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Side Chick Catching Main Chick Feelings

Page 11

by B. M. Hardin

  The only negative thing in my way was Kane.

  “So who is the lucky man in your life at the moment?” I asked Lee Lee as we got our food.

  “No one,” she said nonchalantly.

  Now that was hard to believe.

  Lee Lee always had a man; or somebody’s man I should say.

  “Why not?”

  “Seems like they are all the same. I guess I keep meeting all of the wrong ones. How old is Drake’s uncle again?” She laughed but I knew that she was serious.

  With her nasty ass.


  “Shake that thing for daddy,” Dray laughed as I stood in front of him and bounced my booty.

  I was supposed to be cleaning up but somehow cleaning turned into dancing, and I was sure that dancing would lead to something else.

  Something nasty I supposed.

  I laughed as I tried to get on beat with the beat coming from Drake’s mouth, but I was hopeless.

  I was born with no rhythm but as long as I could ride that pipe like I was supposed to that was all that mattered.

  I danced for another minute or so and Drake stood up and approached me.

  He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “You dance like a white girl,” Drake laughed.

  “Hmph, you wasn’t saying that last night,” I joked and kissed him.

  We started to kiss and I felt as though I was in Heaven. I was so in love with this man.

  He was my everything and I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

  It seemed as though we hadn’t come up for air in minutes and just as we were about to head to the bedroom, a knock came to the door.

  Though I was back speaking to my family, none of them had been to my place as of yet, so I became extremely nervous because that only left one person.


  I continued to walk to walk towards the bedroom.

  “Ain’t you going get that?” Dray asked.

  “Nope.” I said and continued to pull him towards the bedroom.

  To take Dray’s attention off of the constant knocking, I dropped to my knees as soon as we were in the bedroom.

  As I led it to the back of my throat, I knew that the knocking no longer mattered.

  Kane, Kane go away.

  Or you’re going to make me kill you one day.

  And I had a feeling that that’s exactly what I was going to have to do.


  I woke up and looked around.

  I couldn’t get up so I just laid there.

  I briefly remembered what happened but I was trying to make sense of it.

  I was still lying on the floor.

  What the hell just happened.


  Drake’s voice ranged in my ears.

  “Baby what happened?”

  Dray helped me to my feet.

  I tried to remember everything.

  “Moe what the hell happened to you?”

  “I don’t know. I was opening my door and out of nowhere someone snatched my purse and hit me in the head.”

  I touched my head.

  There was a knot and I was bleeding.

  “We need to call the police. Did you see who it was?”

  I shook my head no.

  But I did see a glimpse of the figure and I was positive that it had been a woman.

  The way they walked and the shape of their ass that I’d caught sight of just before passing out was a dead giveaway.

  “Just take me to the hospital. No need to call the police,” I said as I noticed that my purse was lying only a few feet away.

  Dray checked to see what was missing and everything was accounted for except for the cash that had been in my purse.

  He then checked the house just to make sure but everything was there.

  Dray argued with me about taking me to the police but he did what I asked him and drove me to the hospital instead.

  Had it been a coincidence and I’d just been robbed?

  Or had it been intentional?

  My guess was that someone had set it all up and I was willing to bet that I knew who it was.



  Chapter NINE

  “Where are you going?” Drake asked.

  He had been so over protective of me lately since the incident a few weeks ago, but he didn’t need to be.

  I was fine.

  I’d just sexed him real good, hoping that I had worn him out so that he could go to sleep, and I could sneak down to Kane’s.

  Kane swore from that he had nothing to do with what had happened to me.

  He acted so concerned and even tried to touch my head and examined the gash and bruises, but I was sure that he’d had something to do with it.

  He vowed that he would never hurt me.


  So my question was, if he hadn’t been behind the attack, then who was?

  His sympathy for me only lasted a little while and now he was ready to go back to forcing me to have sex with him.

  And so I had to get back on board and do what I had to do.

  And so I was back lying to Drake to try and get away.

  I hadn’t told Drake the truth about what had happened between Kane and I yet, and I was sure that I wasn’t going to.

  I was hoping that maybe Kane met someone new, soon, so that someone else could take his side chick position.

  I was planning to send Lee Lee in his direction; I just had to figure out how to set it up first.

  Sure she was my sister, and it was borderline nasty and maybe even a little bit trifling if they developed some time of relationship, sexually, or just in general, but hell, Kane and I were way past borderlines and what was appropriate relations at this point considering that I had been with his brother Mario.

  So, getting Lee Lee to seduce him was definitely an option. I was sure that focusing on her would keep his focus off of me.

  And once she’d sucked him in, I was hoping that she would use him and then drop his ass like a bad habit and maybe even break his heart.

  That’s usually what ended up happening when she dated and he deserved it too.

