Light After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 16

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Light After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 16 Page 21

by Marie Force

  What fun would that be? Home soon.

  Mallory ran for the shower and took the time to shave her legs, among other areas. After what’d happened in her bed this morning, she fully expected things to progress tonight and couldn’t wait for him to get home.


  Maddie left the clinic with Hailey’s little hand curled around hers. Ever since her daughter had begun to walk, she didn’t want to be carried anywhere, which was fine with Maddie. This pregnancy was exhausting her in a way the previous three hadn’t. The worrying took a toll. She knew that but couldn’t seem to stop obsessing about all the things that could go wrong, even while doing everything in her power to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

  Victoria had put her on a monitor for a full hour, during which no abnormalities had been detected. She’d determined the baby was active and thriving exactly the way he was supposed to. And without confirmation, Maddie was still certain the baby was a boy. During the test, Hailey had sat patiently on the bed with Maddie, looking through the books they’d packed for the outing.

  Hailey let out a cry of excitement and pulled on Maddie’s hand. That was when she realized her husband was leaning against the big black SUV he’d bought for her.

  With no other cars in the lot beside their two, Maddie released Hailey to run to her daddy, who scooped her up and made the little girl shriek with laughter when he spun her around over his head.

  “If she pukes on you, I’ll laugh at you,” Maddie told him.

  “My little angel wouldn’t do that to me, would you, Hailey?”

  She filled her tiny fists with handfuls of Mac’s thick dark hair. “Dadadadada.”

  “Don’t give Daddy bald spots, angel.” He freed his hair from her grip and turned his formidable blue-eyed gaze on Maddie. “How’d it go?”

  “Everything’s fine.”

  She saw the relief cross his face before he schooled his expression. He was every bit as nervous as she was, even though he usually tried to hide it from her so as not to add to her worries. She loved him for that.

  He held out his arm, inviting her to join the snuggle with Hailey. “My two best girls.”

  “Do you have room in these arms for one more?”

  “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “Nope. Just wondering.”

  “I have room for as many girls as I can get.”

  “Hear that, Hailey? Daddy used to be a playboy in Miami before he came home to Gansett and knocked Mommy off her bike.”

  Chuckling, Mac held her tighter and nuzzled her hair. “Best day of my life.”

  “What’re you doing here? I thought you’d be out at the job site.”

  “The job is officially finished as of thirty minutes ago.”

  “Wow! Congratulations on the biggest job yet for McCarthy Construction.”

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Mac. You’ve grown that business into something really special over the last couple of years.” Sometimes she felt guilty for not contributing to the family coffers, but they’d decided she would stay home with the kids until they were all in school.

  “What’s that frown about?” He traced the outline of her lips with his fingertip.

  “No frown.”

  “I saw a frown. How about we go home and get this little angel down for her nap, and then you can tell me what makes you frown before we celebrate the end of my biggest job yet?”

  “I could be talked into that.”

  “I’ll follow you home.”

  Mac strapped Hailey into her car seat, kissed her until she giggled and then kissed Maddie.

  On the short ride home, she saw him following behind her in the big truck he used for work. She took the final turn onto Sweet Meadow Farm Road, the road to the home where they’d been so happy together. Except for a brief time after they lost Connor, their marriage had been as close to perfect as it was possible to get.

  If they lost this baby, too…

  “Stop, Maddie. Stop it right now.”

  “Stop, Mama,” Hailey said from the backseat.

  Maddie smiled at her daughter in the mirror. “Mama is being ridiculous. Victoria said everything is fine, and that’s what we have to believe.”

  “Mama,” Hailey said as she chewed on her fingers.

  Maddie brought the SUV to a stop at the foot of the stairs that led to their gorgeous deck. Everything about this place they called home appealed to her, especially the man who’d made it all possible.

  He came to get Hailey from her seat and carried her into the house. “I’ll put her down while you get off your feet, babe.”

  “Thank you.” She went to get a glass of ice water and listened to Mac talking to their little girl as he got her ready for a nap. Taking her water with her, Maddie went upstairs to their room to use the bathroom. She was standing at the sink washing her hands when Mac wrapped his arms around her waist and flattened his hands over their baby. “How’s my baby mama doing?”


  “Just okay?”

  “Better after seeing Victoria but still anxious.”

  “I wish I could get a time machine to take us to the finish line now.”

  “I wish you could, too.”

  He took her hand and led her to their bed, encouraging her to lie down.

  When she had stretched out, he took her feet onto his lap and began to massage them, pressing his thumbs into her arches.

  “Feels good.”

  “Close your eyes, relax and tell me what had you frowning before.”

  Maddie closed her eyes, but her mind was too busy to allow her to fully relax. “Nothing really.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Madeline. I know what I saw.”

  “Sometimes I feel bad that you work two jobs, and I don’t work at all anymore.”

  He huffed out a laugh. “Are you for real right now? You’re running after kids from the second you get up almost until the second you go to bed while taking care of everything having to do with the house. If that’s not a full-time job, tell me what is?”

