The Star Traders: The Star Traders Series Volume One

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The Star Traders: The Star Traders Series Volume One Page 19

by Gary W. Feather

  “We’re here today to talk about whether or not to permit Ms Martha Clarke to stay with us aboard the Guinevere,” Alberta announced. She glanced at each individual around the table. Tawny Williams stood up. Alberta acknowledged her wish to speak.

  “What about her?” Tawny Williams snapped and pointed at Erica. “Aren’t we even going to consider kicking off the ship? She left us! I think she’s been given enough second chanc—”

  “We all know what you think, Tawny,” Alberta replied in a calm manner, a contrast to the cargo chief’s hostile screaming.

  “It’s not under consideration, Tawny,” Senior Captain Audrey Williams told the cargo chief. The old woman sounded even calmer. A woman who expected her wishes to be obeyed by her crew. Merciful Buddha! I’m not being kicked off the ship. The old lady just said so.

  Tawny Williams shut her mouth, though her fists squeezed in anger.

  Erica found another rock in her throat to swallow. Junior Captain Cindy Williams-youngest of the three captains-agreed with the other captains.

  The conference began. Erica sat quietly as the department heads talked over the pros and cons of Martha on Guinevere. The three captains just listened politely. Erica answered a few questions about Martha before she was asked to wait outside, while the heads voted.

  Erica stood in the empty corridor. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. Erica paced to the other side and then back. “Fuck! Fuck!” She stopped cursing and glanced around for witnesses. No one. Well its not like I’m a child. I can curse if I want! She sighed. Erica rubbed her forehead.

  After what seemed like a dozen hours, the door to the conference room slid open. Aunt Janet the XO walked outside to look for her.

  “How are feeling, Erica?” Aunt Janet smiled. She was the type of person who always tried to be everyone’s friend and she had the charisma to back it up. Everyone liked her, including Erica.

  “Tense. Scared. I guess.” Erica shrugged with a shaky laugh.

  “Okay.” Aunt Janet rubbed Erica’s back. “Try to relax. Everything will be fine.”

  Erica entered the room. She politely waited until Janet took her seat before taking hers. Tawny Williams gave Erica a glare. She doesn’t look happy, which I hope is a good sign.

  “We’ve decided to allow Martha to stay,” Alberta told Erica sternly. “But…she will be expected to work and keep her nose clean.”

  “Yes, captain…captains.” Erica nodded. Her wide eyes glanced around at the department heads hoping to get a sense of their attitudes, but other than Tawny’s, she saw only blank faces.

  “I’ll speak with her about finding her job.” Janet tapped something on her tablet.

  Erica nodded. Well, that’s settled. I hope. Personal note: best stay away from Tawny Williams in the near future.


  Erica returned to Security Control to finish up her day’s shift. Now that Martha is staying on the Guinevere, maybe I should talk to her about our relationship. No. Maybe I should ask her out on a date. Right? That’s what you're supposed to do. I think. Why am I such a freak? I don’t what to do? Maybe I shouldn’t do anything. Just forget about it.

  The hours passed and her shift ended. Erica officially handed off her station to Hilde Williams for the next shift.

  “Let’s get something to eat, Erica.” Keiko Williams placed an arm around her shoulder.


  “So how did it go?” Keiko let go of Erica’s shoulder.

  “Scary as fuck,” Erica confessed. “All of those department heads and captains. Even if two captains were only there by screen, that’s still scary.”

  “I’m sure.” Keiko chuckled. “Just remember they all put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us.”

  “I guess.”

  “And they’re family.”

  “I know.” Erica sighed.

  Erica and Keiko walked into the cafeteria. Martha was seated at a table by herself.

  Erica picked up a tray. I should go tell her the good news. Erica set the tray on the bar. I should go ask her out on a date. Somewhere. Where? Do you plan ahead on these things or just ask someone out on a date the next night? I don’t know! Shit! Where? How?

  “Are you just going to stand there?” Keiko asked.

  Erica looked up. “Sorry.” She grabbed a cold can of tea and moved along. Erica picked out spaghetti and marinara sauce with garlic bread. “Thank you.”