  It was either that, with her, or I would have to find a way to kill him.

  Those were the only two options.

  Because if an attack wouldn’t make him leave me alone and let me be, nothing would.

  Unless he was busy getting busy with someone else, or busy meeting his Maker.

  “I was going to run and get some ice cream,” I said getting dressed.

  It was ten minutes before seven and Kane had pretty much told me that he wanted me waiting at his condo by the time that he was home around seven o’clock that evening.

  This would be my third time of him forcing me to sleep with him to save Drake, and it was becoming harder and harder for me to deal with.

  Especially because I was so conflicted.

  The sex with him was rough and pretty much that “I don’t give a damn about your uterus or if you are able to have kids when I’m through with you” kind of sex.

  It was the kind of sex that you wanted to enjoy, but due to the circumstances, I couldn’t.

  The only thing that kept me from cuming over and over again, was the fact that I knew that I wasn’t doing it by choice.

  It was so hard to try to have an attitude when it felt so damn good.

  But my love for Dray, was far more valuable than sex and a nut from Kane.

  “I’m going too,” Drake said and slowly got up out of the bed.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  I wasn’t expecting him to say that.

  Now what was I going to do?

  Usually it only took Kane about thirty minutes with me, so afterwards, I would wash up real quick and head to Wal-Mart and get whatever it was that I’d told Drake that I was going to get.

  Everyone knew that Wal-Mart lines were ridiculous most of the time, so Drake never really q
uestioned me on it.

  “All these late night snack runs are going to make you fat. And just in case you didn’t know this, you’re a little too short for all of that. A big girl in the making, I tell ya’,” Drake laughed and headed to get dressed.

  What was I going to do?

  Hell, there wasn’t anything that I could do.

  I couldn’t tell him that he couldn’t go.

  Then he would want to know why.

  I could always tell him what was going on.

  But then he would know that I’d lied to his face when he’d asked me about it.

  The only choice that I had was to see how it all played out.

  A few minutes later, Drake was ready, and we headed to the main floor to leave.

  And just my luck, as soon as we reached the door, in walked Kane.

  I didn’t look at him, directly, but I could feel that he was looking at me.

  I just kept walking.

  It wasn’t until we were inside of the car that I actually breathed.

  I didn’t want to raise any red flags with Drake so I kept my cool.

  Drake reached for my hand as we pulled off but internally, I wanted to scream.

  What the hell was going to happen now?

  I didn’t really know what Kane was capable of.

  He definitely wasn’t the man that I’d thought that he was and considering that he’d showed a completely different side of him here lately, I wasn’t sure if he would follow through on his word or not.

  Maybe he was bluffing.

  Maybe he was just using the scenario to get what he wanted from me.

  I just couldn’t be sure.

  Drake and I were in and out of the store with snacks and household necessities surprisingly and we arrived back to the condos to find police outside.

  At first I thought nothing of it, except that something must have gone on since we had been gone.

  But as we got off of the elevator and saw all of the police, and narcotics trained dogs going in and out of our condo, immediately I knew that something wasn’t right.

  “Excuse me, this is my place. What’s going on? Why are you here and going through my stuff?” I said looking in from the door.

  Drake was in an outrage and talking to another officer.

  “We received an anonymous call stating that someone saw drugs and guns being carried into this residence. And they also reported hearing the screams of a woman.”

  I looked at the officer.

  What in the hell!

  This was nobody’s doing but Kane’s.

  He had really lied and called the police and brought them to the place where I laid my head?

  All over some missed booty opportunity?

  You have got to be kidding me!

  If he would do this, he would do anything.

  Including the attack.

  That’s it!

  I was telling Drake about the sex and about Kane blackmailing me and hopefully instead of being too upset with me, maybe he would be willing to help me do something about Kane instead.

  Kane was just doing too damn much and he was about to get just what was coming to him.

  I wasn’t sure if Drake still had it in him.

  He had changed his life drastically, but I was sure that he would still get dirty if he had to.

  I sure hoped that he would, especially if our freedom depended on it.

  Drake and I verified our identities and when they were through searching our place from top to bottom, they packed up and left the place in a mess, for us to clean it up.

  As the last officer walked out, Drake went in, and just as I was shutting the front door, I caught a glimpse of Kane.

  He was standing in the doorway that led to the emergency stairway.

  He had a wicked, sly grin on his face and I gave him the finger just before slamming the door closed.

  What if we had had some kind of drugs or guns in there…then what?

  I was a felon of course for the murder, so I couldn’t be around anything like that.

  I would have surely been in some serious trouble.

  Kane was playing with fire but he was the one that was going to get burned.

  “Crazy night huh,” Drake said once we were finally able to relax.

  His phone had been ringing nonstop.

