Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death

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Polly Pippin and The Tunnel of Death Page 15

by Sarah Godwin Winter

  'First snowshoes. I'll take a spare pair just in case. I will have to make you a toboggan, Daph.' There were lots of spare bits of wood, so making a snow sled was easy for him, and he thanked his luck there were still lots of long bits of rope around. After packing as much as he thought he could pull along - and that was mostly porridge for the little bear - he was ready to go.

  'Well, Daph old girl, this could lead me directly to my death, but hopefully, with any luck, the continuation of yours. He decided to sleep till first light so snuggled up to the bear cub till they both fell asleep.


  The next day, with the sled fully packed and a securely strapped bear cub on top, Piers set off. He was pretty sure it would be his death, but what choice did he have? He put on everything he could find in the shack, and he still felt cold. He left the hut and walked south for approximately three hours. The sun what there was of it told him it was time to stop and feed Daphne.

  "Why don't you kill the bear? You could eat the meat and wear its lovely warm coat."

  A little voice in his head said. Where did that come from? Piers thought. I care for this small bear cub, and I'm a vegetarian, so how could I think such a dreadful thing? But the voice persisted.

  “It’s you or that animal. Be reasonable. There are hundreds of bears out there and only one of you. The bears would kill you if they had the chance.”

  I must be hallucinating, Piers thought, and I don’t like it.

  “You are not hallucinating. What you want is taking over. You want to survive. You care about yourself more than you care about that stupid little bear."

  The voice wheedled its way further into Piers mind.

  'That's it! It's the bloody snow. I'm going to stop and make some food for Daphne and me! So as Miles would say.’ he shouted. ‘Sod off!'

  He lifted the bear cub off the sled. 'Time to eat, little girl,' he said and gave the little bear a big hug. He started to open the package he had labelled food. Suddenly, he began to feel dizzy.

  'Daphne,' he called and collapsed in the snow, unconscious.


  The little bear ran around Piers and nudged him. It padded around him a few times, nudging and mewing. Then the little bear lay on top of Piers and fell asleep. He came to a few hours later, it was nearly dark, and he was freezing cold. The little bear was gone, but under his coat, he was still warm where the bear had lain, so he assumed Daphne had not been gone long. He had to find her, she would die if she were on her own. He managed to lift himself on one elbow, but that was as far as he got. He could feel the darkness overcoming him, and although he was warmly wrapped up, he knew he was heading to hypothermia, and that meant certain death. Just after he finally closed his eyes, he was aware something or someone nudging him, trying to lift him up. His last conscious thought was a bear - I'm going to be eaten alive.

  Miles fights back

  Miles woke, sat up and looked round. He was in a jungle in the sweltering heat. His last memory was of being in Brown Sugar Café with Alison.

  'What? Where the hell am I?' he said. He scrambled to his feet, he was in the middle of nowhere. 'Help! Help!' he yelled. The sound of a lion growling nearby stopped him in mid-scream. He dropped to the ground face down and tried to cover himself with the bulrushes he had been lying in. He lay still like he was dead. Minutes went by, and nothing happened - no movement no sound. Slowly, he raised his head.

  'Miles, you should have seen your face when you thought you were going to be a lion's dinner.'

  Standing in front of him was Piers… no… It was Zack, Piers wouldn't pull a nasty trick like that. He jumped to his feet. 'You bloody bastard! Where am I? I'm bloody well dying of thirst and heat exposure!'

  'Well, I can help with that,' said Zack, and he disappeared.

  'So much for your help,' Miles said. He was having odd feelings time seemed to mean nothing. He felt he was weightless and floating. I must be dead, and it's because of those bloody Rebels, what a waste. It was quite a pleasant feeling, as he found he could move quite easily. He spun round saw a door and kicked his way over, it was locked, of course. He kicked to a window, looked in and did not like what he saw. Polly, Alison, Lily and Lucy were sitting round the table in the kitchen in Byzantine Crescent looking very frightened. Sitting with them was an ancient woman, and standing behind her was a strange, menacing man. He looked like a cartoon drawing. On the table was a black basket, it was pulsating and glowing.


  Suddenly a voice spoke. 'Would you like to hear what they are saying Miles? The door is open. Come and join us, and we can all watch together.'

