Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 84

by Daniella Wright

  I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he meant. “We aren’t robbing another bank, are we?”

  “No, nothing like that.” He called over his horse. “Do you want to ride with me or your own horse?” I looked over at Bianca who flared her nostrils at me. I walked up to her and patted her side affectionately. While I did miss her, I knew I couldn’t give up the opportunity to ride with Zander, the feeling of his body rubbing against mine as we galloped toward the horizon.

  “You.” He grinned.


  Zander rode us into a local town. No one recognized us so we had no problem slipping into the local saloon. Everyone was so hammered, the bartender just gave us two shots of whiskey, thinking we were regulars. I downed mine, banging it onto the counter. Zander looked at me, surprised. “I always did like a girl who can hold down her liquor.” He commented, drinking his shot and asking for another. Our glasses were quickly refilled as Zander handed them a small Blood Diamond.

  Suddenly, he looked at me, his hand on his gun. I knew exactly what he was planning. I nodded in understanding, grabbing hold of my revolver. In a flash of gunpowder and bullets, we quickly found ourselves in a full-fledged shoot-out. People screamed at us, trying to stop us as we ransacked the cash box. Tables were turned over and smashed, glasses shattered. Girls screamed, hiding behind their partners, praying they wouldn’t get hurt, but we never did aim to kill.

  By the time everyone had run out of bullets, we were high-tailing it out of there. Zander hoisted me onto his horse and we were off like the wind. We laughed together, riding off into the dying day, knowing no one could ever catch us. Adrenaline rushed through my veins and I absolutely loved it. I rested my hands on top of Zanders. “You’re crazy!” I screamed at him.

  “You love it.” He teased. I knew he was right.

  After a while, we stopped at the outskirts of another boomtown. There was a small family huddled around a fire outside a shanty. Zander rode up to them, dropping off the spoils of our shoot-out in the father’s lap. He gave us a quizzical look, his one eye blinking slowly in surprise. Zander flashed him a warm smile before yanking on the reins, quickly taking us in another direction.

  I was shocked. He had given them everything. We weren’t left with a single Diamond. Had he always been stealing to give back to the less fortunate? I rubbed my hand against him, smiling slightly, praying it was the reason he had chosen a life of crime.

  Chapter 8

  After my first experience of actually committing a crime, it was like I was addicted. We would do small jobs here and there, robbing banks or saloons and then dropping off our profit to someone in need. It felt good and spending time with Zander was the cherry on top.

  Now, we were done with the small fry. We wanted something big. We had been planning to rob a train loaded with Blood Diamonds for weeks now. We had charted its course multiple times, making sure that nothing changed. We came up with the perfect plan of action. It seemed like nothing could stop us from stealing from the rich and giving back to the poor.

  Throughout it all, we didn’t stop having our fun. Every night we made love under the stars, slept in the open, and enjoyed the beautiful Ayrisian landscape. One time, Zander even took me to the coast, where we sat watching the beautiful purple water wave and ebb on the shore. The sound was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It wasn’t like back on Earth where it was rhythmic and predictable, instead, the water dance over various shells, creating a swarm of different hums and cords, creating a sort of melody you couldn’t quite sing along to, but that you could feel deep inside your soul.

  Finally, after living totally free and wild for almost a month, the day had come. The train was due to leave that morning and it was time for us to give back what belonged to the workers, who were breaking their backs for some greedy overlords. Together, we dashed through the open country, kicking up dust in our wake. Behind us, hired help was hot on our trail. But just as we were coming toward the valley where we planned to ambush the train, we ran into something unexpected.

  The government had come prepared. Somehow, they had caught light of Zander’s plan to hijack the train. A tightly-packed line of law enforcement officers surrounded the mouth of the valley, closing it off the moment the train rushed by them. Zander slowed his horse, eyeing the huge contingent, waiting to capture us.

  “What are we going to do?” I whispered at him as we hid in a bush, trying to calculate our next move.

  “We have to go through them.” He said confidently. “It’s the only way. If we try to go around, then the train will reach its destination before we can ever catch up with it. We have no choice.” His words were calm and collected as he looked down at me, his eyes fierce. “This kind of haul could change the lives of thousands of people. We have to do it… for them.”

  Behind us, Zander’s crew gathered, waiting for orders. There was tension in the air and no one felt it stronger than I did. This was my moment of truth. I bit my lip, torn between two worlds. I could either choose to help and forever brand myself as an enemy to the Zerothian government or I could do the right thing and turn him in.

  My hand had at some point rested on Zander’s chest, near his heart. I could feel its steady beat, reminding me that he was still there. I looked up at him, trying to find the answer to my inner turmoil in his eyes, but all I saw were two glass mirrors, returning my reflection.

  My face was tanned from being out in the open for so long. My hair was long and dirty. I had grown wild with this man, to the point that I could barely recognize myself.

