The Faerion

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The Faerion Page 10

by Jim Greenfield

  "How's life with Treteste as king?"

  "About the same. No notice to regular folk. You are singing in town?"

  "Yes," said Estes. "But I'm not sure where."

  "We don't have a job yet, but we will," said Apal.

  "There really isn't any difference between kings?" asked Estes, determined to sort it out.

  "We had nothing when Yeates was king and we have nothing now. Kings don't care for regular folk; they have their money to count. Hey, what's the matter?"

  Estes' face was red with rage and he seemed to be choking. Apal quickly supported him.

  "He has a bad stomach. Takes over suddenly. He'll be all right in a few minutes."

  "My wife makes a drink for that. Vile stuff, but it works. Here, I'll fetch some." He vanished in a blink and returned nearly as fast. Perhaps he didn't trust his customers.

  "Here you go." He held up a yellowish mixture in a cup. "Go on drink it."

  "Yes," said Apal, grinning. "Drink it."

  Estes had no choice but to drink. The smell curdled his nose hairs and it was difficult not to gag while swallowing the creamy concoction. There was a lump, then two, and then more. Estes felt the things slipping down his throat. Finally, he was through. Apal stood next to him, smiling brightly.

  "Thank you, sir," said Apal. "That should fix him right up. How much?"

  "My pleasure. No payment. Glad to have helped."

  Apal steered Estes away, laughing in his ear. "Hold your feelings in; you almost gave us away there. I will tell you once; betray us and you are dead. Accidental or purposeful, I will kill you. No man is more important than Calendia."

  The Boars head Tavern squeezed among the buildings near the center of Nantitet in the shadow of the palace. They walked briskly nodding to the people calling out to them, but they didn't stop. Several patrols of stern guards passed them, covertly eyeing them suspiciously. Apal shook his head. Some of those guards cheered the loudest at their last performance. He knew their faces. Now the guards treated them like potential enemies. The influence of Treteste could only harm Calendia, thought Apal, renewing his resolve. Treteste's rule must be brief or the damage would never be reversed.

  Before they reached the tavern a man in a purple tunic stepped in front of Apal.

  "Do I address Apal the minstrel?" The voice was high and pinched.

  "Yes, I am Apal."

  "I bring a request from Queen Richela for your troupe to perform this evening for the Queen. I will send a servant to guide your steps at dusk." Without waiting for an answer the messenger walked away.

  "What do we do now?" asked Rapert.

  "We perform for the Queen."

  "But I.."

  "You will do fine," said Apal.

  "That's not what I mean."

  "I know quite well what you mean, but we are in the street. Anything you say may be overhead and quite easily. Do not call undue attention to us. However, we cannot reject a royal summons. You should know that. We must respond quickly for the Queen will be waiting."

  Apal led them to the tavern, walking through the main room to one in the back without even a sideways glance at the proprietor. Estes looked all around, appalled to be in such a place. One ravaged face he peered at growled at him. When they were all present, Apal shut the door.

  "We have some time to relax and review the order of play."

  "Do I have to?" asked Estes.

  "If you don't, you might get us all killed. You must perform and perform well. Your voice is pleasing. Just relax. I will not speak of it again."

  The innkeeper came in and sat down.

  "I can spare a few minutes, Apal," said Waren. "Those girls of mine are old enough to handle things out there. Ah, it's good to get off my feet." The pink-faced man looked around the troupe. "Some new faces. Good, good. Always keep variety around these parts. I had a minstrel last month that tried to sing the same songs each night. His lute is still here. The crowd chased him out so fast he couldn't collect his belongings. Imagine he'll be sending for it one day, I shouldn't wonder."

  He turned his attention to Apal. "Now, what brings you to Nantitet at this time? I expect you know Treteste is king and what an idiot he is. Do you know I think he will even be worse than that Yeates? Never thought it possible."

  Estes squirmed in his seat. Apal saw the whiteness of the lower lip and hoped the boy wouldn't bite through it before they sang for the queen.

