by Marian Tee
Stavros suppressed a groan at the way mischief sparkled in her eyes. Even so, he said warningly, “Willow—”
She clapped her hands in feigned recollection. “Oh, right. I was just about to ravish you.”
He choked and cursed under his breath, but when she took another step, he backed away another step as well. “Willow, dammit.” Exasperation, amusement, and lust warred inside him as he found himself practically running away from his secretary. “Will you stop it?” he growled.
The little witch only laughed, its sound dancing over his skin like a caress even as she kept walking towards him and he kept backing away from her. Her swaying hips drew his gaze like a magnet, and Stavros shook his head, disgruntled and aroused at the same time.
“Dammit, Willow…” They had already circled around his office...twice. “Will you stop stalking me?” he hissed.
To which she retorted quickly, “Will you let me ravish you?”
Stavros closed his eyes, the images those words evoked threatening his control. He couldn’t stop thinking of it. Willow ravishing him, taking his cock into her body as she rode him—
His eyes snapped open, and he saw that Willow had finally caught up to him. “No,” he gritted out when she hesitantly reached for him.
Her hand paused mid-air.
“I told you,” Stavros said tightly, “didn’t I? I’m not the man for you—”
Willow shook her head stubbornly. “You’re the one who isn’t listening to me.” If he had said those words without the look of hungry need in his eyes, she would have faltered. Would have given up completely. But he hadn’t. And so she drew courage from it.
“You’re the one who doesn’t get it.” She tried to smile, but it faltered on her lips. “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve—”
“Don’t say that.” This time, Stavros snapped out of real anger. He wasn’t blind, hadn’t been from the start. He had always known she had a fucking big chip on her shoulder. But whatever it was, it didn’t make her any less wonderful, and she had to know that.
Willow didn’t mind Stavros’ furious tone, knowing the anger was for her and not at her. She knew most people would still think she was being foolish and reckless. Even after everything that had happened between them, the bottom line remained unchanged: she and Stavros came from two different worlds, and they had only known each other for so little time.
Stavros was glancing at his watch, and his voice was even more abrupt when he said, “It’s not even seven.”
She frowned. “So?”
He dealt her a grim look. “Have you even had breakfast yet?” Willow’s face was answer enough. With a disapproving shake of his head, he pointed to the couch. “Sit.”
Now that tone, she daren’t refuse. As Willow meekly made her way to his private sitting area, he heard Stavros calling Nilo on his phone and ordering breakfast.
When he was done, he faced her with a frown. Stavros Manolis, Greece’s most gentlemanly billionaire, was angry with her again. That used to depress her, but now it made her feel special, and wasn’t that crazy?
When the frown didn’t go away, she asked defensively, “What did I do?” Pause. “Sir.”
“You didn’t eat breakfast.” Stavros leaned against his desk and crossed his arms as he made the statement.
Shiiiit. She knew that stance. It meant he was going to pull rank on her. “I don’t see why that's making you so mad,” she muttered.
“It always will if it’s because you’re so hell-bent on seducing me that you’re neglecting your health.”
She cringed. “I hate how you put it. You make me sound so obsessed with you.”
Stavros lifted a brow. Are you not?
Her teeth clenched. “Schmuck.” It was her turn to be annoyed and his turn to be amused. Before she could say something else, someone was knocking on the door.
“Enter,” Stavros barked.
Nilo came in, brown paper bags in hand. “Everything’s complete, Mr. Manolis.” He went straight to where Willow was seated. “Good morning, Ms. Somerset.”
“M-morning,” she mumbled. “Sorry you had to do this.”
Stavros rolled his eyes at the apology. That was exactly like Willow. She didn’t mind putting him through the wringer, but she was mortified at the extra job he had tasked her bodyguard with.
“It wasn’t a problem at all, Ms. Somerset.” Done laying out the meal, Nilo straightened. “Enjoy your meal, ma’am.” He bowed slightly at Stavros’ direction and murmured “sir” before leaving the office.
“Eat while I prepare your coffee,” Stavros commanded as he took a seat next to her.
Reaching for the panini, she took a bite and her eyes widened in surprised pleasure. It was exactly the kind she liked, with different cheeses and no pickles or olives. Her gaze strayed towards Stavros, and she saw that he also knew how to prepare the kind of coffee she wanted. Black, no sugar, but lots of milk.
She blurted out, “H-how…”
Stavros raised a brow. “How…what?”
Willow gestured to her panini and the coffee. “How do you know all this? What I want?”
He gave her an odd look. “How would I not know? There are more days we have breakfast together here than the days we don’t.”