  The chef’s helper smiled back at her. Betty or Betsey? The girl was a part timer and about sixteen. She’s Judy William’s daughter. Erica wasn’t sure who the girl’s other mother was. Apple pie! Erica set a plate with apple pie on her tray. Looks yummy!

  Erica saw Martha dropping off her used tray and about to leave. Martha waved at her. Erica didn’t wave back. Martha looked hurt and walked away with her head hung.

  Why didn’t I wave? I should have. I wanted to right? Oh shit!

  Erica dropped into a table’s bench and Keiko sat across from her. Erica ate quietly for a while. Keiko talked. Of course, Erica wasn’t really great at small talk anyway.

  “Something wrong?” Keiko asked with her mouth full of her sandwich.


  “I thought you would be happy that Martha stays and you're not getting kicked off the ship either.” Keiko drank from her wine glass.

  “I am happy about it.” Erica realized Keiko hadn’t seen Martha in the cafeteria. Erica let herself lie. “Just still worried, I guess.”

  “Well stop.” Keiko smiled. “Here come Tilly, Mindy, and Lynna.”

  Erica waved at her friends Mindy Bettencourt, Lynna Williams, and Tilly Zhou. Tilly was Erica’s roommate. Maybe I should ask Tilly about what I should do.

  “So how did it go?” Tilly asked after she got her tray of food. She dropped beside Erica. “Well?”

  “Martha gets to stay.” Erica nodded. “As long as she keeps her nose clean.”

  “That’s good,” Tilly patted Erica’s back. “I know I found her annoying at first, but she’s not so bad.”

  “Sooo... What’s going on between you and Martha?” Mindy asked with an eager look on her face. “I want to hear all of the dirty stuff.”

  Erica blushed. “I…well…”

  Lynna giggled. Then Keiko and Mindy joined in.

  “Oh will you stop it, Mindy.” Tilly defended her. “She doesn’t have to tell you anything.”

  “Oh poo.” Mindy giggled.

  Erica felt red all over. I should tell them about wanting to ask Martha out. They’d help me. Come on, Erica! Ask them…I’m not asking them. Damn it, I’m too chicken!


  Before the storm

  Inside the Daughter’s Cargo Bay 2, a worker named Risa Williams waved her handheld scanner over several food containers for a routine check on their expiration date. One marked potatoes showed signs of damage, so she opened it. Risa never saw the hand coming out of the container. Demon killed her instantly with a finger stick to a vital organ. She popped the bones of her body back into place, so she could stand up. No normal human being at 5’9" and 188 pounds could have hidden in a container that small. Demon wasn’t normal. She wasn’t even a member of Humanity’s Yin sub-race. She was originally from Suiko, and inherited her parent's ninja training and genetic engineering.

  Risa had been about the same height as Demon, but with a mixture of fat and muscle. More fat than muscle. Demon was pure muscle with no fat, but her bones and muscles were heavy. They were made for heavy gravity worlds like Kobe. Life sucks for you, Risa. Or it did. Demon broke Rise’s spine in three places to fit her into the container. Kick the ribs in to thin her a bit. There. Now just break the neck. The arms. And break the legs in two spots. Good. All nice and neat. The way I like it.

  Demon sat on the container and examined Risa’s tablet. It didn’t take her long to break Risa’s code. Demon also kept her temperature down to hide from the heat sensors and the black ninja suit she wore kept her hidden from the cameras.
The suit was designed so that light went through it like it wasn’t there. She even knew how to walk without giving away her weight to the sensors.

  Demon shook her head. It’s amazing how primitive these people on the frontier are. The security on this rocketship is so poor. They don’t see me at all. Demon looked around at the oblivious workers going about their jobs and sighed. This might even be boring. Demon stood up. Oh well. Time to go looking for Martha Clarke.


  “Well done, Donna,” Junior Captain Alberta Williams told her pilot after she had docked the Daughter on the huge starship Guinevere.

  “Thank you, captain,” Donna replied from her pilot station.

  Alberta looked at the screen by her chair arm with the wrinkled ancient face of Senior Captain Audrey Williams smiling at her. Mom is showing her age, but still she’s two decades over a hundred.

  “Welcome back to the Guinevere, Alberta,” Said Alberta’s mother Audrey.