  "We are to sing for the queen."

  "So I hear, so I hear. But that offer came just lately, after you arrived. What are you planning, Apal? Do I need to pack up and leave?"

  "Nothing so spectacular. Still planning, I'm afraid. Too many variables to more quickly."

  "Ah, I hear such things here. Like the prince surviving the siege and that crazy sorceress disappearing with some Elven book of power. I sort of liked Wynne, but I never spoke to her and only saw her half a dozen times. There was something about her-kind of queenly. I'll tell you what; she'd be more a fit ruler than Prince Estes would have been. Too bad he survived. He'd make a mess of things or he's no son of Yeates'. I understand why you are planning so carefully. Can't have Estes claiming the throne."

  Deenie had put her arm around Estes at that moment from a signal by Apal. Estes was startled by the closeness of her body and stammered. She put a finger to his lips and smiled. "Must relax and rest before the performance." She looked into his eyes, and then returned to her place near the window. Estes then noticed Waren had gone. He sheepishly smiled at Apal who watched him and looked down at his feet.

  Food and drink were brought and each of them sat quietly among their own thoughts. Estes watched them awhile before deciding to lean back, closing his eyes.

  Later, Melana gently shook him awake


  "It's time."

  Estes felt the knot in his stomach tighten, and his mouth was suddenly dry. Apal looked over each of them, nodding his head.

  "I think we are ready. Remember we are performing for the Queen. I shall be the only one to speak and for all our sakes, if you are spoken to, answer quickly and humbly without looking into their eyes. They might think you believe yourself equal to them."

  "That's rubbish," said Estes.

  "Is it Rapert? Think hard. What went through your mind when minstrels performed for you?"

  Estes said nothing; his face reddening. Apal turned and led them out the door to their performance. The cooling air refreshed the prince, but his nerves were still raw.

  The attendant waited outside and escorted them wordlessly to the Queen's chambers. Lamps burned brightly; ribbons hung from the ceilings. There was much laughter, floating above the aroma of wine. Servants hurried through the corridors, smiling at the minstrels.

  "The Queen is celebrating tonight," Melana whispered to Apal.

  "I wonder why," said Apal. He discreetly scanned faces of the guards and those attending the performance. Something seemed out of place, but he did not know what.

  The servant bowed and directed them to enter a doorway. Apal led them into the chamber. The Queen sat on a sofa with servants kneeling at her feet. Behind her were two guards, their eyes forward, and hands on sword hilts. The Queen seemed high of spirits despite the rumor than Treteste had returned. Apparently she was going to enjoy her entertainment without thought to his presence. They heard rumors that the king planned his unannounced arrivals to upset the Queen. It was a miscalculation of the king's part. She longed to see his face when he realized she was indifferent to his presence. She could see his eyes widen, mouth agape, blood leaving his face. She savored the thought, and often. Apal privately cheered the Queen's effort to cross her husband.

  Apal stopped in front of the Queen and as one, the troupe bowed. She did not seem to notice them, flicking glances under her eyelashes at them.

  "I am called Apal, and this is my troupe of minstrels. We humbly thank you, your highness for this honor you do us, unworthy though we are. We shall do nothing less than our best and hope it pleases you
." He bowed again and stepped backward.

  The jugglers started at once as Melana played her lute. Attendants laughed and clapped at the maneuvers they witnessed. Apal motioned for Estes to join Melana. Estes's stomach tightened as he cleared his throat. Melana smiled and nodded. She changed the song and began to sing, Estes taking the harmony a beat after, then catching up.

  "This is the spring of my life

  the flowers so bright, their fragrances sweet

  the love of my life, weeps at my feet

  Why do you cry so, why do you weep

  there's a thousand tomorrow's for us to keep

  hold me tight through the night and the day

  with you forever my heart will stay.

  There came one evening a man so tall

  if I looked up to see him, I'd certainly fall

  he asked my wife's name, said that's why he came.

  Why do you cry so, why do you weep

  there's a thousand tomorrow's for us to keep

  hold me tight through the night and the day

  with you forever my heart will stay.

