Surrender Amanda Quick

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by Surrender (lit)

  over you."

  Yes, I would, wouldn't I?"

  Her tongue touched the corner of her

  mouth. Are you admitting I can seduce

  you at will?"

  Madam, you can seduce me by merely

  walking across the drawing room or serving

  me a cup of tea. Every time I look

  at my picture of Strelitzia reginae, I am


  Oh." Then she smiled slowly. Is this

  another example of your skill at strategy,


  He did not answer that with words.

  Instead, his mouth closed over hers, hot,

  exciting and intoxicating. Victoria put her

  arms around his neck, glorying in the heat

  and strength of him.

  He slid his hand down her side to her

  thigh and lifted the thin stuff of her night

  clothes up to her waist.


  Part your legs, sweetheart."

  She moaned softly and, shivering delight

  fully, did as he directed. His hand slipped

  between her thighs.


  Yes, sweetheart. That's it. That is what

  I want from you. Call it a truce or call it

  surrender. It does not signify."

  She clutched at him as his tongue eased

  into her mouth just as he eased a finger

  into her moist heat. He began moving both

  tongue and finger in and out of her in a

  simultaneous rhythm. Victoria thought her

  legs would collapse.

  She retained just enough self mastery to

  fumble with the opening of his dressing

  gown. She found him hard and heavy

  with his arousal. Her fingers circled him


  Oh, God, Vicky."

  He pulled her back toward the bed,

  dragging her down onto it. Then he was

  on top of her, kissing her breasts, her

  silky stomach, and the soft skin of her

  thighs. Without warning, his kiss became

  even more intimate. Victoria gasped, first

  in shock and then in wonder, as she felt his

  mouth on the most secret part of her.

  Lucas, this is outrageous. You cannot

  mean to ." Her fingers clenched in his

  dark hair and her whole body tightened

  unbearably. Lucas."

  She was still in the midst of her searing

  climax when she felt him glide up the

  length of her and surge deeply, heavily

  into her body. Victoria's teeth sank into

  the skin of his bare shoulder. She clung to

  him as if she would never let him go as his

  hoarse, exultant shout echoed in her ears.

  I must say, you and Lucas have certainly

  contrived to brush through the entire

  incident quite nicely." Cleo raised her

  watering pot to reach a fuchsia plant

  that hung from a beam. You were a

  great success at the Foxtons" last night.

  It is obvious you do not even need Jessica

  Atherton's public approval. The ton has

  decided you are their favorite couple, and

  the Season, one hopes, will be over before

  you can do anything to ruin that status."

  One hopes." Victoria grinned. I believe

  Lucas is harboring the same sentiments.

  You and he must get together and share

  your concerns over my behavior."

  We would no doubt have a great deal to

  talk about, would we not?" Cleo smiled. I

  did tell him once that one is seldom bored

  around you."

  Well, as far as I am concerned, it is not

  Lucas and I who contrived to escape the

  potential scandal, Aunt Cleo. You are the

  one who accomplished that. With a little

  help from Jessica Atherton, of course," she

  added in regretful honesty as she studied

  the half-finished painting of a cactus on the

  easel before her. Cacti were a nuisance to

  paint. All the little spines were something

  of a bother.

  Cleo moved on to the next pot but she

  searched Victoria's face with concerned

  eyes. I worried a great deal at first after

  Lucas took you away to Yorkshire. I

  could have strangled Jessica Atherton for

  showing up the morning of your marriage

  and causing such a stir."

  I had a few thoughts along that line

  myself. Lucas did, too."

  Not surprising. I am certain he could

  have done without her interference. The

  whole situation bordered on disaster, but

  I told myself that there was only one man

  of your acquaintance who could deal with

  such an imbroglio and you were with him.

  When I got your first letter requesting

  plants for his gardens, I knew the worst

  was over," Cleo explained.

  Tis true we have arrived at an

  understanding of sorts, Lucas and I."

  Cleo's head came up sharply. Her eyes

  sparkled with laughter. An understanding?

  Is that what you call it? You should see

  yourself when you are anywhere near him,

  my dear. You practically glow. I trust you

  are no longer worrying about following in

  your mother's sad footsteps?"

  Victoria carefully mixed yellow with a

  touch of blue to create just the right

  shade of green she was seeking. Lucas

  is no Samuel Whitlock."

  Good heavens, I should say not. Just

  as you are nothing like your mother,

  dear Caroline, rest her soul. She truly

  loved your father, you know. If he had

  lived, everything would have been much

  different. She would never have become

  an easy target for Whitlock's charms. But

  she was so hungry for love after your

  father died that she fell immediately for

  the illusion Whitlock was quick to offer."

