Highlander's Trials of Fire: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel

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Highlander's Trials of Fire: A Steamy Scottish Historical Romance Novel Page 8

by Lydia Kendall

“Ye sure? A lot happened with Matthew yesterday that I’m sure ye will want to hear about.”

  Freya only shrugged. She walked over to the closet to fetch Jonet’s dress. Jonet watched her.

  “I’m sure it did.”

  Jonet sighed. “Ye are nay fun at all. But I will tell ye anyway because I daenae think I can keep it to meself a second longer.”

  For a brief moment, Jonet thought she saw a shadow of a smile. Spurred on by it, she sat up a bit straighter, eager to begin telling her everything. She had never felt anything like this before. With Murdock, she had fallen for him nearly instantly, charmed as she was by his kind smile and his handsomeness. With Henry, she had seen his potential, had instantly liked him as a person even though her feelings had not ran as deeply for him as they had for Murdock.

  Yet with Matthew, Jonet was unsure what this was. She certainly found him attractive, but it almost felt as if no matter what she did, she would not be able to remove him from her head.

  “Ye ken Mr. McDulaigh,” Jonet began. “He is the man who’s been askin’ for me hand in marriage.”

  “Aye, Miss Jonet, I am very aware of him.” While she spoke, Freya turned away and began rummaging through Jonet’s closest to find her something to wear. “I daenae think there is a single person in the Castle who doesnae ken Mr. McDulaigh. Ye two are the center of gossip.”

  “Truly?” Jonet blinked in surprise. “Well, I suppose I shouldnae be surprised. It has been some time since I last had someone askin’ for me hand in marriage.”

  “Aye, and someone so handsome, too.” Freya turned to face her holding up a dark red dress. Jonet nodded instantly. Usually, she did not care what she wore, but for today, she wanted to put some effort into how she looked. Who knew if she would be visited again today?

  Freya nodded and approached the bed just as Jonet crawled. “So, what is it, Miss Jonet?” Freya asked. “Do ye like him?”

  “Of course nae!” Jonet protested instantly. As soon as she did, she wished she could take it back. She had not meant to shout that the words and now she was positive Freya thought the opposite of what she had said.

  Freya tilted her head at her, giving her a knowing look as she lifted her brows. “Are ye sure, Miss Jonet? Ye’re very red right now. Are ye blushin’?”

  Freya reached out to place her hand on Jonet’s forehead, but Jonet slapped it away.

  “Daenae tease me,” Jonet grumbled. “I daenae like him. I think he’s annoyin’ since he keeps showin’ up even though I’ve made it very clear that I daenae want him around. I’m nae goin’ to marry him so why does he even bother?”

  She could have been mistaken, but Jonet could have sworn she saw a smile on Freya’s face. Jonet could not tell when last Freya smiled. She was such a hardworking and serious girl that she never even allowed herself to experience anything fun, even when Jonet begged her to.

  Jonet rolled her eyes good-naturedly, even though she was enjoying their conversation. “Ye find this funny, do ye, Freya?”

  The smile was gone. “Of course nae, Miss Jonet.”

  “Aye, aye, whatever ye say.” Jonet chuckled nonetheless. She slipped her nightdress off and let Freya help her into her dress. “As I was sayin’ before ye so rudely laughed at me,” she went on, “I daenae trust him. There is somethin’ about him that doesnae sit right with me, and yesterday, I told him as much. Ye want to ken what he said?”

  “I’m sure ye will tell me.”

  Jonet ignored her noncommittal tone. “He told me I should trust him. That I should open me heart to love again. Can ye believe that?”

  Once they had finished with the dress, Jonet sat on the edge of her bed and let Freya begin braiding her hair. The relaxing feel of her fingers combing through her thick strands calmed her somewhat, but it did not keep her anxiety from mounting as she remembered Matthew’s words to her. Jonet thought she would be able to talk about it, to brush it off as nonsense being sprouted so he could persuade her to marry him. Even though a voice in the back of her head told her that was the reason he had said such thing, the bigger part of her wanted to believe him.

  She was terrified of that part of her.

  “He sounds very romantic, Miss Jonet. I daenae understand what the problem is.”

  Jonet sighed. “I suppose it sounds silly complainin’ about it, doesnae it?”

  Freya said nothing and Jonet was glad for it. She was suddenly feeling at odds with herself. She had no plans to open up again. She would die alone, free from the burdensome guilt that came from her curse. Why was Matthew making her reconsider things?

  The very thought of it made her a little angry, both at herself and at him. She had to strengthen her resolve. She had nearly kissed him yesterday! She could not allow that to happen again, couldn’t allow another slip in her armor.

  There came a knock on her door and Jonet’s heart began to pound. Lately, there was only one reason why someone would come to her bedroom so early in the morning.

  Could it be…?

  “Excuse me, Miss Jonet,” said the maid who peeped in. “The Laird has asked that ye come down for breakfast shortly.”

  “Is there a reason why?” Jonet asked slowly, not wanting to think too soon.