  He said she'd left him, a terrible crime

  and he would punish her with his cane

  I struck him and kicked and pushed him down

  where he lays tall and still, wet in the rain.

  Why do you cry so, why do you weep

  there's a thousand tomorrow's for us to keep

  hold me tight through the night and the day

  with you forever my heart will stay."

  The lute ended. Estes felt his clothes sticking to him. He glanced at Melana who grinned. The Queen applauded and the court joined in noisily. Apal stood next to him.

  "Excellent. You passed as a professional Estes. Few could have done better."

  They played two more songs. One Melana sang solo and not another sound disturbed the room. The jugglers performed again and then Estes sang again. By the time he had finished, his nerves were as taunt as a bowstring and he shook his head when Apal inquired if he would sing the next one. Apal smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

  Estes retreated to the back as the jugglers entertained again. He vaguely heard Melana start another song and Apal's voice rose in duet, but Estes did not hear the words. In the back of the room a large figure entered the room, followed by several guards. The room stilled. Melana's fingers sent a chord into the air, music without resolution.

  "What is this?" cried Treteste. "I return and my wife does not greet me?"

  Richela turned to the king. "Quiet. I am listening to these fine performers. Run along. I'll see you later." She turned back to the minstrels, sipping her wine.

  Treteste's face reddened his words unintelligible; spittle sprayed from his mouth. He drew a sword, rushing Apal. Swinging at everyone, he wounded one retainer, killed another, and then looked again for Apal who had vanished. Estes watched in fascination how Treteste lost control, realizing at last that the entire troupe had left. The queen's retainers screamed and ran to evade the mad king. Queen Richela had quickly disappeared behind a sliding panel.

  Estes saw his chance and tried to circle around the king, drawing his knife. He nearly reached his objective when Apal grabbed his arm. He pulled him through a doorway before Treteste could see him.

  "Not yet, not here," Apal whispered fiercely. "We must prove your worth to rule."

  "But I could kill him. I was so close."

  "And only prove that you too can kill your enemies. That is not ruling. Come."

  Apal led him away, glancing backward to see the eyes of Kirkes upon him and a monk of the Brotherhood watched from an alcove. Apal knew Kirkes would guess the identity of his singer. He hurried.

  In the hallways they dodged people, nearly running. A squad of guards came into view and Apal slowed them to a walk. The guard leader watched them, nodding his head. He snapped his fingers; the guards rushed forward. Melana rolled into the legs of one, spilling him on his head. Apal's sword disarmed a second guard. The rest of the minstrels ran, Estes with them, leaving Apal and Melana to deal with the guards.

  Outside they split up as prearranged by Apal for such an eventuality, taking circuit routes back to the tavern where they should be safe. They moved with purpose but without haste. Apal had trained them all. It required all of Estes' will power not to bolt. He kept pace with Reber. Estes wondered if they were minstrels truly or an elite fighting team or spies. They seemed too competent, too calm in the turmoil. His heart was pounding.

  They returned to the tavern in twos and threes, entering in the rear. Waren saved a private room for them with no windows where they sat in silence waiting for Apal. Estes sat next to Deenie, praying Melana had escaped. Those guards had been looking for them. Apal was known to them, that much he knew by the way the guards bolted for Apal and Melana immediately. What else had Apal kept from him?

  Estes sat in the corner, silent, listening to the muttered words of the jugglers, Reber and Deenie. Gora paced the room holding a cloth to his cut forehead. Waren brought them food and drink, leaving them alone. The waiting irritated Estes, but he had nothing else to do. He waited.

  He watched Deenie, sitting under the window again, and wondered where she came from, how she joined Apal's troupe. She noticed his attention and smiled. She walked over to him and sat down.

  "What were you thinking Rapert?"

  "Wondering how you came to join Apal. How does one become a minstrel?"