  Love is a dangerous thing, rather like

  electricity, I believe. I think it is better to

  form a solid, working partnership with a

  man. That is what I am doing with Lucas,

  you know. We are making progress."

  Cleo gave a start. I beg your pardon?

  You are forming a business alliance with

  stone vale?"

  It is the logical thing to do, given

  the circumstances under which we were

  married. There is no denying that stone vale

  itself is an excellent investment. It is good


  I see." Cleo looked dazed. How very


  The arrangement works well, for the

  most part, although Lucas does have the

  lamentable habit of giving orders when he

  cannot get his way through reason and


  Vicky, dear, this is quite interesting.

  stone vale is going along with this partner

  ship notion?"

  On the whole. I am meeting with some

  resistance in certain areas."

  Cleo's eyes widened. I can imagine.

  What areas?"

  He would still very much like to believe

  that I am in love with him and he never

  loses an opportunity to try to coax me into

  admitting it."

  Cleo put down the watering pot with a

  small thud and
stared at her niece. Are

  you not in love with him? Vicky, I assumed

  from the start that your heart was charting

  your course in all this. Otherwise, I would

  never have insisted"

  Of course I am in love with him. I

  would never have gone to the inn that

  first night with him if I hadn't been. But

  I am not about to give him the satisfaction

  of admitting it to him," Victoria declared.

  Why ever not?"

  Victoria looked up from the painting.

  Because, to be blunt, he is not in love

  with me."

  Good heavens, Vicky, are you certain?

  He seems inordinately fond of you."

  He is fond of me. That is one of

  the reasons the marriage is working. But

  he feels he cannot allow himself to love

  me because if he does, I will use the

  knowledge to run roughshod over him.

  He thinks I am something of a shrew,

  you see. Too independent and headstrong

  by half. Give me an inch and I will surely

  take a mile."

  Perhaps he is merely uncertain of you

  and cannot admit his love until he knows

  you love him," Cleo suggested.

  Why should he be uncertain of me? The

  man is married to me."

  What does that signify? How many

  married women of our acquaintance are

  head over heels in love with their husbands?

  More than one has resorted to a discreet

  affair, as you well know. And women such

  as Jessica Atherton, who would almost

  certainly never indulge in an affair, are

  testimonials to womanly duty, not womanly

  love. The thought of being married out of

  a sense of duty must give a man a few


  Why should it? Lucas certainly had no

  qualms about marrying me out of a sense

  of duty. His goal from the start was to

  save stone vale, not find a deep and abiding

  love for himself." Victoria dashed the brush

  fiercely across the paper and immediately

  had to blot up a long smear of green.

  Just because a man is forced to marry

  for the sake of his responsibilities does not

  mean he is not human enough to want to

  be loved. Lucas told me the morning of

  your marriage that he truly wished things

  had progressed in a far different fashion.

  He knows that because of that debacle at

  the inn, he never had a chance to finish

  the courtship properly."

  He finished it, all right. He concluded

  the matter with a special license, if you will

  recall." Another smear of green appeared

  on the paper.

  My point is that he is only too well

  aware of the fact that he did not have

  a chance to win your love. You did

  not marry him entirely of your own free

  will and he knows that. Later, when you

  found out he had begun his pursuit of

  you because you were an heiress, his

  position was further weakened. How can

  he possibly be all that certain of you unless

  you have assured him of your love?"

  Victoria looked up, feeling pressed. Just

  whose side are you on, Aunt Cleo?"

  Cleo sighed. I am not on anyone's side.

  I just want to see you happy, Vicky."

  You think I would be happy if I simply

  surrender completely to my husband?"

  Surrender? What an odd term."

  Tis the one he uses," Victoria muttered.

  Except when he's trying to find euphem

  isms such as negotiated truce."

  Does he really? I expect tis because he

  spent so much time in the military and then

  devoted himself to gaming. Military men

  and game sters have a somewhat similar

  vocabulary, you know. They are always

  thinking in terms of strategy and winning

  and losing. There is very little middle

  ground for them."

  Yes, I have discovered that for myself."

  Women, on the other hand, are capable

  of more flexibility in their thinking," Cleo


  That is undoubtedly a weakness when it

  comes to dealing with men. It gives them

  a license to indulge their own inflexibility.

