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Soulfire (A Magic Bullet Novel Book 4)

Page 18

by A. Blythe

  The volume behind us increased and I knew that it was only a matter of time before the mayhem spilled onto the terrace.

  "The Dragon’s plans don't favor our kind," I said.

  Dragon Mage heaved a sigh. "Maybe not your kind, but I'm a mage. Her daughter is a mage. We are human."

  I laughed and the sound was mocking even to my own ears. "Her husband, Pinky's dad, was a djinni. A djinni she supposedly loved. Face it, the only person Serena Edwards cares about is herself. She is playing the long game for power and she isn't going to stop in this colony. Once she stamps out all the powerful supernaturals here, she’ll move on to conquer the next colony. She's been using you and you’ve allowed it to happen."

  I knew she had to be aware of this deep down. She wasn't stupid, not even remotely.

  "I was an orphan," she said, as if that explained everything.

  "I know. I read your file. I'd asked Oscar to look into your background when you first came on my radar."

  Her expression darkened. "Serena has been the closest thing to a mother I've ever had. I do believe she cares for me in her own way."

  I shook my head. "I wish that were true. She had me believing that she cared about Pinky, but I see the truth now. Pinky has been a gambit and so have you. Serena Edwards is the worst kind of human."

  "What are you going to do?" she asked quietly.

  I smoothed back my hair. "Whatever I have to do to stop her."

  Dragon Mage faced me. "What about Pinky? You cannot protect her from this."

  "No, I can't. I wish I could. She's an adult now and I'm going to have to show her what the world really looks like."

  Dragon Mage glanced over her shoulder at the ruckus inside the house. The cops were confused and angry. “You should probably get in there,” she said. “I imagine your friends will need assistance.”

  In the library. Reed’s voice came through loud and clear.

  I bypassed the police officers, bending the light and reappearing in the library doorway.

  “Seraphina,” I heard Serena say. “Step away from that woman and come to me.”

  “Don’t,” I yelled.

  Everyone turned to stare at me.

  “Alyse, what’s going on?” Pinky asked. “Thompson won’t tell me.”

  “Not my place,” Thompson said.

  “I heard gunfire,” Pinky said.

  “Your friends are causing problems,” Serena said. “They’re a menace to society.”

  “Everyone out of the library, please. Reed, go make sure your brother is okay.” I looked at Serena as the team scattered. “Greer is spending a little time with your invention. Making sure it can’t do any harm.”

  Pinky scrunched her nose in confusion. “What invention?”

  “The one that gave the people in the mall the Sight,” I told her.

  “The people that attacked me?”

  I nodded. “Your mother is bankrolling that operation. Tell her who you are, Serena.”

  “I’m your mother,” Serena said. “That’s all that’s important.”

  “Really?” I asked in a mocking tone. “The fact that you’re the Dragon isn’t important?”

  Pinky reeled. “What did you say?”

  Serena clenched her fists. “Seraphina, you worked for the crime syndicate. For Jimmy O’Leary. You know we’re not all bad.”

  Pinky’s eyes popped. “The Dragon is the worst of the worst.” I could see her brain at work, remembering all of the horrible events that happened courtesy of the Dragon. “Those people in the mall almost killed me.”

  “She planned to spread the Sight to every cop in the city,” I said. “She’s trying to target supernaturals and remove them from power.”

  Pinky blinked. “I’m a mage, Mommy. And Daddy was a djinni.”

  “Darling, you needn’t worry,” Serena said. “I’d never let anything happen to you.”

  “But something did,” Pinky said. “Lots of things did.”

  “Your friend has her powers back,” Serena said. “Did she tell you that?”

  Pinky glanced at me for confirmation.

  I dissolved the fake copper cuffs on my wrists. “That’s the only bit of truth you’ll get from her tonight.”

  “How?” Pinky asked.

  “I made a deal with PAN.”

  “And you didn’t tell me?” She looked so hurt. My heart ached for her.

