady pace. His jaw is clenched, and it’s obvious he’s fighting to hold back.


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