Captured By The Warriors

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Captured By The Warriors Page 111

by Daniella Wright

Emilia raised her eyebrows in a question. “What does that mean?”

  “If you take some of my blood, I can press into your mind, send you images of my life,” I said softly. “I want you to know as much as you want.”

  She nodded, almost hesitantly. I understood why. The idea of letting someone into her mind was strange and foreign to her. I assured her that it would be fine with a kiss, and she melted into me so that I knew that she trusted me. I pulled my hand to my mouth and bit into the palm so that my skin was pierced and blood was dripping down my wrist. Emilia looked at the redness pouring out of me and squared herself, then put her mouth to the wound and sucked gently for a few seconds. I closed the cuts I had made before closing my eyes and pressing into her mind, opening her up to receive the images I was about to show her.

  And then I sent her everything. Being born a vampire, becoming king, all the battles I had fought and witnessed throughout my long life. I felt her shudder when she saw the carnage I had seen in all my years, and regretted having to show her such a thing. But she stayed still, her eyes closed, and received my thoughts calmly. There was a woman I’d loved before, a human one, who had died of a human ailment before I’d had a chance to turn and heal her. The image of her face filled me with sorrow but I pressed on, showing her everything, laying myself bare.

  When I was finished, I watched her face as she seemed to come out of a trance. She looked at me with wide, stunned eyes but didn’t speak. I had never been so open with her, no matter how many questions she’d asked me. Now she knew everything there was to tell her. I only hoped that she wouldn’t be done with me, that she hadn’t gotten what she wanted and would simply part ways with me.

  Instead of leaving, she looked at me, leaned forward and kissed my lips. I accepted her tongue eagerly, wondering what it was that had made her so hot.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “I never thought—I didn’t expect that. But thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said, nodding to her. Then I pulled her against me, unable to help myself. We talked then, about some of the things I had shown her. I told her about the girl, the human one, and she looked sad as I explained how she’d died of the plague before I had even gotten to confess my love. That was one of my most heartbreaking memories, one I wouldn’t be able to forget no matter how many years past. We talked about the wars I’d fought in and the battles I won. I told her about being king and how I generally kept it a secret. When she asked me why, I found I didn’t have a real explanation other than the fact that I liked my privacy.

  Then we talked about her. I found that I wanted to know everything. I didn’t ask her to read her thoughts or her memories—that would have been too much. I knew from experience how uncomfortable it could be for a human. So I just listened to her.

  “Do you want to know why I’m so interested in vampires?” she asked. I nodded.

  “I’ve been wanting to know that since I met you.”

  “My father was a surgeon,” she said. “He worked with vampires his whole career. Vampire blood is good for healing.”

  I nodded. “I know. And it gives you energy. You must be racing right now.”

  “I am,” she admitted, looking me in the eye. Her lips curved up in a wicked smile and I knew that we were building up to another round of hot, absolutely filthy sex. But then she continued with her story, and I listened intently.

  “There’s a lot of secrets about human health in relation to vampires and their bodies,” she said. “I guess I’m just interested in learning everything about vampires. I find you fascinating.”

  It was a surprising answer, one I wasn’t expecting. Most humans who were fixated with vampires had whimsical, fantastical ideas about them. Emilia was just genuinely curious and wanted to learn. I found it charming and a relief as well. This wasn’t just some passing fancy for her. It was important to who she was and what she wanted out of life.

  After that, we couldn’t talk anymore. They had gotten too close to each other physically, having snuggled up against one another while they talked. I felt my desire aching deep in my body when she touched me, so I kissed her deeply to send her the message of what I wanted. She responded with eagerness, the extra energy from my blood giving her a rush of lust and fervent energy. She rode me with abandon, using my cock to pleasure herself while her hips danced against mine. When we were finished, I regrettably told her goodbye for the evening. She shot me one last, pleased look before disappearing out the door, and I couldn’t help but to wonder and crave the next time I’d see her.

  Chapter 6: Emilia

  Eli and I kept meeting at the bar, but things were different after he’d shown me his life. We were more casual, and though we often had sex, the interviews and the question game we played faded into the background. We enjoyed each other’s company deeply and I found myself thinking about him even when we weren’t together. We started meeting four, five times a week and just talking, discussing everything. We also played other games. Sometimes, he’d restrain me while fucking me. Other times he would use a riding crop on my skin to punish me. It seemed like the dirtier things got, the hotter they made me. I had never known that I was so into such a thing before, but it turned out that I was having the best sex of my life.

  “My report is going well,” I told him one day as we were laying together. He looked at my face and stroked my belly with his fingertips, then moved them up to my breasts, which he circled enticingly. “I’ve kind of turned it into a story. It was supposed to be about how vampires affect human culture.”

  “And what’s it about now?” he asked, leaning down to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. It was infinitely distracting but I kept speaking, trying to ignore the hot feeling that spread through my body at his touch.