  “She didn’t tell you because the deal she made was to kill me. Your poor mother.” Serena shot me a triumphant look. An emotional bombshell.

  Pinky stared at me. “Is that true?”

  “The deal is to take down the Dragon. Killing her is not a requirement.”

  “Well, I certainly won’t go willingly. You had to know that much.” Serena beckoned her. “Come to me, darling. I don’t want Alyse to use you as a pawn. If she lied to you about her cuffs, who knows what else she’s lied about?”

  Pinky’s expression was torn.

  I hated to be the one to do this, but Serena forced my hand. I may not have been raised by a mother, but my feelings for Pinky were nothing short of maternal. I wanted to absorb all her pain and suffering. I wanted to shield her from the truth.

  But I couldn’t.

  "Pinky, listen to me," I implored. "You need to know the truth about what happened to your father."

  Pinky snapped to attention. "What do you know about Daddy?”

  More than I wanted to. "Ask your mother. Ask your mother why your father had to die."

  Pinky turned her attention to Serena. "Mommy?” Her pain was palpable.

  Serena took it in stride. "Oh, darling, you know that Alyse is just trying to get under your skin. She knows nothing.”

  Pinky glanced from her mother back to me. “Tell me.“

  "Pinky, other than the cuffs, have I ever once lied to you?"

  Pinky chewed her lips thoughtfully. "No," she said slowly. She focused on her mother. "But as far as I know, neither has Mommy."

  “She’s lied to you every day,” I said emphatically. “You have no idea who this woman is.”

  "Seraphina, I did not raise you to be foolish. You know I would never do anything to hurt you."

  I folded my arms across my chest. “I think killing her father hurt her plenty, don't you?"

  Pinky’s blue eyes widened. “Killed him?”

  Dammit. I did not intend to blurt that out. I’d hoped to force Serena to admit it.

  “He was my husband," Serena said. "How dare you."

  "Notice that she didn't deny it," I told Pinky. "She may have loved him, but she loved power and greed more. She sacrificed him to continue her rise to the top."

  “Of course I loved him. Don’t be absurd.”

  "He was collateral damage, Pinky," I said. "When he found out your mother's identity, he threatened to expose her. So she killed him."

  Pinky blinked back tears. "I don't believe it."

  "Nor should you," Serena said.

  "Pinky, think about it. She has been lying to you your entire life about being the Dragon. Why wouldn't she lie about this?"

  Pinky began to process the information and I could tell by her expression that she believed me. Serena did too, because she quickly changed her tune.

  “You didn’t really know your father,” Serena said. “He was a tyrant. He abused me mercilessly.”

  Pinky looked stricken. “Daddy would never…”

  “He was a powerful Marid, like your friend here. I was only human. He didn’t like that I was trying to rise through the ranks. He disliked women with power.”

  Pinky covered her face with her hands. “Daddy wasn’t like that.”

  "I was only starting to build my empire," she said. "He tried to ruin my career."

  Pinky pressed her lips together. "Money and power were more important than love?"

  Serena inclined her head. "Seraphina, darling, I had you. That was all the love I needed."

  Pinky wasn’t buying it. She began to burn from within. I could see the white
heat emanating from her skin. "What about what I needed? Did you stop to think about that?"

  I backed away slowly. No way did I want to get caught in the magical crossfire.

  "Daddy was everything to me," she screamed. "Everything! And you stole him from me. And then you lied about it."

  The floor rumbled beneath our feet. She was overflowing with power. Serena must have sensed this, too.

  "Sweetheart, I did this for us. So that you didn't grow up without a mother. Do you think your father would have stopped at revealing my identity? No, he was going to turn me into the authorities. He said he was going to turn me over to PAN. Then you would be sitting here having the same conversation with him."

  "No, I wouldn't," she said. "Because Daddy never would've lied to me for all these years. He would have been honest."

  Serena threw back her head and cackled. "You are so naïve, darling. Your father was a spy. He did not have an honest bone in his body."