  “Thank you, senior captain.” Alberta smiled. “I’m glad to be back.”

  “I’m glad we got that Erica and Martha matter settled quickly.” Her mother’s face vanished from the screen. “And I’m also glad you’re back, captain.”

  Alberta switched on the intercom. “This is Junior Captain Alberta Williams to all of second shift crew on the Daughter. We have docked successfully with the Guinevere. Shut down is under way. You have permission to return to pack up and leave the Daughter for the Guinevere. Captain out.


  Erica and Tilly walked into the quarters they shared on the Guinevere. Erica dropped her duffel bag. She called up a chair and sat down.

  “Crap, we’re going to be back on duty soon.” Tilly called up a couch and laid down.

  “Uh. I think you’re right.” Erica sighed. “I…um…”


  “I’ve been thinking about asking Martha…”


  “You know…out on a date.” Erica stumbled forward.

  “About time you did that.” Tilly laughed. “Well?”

  “Well what?”

  “Are you going to do it now or later?”

  “I don’t know. I…”

  “I’ve never been on a date before.” Erica confessed.

  “Oh.” Tilly’s eyes widened.

  “I need some help.” Erica covered her blushing face. “I have no idea what to do.”

  “Of course, I’ll help you, Erica.” Tilly sat up. “You probably know Martha better than me. So what does she like? Aside from you.”


  Martha! Martha!

  Okay. This is going to work. This is going to work. Erica had just found Martha walking out of Janet’s office. Martha’s blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  The XO had probably just talked to her about the good news and job possibilities. She must be in a good humor. I should give it a shot. But she’s going in the other direction. I need to say something to get her attention.

  “Ma-Martha!” Erica her throat. Martha spun around.

  “Erica?” Martha walked up to her with a neutral face. Is she mad at me about earlier? In the cafeteria when I didn’t say hello.

  “The next star system is supposed to be nice,” Erica said. Oh that’s brilliant! “I mean the spacestation that we’ll dock at has soon great places to eat. I…uh…thought.” Erica cleared her throat.

  There was a twinkle in Martha’s eyes and the other woman tilted her head to the left.

  “I thought we could get something to eat at a place called J.J.’s Steakhouse.”

  “Really?” Martha gave a hint of smile.

  “Just the two of us.” Erica coughed and wiped her sweaty hands on the hips of her coveralls. “A…uh—”


  “Yes.” Erica nodded.

  Martha smiled, but before she said anything, Erica saw a strange woman out of the corner of her eye. Erica didn’t recognize her as family. The stranger was dressed in black, like a ninja. The ninja kicked Erica’s legs out from under her.

  “Erica!” Martha screamed.

  Erica was startled, but her reflexes acted. She slammed the ground with her feet and a palm to break her fall. Erica rolled backwards and up. In a second her fists were up, and she shifted her weight into a fighting stance. Erica was off duty and unarmed. Her attacker held a big dagger in each hand. Ninja?

  The ninja twirled her daggers. Whether she was Yin or not the ninja looked female. Plenty of feminine curves to go with the muscles. But Erica pushed the curves out of her mind and focused on the daggers. The ninja kicked her in the head.

  Erica threw up her arms. Too late to block, but her head didn’t slam against the wall like her arm did. Ouch! Erica shook her head. Pain! Breathe! Focus! A dagger came at her belly. Erica slapped the hand gripping the dagger and twisted to avoid it. She kicked at the knee, but her attacker had slid back. Damn it!

  Erica charged. She rushed into the ninja’s kick. Fuck! I fell for that! She stumbled back and fell. Erica hit hard, barely breaking her fall by slapping the floor in time. Stars! So many stars! Erica blinked her eyes. She recognized the metallic taste in her mouth as blood.

  She heard Martha scream and scream. Erica’s blurry eyes saw the ninja trip Martha. Erica blinked her eyes to see better.

  The ninja hopped upon Martha’s chest and sunk the blades into Martha’s arms. Then her chest. The ninja was laughing and twirled her bloody daggers over her head. The ninja stabbed Martha again.

  Noooo! Who is this crazy bitch? Erica tried to get up. Her head still hurt and the attempt made her more dizzy.

