The Royally Broke Billionaire: Royal Wedding Blues: A sweet billionaire and royal mash-up romance novel (The Broke Billionaires Club Book 4)

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The Royally Broke Billionaire: Royal Wedding Blues: A sweet billionaire and royal mash-up romance novel (The Broke Billionaires Club Book 4) Page 12

by Ann Omasta

  “No, I… we… it’s just…” A viable explanation failed Sebastian.

  Tess didn’t wait around for him to find a valid reason for his betrayal. Instead, she covered her mouth with her hand to contain her sob that erupted, and she bolted from the pantry.

  As she ran down the hallway, Tess vaguely heard the ruckus that ensued upon her departure, but she didn’t pause to see what the outcome would be. She knew her brothers and Mo could take care of themselves, and right now, she just needed to be far away as far away from Sebastian as possible.


  Tess made it to her room with the feeling of heartbreak burning hot in her chest. It wasn’t the first time someone had tried to use her to get close to her wealthy, powerful brothers, but it definitely hurt more than it ever had before. She had thought Sebastian and Pierce were above that kind of petty money-grubbing behavior.

  Deciding that she was in for a long night of crying, she went to her bathroom to remove her contacts before flopping on her bed and letting the tears flow.

  Several minutes later, when the door to her room opened, she was expecting it to be Mo. She was surprised when both of her brothers sat down on the edge of her bed.

  Trey lightly rubbed her back as she sobbed facedown into her pillow. “Maybe it’s not quite as bad as you think.” He tried to comfort her.

  “What?!? Of all people, I would have thought you would be the most appalled about someone using me to get access to your money.” She leaned up to retrieve her thick glasses from the bedside table.

  “Oh, I don’t like it one bit,” he confirmed, easing Tess’s fear that her over-protective brother might have been body-snatched. “I was on the verge of giving those two yahoos a piece of my mind with my fist when it dawned on me that they truly care about you and Mo.”

  “What?” Tess was surprised that her brother didn’t seem to get it. “They sought us out at the gala and intentionally got to know us in an effort to somehow trick you two into bankrolling their struggling kingdom.” She spoke slowly as if her brothers weren’t two of the smartest men she knew. Despite their brilliance, they appeared to have fallen prey to Sebastian and Pierce’s tricks.

  “Have either of these men mentioned anything about meeting us or suggested some way that we might financially bail them out?” Trevor asked logically.

  “No,” Tess huffed, unwilling to forgive or forget. “But that was their plan,” she couldn’t believe that her brothers weren’t more irate about all of this. “They were using me… And Mo.” She added the last two words because she knew her brothers were just as protective of her best friend as they were Tess herself.

  Annoyed by her brothers’ apparent lack of outrage over her treatment, Tess leaned around Trey to retrieve a tissue from her bedside stand. After she swiped her tears away and blew her nose, she used the palm of her hand to rub her nose in a circular motion. It was a habit she’d had since childhood that emerged whenever she was stressed.

  Trey turned to his brother. “That’s not very princess-like, is it?”

  Trevor shook his head and gave Tess the disgusted look he always presented her with when this particular mannerism surfaced. “Not at all,” he agreed.

  “Well, I’m not going to be a princess, so it doesn’t matter,” Tess pouted, circling her nose with even more vigor, simply because she knew it annoyed them.

  “Stop it,” Trey said with more kindness in his voice. He gently pulled her hand away from her face. “You’re going to make your nose all red. You don’t want to make amends with Sebastian like that.”

  “Tess, the four-eyed princess, had a very red nose,” Trevor singsonged. At Tess’s fiery glare from behind her Coke-bottle-thick glasses, he was smart enough to look away––apparently realizing, through sibling magic, that he was on the verge of pushing her too far.

  Choosing to ignore Trevor’s childish song, Tess said instead, “I’m not making amends with Sebastian. He was using me.” Her voice sounded as flat as her emotions felt.

  Trey rubbed a finger over his chin, like he was deep in thought. “Hmm… If they were truly simply using you, wouldn’t Pierce have pursued you? Unless Mo’s family has some hidden wealth that we’ve never heard about.”

