Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4)

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Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4) Page 3

by Lilly Wilde

  Chapter Three

  I wasn’t exactly eager to exchange words with Connor, so I didn’t bother with a hello. Instead, I escaped to the bedroom to wait for Aiden. For the sake of family, Aiden and I were trying to get past Connor’s recent disregard for Lyric’s safety, but whenever I spent too much time thinking about what had happened, my resentment for Connor returned with a vengeance. And after the recent closeness I’d shared with Aiden, I found myself thinking about Connor’s lack of decency more and more, especially when I considered the many things that could ruin Aiden and me…and at the top of that list were Aiden’s parents. So of course, I had reservations about getting too cozy with either Connor or Sienna, Aiden’s mother. They were severely lacking in the parenting department, which was apparent whenever they were given the choice between Raine Industries and their children, or in Lyric’s case, their grandchild.

  I checked the time on my phone. Dianna would be back soon, and if Aiden didn’t rush Connor out the door, we’d have to wait until Lyric was settled to resume what the doorbell interrupted. After twenty minutes or so, I decided to call Dianna and ask her to keep Lyric a while longer. Just as I was about to hit the call button, Aiden stepped into the bedroom with our chubby little guy.

  “There he is,” I said, reaching for the baby. “Mommy has missed you so much, Lyric.” He gave me a toothless grin and I started unbundling him, slipping off his hat and then unzipping his outer suit. “So what did Connor want?” I asked Aiden.

  “He’s offered his assistance with raising funds for the new foundation,” Aiden replied.

  There was no way Connor would be willing to help with something he was against, and he was definitely against Aiden busying himself with anything that wasn’t Raine Industries. I looked up and saw Aiden studying me. Was he expecting me to react harshly to his news about Connor? “You can’t be serious,” I said. “And how does he know about it anyway?”

  “He said Allison mentioned it.”

  I’d started a foundation, The Heart of Wyatt, for Aiden as a Christmas gift. It was similar to the other charities Aiden spearheaded in that it provided support for disadvantaged youth, particularly those with musical aspirations. Aiden loved music and was an extremely gifted pianist, but he’d set aside his interests in order to join the family business. Connor never encouraged Aiden’s passion for music. As a matter of fact, he was adamant that Aiden turn away from it…which was why it was odd he would put forth any effort to support Aiden in this endeavor.

  “And he rushed over to offer his help? I’m sure there’s a catch…so what is it?”

  “He’s also asked if we would co-host a New Year’s Eve gala.”

  I kissed Lyric’s plump cheek and then placed him in his walker. “Us?” Christmas with the Raines was better than I’d anticipated, and I fully intended to remain cordial and engaged for Lyric’s sake, but there was such a thing as being too close to Sienna and Connor, and co-hosting parties was teetering on the edge of being too close.

  “Yes. Since you started the foundation, I’m hoping you’ll be closely involved with it.”

  My suspicions doubled. “What’s Connor’s angle here?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? He puts on a good publicity stunt, displaying our solidarity to counter the negative press of our infighting. He knew I wouldn’t be a part of it, so he threw in a little incentive to sweeten the offer. He wants this, so much so that he’s encouraging my new venture.”

  “Ding, ding. We have a winner. I knew Connor wasn’t suddenly gung-ho about supporting you.”

  “You’ve been around him for just few months, and you’ve already come to recognize his schemes.”

  “Who wouldn’t? He’s very transparent when it comes to that company.” I shook my head in disbelief. “So basically, he wants us to put on a show.”

  “It’s been that way all my life. He’s leveraging something to get what he wants.”

  “You don’t have to go along with it,” I said.

  “I know, and I wouldn’t if I didn’t feel so strongly about having a good start for Heart of Wyatt.”

  There was always a reason to justify the manipulation. “So we’re back in?”

  “Not in the way you think,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” I asked.


  “Then why say it?”

  Aiden quickly broke eye contact. “Have you seen Lyric walk forward yet?” he asked, his attention focused on the baby.