  Pinky looked at me. "Just because he was a spy, doesn't mean he lacked integrity. And just because people work for the crime syndicate doesn't mean they lack integrity."

  Serena visibly relaxed. "I'm glad you see it that way. We can't all…"

  Pinky didn't hesitate. She pushed her hands forward. Serena blew backward across the room, her body slamming against the wall. I watched Pinky carefully for any sign of regret. It was a fine line between hate and love. I needed to make sure Pinky didn’t do something she regretted for the rest of her life.

  Pinky advanced toward her mother. Serena slowly rose to her feet, rubbing the back of her head.

  "Good thing I had a protection spell done on myself," she said. "Or that would have really hurt."

  "I'm capable of a lot more," Pinky said.

  Serena clapped her hands together. "That's what I've been telling you for years, darling. You are capable of so much more. Your potential is limitless. Everything I have built, I have built for your future. You are my legacy."

  The floor rumbled again. "You think I want this? Your blood-based empire? I reject all of it, every cent."

  "You want to live like this one?" Serena asked, gesturing toward me. "Dependent on the whim of a shady employer? Subject to poverty and homelessness. Do you really think her way is better?"

  Pinky glanced at me over her shoulder and smiled. "As a matter of fact I do."

  She began reciting an incantation I didn't recognize. I didn't understand what was happening until Serena was on the floor, immobile. A gust of wind blew through the room, whipping my hair around my head. I moved to stand beside Pinky as she continued her spell. I dared not interrupt.

  Serena's body stiffened and her eyes remained open and unblinking. I’d never seen a spell at work like this before. I waited until Pinky opened her eyes to question her.

  "New spell?"

  Pinky gave a brief nod. "It's a stasis spell. I wasn't sure if I could do it. I've never actually practiced it before, but I read about it a couple of weeks ago and thought it sounded cool." She blew out a breath. "I certainly didn't expect to use it on my own mother."

  I guess whatever protective spell Serena used on herself didn't work against the stasis spell.

  As though reading my mind, Pinky said, “Because she used a protective spell, I couldn't use an attack spell on her. Stasis is generally used to help someone. To keep them free of movement if they’re injured or freaking out."

  Clever girl. Then again, I never once doubted that Pinky was clever.

  "How do you want to handle this?" I asked. Serena was her mother. I had to let Pinky decide.

  "I think we should do what my father had intended," she said. "We take her to the authorities."

  "I think Greer will be happy to hear that," I said.

  Pinky’s expression softened. "What will happen to her? Will they kill her?"

  "Despite her involvement in the supernatural world, she’s still human," I said. "Although I doubt they will subject her to human laws. The regular court wouldn't know what to do with her."

  "Will she get a fair trial?" Pinky asked. Supernatural law tended to be quite strict. A mage who had done the horrible things that Serena had done would be killed on the spot. Lucky for Serena that she was human.

  "I'm sorry it had to happen this way," I said. "I didn't want this to hurt you."

  "I know," she said. "But it's better that I know the truth. It would have been awful to find out later in life that my entire foundation had been a lie."

  I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed. "For what it's worth, you are my family. I know I can't take the place of your parents, but if there's room in your heart for an older, wiser sister, I'm available."

  Pinky rested her head against my chest. "Can we call in Greer? I don't want to look at her anymore."

  I didn't blame her. I had a lot of respect for Pinky. She recognized when it was time to grow up, to let go. So she did.

  I sent Pinky out of the room to find Reed. "You can come out, Dragon Mage. I know you're here."

  She stepped out from behind a bookcase. "You dote on her like a mother hen."

  I shrugged. "Like I said, I prefer slightly older sister."

  Dragon Mage crouched down beside Serena.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “I want to talk to her.” She pressed the palm of her hand against Serena’s forehead, breaking the stasis spell.

  “Good work, darling.” Serena glared at me. “Before you die, you should know that it was your beloved prince who orchestrated your burn notice. Just let that knowledge of treachery settle while you await execution.” She jerked her head toward her mage. “Now make the Marid pay for what she's done."