  He knew that wasn’t true, so Tess didn’t even bother to acknowledge that possibility. “Pierce isn’t really the prince, though… Sebastian is. Perhaps they planned to do this big reveal at the last minute all along.” Tess knew it was a bit of a stretch to believe that, but she was too fired up with anger to let this go.

  “If that’s the case, this was a seriously elaborate ruse,” Trevor weighed in. “How do you suppose they knew that super-important businessmen, like us, would drop everything and come here?”

  Jumping in to add to that, Trey asked, “And why would they blow any chance they had of getting money from us by admitting their evil plan?”

  Her brothers tried to sound perplexed, but Tess knew that were simply making a point. “Regardless… The fact is that they went after me because of you. They wanted to somehow trick you into bailing them out of their money problems. It’s infuriating!” She hated the idea of anyone trying to take advantage of her brothers––especially if they wanted to use her to do it.

  “We are fairly business-savvy fellows,” Trey’s eyes sparkled at the gigantic understatement. “I haven’t been tricked out of any money in a very long time. Have you?” He turned to his brother.

  “Nope,” Trey weighed in. “We are big boys, and we can take care of ourselves. Quite well, actually, so we don’t need our kid sister watching out for us.”

  Tess knew that was true, but it didn’t do anything to lessen her hurt feelings. “I don’t like being used.”

  “No one does, but perhaps there is more to it than just that,” Trey suggested. “You probably owe Sebastian a conversation and a chance to explain.”

  When Tess looked into the eyes of both of her brothers, she could see that they were in agreement. She knew they had her best interest at heart, so her fury began to waver. “There’s nothing he could say to make it okay,” she told them stubbornly.

  “And that’s fine,” Trey told her, before adding, “But you need to at least hear him out. Otherwise, you’ll always wonder.”

  Tess couldn’t deny that they were right. Even as mad as she was, she was curious to hear how Sebastian could possibly defend his and Pierce’s actions.

  “Go talk to him,” Trey encouraged her, after retrieving a fresh tissue and gently cleaning up her tear-streaked face.

  “Maybe put in your contacts first,” Trevor suggested, only half-teasing.

  Ignoring that and summoning her resolve, Tess nodded and stood to leave. On her way out, she heard Trevor quip to her back, “Don’t worry… we’ll guard our wallets.”

  Tess was surprised to hear herself chuckle. Only her goofball brothers could make her laugh at a time like this. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door to her room and went to find Sebastian to see what he had to say about his deplorable behavior.


  As Tess made her way down the elegant hallway, she paused to stare out one of the giant picture windows. Mo and Pierce were seated on a concrete garden bench along a well-lit, manicured path. Their tender kissing made it obvious that Mo had already forgiven him for his part in their charade.

  Tess couldn’t help but feel disappointed that her friend had given in so easily. She felt righteous in her anger, and she couldn’t believe everyone else was so quick to forgive the men for their malicious deceit.

  When she walked into the pristine ballroom, she half-expected to see Sebastian swirling around the dance floor with one of the many eligible and lovely women in attendance. After all, it was now widely-known that he was a prince and the heir to the throne, so his stock as a love interest had to have gone up by at least a thousandfold.

  Standing on her tippy-toes to scan the enormous room, she couldn’t deny the relief she felt at not discovering Sebastian dancing with someone else. She might be furi
ous with him for targeting her to gain access to her brothers’ wealth, but she wasn’t ready to see him charming another woman.

  Ellie and Millie scurried up to her with the flush of excitement clear on both of their faces. Tess liked it that these ladies were still awed by the enormity of being at a royal ball. So many of the women her brothers had dated in the past were jaded and utterly unimpressed by anything.

  Ignoring Tess’s glasses and the obvious fact that she had been crying, Ellie asked, “Did Sebastian find you?” The woman didn’t bother hiding the enthusiasm in her voice.

  “No, but I’m looking for him,” Tess responded. When she saw Ellie’s eyes light up, she decided to clarify what she meant. “I want to give that liar a piece of my mind.”