  No, I am married to a man who thinks

  like a soldier, and I must either break him

  of the habit or teach him to be content

  with the partnership we have managed to

  establish. The one thing I will not do is

  risk everything by giving him the surrender

  he wants."

  Cleo considered her thoughtfully for a

  long moment. What is it, precisely, that

  you would be risking?"

  My pride, for one thing."

  Is that so very important?"

  Of course it is."

  Well, he is your husband, my dear. You

  must do as you think best."

  Relieved to be through with that topic

  of conversation, Victoria hurriedly switched

  to another. Perhaps you would care to go

  shopping today? I mean to purchase some

  books on gardening and horticulture to

  take back to Yorkshire."

  I would be delighted. Are these for your

  library at stone vale?"

  Some of them will go into the library

  but the rest are to serve as a gift to our

  local vicar and his wife. They have been

  most helpful. The vicar is writing a book

  on gardening." Victoria hesitated and then

  added in a rush, And I am to do the


  Cleo beamed. Vicky, how marvelous.

  You are going to get your lovely botanical

  work published. I am so pleased. How did

  that arrangement come about?"

  Lucas arranged it," Victoria admitted


  Cleo's gaze sharpened. How did he

  do that?"

  Victoria flushed. He showed one of my

  paintings to the vicar, who instantly asked

  to meet the artist to see if she would

  be interested in doing the plates for his

  book. Lucas swears he did not influence

  the vicar by telling him who the artist

  was until after Reverend Worth admired

  the picture. The vicar seems genuinely

  delighted to have me do the plates. I

  must confess, I am very excited about


  Cleo leaned forward and admired Vic

  toria's painting, musing thoughtfully. Trust

  stone vale to find a way to give his heiress

  the one gift she could not have bought for


  The amber yellow silk gown was stun

  ning in its elegant simplicity. Victoria was

  pleased with the effect. The skirt fell in a

  narrow, graceful column to her ankles. The

  high waistline, topped with a small, artfully

  draped bodice, displayed a wide expanse

  of white skin and emphasized the gentle

  curves of her breasts. Her slippers were

  embroidered in gold thread and matched

  her long, elegant gloves.

  The amber pendant hung in solitary

  splendor around her throat. With a last

  glance in th
e mirror, Victoria decided she

  was as ready as she would ever be for

  Jessica Atherton's reception. She picked

  up her gilded fan.

  I will take the black cloak, the one with

  the hood lined in gold satin, Nan."

  Ye do look wonderful tonight, ma'am,"

  Nan breathed reverently as she carefully

  draped the long, flowing cloak around

  her mistress's shoulders. His lordship

  will be ever so proud." She adjusted

  the hood so that the gold satin formed

  a deep, rich collar around Victoria's throat.


  Thank you, Nan. I must be off. His

  lordship will be waiting in the hall. Pray

  do not wait up for me. I will wake you

  when I return if I need any help."

  Yes, ma'am."

  Lucas was pacing impatiently at the foot

  of the stairs, but when he saw Victoria

  draped in black velvet and gold, he halted

  abruptly. His eyes were full of gleaming,

  sensual admiration as he watched her come

  slowly down the staircase.

  Ready for battle, are we?" he murmured

  as he took her arm.

  Let's just say I do not want Jessica

  Atherton feeling sorry for me."

  He laughed as Griggs opened the door.

  She is far more likely to feel sorry for


  Oh, really? And why is that, my lord?"

  Lucas tightened his hold on Victoria's

  arm. She will know I must be helpless

  to resist my Amber Lady. She will

  undoubtedly worry that you are already

  in command of this marriage."

  Victoria slid a sidelong glance at him as

  he assisted her into the carriage. And are

  you helpless to resist me?"

  What do you think?" He climbed in

  beside her.

  I think you are teasing me again."

  He reached for her hand and inclined

  his head gallantly over her gloved fingers.

  Madam, I assure you that I find you

  utterly irresistible."

  I shall bear that in mind."

  The streets near the large Atherton

  home were filled with carriages. Dozens

  of elegantly dressed people clogged the

  front steps. But Lucas and Victoria, as

  guests of honor, were quickly ushered past

  the crowds.

  When Victoria handed over her cloak

  in the wide, brilliantly lit hall, the amber

  yellow gown was revealed in all its glory.

  Lucas took one look at the graceful expanse

  of his wife's throat, shoulders, and bosom

  revealed by the small bodice and he set

  his teeth.

  No wonder you kept that cloak wrapped

  around you, until we got here," he growled.

  This will teach me to examine your

  attire far more carefully before I take


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