  “It doesn’t bring in any money.”

  “We have what we need, don’t we?”

  She nodded. “And then some.”

  “I couldn’t do what I do without you here doing what you do better than anyone. Knowing you’re with our kids gives me such peace of mind. Please don’t think you aren’t contributing, because you are. You make it all happen, baby.”

  “I sure got lucky the day Mac McCarthy knocked me off my bike,” she said with a sigh of contentment.

  “We both got lucky that day.”

  After a while, she felt Mac crawl up the bed and turned toward him, wanting his arms around her. Everything felt better when he held her. “I miss having sex with you.”

  “Don’t say that word. I can’t hear that from your lips right now.”

  “But I really, really miss it.”

  “Maddie… I’m begging you. Please don’t talk about it.”

  “Do you want me to, you know, do something for you?”

  The moan that came from him made it sound like he was being murdered rather than offered sexual favors. “That wouldn’t be fair.”

  “I don’t care about being fair. I care about you not getting what you need—”

  “Maddie, sweetheart, the only thing I truly need is for you and our baby to be safe and healthy. Going without for a while is no sacrifice compared to that.”

  “I hope the next three months go by quickly,” she said with a sigh.

  “So do I.”

  “And then there’s the six weeks after the baby arrives…”

  He moaned. “Let’s talk about something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like how hot it’s going to be the first time we get back in the saddle.”

  “Mac! That doesn’t count as changing the subject.”

  “But you know it’ll be hot.”

  She reached for him and brought his lips down on hers. “When is it n
ot hot between us?”

  He whimpered pathetically. “I’m never going to make it.”

  She laughed at his distress and then kissed him again.

  Chapter 23

  Mallory made a quick trip to the grocery store to buy steak, potatoes and vegetables to make a salad. After returning home, she got the potatoes in the oven and the steak cooking on the grill Janey had left on the deck. While the steak cooked, she played fetch in the backyard with Brutus.

  Quinn found her there when he came in with Jared.

  Brutus let out a happy bark and charged up the stairs to greet Quinn. Thankfully, Jared was standing behind him, or the excited puppy might’ve knocked Quinn over.

  “Careful, pal,” Quinn said as he scratched Brutus behind the ears.

  Quinn looked over at her, and his gaze collided with hers, heating her from the inside as memories of their encounter came rushing back to her.

  “I put your bag in the kitchen,” Jared said.

  “Thanks for everything today,” Quinn said.

  “And that’s my cue to get the heck out of here,” Jared said. “You guys have a nice evening. I’ll be back in the morning to take you to work.”

  “Thanks, Jared.”

  “See you, Mallory.”

  “Bye, Jared.”

  He bent to give Brutus a scratch before he took his leave.

  “Alone at last,” Quinn said when they heard the screen on the front door close behind Jared.

  “So it seems. Are you hungry?”

  He continued to stare at her when he said, “Starving.”

  Mallory moved from the yard to the steps that led up to the deck, where he stood propped on crutches, watching her every move. She came to a stop in front of him. “How’re you feeling?”


  “Your leg is better?”

  “A little.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Taken aback by the gruffly spoken words, Mallory looked at him for a long moment before she laid her lips on his in a soft, sweet kiss that made her heart beat faster.

  “I know for a fact that you can do better than that.”

  Never one to back down from a challenge, she flattened her hands on his chest, slid them up to his shoulders and looped them around his neck to draw him down to her for a real kiss, the kind with tongues and teeth and desire so sharp and so potent she nearly forgot her own name.

  “Now that’s more like it,” he said when they resurfaced many minutes later. “What’re you cooking?”

  “Um, steak and potatoes?”

  “Will it keep for a little while?”

  Fully aware of what he was asking her, she didn’t hesitate when she nodded and reached behind her to turn off the grill.

  Tipping his head, he indicated that she should go ahead of him into the house.

  Her heart pounded a rapid rhythm as she reduced the oven temperature and then turned to find him waiting for her.

  “Brutus,” he said, “go lay down like a good boy.”

  Brutus landed on the dog bed Mallory had put in front of the fireplace.

  “For once, he finally minded me, and his timing couldn’t be better.” He nudged Mallory toward her bedroom.

  Reminding herself to breathe, she stopped next to the bed and waited for him to catch up to her.

  “I wish,” he said, “that I could pick you up in my arms and carry you in here.”

  “I don’t need that.”

  “I still wish I could.” He maneuvered so he was sitting on the bed and propped the crutches against the bedside table. “Come here.”

  She took a few steps to close the distance between them.

  Quinn wrapped his arms around her and rested his head against her belly. “It’s been a long time since I wanted someone the way I want you.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair. “I feel the same way.”

  “You look so pretty,” he said as he began to unbutton her blouse. “You always look so pretty. The first time I saw you, I wanted to talk to you and get to know you. I was so happy to see you again at the meeting after we met at the accident site. And now that I know you, I’m still hungry for more of you. That first day, after the meeting, when I saw you at the diner with Mason?”

  “What about it?” Mallory asked, breathless.