  Ellie looked absolutely crestfallen, which almost made Tess feel guilty… almost. Millie placed a caring hand on Tess’s elbow. “Don’t be too hard on him,” she suggested.

  Tess couldn’t believe that these bright, rational women were suggesting that she just forgive Sebastian. “He planned to use me to get to Trey and Trevor,” she reminded the ladies.

  “But he didn’t, did he? Did he ever ask you about setting up a meeting with them or even mention meeting them?” Ellie gave Tess a wide-eyed gaze as she waited for her response.

  “No,” Tess mumbled, looking down because she didn’t want to dash the hopeful expression on Ellie’s shining face. She felt herself softening a little, even though she didn’t want to. She wanted to be angry with him for using her––or planning to use her.

  Ever the rational thinker, Millie added, “Do you honestly think your brothers would fall for a ploy to get access to their money? If you do, then you are short-changing them. They are both incredibly business savvy.”

  Tess knew that was true, but it didn’t mean she wanted to have a romantic relationship with someone who had intended to use them for financial gain. She crossed her arms, refusing to let go of her righteous, fuming anger.

  “Go find him,” Millie suggested. Ellie was nodding her head in agreement with that idea.

  “Fine,” Tess acquiesced, but when she saw the relieved look the women exchanged, she added, “But I’m only agreeing so I can give him a piece of my mind.”

  Ellie had the audacity to clap with excitement as Tess stalked away. Tess thought to herself that the other woman was greatly underestimating her ability to dig in her heels and remain angry. Sebastian was not going to get off the hook of her outrage easily.


  Tess found Sebastian outside looking for her. She reluctantly admitted that he did seem to know her fairly well because she would have come outside to pace and rant, if she hadn’t been searching the castle for him.

  “Tess,” he breathed out her name as if it held the relief of a first gasp of air after being underwater for too long. She didn’t miss the concerned and fearful look that immediately swept over his face when he caught a glimpse of how furious she was. “Let’s sit down, so we can talk this through,” he suggested. It was the first time he had seen her in her oversized, dorky glasses, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  Even though Tess had the sneaking suspicion that she would end up storming off before he finished spewing whatever excuses he had devised for his deplorable behavior, she gave a brisk nod to indicate her agreement to sit down with him.

  He found two comfortable deck chairs that overlooked the inky sea. It would have been a perfectly dreamy and romantic spot, if Tess weren’t so livid.

  Once they were seated, Sebastian remained quiet for a bit while he collected his thoughts. He had been so anxious to find her, but now that he had, he wasn’t sure how to plead his case in a way that might win her over.

  Tess listened to the waves rolling into shore. Her enjoyment of it was lessened by the burning anger that she was gripping with all her might. Realizing that her fists were clenched so tightly that her fingernails were digging into her palms, she took a deep breath of the salty air and tried to relax.

  Becoming impatient with the lengthy silence, she finally turned to look at Sebastian. He looked gloriously handsome in the silvery glow of the moonlight, but she refused to be enchanted. “Well?” she asked in the snippiest voice she could muster.

  Taking a deep breath to firm up his resolve, Sebastian jumped in with his explanation. “Well… Let me start with an apology. I’m truly sorry that Pierce and I ever even considered using you to get to your brothers. It was wrong and selfish.”

  Tess could feel the wind from her raging sails begin to deflate a little until he defended their deplorable behavior by saying, “We didn’t know you when we cooked up this plan…”

  She was appalled that he would try to use that as an excuse for his betrayal. Anger flashed in her eyes when she interrupted his monologue. “Just because you don’t know someone doesn’t mean that you can devise an evil scheme to use them for your benefit and then discard them like a useless piece of trash.”

  “I know,” he said simply, once again effectively diffusing her anger. When he went on, she began to feel herself softening a little. “I am embarrassed and ashamed that we ever even discussed such a thing, let alone that we started to set the plan into motion.”

  Tess stubbornly stared out at the sea, trying valiantly to ignore the tears that were beginning to pool in her lower lids. Sebastian’s deception hurt so much because she cared a great deal about him.