  The maid nodded and Jonet’s heartbeat tripled its speed. “Aye, Miss Jonet. Ye have a guest. Mr. Matthew McDulaigh.”

  “Thank ye.” The maid left, plunging the room into silence once more. Jonet said nothing for a short while, only letting her mind wander, jumping back and forth between what she should do and what she hated that she wanted to do.

  She looked up at Freya. “Would ye mind doin’ me hair nicely today?”

  Freya looked surprised at that and then a fleeting smile danced across her face. “Of course, Miss Jonet. I’ll make ye look bonnie.”

  The presence of a new figure in the dining hall was an oddly welcome surprise that Jonet did not want to explore. Laden across the long stone table was bread, cold mutton, and cheese. The hearty conversation that could be heard far before arriving at the hall came to a halt when Jonet entered, all eyes falling on her.

  Jonet was used to being the only woman in attendance during breakfast ever since her mother fell too ill to come. She had never once felt self-conscious, but now that there was another man sitting amongst them, she felt a little nervous about how she looked. She normally had her hair in either a braid, or loose and free.

  This time, Freya had done a few small braids around the side of her head, pinning them together and letting the rest of her hair fall down around her back. It was a hairdo she was not used to and was not sure how well it would be received with everyone else… especially the one person she was hoping to impress.

  “There she is!” boomed her father, lifting his large hands into the air. He already had a piece of meat in one hand. “Ye’re late, lass!”

  “Am I late, Faither?” she asked, coming to take her seat next to him. She tried not to look at the man she was also sitting next to, the one that she was certain was watching her. “Or are ye just too impatient to begin eating?”

  “Ah, she got ye there, Alexander,” said Dougal who was sitting on the other side of her father. “If she were a second later, ye would have finished half the table already.”

  “It takes a lot to keep up a physique like this,” was what her father said in response, making everyone at the table laugh.

  “All right, all right,” the Laird agreed. “Jonet, Mr. McDulaigh will be havin’ breakfast with us today.”

  “So I see,” Jonet murmured, then she finally faced him. “Good mornin’, Matthew. I see ye are well.”

  “As well as ever, Jonet,” he spoke in a low tone. His eyes were dark, steady on her face. It felt as if her heart had stopped pounding. “And ye look as lovely as ever. I adore the braids.”

  She looked away, hoping he would see the blush staining her cheeks. “Freya decided to try her hand at it this morning. I think it came out nicely.”

  “Is that so? I will have to thank this
Freya a little later.”

  “Did ye sleep well, Jonet?” came another voice. Jonet looked up at Jonathan, who was seated next to Dougal.

  She nodded pleasantly, grateful for whatever distraction Jonathan would serve from Matthew’s presence, though it was not much. “Aye, I did. Like the dead, I’ll say.”

  “Is that so? Then I suppose ye wouldnae be interested in watchin’ me spar with me uncle, would ye? I’m thinkin’ I will be needin’ the support.”

  Jonet lifted her brows in question. “Ye arenae nervous, are ye?”

  “Ah, now ye’re makin’ me feel weird about it.”

  Jonet chuckled just as Dougal patted Jonathan heavily on the shoulder.

  “There isnae anythin’ for ye to be worried about,” Dougal said. “Ye’ve come a long way.”

  “And Dougal is getting’ old,” the Laird cut in.

  Dougal glared at him amidst the laughter. “Ye’re one to talk, Me Laird. If we were to battle right now, I would be the one to win.”

  “I’d take a wager on that,” Matthew spoke up. His voice was rather calm, not booming like the two brothers sitting at the head of the table. Both the Laird and Dougal looked at him.

  “A wager, ye say?” Dougal asked, his voice rather amused. “Ye think I cannae take the Laird?”

  Matthew shook his head. Jonet took this as her chance to look at him, to stare. His side profile was wonderful, carved magnificently as if God had taken his time when making him. “On the contrary,” he was saying. “I think ye two willnae be able to best either one of ye.”

  The Laird chuckled deeply. “Ye think it will come to a tie?”

  “Very much so.”

  “I’d place a wager on that!” Dougal bellowed, smacking the table heavily. “Right after me spar with Jon, then it’s ye and me, Alexander. Just like the old times.”

  Jonathan sighed, lifting his eyes back to Jonet. “I take it ye will come give me some support now that he’s all fired up?”

  Jonet opened her mouth to respond, but she did not get to say anything. Matthew cut in before she could. “I’m afraid she willnae be able to. We plan to go somewhere.”

  She widened her eyes at him. “We do?”

  He looked at her. The impish gleam in his eyes stole her breath away. “Aye, we do.” He turned his attention back to Jonathan. “So, I daenae think she’ll be able to catch yer duel.”

  “Ah, well, I suppose that’s fine.”

  “Looks like we’ll have to put off our spar for another time too then, Dougal,” said the Laird. “I would hate for me own daughter nae to witness her faither’s victory.”

  “Her Faither’s failure, ye mean? See, his mind is going.”

