Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Barbour, Carolina - Watch Me, Desire Me (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 12

by Watch Me, Desire Me

  “I want this.” She fingered his shaft, running the tips along the thick stalk. She looked up at his confident smile. By Oslei, he was sexy. She spoke teasingly, gazing up and over his rigid height. “I take it you are satisfied with my admission?”

  “You think me so easy to appease?”

  “Frankly, Juden, I admit not knowing you at all. I mean, I know this…” She cooed. Her hand glided up and down his penis. As his length increased, the head bulged and filled and the pulses shooting through her pussy intensified. “It gives me great pleasure.” She kissed the end, lightly brushing her lips over the hard but soft surface.

  He drew in a sharp breath. His palms cupped her cheeks and made her look up at him. “I suggest you not do that—I’m not made of granite,” he said in exhalation.

  “What happens if I don’t stop?”

  His voice strained, his muscles clenched. “You’re serious aren’t you?” Saxby nodded, waited on his explanation. “If you recall I denied myself twice to give you pleasure I’m not sure constraint a third time is possible if you put those luscious lips on my cock. Understand?” He groaned, when she shook her head no. “I will come in your mouth, Saxby.”

  “That is a bad thing?” She was serious.

  “Are you for real,” he said, eyeing her with disbelief.

  “I told you earlier I wasn’t in the mood for games,” she said and with that she dipped low and enclosed his penis in her mouth and suckled, rotating between hard and soft.

  He groaned, a low, animalistic sound burst from his throat.

  Saxby let his cock slip free. “This brings you pleasure, Juden?”

  “Hell, yes.” The words rushed out. He framed her face between his fingers, lifted his hips to thrust back inside her mouth.

  Feeling the powerful surges sent his cock to the back of her throat ignited a jolt of red-hot desire exploding between her thighs. With each compulsion, feeling the hard length stroke the sensitive roof of her mouth heightened the sexual frenzy she felt. Unbridled lust escalated, drove the thirst to consume him and lose sanity in the maddening carnal stimulation oral copulation provided.

  Juden’s grip tightened, she didn’t object, welcomed the repeated vigorous thrust that crammed her mouth full. Her sex swollen, every receptor afire, she got lost in the reckless act and quivered at the thought of having the enormous cock plunge inside her as he did her lips.

  The need overwhelming, she began to pull away, wanting what she wanted with no remorse or consideration of his need.

  Juden stopped her withdrawal. “Indulge me,” he said, softly.” He guided his cock back in place, and started rocking his hips, driving, pumping into the snug, wet, orifice driving him to the brink of surrender. Saxby moaned feeling her lips stretch as he expanded…she suckled harder, coerced by his naughty instructions. She held him firmly between her lips, vacuumed her mouth back and forth, drawing at the head, she sucked and licked vigorously.

  Juden squeezed his eyes tight as the oscillating motion increased and intensified the untamed rhythm her mouth set. He flexed hard, sending the entirety of his cock into the sweltering moistness—all manner of self-control evaporated, he succumbed to the expert ministrations. With a last plunge into the succulence, he came in a heated rush spilling his seed.

  This time Saxby had a satisfied grin on her face looking up at him from between his thighs. She gave him a beguiling smile, saying, “I think I have found a way to control you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and put her where she wanted to be. One swift impalement sent his cock into the dewy folds of her sex. He held still, allowing her to feel his lust hadn’t lessened with his ejaculation. “You discovered a way to make me lose control. ‘Tis not the same thing,” he breathed.

  Even if she had the mindset to disagree, Juden made all coherent thought fade in the distance when he plunged and fucked with unrestrained potency. Repeatedly, fierce thrust of his hips sent his cock into the sleek and slippery passage until he felt her pussy clench and hold as orgasmic flutters began. The dam broke. The floodgates to opened and they came together in pure rapturous release.