  Miles was about to say, 'sod off' which was his favourite saying, but he held his temper and moved to the door. When he got there, he was suddenly no longer weightless, so he dropped heavily to the floor. The door opened, and sitting in the airy room was Zack, Knox, Mr Rekrap and his dopy assistant Captain Bean.

  'Ah, Miles! Come in. We are just about to enjoy the show.'

  Miles stood in the doorway. 'Where am I?' he said. 'I thought Hell was fire and brimstone, not warm and comfortable where one could have afternoon tea.'

  'That's funny. He's very funny Commander, isn't he?' Zack said and slapped Rekrap on the back a little too hard.

  'Why does everyone take every chance there is to slap me on the back? Desist, sir,' he said. 'And yes, hi is very funny. Bean, rearrange my cushions, I'm not comfortable. And get me a drink, and anyone else who wants one. Hurry up, Bean. I'm dying of thirst here and serve me first.'

  Miles walked into the room and sat down next to Knox. 'Hi, bro,' he said. He put his arm round the Rebel's neck and squeezed tightly. 'Where have you been recently? I was worried about you.' Miles insincerity showed, and Knox stiffened.

  'Hi Miles. How are things?' Knox was obviously very uncomfortable.

  'This looks impressive. What's happening? Do you have a camera in Byzantine Crescent?' Miles questioned.

  Commander Rekrap burst out laughing, dribbling his hot chocolate down his chin as he did. 'A camera? Oh dear Knox, did you get all the brains?'

  Miles swallowed his anger and smiled. 'Probably,' he said. 'After all I got the all the looks.'

  Again Rekrap laughed. 'That's funny,' he said. 'He's very funny Knox. Look, I can't afford to stay here any longer, we have to get that movie up and running again. Your studio still available, Miles?'

  Miles stood. 'It could be Sir, if we go to the studio now, I could prioritise your movie. I'll start the wheels moving straight away.'

  Zack jumped up. The last thing he wanted was to lose Miles to Rekrap. But he did not have to worry, because before another word was spoken, Rekrap and Bean were gone. Miles was shattered he had been left behind, he had missed his one chance to get away. But the odds had fallen his way, only two against one now.

  'Where are we?' he demanded angrily.

  Zack and Knox totally ignored him.

  'Hello! I did speak,' Miles said. 'Knox, do you have to be so bloody rude?'

  Miles grabbed his arm and swung him round. 'Knox.'

  'Shut up, Miles. We're deciding what to do next.' Knox replied.

  'Don't tell me to shut up,' Miles answered. 'I have just about had enough of you and your highfalutin ways. We are supposed to be twins remember.'

  'De-pneuma him, Knox,' Zack said. 'And can we get going?'

  'No, wait,' Knox said, trying a delay tactic. 'Miles, would you give your life to save Piers?'

  Miles answered immediately. 'I would do anything for him.'

  'I asked would you give your life?'

  'HaHa,' laughed Zack. 'D'you want to know something Miles? We asked Piers if he would die for you, and he burst out laughing. And do you know what he said? He said, who would want to die for that drop kick? You must be joking.'

  And Miles lost it and struck out. He grabbed Zack by the arm, swung him round and smashed his head against the wall. Zack dropped to the floor as if he had been shot. Knox was so surprised all that moved was his bottom jaw as it dropped

  'Okay Knox,' Miles said, advancing, fists up. 'Where is Piers?'

  Knox backed up. 'How the hell would I know?'

  'Because you are one of Commander Rekrap's right-hand men, that's how.'

  'Miles join us. Life is great. Come on! After all, we are twins.'

  'I'm beginning to doubt that,' said Miles. 'We're not alike. Everyone I know is either missing or presumed dead. And according to that film screen,' he pointed to the wall behind him, 'all the girls are in big trouble. Have I missed anything?'

  A moan came from the floor. Zack was coming round. 'It's now or never Knox, and I know you more than liked Lucy.'

  Knox looked from Zack to Miles, strangely he felt a family tug. We're not related, so why do I feel this way? He thought.

  Zack was rubbing his head and struggling to his feet. 'Knox, hold him down. I'm going to pull his eyes out of his head before I de-pneuma him.'

  Knox looked from one to the other. He knew what he must do, and he made his move.