  The room descended into hearty laughter once again that echoed off the walls. Jonet’s laugh was half-hearted, her mind still lingering on Matthew’s words.

  Where does he plan to take me?

  She looked at him, but he was eating, his attention on the conversation continuing on without her. Slowly, Jonet looked away, hating how hot the sight of him made her, her mind slowly turned into a sloppy mess. She should have declined, should have turned him away. Yet, she only sat there and let him do all the talking.

  Well… I suppose it wouldnae hurt to see what he’s goin’ on about.

  Jonet nodded decidedly to herself. She would see what he was talking of and if she did not like it, she could leave. It was that simple. Satisfied by that, she continued eating, trying her hardest not to look at Matthew too much. She hated that it was more difficult than it should have been.

  Chapter 10

  “Come, we must move quickly.”

  Jonet frowned deeply at Matthew. He tilted his head at her, trying his best to hold back his amusement at how bemused she was. “Excuse me?” she murmured.

  They had been heading toward the stables when Jonet finally came to a stop. Matthew had expected as much. Once breakfast was over and he had ushered her away from the dining hall without much of an explanation of where they were going, he had known it was but a matter of time before she stopped and questioned him.

  He liked the confusion on her face, thought her furrowed brow was unusually adorable. “Ye daenae understand what I’m sayin’?” he asked with false worry.

  She scowled at him. Forget what he had thought before. This expression was far more lovable. “Ye cannae just whisk me away from me breakfast and expect me to follow ye wherever ye want to go. Ye need to at least tell me.”

  “Does that mean ye’re willin’ to follow me wherever as long as I tell ye where it is?” he asked, taking a step closer.

  Her scowl slipped, her eyes darting toward the stables. They were standing by the entrance, in the line of sight of any stable hand who might be inside. Matthew did not mind who saw them, but it was clear Jonet did. She recovered quickly enough, her evil eyes returning with full force. “Ye ken very well that isnae what I’m sayin’.”

  He chuckled. Unable to help himself, he brushed a stand of hair away from her face, pulling back his hand before she had the chance to react. “I ken. Ye would rather cut yer hand off then follow me wherever I went.”

  “A little dramatic, but I’m happy ye understand.”

  “I want it to be a surprise. That’s why I havenae said anythin’ to ye yet.”

  She blinked, then stood a bit taller. “A surprise?”

  “Aye. It’s goin’ to take us a while to get there so we need to get our horses and get goin’.”

  He turned and entered the stables. After a moment, Jonet caught up to him. “Just where is this place if it’s goin’ to take all day?”

  “It wouldnae be much of a surprise if I told ye,” he shook his head. He caught sight of Georgie who came running over to them.

  “Temper?” he asked instantly, coming to a stop with an excited bounce.

  “Aye, he’ll do nicely,” Matthew grinned and watched as he ran off again.

  Jonet came to stand before him. “Give me a hint.”

  “Nay can do.”

  “That isnae hardly fair. Ye should at least give me a chance to figure out where we’re goin’.”

  “I daenae want to risk ye findin’ out so I think nae.”

  She pouted. Matthew blinked in surprise. His chest constricted and he wanted so badly to step forward and pull that cute bottom lip into his mouth. He dragged his gaze away, trying to bring himself under control.

  Georgie returned a short while later with both Temper and Fenella in tow and soon enough, they were off, the enthusiastic Georgie waving them off. Matthew watched Jonet in her silence, drawn by the way she twisted her mouth from side to side, clearly in deep thought.

  She truly looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her. Matthew did not know which he had preferred—when her beautiful hair was in a single, thick braid, or when she let her hair loose. This style was both in one and it made her look so fierce and yet so feminine that it had taken everything in him not to pull her into a kiss the moment he had laid eyes on her in the dining hall.

  “It is nay use, Jonet,” Matthew wrenched his eyes away. “Ye willnae find out where I wish to take ye.”

  “I will,” she said confidently, her brows dipping in concentration. Mattehw smiled in response. “I ken the area around this land like the back of me hand. Ye cannae bring me anywhere I havenae been before.”

  “I doubt ye ken this place.”

  She looked curiously at him. “How do ye ken this place then?”

  “Me Maither would take me here. She loved it so much because it was a spot nae many kent about.”

  “Yer Maither? What about yer Faither? Did she nae take him there too?”

  Matthew shrugged. “I daenae ken. He died when I was a wee child.”

  “O-oh, I see.” Matthew slid his eyes over to see her eyes darting about nervously. His smile widened. “And yer maither?”

  “She died a few years ago.”


  Matthew laughed under his breath. “Ye daenae need to be so sad abou
t it. She lived a full life and so did me faither.”

  She looked at him. Matthew caught her eyes and she looked away. “Aye, I suppose ye’re right.”

  An awkward silence wrapped around them. At least, on Jonet’s part, Matthew could tell. She was nibbling on her lip now, and he could clearly see her trying to fish for something to say to keep the silence from dragging on longer.

  “I see ye and me faither have grown close,” she spoke after a while.

  Matthew shook his head. “Nae really, though I do think he likes me.”


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