Surrender Amanda Quick

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Surrender Amanda Quick Page 29

by Surrender (lit)

  Lucas opened his eyes and studied his

  wife. What must have been terrible?"

  That day when you were wounded."

  I will admit it was not the highlight

  of my life. A little higher, please. Yes.

  Right there. Thank you." Her hand was

  mere inches from his groin. He wondered

  how she could be unaware of the rapidly

  growing bulge in his snug breeches. That

  fire feels good,"

  Lucas?" There was a short, poignant


  Lucas saw the intent look on Victoria's

  face. Yes?"

  Did you love her very much?"

  He closed his eyes again as he struggled

  to follow her train of thought. Who?"

  Lady Atherton, of course."

  Oh, her. Well, I must have thought I

  did at the time, else why would I have

  bothered to ask her to marry me?"

  Why, indeed?" Victoria muttered.

  But looking back on it, I find it hard

  to believe I was that much of an idiot."

  She still loves you."

  She loves the idea of suffering from a

  star-crossed love and the feeling of being a

  gallant martyr to duty far more than she'll

  ever love any man. I do not envy Lord

  Atherton one bit." Atherton's bed must be

  a very cold one, Lucas thought.

  Forgive me, my lord," Victoria said

  wryly, but that is a remarkably perceptive

  comment for a man."

  He opened one eye. You think women

  are the only ones who can make remarkably

  perceptive comments?"

  Well, no, but ."

  He closed his eye. Some of us males

  are capable of learning from our mistakes

  and of gaining a measure of perception in

  the process."

  Is that right?"

  Lucas inhaled sharply. Ah, Vicky, could

  you possibly go a bit easier on that portion

  of my leg? Perhaps if you moved your

  hands a bit higher?"

  Like this?" She slid her fingers up his

  thigh a few more inches.

  Lucas did not trust himself to speak. Her

  touch was now so intimate he was afraid

  he would lose his self-control entirely in

  another moment or two.

  Lucas, are you all right?" Victoria began

  to sound genuinely worried.

  After that night we spent together at

  the inn, you should know what your touch

  does to me, my sweet."

  Her hands stilled instantly on his thigh.

  Do you want me to stop?" she asked


  Never. Not in a million years. A man

  could die happy under such torture."

  Lucas, are you by any chance trying to

  get me to to seduce you?"

  He opened his eyes and looked straight

  at her. I would sell my soul to get you to

  seduce me."

  She blinked at his bluntness. Then her

  eyes filled with longing. I do not think the

  price would be quite so high, my lord."

  He touched her face and then let his

  fingers slide along the chain of the pendant.

  Thank God for your honesty in matters of


  intellectual inquiry."

  Oh, Lucas." With a small cry she threw

  herself against his chest and nestled there,

  her arms wrapping around his waist. I

  have thought about that night so often.

  I was so happy with you for those few


  Only your pride is keeping you from

  being happy in that way again." He stroked

  her arm, enjoying the weight of her against

  his chest. Is your pride worth all this

  disharmony between us? We are bound

  together for life now, Vicky. Do you intend

  to put us both through hell every night?"

  She kept her head tucked against his

  shoulder so that she did not have to look at

  him. When you put it like that, it does not

  make much sense, does it? Aunt Cleo said

  that I had made my bed and now must lie

  in it. She said it was up to me to make

  that bed as comfortable as possible."

  Much as I appreciate your aunt's

  sentiments, I'd just as soon not have

  a martyr in my bed. I narrowly escaped

  that fate once before, as you will recall,"

  Lucas said.

  Her shoulders shook with soft, nervous

  laughter. Yes, I do recall. Very well,

  Lucas, I shall view my decision to carry

  out my responsibilities as your wife as a

  matter of logic and common sense, not a

  matter of duty. There is, as you say, no

  point in putting us both through hell."

  Give me the logical bluestocking rather

  than the pious martyr any day." Lucas

  tipped up her chin and kissed her. At

  least when the bluestocking talks herself

  into succumbing to passion, she doesn't

  have to pretend she cannot enjoy it." His

  mouth moved slowly on hers.

  Victoria seemed to hesitate briefly, as

  if silently running through her logic one

  more time to be certain this was the

  right solution to the problem she had

  set herself. Then, with a tiny gasp, she

  responded with the sweet, hot fervor that

  Lucas always found so enthralling.

