Sailkeeper's Bride

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Sailkeeper's Bride Page 14

by Annie Windsor

  His cock throbbed, and his body spoke—yet Fari’s mind and heart held back. “Thank you,” he murmured. “I will sit with you both. Let us see where the afternoon takes us.”

  That seemed to be enough for Elise. For the rest of their walk, she amused herself by stroking Ki’s cock through his tight cloth breeches.

  All too soon for Fari’s tastes, he was seated beside Elise and Ki in the Royal box.

  The Festival enclosure made a giant oval over what had once been Camford’s unfettered front lawns. From the Royal box, the Tul’Mars enjoyed an unbroken view of all the bleachers and all the holding boxes. Women from the north, from the south, from east and from the west had been oiled, flowered, and sated enough to maintain basic control during the festivities. Onlookers packed the bleachers, many mated couples—some already fucking hard and fast, in mere anticipation of the action.

  Pa marks glittered in the sunslight—every design and pattern imaginable.

  On the far end of the now-bleacher-enclosed presenting ground were Arda’s stables—and inside the stables, the warriors waited.

  Fools, Fari thought. Why couldn’t they court and win their mate with more dignity? Did they fear the pitfalls of true “relationship-building,” as Elise called it?

  Beside him, Ki stirred.

  Fari glanced over and saw that his brother had removed his breeches. Elise was stroking his cock with graceful, skilled fingers as she gazed into the excited crowd.

  It was then that Fari knew how miserable he would be this afternoon.

  What had he been thinking?

  He needed to leave this ridiculous display and resume his search for Georgia. Or maybe go to the war room and review what Ki had discovered about Krysta’s whereabouts.

  A roar rose from the crowd, and Fari turned his attention back to the presentation grounds.

  Ten naked warriors, decorated only by pa, oils, and loose leather thongs bound about their necks, strode forward.

  As they passed each box of maidens, squeals and giggles bubbled and frothed through the warm afternoon air.

  The warriors stopped one at a time, spreading their ranks for proper viewing. To a one, their cocks stood erect, showing off some of what they might offer potential mates.

  Fari snorted his annoyance.

  A handful of naked maidens approached, drawn by physical attraction and initial psi compatibility. Three or four each, and for one warrior, almost ten.

  The warriors stood passive as the women ran their hands over pa marks and pricks alike.

  Closest to the Royal box, the first match was made. Four or five women backed away as one woman remained with the stalwart, smiling warrior. She worked his cock with her hand, up and down, while gazing into his eyes.

  Fari felt the wave of connection. His own cock stiffened even more, and he cursed.

  These were soul’s mates. Yes. Any idiot could sense it.

  As the woman wrapped a leg around the standing warrior and eased herself onto his waiting erection, Elise groaned. She moved over to Ki, keeping her back to him so she could see the action, and lifted her soft skirts. In one tantalizing move, she sank down on her sha’s cock at the same moment the woman and the warrior began to fuck in earnest.

  All over the stands, joined couples did likewise.

  Fari grabbed his own cock through his breeches and groaned. His mind and heart screamed for Georgia. He wanted to fuck her and only her. Now. Now!

  You had your chance, you son of a bitch.

  Georgia’s sharp psi-comment hit Fari so hard he slammed back against his chair—then leaped to his feet.

  She was here!

  Georgia was at the Festival of Seasons somewhere, but where?

  His sharp eyes scanned the crowd one face at a time, but he didn’t have to look long.

  There. With the southern contingent. Georgia was seated in a maiden’s box, stretched out like a queen on a bier. She was oiled, naked, be-flowered, and well-attended. One of the women was toying with her nipples, while another was absently stroking her clit.

  Leveling her angry gaze on Fari, Georgia flipped her flaming hair behind her shoulders. Her hips rocked forward, and she spread her legs to give the other maiden better access to her pussy.

  Fari gripped the edge of the Royal box so hard the wood splintered.

  “Aaah, aaah. Yes. God, yes!” Beside him, Elise bounced on Ki’s lap, coming with a burst of shared psi-energy.