  Was I going to let him change my identity even further? Would I forfeit my reputation as a bounty hunter for him?

  Chapter 9

  In in a split-second decision, everything clicked. I couldn’t turn this man in. I loved him. “I’m in,” I said decisively, knowing I was sealing my fate. I had picked my allegiances and I could never go back.

  Zander smiled as if he had expected it all along. Passionately, he leaned down, cupping my face in his hands and kissing me roughly. Our lips danced together as if this was our final goodbye. I held onto him tightly, my heartbeat quickening, knowing how dangerous this would be. Finally, he pulled away, gazing into my bright green eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. “You heard the lady, let’s go!” He took hold of his steed’s reins and snapped them like a whip. His feet dug into its back and we shot off like lightning, barreling toward the contingent.

  The officers looked shocked at first glance, standing there like statues before they picked up their weapons, aiming them at us. A few bullets flew dangerously close to my head, but we still rode on, trying to get close enough for our revolvers to be of any use. “Now!” Zander called out. In a flash, we all started firing, aiming at the officers.

  I made quick work of a few, shooting their weapons right out of their hands. The sounds of gunfire echoed through the canyon until it was deafening. My heart hammered in my chest as Zander effortlessly guided his force closer to the front line. A rush of exhilaration washed over me, and I got up, balancing on the saddle.

  Zander’s eyes grew wide as he saw my brass move. Like this, I was nothing more than a moving target. “Come and get me, boys!” I called out, cupping my hands around my mouth, haphazardly holding my gun in one of my fingers.

  A volley of shots came my way and I grinned as they all missed their mark. I felt invincible. “You’re going to have to try harder than that!” I was about to take aim when I felt Zander standing next to me.

  We were both standing on his horse’s back as it rode on its own accord, well-trained enough to know where to go and what to avoid. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, his hot breath against my neck. He took hold of my hand, helping me aim and together, we shot at the nearest officer. He collapsed to the ground, holding his busted hand. It would heal with time, but for now, he was out of commission and that was exactly what we wanted.

  I laughed as we continued to hit our mark every time. Zander pulled me closer and I fel
t butterflies form in my stomach. Through pluck, luck, and lots of courage, we managed to shoot our way through most of them. That is until they brought out the big guns. At one point, they had managed to call for backup and now, a large cannon was being rolled into the mouth of the valley. Zander quickly pulled me down onto the saddle. He whistled as loud as he could, signaling his men to retreat. There was no way we could go against that thing and hope to see another day.

  As the men started to load the cannon, we shot off as fast as we could in the other direction. I breathed hard, holding on to the steed’s mane while Zander’s arms held me tight, making sure I didn’t fall off even as he pushed his horse to the limit, spittle flying between his teeth.

  A cacophony of sound was heard behind us. I looked back, seeing a convoy coming our way. “They’re gaining on us!” I said.

  “Split up!” Zander shouted. Obediently, every one of his men went off in a different direction, forcing the contingent to split up as well.

  It was just me and Zander now. I kept looking back, seeing the vehicle getting closer and closer. “Give me your gun!”

  He didn’t respond for a moment so I had no choice but to reach down into his pants and pull it out myself. I turned around in the saddle, straddling him. I had to sit on his lap in order to see over his shoulder. The officers made eye contact with me, their guns aimed right at us. I tried to focus my breathing, my fingers shaking. I knew Zander only had one bullet left. I had to make it count.

  I closed one of my eyes, taking aim. I used his shoulder to steady myself, my body pressed against his. Our heartbeats hammered together. I unlocked the safety and held my breath, bracing myself. I pulled the trigger.

  A soft bang emerged from his gun as the last bullet left the chamber, heading straight for the vehicles’ wheel. It spun out of control, crashing into a nearby ditch. Smoke billowed from the wreckage and I laughed in success.

  “Nice shooting,” Zander said, his hand on my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. I giggled and sat back down, kissing his lips as we continued to ride.

  “You owe me for saving our skins.” I teased him, my arms still around his neck.

  He chuckled and kissed me again, letting the passion he felt for me come to the surface. I melted into it, eventually resting my head on his chest as he held me close. His horse was getting tired, but we pushed on, determined to put as much distance as we could between us and the people that had tried to capture us.

  We rode long into the night, running for freedom, knowing if we were captured, we would both be put on the chopping block. Finally, we stopped at a small lake. We looked at each other and smiles spread across our faces. We had made it! Together.

  Chapter 10

  We dismounted and started to set up camp. Once the fire was going, we couldn’t stop ourselves. We were so overjoyed we had managed to escape with our lives that we had to celebrate. Zander grabbed me by the hips, pulling me closer. I looked up into his eyes, mesmerized. His lips found mine, his handsome body shadowed by the fire, giving him a mystical look that just aroused me further. I felt my thighs quiver in desire and my hormones rush out of control.