  Her hands tightened around his back

  and she parted her lips for him. Lucas

  let his tongue plunge into her mouth in

  anticipation of the way he would soon be

  surging into her body. She pressed herself

  against him. He could feel her breasts

  beneath the bodice of her dress and his

  entire body throbbed with impatience.

  Sweetheart, I have waited so long for

  our wedding night." He tore his mouth

  from hers and reached for the amber

  cloak on which she had been kneeling.

  He tossed it out deftly with one hand

  so that it formed a blanket for her to

  lie on.

  It will get dirty." Her protest was

  automatic, but without any real heat.

  You have others." He fumbled with her

  gown, a part of him appalled by his haste

  and the unaccustomed clumsiness that

  accompanied it. So much for strategy.

  Another part of him was running wild

  and free now that the torment of waiting

  was nearly over.

  That first time he had prepared himself

  to hold back until he was certain she was as

  eager as he was. He had been so intent on

  not hurting her or alarming her, so intent

  on pleasing her. But this time he could

  think only of possessing her once more.

  He had to reassure himself that she was

  his again.

  This time he could not contain himself.

  Victoria looked startled by his urgency, but

  she went willingly over onto her back as he

  eased her down onto the cloak. He gave

  up fighting with her clothes and contented

  himself with pushing her skirts up to her

  waist. Then he looked up quickly to see if

  she was offended by the lack of gallantry.

  When he saw her luminous smile and the

/>   reflected heat of the fire in her eyes, he

  went to work on his own clothing.


  What is it?" she asked softly.

  Nothing. Merely my own clumsiness."

  He finally managed to get the breeches

  open. He decided he could not take the

  time to remove them or his boots. His

  need was raging through him.

  And then he was falling on her in a

  white-hot fever. He put his hands on her

  thighs and she opened them for him,

  offering herself. He moved between her

  legs, feeling the moist heat of her as he

  pushed against her softness. He took one

  of her nipples into his mouth and bit down

  with exquisite care as he surged into her

  tight, hot channel.

  She cried out and clung to him. He

  could feel the initial resistance of her

  body as he pushed steadily deeper. He

  reminded himself that this was all still

  very new to her.

  Lift yourself, sweetheart. Open yourself

  for me." He slid one hand down under

  her to cup her lush buttocks and urged

  her upward so that he could sink himself

  even deeper into her clinging warmth.


  Am I hurting you?" His voice was husky,

  even to his own ears.

  No, not precisely. But the feeling is

  indescribable. Oh, Lucas."

  I know, I know, darling, I know." He

  sank himself slowly to the hilt. He felt her

  thighs shiver as they closed around him

  and the knowledge that she had willingly

  made herself so vulnerable to him nearly

  undid him. Wrap your legs around my

  waist. That's it. Yes."

  With a soft exclamation, she gave herself

  to him just as she had that first night.

  She was clinging to him, whispering his

  name, pleading with him for the release

  he promised.

  Glittering shards of sensation flickered

  through his senses. Lucas was aware of

  the heat of the fire, the alluring scent of

  Victoria's aroused body, the silky strength

  of her soft thighs as they tightened around


  He opened his eyes and saw that hers

  were tightly closed. She was breathing

  quickly, her throat arched back over his

  arm. She was in the grip of her passion and

  the sight was devastating to his senses. He

  was utterly fascinated. He moved slowly,

  deliberately, within her, letting her pull

  him back every time he had retreated to

  the entrance of her tight little channel.


  Yes." He eased back into her again,

  glorying in her hot, clinging warmth. He

  was sweating now, his whole body surging

  toward release. Then he felt the sudden

  tension in Victoria and knew she was close

  to her own climax.

  He moved his hand on her buttocks,

  letting one finger glide intimately along

  the dark cleft to the point where their

  bodies were joined.

  Victoria's eyes flew open and her lips

  parted on a soft, startled, purely feminine


  Lucas? Dear heaven, Lucas."

  And then she was convulsing gently

  around him, drawing him even more

  deeply into her. Lucas heard his own

  triumphant shout fill the small room as

  his release swept over him.

  Several minutes passed before he felt

  like stirring. When he did, it was only

  to roll onto his side and gather Victoria

  close against him. The fire was still blazing

  merrily, casting cheerful, dancing shadows

  on the walls. Lucas felt his wife's leg slide

  lazily along his as she allowed herself to

  be cuddled.

  You must admit there are some benefits

  to marriage, madam. At least this time we

  do not have to concern ourselves with

  being discovered and threatened with social

  ruin." Lucas yawned mightily, aware of a

  singular contentment. But do you think

  that perhaps next time we might try it in

  the comfort of your bed or mine? That

  mattress at the inn was lumpy and this

  floor is damned hard."