  “About our relationship,” she said, and he looked up at her. “I mean, the potential of interpersonal relationships between humans and vampires. The fact that we can connect with each other.”

  He smiled, then lowered his mouth to my other breast. My nipples grew tight and stiff and the v between my legs became even wetter, but I wanted to tell him something earnestly, something that had been on my mind since the beginning of our strange relationship.

  “You’ve really helped me,” I said, pulling his face up to look at me. “I appreciate you so much. I’ve learned as much about myself as I have about you.”

  He looked a little surprised, but then his smile grew wicked. “I did help you find out you were into BDSM,” he pointed out. “And so far you’ve enjoyed that.”

  It was true. Now that I’d experienced this lifestyle, experienced the best of it, I knew there would be no going back to regular sex with a regular human. I didn’t say that, though, instead protesting his words.

  “It’s much more than that,” I told him seriously. “I always just wanted to learn about vampires. I thought of you as something to study. Now I know there’s more to vampires than just that.”

  He looked at me for a long moment, studying my features. Then he kissed me slowly and deeply, putting his hand behind my head to cradle it close to his. He continued to kiss me, using his free hand to dip between my legs, to touch me where I needed it most. I spread my thighs for him and he slipped two fingers inside of my wet channel, pumping them in and out.

  “I think you deserve a reward, baby girl,” he said softly in my ear. “Don’t you?”

  I nodded breathlessly, grinding against his fingers. He curled them inside of me, touching the spot deep in my channel that I need him to most. Then he pulled me underneath him and began to rub his cock against me, driving me wild with need. When he pushed inside of me, finally filling me up, it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. He was so rough with me, so passionate, and I wanted more and more. We fucked for a long time. I came especially after he began to rub my bud, after he started making me beg to come. It was so hot I couldn’t help it, and I got punished for eventually doing it without his explicit permission.

  The next night, Eli called me up
on my cellphone while I was on my way home from the newspaper office. I had been working on the report and lost track of time, so I hadn’t met him at the club when I usually did. I answered the phone hurriedly, almost dropping it as I drove.

  “Hi,” I said. “I got to writing, I—“

  “Never mind about tonight,” he said on the other end of the line, his voice sultry as ever. “I’m thinking about tomorrow. I want to take you on a real date.”

  My heart raced in my chest. A real date with him was something that I’d dreamt about, but never thought would happen. I didn’t know exactly what our relationship was but neither of us had mentioned anything about actually dating. It was a private, quiet relationship that we kept to ourselves. The thought of going out with him enticed and excited me.

  “Where?” I asked.

  “It’s a surprise,” he said. I heard a smile in his voice and felt butterflies in my stomach. I was falling for him deeply, and just the sound of his happiness made my heart flutter.

  “Okay,” I said, almost apprehensively. I wasn’t sure what kind of surprise I could expect from a very dominant vampire with a BDSM kink, or how much more surprised I could get by him. But I decided to trust him. It would be fun, whatever we did, because I’d be with him. “Pick me up after dark?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, mocking me. I called him sir when we played and got such a thrill out of it that just thinking about it made me wet.

  We hung up the phone. The night passed slowly, as did the next day. I waited eagerly for dark, and when I saw his car pull up I got in and kissed him softly on the lips, which he returned gratefully. He grinned at me when I asked him again where we were going but he didn’t answer. We drove for a little bit, catching each other up on our days, then pulled into the parking lot of a huge fair that was on the edge of town. I looked at all the colorful spinning rides with my eyes wide, then looked at him.

  “Seriously?” I asked. It was the last thing I expected from him, given our previous encounters. A fair was so innocent, such a wholesome place to go compared to our normal activities together. I looked at him and couldn’t help but to smile, excited for what the night had to bring.

  We went through the gates and inside the brightly-lit, noisy square. We were surrounded on all sides by people, who occasionally glanced up at Eli’s handsome face, shocked to see a vampire out in a crowd of humans. It wasn’t often that the two species intermingled, and some of the patrons of the fair stayed far away from him, as if he would bite one of them at any moment. Eli didn’t seem to mind, but instead was obviously enjoying himself. The two of us walked around the edge of the fairgrounds and played silly games, throwing darts at balloons, “fishing” for quarters. Eli won me a small stuffed fish and presented it to me as if it were an expensive, timeless gift. And it was priceless to me.

  We came to the ferris wheel some time later and I looked up at the massive structure, my heart beating frantically. I was deadly afraid of heights and had never been on one of those rides before. Eli looked at my face and his brow wrinkled in concern.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, taking my hand and kissing my fingers.

  “Afraid of heights,” I said, swallowing.

  “What if I hold your hand the whole time?”

  I smiled at him, touched. I couldn’t refuse an offer like that, no matter how afraid I was. Plus, he had a way of soothing me, calming me down with his very presence almost as much as he aroused me.

  We climbed on the ferris wheel and he indeed held my hand while we ascended. We were sitting across from each other, our hands between us, and he was looking into my eyes with a smile on his face. My heart almost leapt in my chest. He looked beautiful, and he was looking at me as if he thought the same thing.