  "In my case, my parents were minstrels, and in time I became part of their troupe. When my mother died, my father went to live with my brother and I decided to carry on. I traveled alone for a while, but it wasn't safe for a woman. I had a rough time until three years ago when I met Apal. He gladly welcomed me into the troupe and we been together ever since. I love to travel and see new places."

  He was silent, thinking about what "rough time" had really meant. She smiled at him.

  "How did you come to be here?" she asked. "I know Apal has some interest in you, but I didn't think you would fit in so well. That is, once you stop scowling at everything someone says about you or your family. Life is not easy or kind. You must learn that and soon."

  "I am learning rather quickly that Landermass is not the world I thought it was. Everything was handed to me as I grew up and I believed, or at times still believe that the world revolves around me."

  "Not unexpected for nobility. We see it all the time when we perform. We're just the entertainment; a thing to ooh and ah over and then put us out of mind. We all exist to support the world of the lords and ladies. You'll get used to it."

  "I hear no sourness in your voice, yet you are tossed aside as you say."

  "Some of us are bitter. Apal tends to frown on that type of thing and only hires certain types of people. Or he used to anyway." She grinned.

  "Ouch! I earned that one I suppose."

  "Yes, yes you did."

  Presently there was a soft tap on the door. Reber lifted the latch and the door was pushed backward driving Reber into the center of the room and allowing a knight to enter; his sword drawn. He glanced around the room, his teeth gleaming in the light.

  "So this is where the traitors plot," said Sir Crestan. "Hold your place! I will cut you down where you stand. Now, tell me of your plots and who else is involved."

  "Go burn!" said Deenie. She tried to hit him with her boot and Crestan struck her with the flat of his sword knocking her into the wall. Reber rushed to help her. Estes reached for his knife. The knight's sword pointed at his throat and Crestan waited; hopeful the boy would attack. He pushed the point into Estes' neck drawing blood.

  "I shall not be so lenient next time," said Crestan. "Who is working with you? There isn't a brain among you. Someone is helping you. Apal is getting beyond himself."

  "Did you come alone?" asked Apal, stepping in behind him. Crestan whirled in a panic, and then relaxed when he noticed Apal was unarmed. He directed him to stand with Estes where he could see the entire troupe in front of him.

sp; "You are foolish, Apal. I arrest your troupe as conspirators against the king."

  "I will resist," said Apal.

  "Then I shall have the pleasure of killing you." Crestan motioned Apal to stand near the others. He watched them fidget, but Apal's calmness bothered him. "Why do you show no fear?"

  "What is there to fear?"

  "Your death."

  "It is not drawing near," laughed Apal. "I have many years ahead of me."

  "I beg to differ."

  "Ah, but I was not alone when I returned here."

  "What are you saying?"

  "Put up your sword, Sir Crestan," said the huge man in the doorway, his sword ready. He tapped Crestan on the shoulder with the blade.

  "Kirkes!? Here? Not here?"

  "I shall not ask again. The men that came with you are waiting in the street for you. Or are they lying in the street? It's one or the other."

  Crestan shook with rage, but did not strike at Kirkes. He calculated how many of Apal's people he could kill before Kirkes killed him, but the odds were too great. Crestan sheathed his sword, muttering under his breath, and his face red with anger. Kirkes stood still, his arms folded; smiling slightly as if some small amusement played out in front of him. Crestan threw venomous glances around the room and brushed past Kirkes who watched him go.

  "We will hear from him again," said Apal. "He will not forget this humiliation."

  "He should not," said Kirkes. "He has much work to do before he is a knight, Treteste's knighting notwithstanding. Now, tell me Apal, what have you gotten into?"

  "I do not know. Treteste ran for me directly."

  "Yes, I saw that. He must know your identity."

  "Who are you?" asked Estes.

  "That will remain a secret for now," said Apal.

  "As should your identity," said Kirkes to Estes. "I recognized you easily. Your disguise is not good enough for Nantitet. You are too well known. Apal, you should have known he would be recognized."

  "He is called Rapert," said Apal. "I wanted a certain number of nobles to know he lives. But I did not anticipate Treteste returning so soon."


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