  We are having an adventure. Don't you

  think it might be a bit ordinary to use one

  of our own beds, sir?"

  This is what I get for marrying a woman

  with a taste for excitement. She only wants

  to make love in unusual locations and

  under novel circumstances." Lucas ruffled

  her short curls affectionately. Fear not,

  madam, your husband will do his best to

  keep you amused and entertained in your

  own bed."

  It sounds like a great deal of work on

  your part," she said.

  Believe me, it will be infinitely easier

  to dream up interesting things to do with

  you in the comfort of your bedchamber

  than it is to chase after you at midnight,

  wondering what mischief you're up to."

  She did not respond to that. Instead she

  wriggled a bit, quite delightfully, in fact.

  She made no move to free herself from his

  arms but her silence continued for some

  time. Lucas began to worry.


  Yes, my sweet?"

  Do you swear to me that you did not

  arrange for my aunt to discover us that

  first time at the inn?"

  Anger snapped to life within him, driving

  out much of the contentment he had been

  enjoying. He pushed himself up on one

  elbow and scowled down at her. Damn

  it, Vicky, I set out to seduce you, not

  humiliate you. How can you think I would

  deliberately do such a thing?"

  You said, yourself, you were determined

  to marry an heiress."

  I was determined to marry you," he

  corrected roughly, not just any heiress.

  Furthermore, to be perfectly blunt about

  it, my dear, I had no need to resort to

  extreme measures such as arranging for

  your aunt to discover us in compromising


  Her brows came together in a swift

  frown. What do you mean by that?"

  Only that I was doing a creditable job

  of seducing you into marriage just fine

  on my own. I did not require anyone

  else's assistance. At the rate we were

  going, it would have been only a matter

  of time before you talked yourself into

  marrying me."

  Why, you arrogant beast." She tried to

  push herself away from him and sit up.

  Lucas grinned and threw one leg over

  her bare thighs. He rolled back on top

  of her, pinning her wrists to the floor on

  either side of her head. Tis true and you

  know it, sweetheart. Admit it. Admit you

  could not possibly have conducted the sort

  of torrid love affair you wished for unless

  we got married. It would have proved


  She glared up at him, struggling futilely.

  It would have been possible.
It merely

  required planning."

  I assure you, when it comes to planning

  and strategy, I am very, very good and

  even I could not have kept you content

  or safe for long. Hell, I could not even

  manage it that one time we tried to seclude

  ourselves at the inn. And it would have

  been impossible for you to steal away from

  a soiree to run off to an inn in a strange

  coach every time you wanted to make love.

  Sooner or later someone would have been

  bound to notice."

  I would have been most discreet,"

  Victoria insisted.

  Is that right? And what would we have

  done when the Season was over and there

  were very few large parties from which you

  could disappear without being noticed?"

  She bit her lip in annoyance. I would

  have thought of something."

  No, love. We were headed for trouble

  right from the start."

  And you knew it."

  Of course I knew it. As you are far

  from being an idiot, you would soon

  have come to your senses and realized

  it also. At that point I am convinced you

  would have started to think seriously about

  marrying me." He smiled deliberately. To

  be perfectly truthful, given your appetite

  for intellectual inquiry, I do not believe I

  would have had to wait too long."

  She went still and looked up at him

  through her lashes. You were so sure of

  me you took to carrying a special license

  in your pocket."

  I wanted to be prepared. We were

  playing with fire, love."

  Victoria closed her eyes to his satisfied

  grin. And I got burned."

  Are the flames so bad?" he asked softly,

  brushing his mouth across hers. His body

  reacted immediately and he groaned.

  I have given the situation much thought

  during the past few days," she said, her

  expression very serious now. If the world

  were a different place, I would never have

  chosen marriage."

  Her insistence on that point began to

  annoy him. He scowled. If the world

  were a different place, I would not have

  been obliged to capture an heiress."

  True. Lucas, as I said, I have given

  this much thought. We both did what

  was required of us by our sense of honor

  and now we have been forced to seal a

  bargain. This is something of a business

  arrangement. I have decided to think of

  our marriage in that light. I see us as

  two business associates who have invested

  in the same enterprise."

  Lucas frowned. I do not like all this

  talk of going into trade."

  She shook her head restlessly. Think

  of it how you will; the point is, we are


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