Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4)

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Only His Touch: Part One (The Untouched Series Book 4) Page 9

by Lilly Wilde

  “Of course we are, Allison,” I said. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant.”

  “I’m sure you have a lot going on, so no worries. How about I pick you up at noon?”

  I took a seat at the counter and opened my liquid breakfast. “Sounds good. See you then.”

  I knew Allison was still feeling pretty guilty about what had happened to Lyric. I hoped she didn’t think I’d been distant because I was still upset with her.

  When I finished my drink, I decided to take a page out of Aiden’s book and send several flower bouquets to his office as an apology for this morning. Problem was I didn’t know which type of flower would best fit a man like Aiden Raine. The florist said exotic flowers were more masculine, and since I didn’t know anything about sending flowers to men, I trusted her judgment.

  An hour or so later, Aiden sent me a text—it was a picture of him surrounded by several colorful bouquets. Just as I was about to text a reply, I decided to call because I wanted him to actually hear my apology.

  “Hi, beautiful,” he answered.

  “Did you like the flowers?” I asked.

  “As much as any man can like flowers.” He chuckled. “But since they came from you, I’ll go as far as to say I love them. But let’s keep that between you and me.”

  He was making this too easy for me. “I’m really sorry for this morning…for what I said. I didn’t mean it.”

  “It’s forgotten,” he replied.

  Then I heard someone talking in the background, so we ended our call, but he assured me he’d be home in time for dinner.

  * * *

  Allison and I were shown to a table, and she grabbed the drink menu almost as soon as we sat down. It was just a little after noon—did she already want something stronger than water or soda? When the waiter asked for her order, she opened her mouth to speak and then looked at me.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m some crazy drinking girl who wouldn’t make wise choices around my nephew,” she said, as she placed the menu on the table. “But after the morning of dealing with Mom, I really need something stronger than tea.”

  “Then order it, Allison. And stop thinking I’m upset with you, or that I’m judging you.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “Okay,” she replied and grabbed the cocktail menu again.

  “So, how are your plans for the move to New York going?” I asked.

  “Great,” she replied, her silver-green eyes lighting up. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  I laughed. “Is Sienna still giving you a hard time?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.” She rolled her eyes and then glanced at the waiter to place her order.

  “I can only imagine,” I replied, as I reviewed the menu.

  “I’m ready to place some distance between myself and my family, especially now with Aiden and Daddy at odds…again.”

  I gave the waiter my order and then I was quiet, lost in my thoughts as I stared at the glass of sparkling water.

  “What’s wrong?” Allison asked.

  “Oh. Nothing.” I waved it off. “Just some work stuff running through my head.”

  She gave me a yeah right look. “What’s my brother done now?”

  “What makes you think Aiden has done anything?”

  “You have that weird look on your face, and you don’t sound very happy. And since I’ve known you, you’ve only been like this when it involves him.”

  “My world doesn’t revolve around your brother. I do have a little Aiden to take care of, you know,” I replied.

  “Stop stalling. Tell me,” she said. “Maybe I can help.”

  “I don’t want to burden you with my problems,” I said.

  “I owe you, so your burden is my burden.”

  “Stop thinking you owe me anything. None of that was your fault,” I said.

  “Thank you for saying that,” she said. “But I still want to help, if I can. So spill.”

  “Okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I took a sip of water and then started to fill her in. “I can’t figure out what, but I think something other than your siblings is leading Aiden back to R.I. He says it’s only to help out Sloan and Nicholas…you know, kind of like part-time, but I know that’s a lie.”

  “Why do you say that?” she asked.

  “We both know there’s no such thing as part-time when it comes to Connor and Raine Industries,” I said. “And I’m worried. I don’t want whatever this is to come between us. I don’t want it to be like it was before, when his existence was so tied up in that company…when he let Connor pull him in.”

  “I don’t see him letting Daddy do that,” she defended. “Aiden’s pretty smart.”

  “Normally, yes. But not with his parents. He lets them manipulate him and, no offense, but Connor seems to have an ungodly hold over his kids.”

  “Aiden made a huge point about stepping down. He’s never done that before,” she pointed out.

  “Yeah, that may be true, but something just seems off.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “That’s just it…I don’t know. But I get the feeling he’s hiding something from me.”

  “Why would he do that?” she asked.

  “I’m not sure,” I said, shaking my head. “But for him to do something like this so soon after our reconnecting…I think it’s something he knows will cause problems for us.”

  “Have you asked him?”

  “Of course I have.”


  “You know your brother. He only says what he wants to say. He just dances around the truth.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked as our food arrived.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Based on the little pieces I’ve grabbed, Aiden’s not in this by himself. And since he’s working so closely with Nicholas—I wonder if he knows something.”

  “I could try to find out.”

  “I hate to pull you into anything that may explode in both our faces,” I said.