  Aiden didn’t need Connor’s support to fund this project, and he knew that as well as I did. I eyed him suspiciously and then followed his gaze. I watched a frustrated Lyric try to scoot toward us, and I smiled when he moved in reverse. Aiden chuckled, and I glanced at him and wondered what he wasn’t saying. Not only did Connor have an ulterior motive, obviously Aiden had one himself. I was all too aware of Connor’s, but what in the hell was Aiden up to?

  * * *

  Despite my hesitation to fall into old patterns, in a matter of days Aiden and I had easily returned to our own little world—the one that was designed especially for us, and I had to admit…it just felt right. Was I worried? I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t, but obviously what he and I shared was stronger than the sum of my worries—it felt like everything had fallen back to its proper place.

  My sisters Lia and Bianca were headed to New York for New Year’s Eve. I would have loved to have gone with them, but Aiden and I decided to set aside our true feelings and co-host the party with Connor and Sienna. We figured it would serve the greater good. The networking would be great for our first Heart of Wyatt fundraiser. It afforded us the opportunity to pull on some deep pocket strings.

  Despite Connor’s repeated texts, and although we were the co-hosts, Aiden and I arrived at the main house fashionably late. After delivering Lyric to Dianna in the upstairs nursery, Aiden and I joined the party. I surveyed the room as soon as we entered, and it was just as I’d expected. Stodgy middle-aged businessmen were paired off in discussion in almost every area. Bored and wealthy housewives were mingling amongst themselves, far away from the husbands who afforded them their elite lifestyles.

  I spotted Connor and studied him as he worked the room. His distinguished, handsome features were as striking as his eloquence. I would have been just as impressed as those who revered him as an upstanding titan of industry, had I not glimpsed the man behind the public image.

  Aiden and I were soon making our own rounds—saying hellos, making introductions and discussing Heart of Wyatt. Although the evening was shaping up to be uneventful, which was always a good thing when socializing with this exclusive group, it was dragging on forever. Midnight couldn’t come soon enough for me. I’d done the business hobnobbing countless times when I worked at Raine Publishing House, but it felt more contrived when it involved Connor, Sienna, and their social circle.

  Toward the end of the evening, Connor called upon Aiden to give an impromptu speech to attest to the solidarity of Raine Industries. All attention was focused on Aiden. I wasn’t at all surprised to see that a few select members of the press had been invited. Cameras flashed while everyone applauded during a pause in Aiden’s speech. He looked so handsome in his black suit and crisp white shirt. He was wearing the tie Lyric and I had given him for Christmas. He looked every bit the billionaire’s son, the confident businessman and irrefutable force that he was. He was sporting a light beard as of late, and I normally didn’t go for the bearded look, but it afforded him a sexy edge that he wore extremely well, and there was an added bonus…I was partial to the way it grazed over my skin when he was busying himself between my thighs. That was reason enough for me to jump on the beard bandwagon.

  I beamed with irrepressible fascination, unable to take my eyes off the man who had the ability to engage everyone in the room. When Aiden mentioned my name and motioned for me to join him, I looked over at Connor. He didn’t like Aiden’s digression to the foundation, which made me eager to grab some att
ention for Aiden’s charity work.

  Aiden continued his spiel as I made my way to the lectern. “I’d like to introduce my partner and the inspiration behind the foundation, Ms. Aria Cason.”

  Partner? That label, while accurate, seemed formal and I didn’t quite know what to make of it. I recovered from the surprise long enough to say a few words about the foundation, and then I returned the floor to Aiden.

  I was at Aiden’s side the entire evening—listening, learning, and watching him work the room as I’d seen him do before. At times like these, Aiden’s resemblance to Connor was unnerving. This mode was second nature for him, and he did it with such finesse that everyone he spoke with seemed captivated by his presence.