  The gypsy curse

  Gypsy Zola instructed Igor to make breakfast, she was famished. 'Make enough for everyone,' she instructed. And in what seemed no time, breakfast was merrily bubbling on the stove.

  'I am here as your friend,' she said.

  'It doesn't seem like it,' Polly mumbled.

  'I heard that,' said Zola, and she also heard the doorbell as it jangled loudly on the porch.

  'Who could that be? Get rid of them Polly.' Polly did not move. 'Do it Polly or I hurt Lucy.'

  Polly jumped up and ran to the front door.

  'I'm coming,' she said, and was surprised to see her little sister India and Gemma, Piers sister standing on the doorstep with a man whom she did not know. Before Polly could say, "you can't come in", Gemma had swept past and followed her nose and ears to the kitchen.

  'Hi. I'm Jamie Brummell, known as JB, a friend of Gemma… oh and Sreip,' he said to Polly and rushed down the hall after Gemma.

  Polly wasn't sure what to do. She could escape and run to get help. But I should go back in case the gypsy carries out her threat and hurts Lucy. The sound of laughter came to her ears. Now she wasn't sure what to do. Never before had she felt she needed her brother as she did now. 'Hamish!' she screamed. 'Hamish, I need you.' Suddenly, she felt as if the world had started to spin in the opposite direction faster and faster. Day and night flashed before her eyes. I'm going to pass out, she thought, and just before she fell to the floor, she was gone.


  'Hi India. What are you doing in London? And what a bit of luck you Gemma coming as well. I can't believe it as soon as the gypsy woman saw you Jamie, she disappeared. It was so fast, I did not even see her go,' Lucy said.

  'Yes, and she took the paper man with her,' added Lily.

  'But she left her black basket,' said Ali. 'Go and get Polly India, and we will have a look what's in it. I'm so excited.'

  'It's probably full of wooden pegs,' Lily said.

  'Polly! Polly!' India called. 'Where are you? Everything's fine. JB is the hero of the day.' India ran out into the hall. 'Polly? Polly?' she sounded concerned. 'She's not here,' India said as she ran back into the kitchen.

  'Maybe she's gone upstairs to get changed,' said Gemma.

  'Yes probably. Come and sit here with me India,' Lily said. 'So, Gemma, where did you two meet?'

  'Well, I was visiting Dad, and JB here arrived with Sreip. He'll be here soon I'm sure.'

  'I can't wait. But shall we open the basket now?' Alison butted in.

  'Yes, yes,' said India and Lucy.

  'I don't think so,' Sreip's voice answered as he careered into the kitchen. 'How long has it been since Polly disappeared?'

  'Minutes,' JB answered. 'We arrived here about four minutes ago.'

  'Where was she standing?'

  'In the hall, probably close to the front door.'

  Sreip felt in his pocket and took out the little dog. 'Fifi, search and find.'

  Fifi was a pretty little Chihuahua. She was a lovely honey colour and a dog genius. She sniffed round. She did not like some of the smells and growled. Eventually, she sat and wagged her tail. This was where Polly had last been.

  'Listen, girls, we are going to find Polly. I will leave Fifi to look after you.' He smiled. 'She seems to have taken a liking to you Gemma.'

  Gemma bent down and picked her up. 'She's so cute,' she said.

  'I'm coming with you,' Alison said. 'Polly and I are always together.'

  'Not this time Alison, sorry,' Sreip said. 'Come on, JB.'

  Captain Jamie turned for one last look at Gemma, and Alison saw this as an opportunity. As he said his goodbyes, she silently followed him to the front door. As JB went out, she grabbed his cloak and was gone with him.

  'Oh no! Alison's gone with Sreip,' Lily said.

  'She'll be okay,' Gemma said. JB and Sreip are very capable and brave, and they have Fifi to help.' Hearing her name, the little dog yapped. 'Oh dear, she's still here.'

  'Now, can we look in the black basket?' Lucy, the cheekiest girl ever, said.

  'Yes, yes,' said India as she excitedly clapped her hands.

  Chapter 12

  Xavier Goes Home

  'I'm here to see Commander Rhettnor at his request,' Xavier said, as he strode into the meeting hall.

  The Freeflyer saluted. 'Sorry, sir, he left about ten minutes ago for an emergency.'

  'An emergency? What emergency? And do you know what it was?'

  'No Sir, sorry Sir.'