  “But in this case, two is better than one,” Allison said. “And if something is up, you need all the help you can get. Trust me.”

  “I don’t want this to come between Aiden and me, especially now, when things are so much better between us.”

  “It won’t,” she said, and sipped her drink. “He loves you too much.”

  “I know he does, but I still feel as if I could lose him.”

  * * *

  After lunch, Allison popped in and spent some time with Lyric. She went on and on about how shocking it was that her brother had a baby. Not to mention he was living with his girlfriend and child. Allison and Lyric were on the floor in the play area, and I watched as she passed the baby one toy after another. Lyric dropped each toy as soon as she held up a new one.

  “You and Lyric have changed him. He’s so different when it comes to you.” She looked up at me. “But he’s still my brother, and all that entails.”

  “Don’t I know it,” I replied.

  “He loves you like crazy, but whenever it comes to Dad, there’s a whole other level of shit to deal with. Aiden doesn’t need the trouble that comes along with Raine Industries and Dad. What he needs is you…and you need him. And I will do all I can to make sure you stay together.”

  “Allison, that’s on us. Not you.”

  “Aiden has always been there for me, and now it’s my turn to really be here for him. Besides, you’re like the sister I never had.”

  “Sister you never had? Have you forgotten about Sloan?” I asked, and sat down on the floor with them.

  “Oh geez, no. Sloan is great and all, but she’s such a bore. She’s always focused on doing what’s appropriate in accordance with the Raine Bylaws. She doesn’t know how to let loose, and she’s the one my parents can count on to never really rock the boat.”

  “I can see that. She’s the
good daughter,” I said. “Not that you’re the bad one,” I added and laughed.

  “I know what you mean,” she smiled. “Sloan and I are a definite mismatch, but you’re more like me. You don’t color within the lines the way my parents would want. You aren’t afraid to speak your mind, and you aren’t afraid to be yourself. And that’s exactly the type of girl my brother needs…not some delicate socialite robot.”

  “Thank you, Allison…I think.”

  She got on her knees beside Lyric and crawled alongside him. “I know you’re really worried about Aiden and Dad. And I want you to be wrong, but every part of me knows you’re right. There’s always something going on between those two, and it’s typically a huge source of tension in our family.”

  “Any ideas on how you can find out what it is?” I asked.

  “Not really,” she sighed. “No way would Aiden and Dad ever include me in business matters…which leaves Nicholas and Sloan. Nicholas is out—if he does know something, he wouldn’t betray Aiden by telling me. So that leaves Sloan, but she’s so anxious to remain neutral that she’ll keep quiet, too.”

  “What about Sienna?” I asked.

  “She wouldn’t do much at all to upset the balance any more than it already is, unless…” She trailed off.


  “Unless I fudge the truth a little and hint that I won’t move to New York.” She shook her head after giving it more thought. “No. I’d better save that lie for something I’ll need later. So, that means I can’t go to anyone in my family.”

  “Exactly.” I let out a sigh. “I guess we’ll have to just wait and see, and then hope there isn’t too much fallout.”

  “What if I told Dad I was finally considering coming into the business? He gave up on that years ago, but I know he wants us all there. He’s made no secret of that. Maybe he’ll drop his guard—or better yet, loosen his hold on Aiden—if he knows I’m finally all in.”

  Allison became quiet, as if mulling over her options. “That’s the only card I can play,” she said.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked.

  She reached for her signature ponytail and tossed it over her shoulder, out of Lyric’s reach. “Yes. I do, but my move to New York couldn’t come at a better time. This family will drive the sanest person into an insane asylum. Well, it’s more Dad than the family itself. I thought after his heart attack, things would change, that our lives would become almost normal, but maybe the Raines aren’t cut out for normal.”

  * * *

  It was great to catch up with Allison. After committing to her plan of subterfuge with Connor— which I knew wouldn’t work—we talked more about Lyric, my sisters, and her social life. She invited me to catch a movie with her friend Libbey and her later in the week, and we also made plans for a spa day.

  My phone pinged thirty minutes after she’d left. It was a text from Allison.

  Aiden’s here.


  The main house. He’s in Dad’s office. I’m going to see if I can hear what they’re saying. Give me a sec.


  Two minutes passed and another text.

  I pressed my ear against the door, but I could only hear a few words, and the rest was just mumblings I couldn’t make sense of.

  Now what?

  I waited but nothing. And then ping.

  There’s an entrance from the study that’s usually unlocked. If I can get in there, maybe I figure this all out without resorting to my half-assed offer to join the family business.

  I was sitting in my office wondering if I should just let this drop when I received another text.

  It’s unlocked. I’m going to slide my phone inside to record them, so don’t text or call. I’ll send it to you once they’re done.

  This was insane, like something from a girl detective novel.

  Okay. Be careful.

  Fifteen minutes later, I received a message from Allison—it was the recording.

  Thanks, Allison. I’ve got it.