  Chapter 18

  He lost himself in the temptation of the lady. He had never been ensconced in desire, enthralled so. It wasn’t his usual stance. The idea of getting absorbed in Saxby left him slightly disconnected, unsure what to think about the enticing female who for once might hold his attention pass the boudoir. It was highly likely. Normally, after he satisfied a woman, himself, he rarely if ever dallied long enough to watch her fall asleep. Now, here he lay, wanting to enclose Saxby in his arms. A disconcerting thought, a first, but again, didn’t leave him in a panic.

  He admitted confusion surfaced. He didn’t intend to run. “Thank you,” he whispered against her forehead where he planted a tender kiss. He rolled away, threw his legs over the side of the bed and came to a stand. He worked the kinks from his neck, rotated his shoulders and walked to the basin bowl where he wetted a cloth. Absorbed in his thoughts, he considered how Saxby bewitched him. There was no other excuse. He called over his shoulder. “You make me feel a sense of lust. ‘Tis unusual, I lost my composure.” The admission sounded foreign on his lips and bewildered Juden. He never lost control, yet had with Saxby, and if it weren’t enough he realized the blunder of admitting it aloud.

  Juden returned to the bed and did required tasks of cleansing them both, laid the towel aside and rested on his back and threw an arm over his forehead.

  Saxby curled around him. “You thanked me. Why?” Saxby asked.

  Juden peered through his arm and found her studying him. By Oslei, she is beautiful, sea-moss eyes brilliantly jeweled, fiery mane, and dimples all completed the temptation. And he hadn’t focused on the voluptuous body yet. He groaned inwardly, and switched his focus on her question, a safer area. “‘Tis customary when someone does something for another, isn’t it? A required etiquette.” She forgot she thanked him first. Given she was in the throngs of rapture at the time, he understood why the fact was overlooked.

  “As if I completed a menial task or something equally mundane for you,” she said restrained.

  Juden rolled over and braced his elbow on the bed, balancing his jaw against an open palm. Saxby looked out the window, submerged in thoughts so intense it left a wrinkle between her eyebrows. “What are you thinking?” When she didn’t respond, he ran his fingertips lightly over her arm to get her attention.

  “This…us is wrong,” she said, quietly.

  “Perhaps, but it feels damned right.

  “I’m serious.”

  “What’s the matter? Are you chastising yourself because you are the obedient wife? This…us is Milo’s doing. Remember whilst you sulk.” Sarcasm dripped from his tone. She revived him, and he felt elated in her presence while she performed a distasteful chore?

  Saxby eyed him. “There is no need to be churlish. Milo’s intentions were justified.”

  Juden snorted, shaking his head, which got him another sloe-eyed glare.

  “He did what he thought best to save Dandelion and me. Now, after this evening, ‘tis clear I’m not the one who needed saving.”

  “I beg to differ. Once Lord Drackett finds out Carline is no longer available he will come after you. I’m not sure what game he plays, but intuition tells me you are his target.”

  “Have you saved me?”

  Juden lifted his eyebrows. Unsure what she meant, he waited on Saxby to elaborate.

  She stared off into the distance, her voice barely audible. She said, “You promised Milo to give me a child, to protect me and my home.”

  “I don’t want children.” It was a ridiculous statement given what he just did. Maybe she wasn’t aware of what he did, willing or not, he’d ejaculated inside her.

  Instead, she appeared taken aback and focused on his statement. “You lay with me out of lust and not to honor your word to Milo?”

  “Is it so terrible?” In his mind, desire versus need seemed more complimentary. He cou
ld tell she felt differently, she became rigid with defense, and he braced himself for the argument he felt simmering.

  “Aye, ‘tis terrible and dishonest of you,” she said, briskly.

  Where was she going with this nonsense? “Before I jump to conclusions, please explain what you mean. However, let me warn you if you want to say you are fucking me to save Dandelion, I would advise you to reconsider the lie.” Her back stiffened, she was clearly affronted. He continued as if he hadn’t noticed nor did he care. “I’m sleeping with my brother’s wife. I do it because I want to. I assure you my actions aren’t chivalrous and my motives purely selfish.”

  “Please don’t say such.”