  Dragon Mage turned toward me slowly and deliberately. "What she has done? She has spared your life. A courtesy you would not have extended to her."

  "You know as well as anyone," Serena coughed, "that we must be ruthless if we are to survive. Women do not have the same advantages as men.” Blood trickled from her mouth.

  “Yes, you have taught me to be ruthless,” Dragon Mage agreed. “An early lesson from you.”

  “We...must…remain strong.”

  “I am strong.” Dragon Mage said. "I have the magic to heal you."

  I watched carefully, uncertain what she planned to do.

  Serena mustered a smile. ”I know you do, darling. I raised you well."

  "No," Dragon Mage said quietly. "You raised me to be disposable. All these years I have worn cuffs like Alyse, only I did not know it until tonight."

  Serena's expression shifted from relieved to fearful. "Darling, don't. Think of what I can offer you."

  Dragon Mage bent down and kissed Serena’s forehead. “There is nothing you can offer me that I cannot give to myself." With those words, Dragon Mage placed her palm over Serena's face. A soft white light emanated from her hand, searing Serena’s skin. I grabbed her shoulder in an effort to stop her, but one glance at her fierce expression told me that she'd kill me without hesitation if I interfered.

  I did the only thing I could. I turned my back and left the room.


  In the bedroom of his house, Reed undressed me under the guise of tending to my wounds. It was all for show, of course, as the injuries were healing faster than he could kiss them away.

  “I was worried for you,” he said, his brown eyes filled with unspoken emotion.

  “In the Dragon’s lair?” I gave him a dismissive wave and plopped down on the edge of the bed. “I knew it would turn out okay.”

  “Because you had your powers?” he asked.

  I linked his fingers through mine. “Because I had you.” And Mix, Farah—the whole gang. Each one was indispensable to me, whether my cuffs were on or off.

  “I half expected you to head over to the Marida compound tonight.” He studied me, maybe still expecting me to bust my way in there.

  “I need a night to recover,” I said. “Lana would string me up by my toes if she heard I went straight from one fight to ano

  Reed smoothed my hair away from my face. “If you need a night to recover, then maybe I should take you to Farah’s apartment.”

  I glanced around the spacious master bedroom. A place for everything and everything in its place. Typical Naphil. “What’s wrong with here?”

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine. “If you’re lying next to me, I don’t know that you’ll get much time to recover.”

  I lowered my lids. “That irresistible, huh?”

  “Pretty much.” He lifted my shirt and slid it up and over my head before discarding it on a nearby chair. “So I guess this is part of the djinni package.”

  “Which part?” I asked. “A killer body? Superhuman healing powers?”

  Reed grinned and kissed the tip of my nose. “I was going to say complete and unadulterated arrogance.” He nipped my nose with his teeth.

  “A necessary consequence of awesomeness,” I said.

  He nuzzled my bare neck, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. “Any new tricks you care to show me now that the djinni bottle is uncorked?”

  I slid back and patted the empty space beside me on the bed. “This is where the magic happens.”

  “It sounds so true when you say it,” he said, climbing onto the bed.

  “Everything sounds true when I say it. I have an air of authority.”

  His lips brushed against my shoulder. “You really do.”

  “I’m a natural leader,” I continued, falling back against the pillow. “Everybody says so.”

  “Mmm,” he said, his fingers grazing my breast.

  “I like to be in control.”

  He shifted his weight on top of me and pinned me to the mattress. “It’s nice to take a break every now and then, though. Let someone else call the shots. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “I wouldn’t know,” I said, running my hands across the strong muscles in his back. “Doesn’t happen.”

  “I disagree.” He traced a finger from my lips down to the dip between my breasts. “In fact, it’s happening right now.”

  This time he kissed me like a Protector in charge, so I did what any willing passenger would do. I relaxed and enjoyed the ride.


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