  Aiden and I shook hands and mingled with one guest after another. It was exhausting. We eventually escaped upstairs to check on Lyric. We opened the nursery door and found Dianna singing a lullaby to our sweet boy, so we quietly retreated. I was grateful she’d taken on the role of Lyric’s nanny, and I was positive her presence would soften some of the edges that came with being a Raine, just as she’d done for Aiden. I cringed to think of who Aiden would be with only Sienna and Connor as role models.

  Sometime later, when we were downstairs again, I said, “I’m ready to call it quits—I’m pooped.”

  “So soon?” he asked, and glanced at his watch. “It’s too early for bed.”

  “A baby who doesn’t let you get a decent night’s sleep says otherwise,” I replied. “Please, let’s take a small break. Schmoozing is hard work.”

  “Go have a seat in my bedroom and I’ll join you in about five minutes,” he said.

  “Finally. That’s the best idea I’ve heard all evening.”

  I discreetly left the room and headed upstairs. Once I reached Aiden’s former bedroom, I slipped off my shoes and carried them inside, closing the door behind me. I went directly to the sitting area and heaved a sigh when I collapsed on the large chair. I closed my eyes and started to drift off almost as soon as I’d reclined.

  “Wake up, sleepy head.”

  I opened my eyes and a lazy smile traced my lips as I looked at Aiden. “Do I have to?”

  After having coaxed me from the chair and toward the bed, Aiden leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on my neck, his mouth lingering there as his tongue traced a pattern on my skin.

  “What are you up to?” I asked.

  “I’m not up to anything. I’m kissing my girlfriend—or is that not allowed?”

  “And here I thought I was your partner.”

  “Did that bother you?” he asked.

  “Should it?”

  “No,” I lied. “We’ve yet to define our relationship, and partner seemed most appropriate under the circumstances.” He kissed my neck once more and then looked down at me. “What would you prefer I call you?”

  “I don’t know.” I was about to joke and say baby mama, but I knew he wouldn’t think it funny at all.

  “When you come up with something, let me know.” He guided me against the bedpost and moved his lips across the tip of my earlobe.

  I gently pushed him away. “We’re hosting a New Year’s Eve party, or did you forget?”

  “Is that what you’re worried about? The guests?”

  “Yes. Aren’t you?”

  He traced his finger over my bottom lip. “No. Not at all. We’ve plied them with gourmet food and expensive alcohol—they’ll never notice we’re gone.”

  “But I’m sure Connor will.”

  “Not my problem. I upheld my part of the bargain,” he said. “Let’s propose a toast.”

  “To what?” I asked.

  “I’m getting there.”

  “Okay, well, hurry already. By the way, did you happen to notice we don’t have glasses? We can’t toast without glasses.”

  “We don’t need them.” He walked over to the bedside table and lifted a bottle of champagne. “We have this.”

  “Is that the reason you disappeared earlier?”


  “So, we drink from the bottle? Okay, I can do that. So what are we toasting to?”

  “Get naked first and I’ll tell you.”

  All traces of my fatigue evaporated. “A naked New Year’s Eve toast where we drink from the bottle? Interesting.”

  “Very.” He stalked closer, stopping when our bodies barely touched. He moved his hand to my waist, and I watched with bated breath as it unhurriedly trailed a path upward. He leaned down and touched his soft lips to the hollow of my neck. Aiden’s breath was warm and sultry against my skin as his fingertip slid back and forth over my cleavage. “Are you going to take this off, or do I have to?” he asked.

  “And what makes you think I’ll just let you take off my clothes?”

  He smirked and stepped away from me. He placed the bottle of champagne on the nightstand and then reached for his tie. “Why don’t you have a seat?” He motioned toward the bed and I stepped back, not tearing my eyes from his as he started to undress.

  He removed his tie, and a slow grin creased the corners of his mouth as he started to unbutton his shirt. I stared in awe and adulation when he reached the last button, removed the shirt, and exposed his panther-like physique. No matter how many times I saw his body, inflamed surges of lust coursed through me, sending direct messages to Virginia, who responded like the insatiable tigress she was.