  He seemed to feel the same because he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. I rested my hands on his chiseled body, moaning softly as he kissed my neck, allowing his slightly pointed tongue to run along my flesh. I tilted my head back, giving myself to him. His mouth moved to the hollow of my neck, gently sucking on it.

  His hands started to move to my backside, giving it a squeeze. I wiggled in his embrace, pressing myself closer against him. Fueled by a lust I had never felt before, I took hold of his face, pinning it between my hands and kissing him harder than ever. My tongue made its way into his mouth and my breathing became ragged, but I didn’t care. I never wanted to pull away. I never wanted him to stop holding me. Zander smiled into the kiss, his fingers running through my thick hair.

  Suddenly, he stopped and pulled away. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, his eyes running over my full figure. “Your every curve… your every inch… is perfect.” He murmured, his head now nuzzled against my bust, his fingers interlacing with my own. He laid like this for a moment, taking in the sound of my heartbeat.

  I squeezed his hand, enjoying the moment, knowing I never wanted to be with anyone else. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head ever so softly. This seemed to rouse him and he looked at me, his eyes filled with joy. He pulled my shirt open, leaving behind a trail of kisses down my body. He took his time undressing me as if I were made of porcelain and he could break me at any moment.

  I melted in his tenderness, feeling his soft touch and gentle kisses. Eventually, his hands wrapped around my thighs, spreading them apart. Between his legs, his cock was already free, standing at attention. I reached out and grabbed hold, caressing him. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips, causing me to do it a little while longer until he was rock hard in my hand.

  Suddenly, he pulled my hands away, pushing down on my shoulders until I laid down on the soft dirt. Our eyes came together and the whole world seemed to stop. I could feel him probing at my entrance and I held my breath, bucking my hips ever so gently in his direction. His fingertips dug into my flesh before he gave a well-aimed thrust.

  I cried out, feeling like every inch of me was being filled to the brim. I arched my back and he pushed himself into me even further, hitting my womb. I clawed at the dirt in pleasure, my every nerve ending feeling alive with energy. “Zander…”

  He just kissed my lips, keeping me quiet as he continued to make sweet, tender love to me, our bodies rocking together in perfect sync. Our hips moved in a slow, erotic dance, building up the tension until it was too much for us to handle. My whole body exploded with euphoria and I collapsed into Zander’s arms. He held me tightly and kept thrusting into me, but moments later, I felt him lose control.

  We fell back into the dirt, holding each other, the fire keeping us warm. “Promise me you’ll always stay with me, Aliza.” He whispered, running his fingers through my hair. He picked up my cowboy hat that had fallen off in the beginning of our intimacy and put it back on my head, pinning a strand of my hair behind my ear.

  “I promise,” I said naturally. “But you have to promise that we’ll defend each other until the very end. I put my neck on the line for you today and I expect you to do the same in the future.” He laughed.

  “Like I wouldn’t already do that.” He teased, kissing my nose and tightening his arms around me. “You know I’d do anything to protect you.” He paused. “I love you.”

  My eyes grew wide for a moment as I stared at him. Had he really said he loved me? My heart fluttered in response before my whole face lit up. “I love you too,” I replied happily. We kissed, letting our love speak not through our words, but by our actions. Our lips locked together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces that had been searching for each other for a very long time. As we continued our kiss, I felt like I had given up a little piece of my soul to him, but in return, life now seemed complete.

  Zander ran his fingers up and down my spine, holding me close as he looked up at the nighttime sky. “I can’t believe out of all the planets, star systems, and galaxies in the universe, I was lucky enough to find the girl of my dreams.” He whispered, playing with the tips of my hair.

  I chuckled at his comment. “I can’t believe I was commissioned to kill you and now here I am, picturing the rest of our lives together.” It was true. I knew that we were now inseparable. People would know us far and wide. They would whisper rumors about us like wildfire. But none of it mattered because through it all, I knew we would always have love on our side.

  Trapped With A Monster

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Apocalypse Alien Romance


  My name is Dr. Macie Larkson and I’m the only human left alive in my town. Because of our corrupt President making a stupid decision, Earth is now in all out war with a neighboring planet, Toria, and at the current moment, we’re lo
sing the battle.

  Scared of being found, I spend my days hiding in an underground shelter below my clinic, alone, but safe. But that all changes when I fall for a Torian warrior. He’s bold, cocky, and drives me mad with both passion and anger. Only problem is, we’re enemies from two different worlds, literally.


  I’m a Torian warrior who will stop at nothing until I have gained revenge on everyone who had a part in destroying my planet’s capital. But when I realize the errors of my people’s ways, I make a stand and find myself injured and near death. When my Angel finds me, I realize that revenge isn’t the only thing at stake now.

  Love is.

  But can a human and an alien truly find happiness during an invasion?

  * * *


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