  As if receiving it, Georgia came, too. She threw her lovely head back and groaned—a sound Fari heard in his mind, felt in his gut.

  And suddenly, his shanna’s intentions became clear. Georgia had joined the Festival to choose a mate. To deliberately join with another man, thereby ending her relationship with Fari forever.

  His brain became a gibbering mash as more warriors filed onto the presentation field.

  Georgia gave Fari a wicked grin, then perused the new offerings. Her attention lingered on the soldier closest to her, and she made as if to stand up. As if she might go down to the field and examine Markon. Fari’s second in command.

  Bellowing, Fari pulled himself forward to vault out of the Royal box.

  Damn her.


  Elise had warned him.

  But he would cross the presentation yard. He would snatch her out of that box, and haul her off for a private discussion.

  Strong arms yanked him back.

  “No, Brother.” Ki’s maddeningly cool, sharp voice ripped at Fari’s ears. His brother had finished round one with Elise and placed her back in her own seat. Now, he stood behind Fari, restraining him with sure hands. “You have no legal or moral claim on Georgia Steel. She offered herself to you in marriage, and you refused her.”

  “To Earth’s hell with you,” Fari growled. He struggled against Ki’s iron grasp.

  “You broke up with her,” Elise added, using the Earth phrase. “She’s free to do as she pleases.”

  Fari stopped short of swearing at Elise. That would certainly be less than honorable.

  In the presentation yard, Georgia had indeed climbed down from the box, and she circled Markon with six other prospects.

  One of her hands tugged at the leather jesses on his neck, and her other hand found Markon’s cock.

  Shaking his head like a maddened fergilla bull, Fari exploded back against Ki, driving his brother through the rear boards of the Royal box.

  Elise screamed as the brothers fell to the ground one story below. Some of the crowd noticed, but most did not care. Outbursts of rage or passion were not unusual at the Festival of Seasons.

  Fari found his feet before Ki, then made use of his one battle advantage over his larger brother.


  Before Ki could grab him again, Fari turned and ran faster than Arda’s surest wind.

  Chapter 23

  Georgia held on to Markon’s prick long enough to be sure Fari had seen her, then gave the big warrior a smile and let him go. Another of the maidens, however, had been captured by the soldier’s eyes. A crackle coursed through their pa, and Georgia knew the two were meant for each other.

  Sighing, she returned to the southern maiden’s seats.

  When she glanced at the Royal box, she realized Fari was gone.

  Figures. Bastard. Coward. Well, he might not have stayed to watch her show, but she would find a suitable mate. She’d fuck the guy silly in front of the whole crowd, and somebody would be sure to let Fari know.

  Damn him.

  Yet even as she sat down, feeling the sensual rub of the soft boards on her naked ass, Georgia knew her heart wasn’t in this. One of the maidens reached for her, but Georgia politely declined.

  What are you doing? Elise’s psi-voice drifted through the chatter Georgia had experienced since she lowered her mental shield.

  Moving on, girlfriend. Ooooh, look. New warriors. Georgia forced a light, teasing tone into her thoughts. Maybe one of these will do.

  Don’t, please. Elise sounded desperate.
  Look, I love you to death, but stay out of this. Tears competed with Georgia’s false cheerfulness. It’s the only way. You know how I am.

  I know how you were, Elise corrected. A year ago. A world ago. A lifetime ago.

  To keep herself from bursting into sobs, Georgia gently closed off her thoughts again. Elise’s honest love and pointed truths were too much. They had always been too much.

  Besides, there were rows of fine warriors to explore.

  As the suns begin to set on the far western horizon, the next group of warriors made ready to enter the field, and Georgia came close to admitting to herself that she probably couldn’t do it—choose, fuck, and marry another man.

  Her heart was still set on Fari, and it might be a long bunch of years before she turned loose of wanting that arrogant, temperamental bastard.

  One of the priests reached over the box’s edge and took her hand. “There is no shame in not finding your mate the first time. It often takes several Festivals.”