  Although I was dying to step closer—dying to feel his hard body beneath my fingertips, I resisted and sat on the edge of the bed. Aiden unbuckled his belt and then the soft sound of the slow unzip of his pants pierced the silence. I met his gaze, my eyes locking with his for a brief moment, and then my full attention was on his bulge. He reached into his pants and lifted himself and there it was…Kingston, my beautifully majestic instrument of pleasure.

  My prurient daze lingered as I watched him slip out of his clothes, giving me full view of his divine build. Aiden’s body was pure ambrosia, and I wanted to devour every inch of him. I wanted to dive on this devilishly tempting man and lose control. And there was nothing standing in the way of my doing just that. He was standing before me, grasping his masterful gift, offering himself to me.

  “You’re looking at it like you want it.”

  I eventually tore my eyes away from his enticing package and looked up at him. “And what if I do?” I asked.

  “Take it.”

  The rich timbre of his voice, coupled with his seductive command, was my undoing. I closed my eyes as the goosebumps moved over me, centering in my core. That was what he did to me. The seductive glint in his eyes, the salacious slip of his tongue across his lips, or just his words alone—and I was hypnotized, pulled into a sensuous trance that only he could sever. That’s the power he had over me.

  He stroked himself—once, then twice, and I swallowed the lump in my throat as he grew, the thick veins of his dick visibly protruding from the skin. The full, succulent head of his shaft was more tempting than any forbidden fruit, and it was calling for my mouth. He rubbed his finger over the tip of his erection as he stepped closer to me. When he was directly in front of me, he lifted my chin and then rubbed his wet fingertip across my lip. He lowered his head to my mouth, and traced his tongue over his sweet pre-come treat. I reached for his manhood as he sealed his lips over mine, kissing me deeply and already making me lose myself. I was going to come. I could feel it building inside me. When he pulled away I was breathing so deeply I felt light-headed.

  He backed away and looked at me. “I need you naked. Now.”

  I lifted my dress over my head, then removed my panties and bra, and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Lie back.”

  I slid toward the middle of the bed and lay down.

  He stepped toward the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of champagne. He took a swig and then grinned at me. He moved closer to the bed and lifted the bottle above me and then poured the champagne on my naked body.

  I held up a p
alm in defense as the stream of alcohol fell over me, splashing everywhere. “What are you doing?” I asked, squealing as the cold liquid drenched me and the bed.

  “While the world’s busy celebrating a new year, I’ll be busy celebrating you.”

  He took another drink and then placed the bottle on the bedside table.

  He slid in bed and positioned his body over mine, his eyes on my face as he guided his cock between my legs. “Happy New Year, princess,” he said, before he kissed me. I moaned into his mouth as the sweetness of his champagne kisses melted my core.

  Chapter Four

  “Let’s grab Lyric and get home, “Aiden said.

  “Shower first? I’m pretty sure it won’t rate well for our potential contributors to see us like this. We’re damp and sticky.” I tried to run my fingers through my hair. “And judging from the feel of this knotty mass, I’m a complete mess.”

  “You certainly didn’t taste like a mess.” Aiden grinned as he started to get dressed, pulling on his boxers, then his pants. “I’m ready for seconds.”

  “I don’t think there’s much of me left. You were like a man who hadn’t eaten or drunk in days.”

  “So what was with all the moaning? And your thighs had a death grip around my neck. Was that your way of registering a complaint?”

  “It was my way of encouraging you to keep licking.”

  “Good, because I’ll need an Aria-flavored nightcap.”

  “What about me?” I placed my hand at my throat. “I’m parched. I’ll need a drink, too.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered, princess,” he said, as he slipped into his shirt. “Get dressed. We’ll leave through one of the side entrances.”

  “So you’re done for the night?” I climbed out of bed and grabbed my clothes.

  “Yes. We’ve done our part,” he said with a sneer.

  I caught the distaste in his tone. What had brought that on?

  I looked around the bed for my shoes and then remembered they were in the sitting area. I grabbed them and then headed back toward Aiden. “I wonder what the staff will think when they see the mess we’ve made of this bed.”


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