  'Who's in command?

  'I am.' Selim walked up to his uncle.

  'Selim, I can't believe it! You're here.' Xavier hugged him. 'I heard you'd been captured.'

  'It's a long story, and I would love to tell you when we have time. Right now, we are in the biggest mess. Half our most important UFOs are missing and could be in mortal danger. Sreip seems to have lost the plot, and I have no idea where Commander Rhettnor is.'

  'I was on my way to find some of the UFOs in the Rebels' snow shack when Rhett called me in.'

  'Did you know we have lost contact in Byzantine Crescent? Everything is in such a bad way, I don't know what to do first.' Selim looked as concerned as he felt.

  'First, we trace Rhett. He is in control so will have everything at his fingertips. He seems to think Event and Salute are rogue Zens. When I saw them last, they denied it. They said they were working undercover for the Lord High Commander, and I believe them. I am worried if Rhett finds them before they can tell them, he will send them to the outer limits.'

  'Have you heard from Sreip?' Xavier asked.

  'No, and he thinks I've been captured and probably de-pneumaed. Should we stay here and wait for news?'

  For the first time in his life, Xavier had no idea what to do.

  'Why bother about the Earth, Selim? Why don't we just round up all the Freeflyers and UFOs, get them back here, and let the Earthbeings get on with it? They don't appreciate what we are doing for them, I'm fed up to the teeth with them.' Xavier sank into the nearest chair and put his head in his hands.

  'You don't mean that, Uncle.'

  'You're bloody right, I don't mean it.' Xavier laughed. 'I wanted to practice my acting skills. Come on sit down next to me, call in the Elders, and let's make a plan.'

  In the wink of an eye, the Elders and senior Freeflyer warriors joined Xavier and Selim. They all agreed things could not be worse. Country after Country had fallen, and anarchy was rife throughout the world. The trouble was the Earthbeings didn't even know they were being taken over. As far as they were concerned, it was just the world evolving. They were playing right into the Rebels' hands. It seemed to the Freeflyers, they were fighting some of the Earthbeings, as well as Rebels

  'Finding the missing Freeflyers and UFOs is imperative,' stated Xavier. 'Who should we find first? '

  Many names were shouted again and again. The First Lord stood. 'Forget about them they could all be dead. We have to put things in order of importance. We have to sacrifice the earth to
save the First Universe.'

  'Quiet! Quiet!' Xavier yelled. 'We are running around in circles. We cannot abandon the Earth we are far too involved. And, as you all know, we have two monumental weaknesses.'

  The hall erupted. Xavier jumped up on the leader's dais and again yelled, 'Quiet! Quiet! Do I have to remind you the Rebels know of the Sacred Cave and Byzantine Crescent? They also know they lead directly to us. We have to save the earth to save our universe. We have to invade the Dark Universe.'

  'And what about our UFOs?' Selim shouted. 'They are the most vulnerable.'

  'Forget about them!' Xavier shouted. 'Call in as many Freeflyers as you can, including Commander Rhettnor. We have to invade the Dark Universe. '

  'Wait, Xavier. Let's give it one more chance. We have never deliberately drawn blood whether from Freeflyers, UFOs, Earthbeings, animals or Rebels. Let's not start now.' Selim was on a roll. 'Let's leave these men here to defend the First Universe, and you and I take the lead to clear the Rebels out of the Middle Universe.'

  A cheer went up, and within a very short time, all agreed the Freeflyer warriors would stay and defend the First Universe. And with wishes of good luck, Xavier and Selim left for the last stand to save the earth.

  Good deeds rewarded

  Piers woke, stretched and yawned. He was warm and comfortable in a shack of sorts, and something smelled familiar. He heard snuffling and small paws padding, and the next thing a bear cub jumping on him.

  'Daphne, it's you.' The little bear snuggled into Piers neck as a shadow crossed him. It was the mother bear, and standing behind her was an Icelander.

  'I hear you saved my polar bear and her young cub, young man.' The man who spoke looked old and wizened. 'If it weren't for you, both Elska and cub Kyssa would be dead. Thank you, thank you with all my heart. But I'm sorry to tell you one thing: You owe me too.'

  Piers tried to sit up and between cracked lips said. 'Sorry sir. What would that be?' He was polite and was obviously worried what the old man was going to say.


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