  Georgia forced a smile, but gently extracted her hand.

  For some reason, she didn’t want to touch anyone. And she didn’t want anyone touching her.

  In fact, all the fucking was getting on her nerves.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The shield around her thoughts fell away, but she pushed back most of the clatter, chatter, and psi-groaning.

  Once more, tears tickled at the corner of Georgia’s lids.

  If Krysta were here, or even Akad, they would know what to do. Elise would probably help me if I let her. She rubbed the sides of her head. I suppose I can be as stubborn as Fari. God. I have to stop thinking about him all the time.

  A shocked murmur rippled through the crowd—a new sound. Different enough that Georgia opened her eyes to see what had caused the stir.

  The presentation field was nearly empty. Only a few warriors remained, with one standing off from the rest, close to Georgia’s box.

  Her heart skipped.

  No. My mind’s playing tricks on me.

  But she knew it wasn’t.

  Fari Tul’Mar stood naked in front of the maiden’s box, wearing the leather ties and oils of an available warrior.

  Dozens of women flocked toward him, but he ignored them. His gaze remained locked with Georgia as she struggled to believe such an arrogant man could humble himself so completely.

  Feeling like she was dreaming, Georgia got up and slowly walked down the wooden bleachers, to the stairs, and out into the field.

  More and more women crowded Fari, each eager to possess a Tul’Mar. Georgia could hear their thoughts. About his muscles. His handsome face. The black depths of his eyes. The blaze of his pa. His magnificent cock.

  They were touching him everywhere, but Fari didn’t so much as twitch.

  “Excuse me.” Georgia snatched the first woman and shoved her aside. The next woman thought about resisting, but Georgia’s laser-glare must have persuaded her otherwise.

  “No. Not! Bitch. Get your hands off him.” With a few well-placed bumps, nudges, snatches, and outright kicks, Georgia cleared most of her path to Fari.

  The crowd rumbled and roared, eager to see what would come of this showdown. Georgia was vaguely aware of Elise’s nervous thoughts and Ki’s subtle encouragements.

  To Fari? To her?

  Georgia couldn’t tell.

  She reached Fari and parted the last wave of admiring women with a single, sharp psi-command.

  Back the fuck off.

  It might have been Earth slang, but the meaning was clear enough.

  Reluctantly, though with respect for Georgia’s heightened psi-powers, the women excused themselves and made way for Georgia’s approach.

  In moments, Georgia stood alone with Fari, the last couple left on the presentation field. She was close enough to kick him, but she slapped him instead.

  The crowd murmured.

  Fari didn’t blink, and he still didn’t move.

  Georgia slapped him again. God, but that felt good.

  And yet he kept his intense, brooding eyes fastened on her like a determined tiger, gazing at prey.

  “You’re a bastard,” she said. “Did you know that?”

  “Yes.” Fari’s tone was even. And soft again. His cock wasn’t soft, though. It stood rigid and ready, and his breathing came in short gasps.

  Georgia could literally feel how much he wanted her. His desire made her pa sizzle.

  Damn him!

  She grabbed the thongs of Fari’s leather collar and jerked him forward.

  He didn’t resist.

  “I ought to kick you right in the nuts.” In a fit of pique, she shoved him back a step, and Fari sank to one knee, still looking at her with those electric black eyes.

  “Why are you doing this?” Georgia demanded.

  “Because I am deeply sorry for being a bastard. And for hurting you.”

  Georgia kicked at the dirt beside him. “Not good enough.”

  “I know.” Fari at last broke their stare and lowered his head. “But if you see fit to give me time and another chance, I will make it good enough.”

  Georgia hesitated.

  She had an urge to choke the jerk with his leather collar. And she knew he might not even try to stop her.

  Instead, she dropped the jesses. “Get up. I’m not interested. Let’s just end this here and now, so both of us can move on.”

  Fari stood. The lines of his face were hard, but not angry. More hurt.

  Georgia’s heart clenched.