  I noticed that he hadn’t answered it or even looked at it, but I was definitely paying attention.

  I looked at him.

  Here I was with everything that I’d ever wanted, staring at me in my face, but life was throwing yet another curve ball in my direction.

  When would it be my turn?

  When would all of the drama end?

  “Drake, I have to tell you something,” I said to him.

  I was just going to say it and see what happened.

  “I have to tell you something too.”

  Aw hell.

  “You go first,” I said.

  “Well. I just wanted to say that something is happening to me. Something is changing in me. I don’t know what it is, but I know that it’s a good thing. And I know that you are my good thing. I am going to be the best husband that I can be to you. Watch.”

  I beamed at him with love.

  I could tell that he was getting it together, while on my end, things were falling apart.

  “So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?”

  I looked at him.

  Yet again I was backing out.

  It just wasn’t worth ruining what we had.

  I just had to try to fix the problem another way.

  I had to fix the problem on my own.

  “Oh, I was going to tell you that I didn’t want to wait until next year for the wedding. Let’s do it on my birthday. It will be the best birthday ever. Two and a half months is more than enough time I think,” I said.


  And on my life, I was going to make sure that I had the Kane situation handled by then.

  One way or the other.


  I was beyond aggravated.

  I looked at the phone to see that Kane was still there, listening.

  Instead of asking me to have sex with him that night, he’d told me to let him listen to Dray and I make love.

  I told him that he was stupid but he let me know that he was dead ass serious.

  He called a friend at the police department in front of me and questioned him about the murder scenario.

  Basically I would be in serious trouble if they were able to prove Kane’s side of the story.

  And Dray would go away for a very long time.

  I just wanted Kane dead already.

  Or something.

  “Ride this dick baby,” Dray moaned.

  I was so busy watching the phone and thinking about Kane that I had completely stopped moving.

  I focused back on the matter at hand.

  If he wanted to listen to something, I was going to give him something to listen to.

  I started to thrust my hips in hard circular motions.

  I moaned loudly and Dray did the same.

  I screamed his name and talked dirty to him while he smacked my ass and told me all the things that I needed to hear.

  I got lost in the moment and started to wail hysterically and Dray was going on and on right with me.

  Another few minutes of wild, crazy sex and both of us reached our points of no return and exploded together in unison.

  I collapsed on to his chest.

  Before I could even take a good breath, my phone started to ring.

  Without even looking at it, I already knew that it was Kane.

  “Your phone baby,” Drake said.

  I waved it off and rolled off of him.

  I wasn’t even about to answer it.

  I’d already done what he’d asked me to do, so I would talk to Kane later.

  My phone started to ring again and before I could stop him, Drake answered it.

  I sat up in a hurry as he list
ened quietly and soon Dray looked at me.

  Oh no.

  I knew that it was him.

  What was Kane saying to him?

  Drake moved the phone away from his ear and reached it to me.

  “It’s Jake…from the police department?” Drake questioned.


  Who in the hell was Jake?

  I took a deep breath.

  I thought that it was Kane.

  “Hello? This is Moet.”

  “Hi. This is Jake. I’m a friend of Kane’s. He said that you may have a tip on a murder,” he said.


  That bastard!

  So what was his reason for this?

  Was he upset because I hadn’t answered his call or was he mad at how good the sex sounded between Dray and I?

  It was his stupid ass idea in the first place.

  “Who? Oh no, I was asking hypothetically. I didn’t say that I actually knew about one. My question was misunderstood I guess."

  I hung up and Dray was staring at me.

  “What was that about?”

  What was I going to say this time?

  “Oh, he is friends with Lee Lee. I asked her to ask him something about the law and rights that police have to come in your house when you’re not home because of some anonymous tip. You know like they did us. She’d given him my number I guess to explain it all.”

  My explanation was the best that I could do.

  I didn’t know what else to say.

  I wasn’t sure if it was all that convincing but I was about to find out.


  That was all Dray said before getting up and walking away.

  Damn it.

  He didn’t believe me.

  I could tell.

  I knew him and I knew that he wasn’t convinced.

  If I wasn’t careful, I was going to lose him and everything that I’d always wanted.

  And Kane’s crazy ass was going to be the reason behind it all.

  But I was about to get crazy too.

  Dray got himself together and headed to work and as soon as I was dressed, I headed downstairs to try to catch Kane.

  I knocked for a while, but he wasn’t there so I called him to see if he would answer.

  But he didn’t.

  My mind was made up.

  I was going to hire somebody to kill him.

  But who?

  I went back home to think.

  I didn’t know many people, especially someone that I could hire to get away with murder.

  Trying to do it myself was too risky and too close to home. I was sure that plenty of other tenants had spotted us having conversations.


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