  A stunner beam zipped past the ninja’s head. Erica looked to see a couple of security women with stunners. She immediately recognized one as Hilde Williams.

  The ninja rolled off of Martha. More stun beams zipped towards her without hitting the target. The ninja placed one bloody blade in her mouth, so she could pull something out of a hidden pocket in her jacket. She threw a dozen tiny spheres on the floor. Smoke exploded. It covered and blackened the corridor.

  Twenty seconds later, the smoke was gone. The ninja was also gone.

  “What the fuck was that?” Hilde asked.

  Erica mumbled and spit blood on the floor. A tooth?

  “I need medical people outside the XO’s office!” Hilde shouted into her tablet.

  Janet rushed over from her office. “Oh Goddess! Is everyone okay?”

  “Martha’s been stabbed!” Erica screamed. Her eyes got more blurry.


  Nurse Lexie Williams stopped spraying the sealing solution on Erica’s head wounds. “There you go. Try to take it easy for a while.”

  “I’ll try not to hit anyone’s foot with my head for a while,” Erica grumbled.

  “Okay.” The nurse patted Erica’s shoulder. “We’ll take good care of Martha. Don’t you worry.”

  “I…um…okay.” Erica shrugged. “I promise to make my dentist appointment to get that my teeth grown.” She slipped off the examination bed. One tooth gone and three broken. Damn!

  Nurse Lexie went to put her medical devices away and dispose of dirty bandages.

  A security guard stood at the door of sickbay. Another guard stood outside.

  The pain was gone from Erica’s head, thanks to medicine. When she looked down at Martha, her heart rather than her head hurt.

  Doctor Amy Menendez zipped into the examination room telling Nurse Lexie to get Martha ready for the operation room.

  The doctor placed a hand on Erica. “I’ll do all that I can, Erica. You should get a nap on one of the beds. Or go to your quarters.”

  “I…I will go home.” Erica watched Martha’s body being moved away by a robot under Nurse Lexie’s supervision. I think I love you.

  Erica left sickbay. I should have asked her out sooner. Erica walked into her quarters. She gave a command to the wall on her bed came out of the wall.

  Erica kicked off
her boots and lay down. I should have been carrying a stunner, or some kind of weapon for self-defense. The ninja was fast. Too fast! I had no time to punch or anything. I might have kicked. I’m not sure. Why didn’t security locate this ninja woman before she caught up with us? With Martha.

  Erica sat up in bed. Had security recorded anything on the attacker? The ninja. Who was she? Erica set her face in her hands. Then she pulled her knees up to her breasts. I need to find out more. Go check things out after I finish my nap. Yeah. My nap. Erica lay down.

  She stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. Am I asleep yet? Nope. Erica sighed. She glared at the ceiling and sat up again.

  Erica set her socked feet on the floor. Maybe I can just run over to security and talk to my mom Piper or someone. They might know something about this ninja. Maybe I’m just imagining it.

  Erica stood up. She stretched her arms overhead then rolled her neck. That ninja couldn’t have been fast enough to dodge a stunner beam.

  She swung up a leg five times then the other to stretch them out. Everything just happened so quick that I was confused. Erica rolled her hips then leaned over to roll her knees around. There that feels better. She shook her legs a little.

  Erica slipped on her boots and left.


  Erica nodded to the guard at the door before she walked into main room of SC or Security Control on Guinevere. The stations all had someone working at them. Erica asked if Piper was in her office. Good. She’s there.

  Erica walked past the stations, to the offices and interrogation rooms. Further down were the cells. Erica knocked on the door marked Williams, Piper: Security Chief.

  “Come in, Erica.” The door slid open.

  Erica knew that her mother would have seen her outside of the office by the sensors. Inside, her mother pushed aside the data screens attached to her desk. She waved Erica to a chair.

  Erica sat down. She rubbed her hands together for a few seconds before she spoke. “Have you found anything out about that attacker, ma’am? The ninja? Where is she now? I…”

  “We don’t know, Erica,” Piper replied. Her mother threw up her hands. “The first time we saw her was when she attacked you two in the corridor. It’s like she just magically appeared.”


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