  I’ll listen to it a little later. Maybe we can compare notes afterward.


  I took a deep breath and pressed the play indicator on the video image, but it wouldn’t load.

  “Shit.” I was about to send it to my email when Lyric started to cry, so I put it aside and went to check on him.

  * * *

  I was standing at the counter chopping vegetables when I heard Aiden enter the kitchen. He was soon standing behind me, his arms enveloping my waist.

  “I love you,” he said.

  I looked over my shoulder at him and noted his strange expression. “I love you, too.” Something wasn’t right. “What is it, Aiden?”

  “I have to leave for Mumbai tomorrow,” he tossed out casually, as he reached for a carrot.

  “What? Why?”

  “Loose ends I need to tie up for R.I.”

  “I knew it!” I dropped the knife on the counter and spun around to face him. “I fucking knew it!”

  “Wait. Let me explain,” he said, calmly as he grasped my shoulders.

  “I don’t want to hear it,” I replied and shrugged away from him. “When you told me you were done, I refused to buy it. I just couldn’t fathom you not working for that company. And if this were something different, like your deciding to open a law practice or something involving medicine, you’d have my full support. But this is not me disapproving of you following your dreams—this is me wondering why you would want to subject us to the one thing you said you never wanted to be. Everything you hated about that company, about what it stole from your family…from you. Now you’re willing to impose that on us.”

  “I promise I’m not doing that. As a matter of fact, I want you and Lyric to come with.”

  I stepped past him. “No. We’re not going.”

  “But, babe—”

  “No, Aiden. I won’t have Lyric flying across the world just to sit in a hotel and wait for his dad to make time for us. Just go without Lyric and me. Go over there, take care of this crap for Connor, and hurry back home to us.”

  * * *

  After a quiet and awkward dinner with Aiden, I received a text from Allison.

  I’m coming over.

  I haven’t had a chance to listen to the video yet.

  I have and I want to talk to Aiden. Is he there?

  Yes. In his office.

  A short while later the doorbell rang, and as I was about to step from the kitchen, Aiden called out that he would get it. I was sure Allison wanted to talk to him about the video. I headed to Aiden’s office, stopped next to the door, and listened.

  “What does Daddy have on you?” Allison asked him.


  “Don’t play stupid, Aiden.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied.

  “I’m talking about the conversation you had with Dad earlier. I kind of…overheard parts of it.”

  “Allison, I don’t know what you think you heard, but you need to mind your own business. Aren’t you getting ready to move? You should focus on that,” he said.

  “And you need to focus on what you claim is most important to you before you lose it for good.”

  “There you go, obsessing again. You’ve always been one to do that, but I think this is one subject you should leave alone.”

  “Go ahead. Pretend I’m blowing smoke,” she said.

  “You really need to stay out of this. Not that there’s much of anything to stay out of. Don’t make a big deal over nothing.”

  “Let me save you the trouble of adding more lies to this conversation and tell you a little secret. I didn’t really kind of hear bits and pieces from the other side of a door. I was actually in Dad’s office. I heard everything.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “When I saw the two of you looking all weird and angry, I snuck in from the back door of the study.

  “Seriously, Allie?”

  “Yes. So be honest with me. What did Daddy mean about your secrets? And what acquisition? What investigation? And what does any of that have to do with Aria?”

  That was a very good question. What does any of that have to do with me?

  “It would be best for everyone if you didn’t worry about any of that. I’ll handle our father.”

  “Is that what I heard? You handling Dad? It sounded the other way around.”

  “Allison, I’m telling you to forget about it.”

  “Why? Why shouldn’t I just go to him and tell him to stop?”

  “Do you think he’ll listen to you? Come on, Allie. We’re talking about Connor Raine.”

  “Aria is worried that whatever is going on, will be the end of the two of you.”

  I was curious as to how Aiden would respond to that. I leaned closer to hear his reply.

  “Did she say that? Or is this another case of you being overdramatic?” he asked.

  “What? Overdramatic?”

  “Just answer me,” he demanded.

  “Yes. She said that.”

  “And like you, she’s worried about nothing. I’ll speak with Aria and remind her that her attention should be on our son.”

  There he goes again—expecting everyone to just do as he says.

  “Are you delusional? She never listens to you. And I’m starting to think I should follow her lead and—”

  “And nothing. Stay out of this, Allison,” he warned.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Haven’t I always handled things for you with him? Didn’t he agree to let you be you without pulling you into this shit?”

  “And after overhearing your conversation with him earlier, I’m starting to wonder how that even happened.”

  “You really want to know?” he asked.


  “I sacrificed myself for you. I told him I’d sign on to do whatever he wanted if he let you go.”

  They were both quiet. I guessed Allison was absorbing the blow of Aiden’s confession. As stunned as I was, I was sure my shock paled in comparison to hers.

  “Why would you do that?” she asked.


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