  “I wanted to punch him.”

  “We’re just friends!”

  “I still wanted to punch him, because he got to be there with you, and I couldn’t be.”

  Her legs were feeling decidedly unsteady. “Quinn…”

  He parted the two sides of her top and pressed his lips to the skin between her breasts, staying right there for the longest time, seeming to breathe her in. “That was the first time in my life I wanted to punch another guy because he got to be with the woman I wanted.” Looking up at her, he said, “You did that to me from the very beginning.”

  Mallory bent to kiss him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and fell back on the bed, bringing her with him, gasping when her leg knocked against his.

  “Sorry,” she whispered against his lips.

  “That was my fault.” Driving his hand into her hair, he brought her back to him for another of the kisses that made her brain cells fry and her body go haywire from an overload of desire. As he kissed her, he turned them so she was on her back and he was looking down at her. “I haven’t done this since I lost my leg.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m not sure how it’ll go.”

  She caressed his face, dragging her thumb over his wounded bottom lip, which didn’t seem to be bothering him. “I don’t care. Your leg is only one part of you. I know it’s all you’re thinking about, but I promise you it doesn’t matter to me.”

  “That helps to know.” He helped her out of her shirt and dragged a finger down the front of her, stopping at the clasp that held her bra together. Before he released it, he glanced at her face. “So we’re on the same page here?”

  “Same page, same paragraph.”

  Smiling, he released the clasp and helped her out of the bra.

  She tugged on his shirt. “You’re overdressed for this party.”

  “We can’t have that.” Rather than unbutton his dress shirt, he pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. Then he reached for her and drew her into his arms until her breasts were pressed against his chest. “Ah, God, that feels good. You feel good.”

  Mallory caressed his back and nuzzled his neck. “So do you.”

  “I want to go slow, but I’m not in a slow kind of mood right now.”

  “What kind of mood are you in?”

  “The fast and furious sort.”

  “I can live with that.”

  His lips came down on hers while he tugged on the button to her jeans and unzipped her.

  She did the same for him, releasing his belt and the button to his khakis.

  They pushed and pulled until the most important parts were bare. His pants were wrapped around his thighs, his cock hard against his stomach.

  Mallory reached out to stroke him.

  “Fuck,” he said on a low growl. “Condom.”

  “I’m clean if you are.”

  “I am, but are you also protected?”

  She nodded. “All good.”

  “This is going to be even faster than expected.”

  Laughing, Mallory curled her arms around him as he made himself at home on top of her.

  He gazed down at her, his fingers brushing the hair back from her face. Tipping his head, he kissed her with a kind of desperation he hadn’t shown her before.

  Keeping her hand wrapped around his cock, she guided him to where she wanted him most.

  He entered her in increments, giving her time to adjust and accommodate him. The whole time, he watched over her, making sure they were still on the same page. “Good?” he asked.

  “So good. Don’t stop.”

  Releasing a gruff laugh, he said, “I may never
want to stop.”

  After that, there were no more words, only intense pleasure that she felt everywhere as he moved inside her, touching off sensations she’d forgotten she was capable of feeling. The exceptionally tight fit ignited every nerve ending she owned.

  Mallory smoothed her hands over his back to grip his ass, digging her fingers into the dense flesh as she pulled him deeper into her. She arched her hips into every stroke.

  He drew her left nipple into his mouth, sucking on the tight tip as he pushed hard into her, triggering a screaming orgasm that she felt from the top of her head to the soles of her feet and everywhere in between.

  “Oh, damn,” he whispered, dropping his head to her shoulder and riding the wave of her release into his own. His fingertips dug into her shoulders as he let himself go before dropping down on top of her.

  Her heart pounding and her body tingling, Mallory wrapped her arms around him and held on tight.

  “I’m going to want to do that again very soon,” he said.

  She smiled, her lips curving against his neck. “Me, too.”

  “I’m crushing you.”

  “I like it.”

  “You like me.”

  “You’re okay.”

  He took a bite out of her neck, making her squeal. “Admit it. You like me.”

  “I wouldn’t be naked in bed with you if I didn’t like you.”

  “You like me a lot.”

  Mallory snorted with laughter. “You’re full of yourself.”

  He pressed his hips against her. “You’re full of me, too.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny. How about you get your big self off me so I can finish making our dinner.”

  Lifting himself with his strong arms, he kissed her before he withdrew and moved to the side of her. He took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips. “You’re amazing.”

  She leaned over to kiss him. “So are you.”

  “I have a feeling this could be something big between us. Do you?”

  Mallory didn’t hesitate when she said, “I do.”

  He surprised her when he gave her hand a tug, throwing her off balance and propelling her right back into his arms. “Well, look at that,” he said, seeming exceptionally pleased with himself.

  Before she could protest, he kissed her until she forgot all about dinner.


  By the time they got around to eating, it was nearly eleven. Mallory wore his T-shirt, and he had put his pants back on, taking pains to ensure she didn’t see his leg. She hoped that, in time, that wouldn’t be a big deal to him, but she was on his timetable.


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