  “Why, would it help you to face your reflection in the mirror? Don’t misconstrue the facts, because ‘tis easier for you. Whatever your reasons, you decided to accept me in your bed and between those sweet thighs. ‘Tis not as if I forced you the first time or now. You could have said no.”

  “And you would have let me be?”

  “I don’t rape women.” The comment was easier to say then he would have figured out a way to get her to agree to his wishes one way or another because from the first moment he laid eyes on the temptress he knew he had to possess her.

  “This was the last time,” she said with conviction.

  He found the statement humorous, for obvious reasons refrained from laughing in her face. He wasn’t that boorish, more importantly, he did understand the inner struggle she must feel and the necessity to appease her conscience. He didn’t condone her lapse of reality. He did not wish to further her distress. Rolling onto his stomach, sprawling lazily, he paid attention to her and sensed the emotions swirling inside her head. Normally, he didn’t cater to feminine emotions, unsure how to handle the delicate situation, he and had no idea what to do if she started crying.

  If she decided to toss him from her bed, so be it. He would go reluctantly, promising himself to return. Perhaps not soon, tomorrow, or the next week, to give her time to come to grips with her inner indecisiveness. But never touching her again wasn’t an option, and if necessary, he would use charm and the art of seduction to get his way. The thought should have been averse to him. It wasn’t. He believed in doing what he must to gain his way.

  There was a lull in conversation, and suddenly she broke the calm and spoke. “Who did that to your back? The artist captured the features of the bird well, ‘tis as if it might take flight any moment and soar.” She outlined the sienna lines depicted a bird with her fingertips. “‘Tis so real,” she said. Gingerly, her fingers traced the tattoo that started at his shoulders and finished at the swell of his buttocks where the bird’s claws rested on each buttock cheek. The touch was subtle, the effects maddening as he felt his cock surge and thicken.

  “‘Tis tradition when variant males come of age they are marked with their families’ heraldic sign to identify their ancestry. A VanZandt is dark predator that rises above all others. We are at the top of the evolution chain amongst clans. ‘Tis a corvus corax a bird of prey.” She paused, and he knew she saw the small indentions were the arrows pierced his flesh. “You were injured. The wounds seared with a searing flat iron and not stitched, as normal. ‘Tis as if you or someone purposely wanted to leave noticeable scars.” She talked as if marring his skin seemed offensive to her. While he wanted the disfigurement visible forever, in remembrance of Keaton, he displayed it like a badge of honor.

  Not interested in speaking his private thoughts aloud, he intentionally maneuvered the conversation to her. “I would think a genteel lady’s sheltered life would have shielded you from the harsh realities of battle. What do you know about wounds?”

  “I know more than I care to. I have witnessed the horrific results of senseless war over land, mineral rights, ego, and other nonsense deemed important to men. Because of this, I have seen young boys called men die in my arms, blood soaked in my gown, and men rather die than have a limb removed to save their lives.”

  He listened to her haranguing without judgment. Men were required to do whatever necessary to protect their own. Unfortunately, lives were lost, families destroyed, and war widowed many, he never contemplated the outcomes. “Men are born to live and die. A fate designed by Oslei I do not question.” Again, he changed the topic of conversation. “Why did you marry Milo? ‘Tis my understanding you had a choice in the matter.”

  “Do you find it offensive a female was given the option to decide about marriage? Would you prefer it if we weren’t and were required to sit back and allow men to continuously rule our lives and thoughts?”

  “What your father did is set precedence. Though unorthodox, I don’t have an aversion to it. You never answered my question, Sexy.”

  She corrected him. “My name is Saxby.”

  Juden’s grin was wicked, his tone low and a sensual drawl, as he said, “I know your name as well as my cock is aware of your need. Your scent branded in my brain. The insatiable appetite of yours noted which we will get to later.” He promised. “Answer my question,” he said, as if her response was inconsequential. He listened intensely for her reply.

  “My father, Baron Darling—”

  “You’re a Darling, how appropriate. Continue.”