  Looking down and kicking at a rock at his feet, Sebastian went on. “Pierce was the one who was supposed to seduce you, but as soon as he laid eyes on Mo he was completely smitten.”

  Happy for her friend, Tess couldn’t help but smile, until the full repercussions of what he was saying dawned on her. “So, the two of you decided that you would be stuck pursuing me and that you would step forward as the heir to the throne, if you were able to seduce me into seeking my brothers’ financial aid for your kingdom?”

  Tess swallowed down the bile that was threatening to upheave. The idea that Sebastian had been using her hurt more than she cared to admit––even to herself.

  “No,” Sebastian shook his head. “That’s not it at all. We gave up on the plan completely when we met the two of you. When we originally talked about this tactic, we weren’t thinking of you as real women with thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams. You were just flat shadows in our minds. The instant we met you, we both knew there was no way we could hurt you like that.”

  “Well, you did.” Tess told him sadly.

  “I know, and I can’t apologize enough for that. If I could take it back, I would. Since I can’t, I wanted to be completely honest with you, so we could move forward without that rocky start hanging over our heads.”

  “Move forward?!?” Tess spluttered. “How would I ever trust you again? You betrayed my trust and used me.”

  Sebastian started to shake his head to deny actually using her, but the look on her face made him stop. Instead, he changed directions and said, “I’m so sorry for hurting you, and I’ll do anything in my power to make it up to you. You are the one for me, Tess, and I don’t care a bit about your brothers’ power or money.”

  “It’s a good thing because I’ll make sure you never see a penny of it,” Tess grouched, the sting of betrayal evident in her tone.

  “Of course,” Sebastian said. “I wouldn’t want it now, anyway. All I want is you, Tess.”

  He tried to take her hand within his own, but she snatched hers away.

  Undeterred by her anger, Sebastian went on pleading his case. “I never had any desire to take my place as the rightful heir to the throne. I was relieved that my parents chose Pierce to succeed our father because I couldn’t picture myself as a ruler… until I met you.”

  Tess refused to look in his direction, even though she was hanging on his every word.

  “The crown seemed like too big of a burden to bear––especially with the financial troubles my father has created. Pierce seemed better suited to it, and I never questioned the decision to skip me over in favor of him.”<
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  Tess wondered why he hadn’t had more confidence in his abilities, but she refused to speak to him to find out. Even as mad at him as she was, she had no doubt that he would make a fair and benevolent king. It was sad that he didn’t see those qualities in himself.

  “Pierce had always seemed like the logical choice, and I silently went along with it. But then, you came into my life and changed everything. Your dreams of having a royal wedding made me start thinking about the possibility of accepting the crown. You would make a wonderful and deserving queen. Having your calming presence as a constant by my side would give me the confidence to rule the kingdom with steady and sure grace.”

  Tess couldn’t deny the appeal of his words, but she couldn’t forgive him for seeking her out and trying to use her as a springboard to her brothers’ fortunes. “That sounds lovely,” she finally admitted, before adding, “but our relationship was forged on a lie, so it can never happen.”

  Sebastian looked like he had just been punched in the gut. Her words had cut him to the core. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as he searched for a way to change her mind, but no words emerged.

  Standing in a huff, Tess looked down into his eyes for the first time in a long while. “Do you know what the worst part of all of this is?”

  He shook his head, looking miserable.

  “If you had just asked me, I would have devised a plan to resolve your kingdom’s financial woes… without having to use my brothers’ money.”

  Leaving him to ponder that bombshell, she stormed back up the path to the castle.


  When she got back to the room she shared with Mo, Tess flopped on her bed and let the tears flow. She felt sure that Sebastian had already gone back to the ball and found an eligible maiden with which to dance. After all, he was supposed to find a bride this evening.

  She wanted so much to simply forgive him, like Mo apparently had Pierce, but she couldn’t let the hurt go. It wasn’t the first time someone had angled for a relationship with her to get access to her brothers, but it certainly hurt the most.


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