  “We are alike, you and I. Both running from old pains, living with old wounds.” Fari reached one hand forward and cupped her cheek. Georgia tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. “I was wrong not to tell you of mine, and to let my past come between us. With your help, I can heal those old scars. Perhaps we might heal together.”

  “Go to hell,” she whispered, but she didn’t mean it.

  Fari cupped her other cheek and drew her forward, until their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss.

  Georgia was aware of cheering, but it sounded faint and distant as Fari pulled back.

  “One more chance,” he whispered. His black eyes were wide and sincere. “I will not let you down a second time.”

  “And if I say yes?” Georgia moved against him, feeling the thrill of his hard body against hers, enjoying his stiff cock pressed into her belly. Her pa tingled with his, and bit by bit, their thoughts reconnected.

  If you say yes, I will fuck you here and now. I will bring you to orgasm for all to see, and you will be my wife, my soul’s mate, forever.

  Air left Georgia’s lungs in a rush. She closed her eyes as Fari eased his hands down her shoulders to her breasts and pinched her nipples.

  His fingers felt like hot pincers, setting her skin on fire.

  “No more doubts?” she muttered, grabbing his collar’s thongs and pressing her breasts into his grip.

  “None.” He bent down and captured one pebbled nipple in his teeth. Look around you, shanna. All of these people can see your pleasure. Will you still deny me?

  Georgia did glance around the stands.

  Thousands of eyes watched as Fari suckled one nipple, then the other. Her pussy felt like a chamber of fire, screaming for entry.

  Fari turned her around and held her against him, still fondling her breasts. His cock pressed into her ass, and still, Georgia kept hold of his jesses.

  This was too hot for words.

  Here and there, couples started to fuck—Elise and Ki among them. The erotic charge in the air was so intense Georgia didn’t know if she could stand it.

  You can stand this, Fari assured her. And more. Infinitely more.

  He eased his hands down to her hips, then bent her forward slightly. Georgia pulled on the long collar thongs to keep her balance—and to keep Fari close to her.

  He nudged her legs apart with the damp tip of his cock, and she spread them wide. He pulled back against the jesses with his strong neck, helping her keep h
er balance.

  And still, he teased her, easing just the tip of his hard staff into her waiting juices.

  Georgia moved her hips from side to side, watching all the people watching her. “Put it in me,” she said, surprised by the rasp in her voice. “You always make me wait.”

  “You have no room to talk on that account,” Fari murmured. He slipped his cock in another fraction, then pulled back out.

  Georgia’s nipples ached as her breasts bounced from the contact. She groaned with frustration.

  In the stands, women and men yelled and screamed with orgasms. The smell of sex hung heavy in the twilight air.

  Georgia jerked the collar thongs and leaned back into Fari’s cock. “Fuck me, you arrogant bastard. I’m not asking again.”

  With a growl of pleasure, Fari grabbed her hips, bent her over further, and rammed his rigid staff into Georgia’s waiting slit.

  She pulled hard on the jesses to keep from falling, but Fari’s firm grip on her hips steadied her.

  “Keep your eyes open, shanna. See everything you can.” He pumped in and out of her as she moaned with the sweet feel of his length in her pussy. “This is your last fuck as an unmarried woman. When you come, you are mine for all times.”

  “And…you’re…mine!” Georgia bit her lip, lost in the feel of his hammering cock. God, but he filled her up. Ramming higher. Deeper.

  Hundreds of minds filled with the sounds and sensations of her pleasure, and she enjoyed making each of them hornier than hell.

  Heat consumed her pussy, spilling out to her belly, and upward, taking her like a slow-burning fire.

  Fari fucked her harder, and only the jesses and his tightening grip around her waist kept her on her feet. Each thrust lifted her from the ground and made her cry out with satisfaction.

  Fari freed a hand and caught one of her nipples and pinched it. He jerked her against him, still plunging into her like a man deprived for years. She felt his hot breath on her neck as she straightened up.

  “Now,” Fari whispered, lowering her until his fingers slipped into her wet curls. “Keep those eyes open. Do not forget this. Never forget this.”


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