  “Are you too scared?” he asked, reaching forward with his free hand to stroke my cheek. “I will keep you safe, Emilia.”

  I found that I wasn’t afraid anymore, not with him there. I squeezed his hand and looked out over the park as we climbed higher. It was beautiful—all the lights blurred together, colorful and pretty. Everywhere we looked there were people laughing and enjoying themselves. It was so much different from the bar, such a different atmosphere. I was enjoying it more than I could say.

  “No,” I said. “I’m not afraid.”

  He smiled. “Good. There’s nothing to be afraid of while I’m here.”

  I believed him. We spent the whole ride just gazing at each other, sending messages back and forth with our eyes. I knew it was time to go home, to get into bed with him. I invited him over to my place for the first time and he accepted eagerly, driving us back in the quiet stillness of the car. For some reason, I was nervous. I didn’t know how to cap off such a perfect night—I wanted things to be absolutely pure between us, perfect, and I wanted him to remember our date with a smile. When we got to my house, we went inside and I shut the door behind us. He stared at me for a long moment, then looked at my lips. I took that as an invitation, and pressed my lips against his, my tongue seeking entry to his mouth. He accepted it and tasted me back, kissing me with feverish desire. We undressed quickly and I led him to my bedroom, where he slowly laid me down and climbed in beside me. We faced each other on the bed and he took time stroking my hips, my waist, touching my breasts with light touches that drove me crazy. I could tell he wanted to take it slow this time, to make it last, and I was on the same page with him. This time would be different than our previous encounters, more tender.

  He proved it by planting slow, gentle kisses over my jaw and my neck, then gazing into my eyes as he pulled my hips against his. He wrapped my leg over his hip and then guided his cock inside of me so that we were lying face-to-face and making love on our sides, his body rocking into mine while we kissed. It was slow and passionate while he pushed as deep as he could go, filling me up one inch at a time while I moaned breathlessly. There were no commands issued, no power play, just the two of us making love, relishing each other’s bodies as our hips moved in rhythm with one another. After I came, he put his lips to my throat, sank his teeth in slow and gentle and drank from me while he filled me with his come. We stayed like that, facing each other, even after we were finished. His eyes held mine and there was a smile on his lips. He pushed my hair back from my face, which was damp and curly with sweat, and leaned in to kiss me very softly on the mouth. I felt my heart swell with the look in his eyes, and knew then that I loved him, that I wanted him to be mine. I wanted to say it, but I kept it to myself. If he didn’t feel the same way, it would ruin the moment, and I wanted the moment to last in its perfection. After a while of just spending time in bed, gazing at each other and kissing and touching with tender hands, he got up to leave to go to his light-proof home. It was almost morning by the time we finished, and though I knew he had to get home, I regretted the fact that he had to leave. He seemed to know what I was thinking, because he promised to see me again the next night.

  Chapter 7: Eli

  We spent the next several days together, just enjoying one another’s company. Sometimes we made love and sometimes, when the mood was right, I fucked her the way she really liked it, rough and dirty. It depended on the mood. Either way, we spent the rest of our evenings in bliss. Being around her brought me to life, so to speak, made me feel like I was almost human again. I was overwhelmed by my feelings for her but wasn’t sure how to identify them. It had been so long since I’d felt anything, since I’d enjoyed love, that I almost didn’t recognize it.

  Emilia finished her story and it was published in the local paper the next week. I was hesitant to read it, wondering just what she said. A small part of me was worried that I’d read something negative, that she’d focus on the dominating part of my personality and imply that all vampires had a bad streak. Most of me knew this would never be the case. From the look in her eyes, the way she talked, Emilia’s feeling for me were tender and powerful. So I read the article. It was a story, deeply personal, about their relationship and how deeply they had connected.
I felt my heart swell while I read it, completely touched by her words. The piece was enlightening and moving, and I found myself engrossed in the story as I read it. It had gotten major positive feedback and I could tell why; Emilia had put together a story that was emotionally powerful.

  Reading it made me realize my feelings once and for all. I had fallen for her. Hard. Even harder than I had with the human girl before. I had never felt anything like I felt for Emilia, never experienced such a powerful feeling of desire and adoration before. Her smile, her curiosity and willingness to try anything despite her trepidation were intoxicating to me. My whole heart belonged to her, and I wondered where I stood in hers.

  It was only a week after the story was published when I asked Emilia to meet me at the café we had met up at so long ago. She eagerly agreed and showed up looking radiant in a pale pink shirt that complemented her beautiful skin. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, couldn’t keep from staring. She blushed when she met my eye, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink that made my heart thunder in my chest just to look at her.

  “Hi,” I said softly as she took her seat next to me. She leaned in to kiss me and I responded gently, savoring the taste of her lips, of her tongue. We kissed for a long moment before I noticed people starting to stare. I pulled back and grinned at her, unable to help myself.


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