  “I was promised to have the decision when and whom I wed. That is the truth. What you aren’t aware of is I was given the names of men from which to choose and the conditions. I had to select a man in favor with the King, and would provide a powerful alliance for my family. Out of the choices, Milo seemed the most likely candidate.”

  “I assume you love him.”

  “You make it sound like a crime.”

  “I know marriage doesn’t equate to love.”

  “Are you making an assumption or giving your opinion?” she said tight-lipped.

  “I’m not passing judgment if it is your belief. I have enough experience to know what you did for your husband is normally done out of spite and not love. You must care for Milo to have willingly shared your bed with me.” It was sad to be seeking validation of her feelings, unfortunately he found himself unable to help it. She didn’t openly confess having sex with him because she wanted to still piqued him, and yes, bruised his ego.

  Why did I even care?

  Again, he felt they waded into unchartered territory he didn’t want to swim in. Putting an end to the discussion seemed necessary, if not an intelligent decision. “You were reared with freedoms most women aren’t allowed. Mayhap, your unconventional upbringing swayed the questionable manner in which you conduct yourself.”

  It was too late to retract his words. She shot daggers at him. He considered revising his statement, it didn’t come out as he intended, yet before he could Saxby took it and ran like a hailstorm.

  “What does that mean? My father raised an uncouth heathen who isn’t aware of wrong, right, or indifferences as it pertains to conducting herself like a lady. Or, maybe you foolishly believe women can’t think for themselves and decipher right from wrong with a conscience.” She seethed. “Ah, no, what you are saying is my father raised a whore.” She fumed.

  “I believe none of those ridiculous things you just sprouted out of purely feminine emotions obviously gone astray,” he said, dryly.

  “‘Tis what I heard,” she snapped.

  “No, ‘tis what you wanted to hear. You want to believe such nonsense. I consider myself transparent and don’t make remarks to be subjective.”

  Saxby glared at him, claws spiked, ready to strike, which she did viciously. “Like hell, Juden. You needn’t try to bite your tongue for me. You can speak freely. Having been reared in an unconventional household, as you put it, I’m accustomed to such.”

  Juden curled into a sitting position. He looked pointedly at her and warned softly. “Don’t think to give me instructions.”

  She squared her shoulders. “I want an answer. Do you think me a whore or not?” she demanded.

  For a brief second, he considered confiding he believed Milo in the beginning. They passed
an unpleasant point, and he preferred to let sleeping dogs lie. “I answered your question,” he said with finality. He didn’t care how damned beautiful, alluring, or spoiled the vixen was, he didn’t take orders.

  “On the murkiest days, the River Gorge is clearer then you.”

  Her sharp retort meant to rile him, made him smirk. He ran his hand down her arm with familiarity. She recoiled. His innate predatory nature made him give chase. Something he did with fever spurred by the sight of seeing pouty lips and a delectably naked enticement within reach. She sat there, eyes spiting green, and all he could think about was ending the entire fiasco—a conversation he foolishly started—by burying his cock in her cunt and having them both lapse into passionate abyss. To forget, and solidify it didn’t matter what she thought, he thought, now when both knew they lusted for one another. Differences aside, this is what mattered. He intentionally dropped his tone to a seductive murmur. “I don’t want to waste time arguing, darling. Do you?” He moved closer until his body merged with the warm glow and honeyed scent of her. She tried to escape. Gently, he caught her arm, and pulled her against the length of his frame. He suffocated a breath feeling the creamy mounds, hard nipples, and damp mons pressed into his flesh.

  A strong pulse hit and made his crotch ache. He never felt this way before, and it left him temporarily mesmerized. The feeling so intense, a deep-rooted crazed feeling left his phallus hard and throbbing for attention. This wasn’t love, maybe sex, or something.

  “I’m not interested.” She flung at him like a wet towel and raised the sheet to put a barrier between them.

  He roughly yanked the cover aside and tossed it on the floor. “You can be furious with me if you want. You will not lie to me.”

  “Go to hell.”


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