But that’s not it, Willow wanted to protest. She had dinners with Brad all the time, but the idiot still didn’t know she hated mustard or that she was crazy over Chinese take-out.
“Willow?” The concerned look in Stavros’ dark eyes made her swallow. Made her want to say so many more words. Can’t you see what’s happening between us? Can’t you feel how things have changed?
“Sorry. Just…thinking how you’d make a good P.A.” Pretending she didn’t notice him glaring, Willow focused on eating the rest of her panini. After, she downed her coffee in one gulp, but even so, she still couldn’t make herself stop…feeling.
She remembered the way he was after she had messed up in their first meeting with Adler Brandt, remembered how he had given it to her straight without making her feel inadequate.
She remembered the way he would always look at her, with so much need in his eyes, and yet he would always be the first one to stop because he didn’t think he was good enough for her.
She remembered, and she felt…
The catch in her voice made Stavros’ gaze swing sharply towards her in concern. “What is it?”
The way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her…everything told her he had immediately set aside all other thoughts, his only priority now to ensure that she was fine.
Wasn’t that what she felt? Wasn’t that…it?
“Willow, what’s wrong?”
She tried to smile but couldn’t. “No more playing games this time.” Even as he stiffened, she continued shakily, “Stavros…”
She cut him off. “I don’t want anyone else but you.”
Stavros was stunned, her words, the seriousness of her tone, rendering him immobile.
“So if I have to beg, then—”
When her voice wobbled, his control snapped.
So be it, Stavros thought savagely. Sin or not, he was done playing the saint.
One moment Willow was racking her brains desperately, trying to think of a way to get through to Stavros. The next moment she was in his embrace, his arms closing around her like steel bands just as his mouth slammed down on hers.
A cry of relief escaped her, and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, she kissed him back, eagerly, desperately, not wanting to give him time to think.
The way she was writhing so deliciously in his arms made him lift his head. “Calm down,” Stavros gritted out. If she kept this up, he would have her on the desk and damn the consequences.
Willow shook her head. “I don’t want to.” Plastering her body to his hard chest, she tried to get him to kiss her again. “You might change your mind.”
Her words had
him half-groaning, half-laughing. “Witch.”
Her senses reeled at the tender way he said the word, almost like an endearment. It made her even more feverish with need, and she tried harder to get him to kiss her.
“Willow, dammit—”
He cupped her face. “Listen,” he growled.
She shut up, not because of the words but because the soft, beautiful gleam in his dark eyes rendered her dazed.
His lips curved, his smile so beautiful she wanted to hold it to her heart and never let it go. Softly, Stavros said, “You got me, witch.” At her blank look, his smile widened. “Do you want me to clarify?”
She nodded jerkily.
“Then listen carefully, Ms. Somerset.” He kissed the corner of her lip, his mouth moving over her cheek until he reached her ear. And then he purred, “You win, Ms. Somerset. I’m going to fuck you to your heart’s content. I’m going to fuck you so damn hard you’ll see stars.”
His teeth clamped on her earlobe ever so gently, and as she shuddered, he released her ear and said, “So damn hard you’ll beg me to give you rest…”
A hand cupped her cheek gently, turning her face towards him so that Willow could see the sweet, dark smile on his lips as he told her with lethal softness, “But I won’t.”
Chapter Twelve
Dear Greek Billionaire,
Cat and mouse is a game when kids are involved.
Between bosses and secretaries,
it’s called sexual harassment.
~ The Art of Turning Down a Greek Billionaire
“Now, now, Ms. Somerset,” her Greek billionaire boss purred from behind. “Is there any reason you’re in a hurry?”
Willow walked faster at the words. Around them, the other invited bidders were giving them strange looks as Willow practically ran in search for the table assigned to them.
A monster. She had created a monster, Willow thought helplessly. It had only been hours ago since he told her he was giving her what she wanted, but he had changed so much the tables had turned.
Now, he was doing all the chasing, and she was the one feeling skittish. Was she really ready to spend a night with Stavros Manolis? How did she know she wouldn’t end up fucking this one up and disappointing him in bed?
“Ms. Somerset.” Stavros was suddenly there, startling her as he clasping her elbow from behind.
Shiiiit. Her heart skipped one, no, two beats just before racing and hammering against her chest until it was all she could hear.
He came to her side, his hand still cupping her elbow. He started to walk, giving her no choice but to walk with him.
More heads turned their way, eyes widening as they saw Willow and Stavros walking together. Since this was the first event hosted by Saffi March-Aehrenthal, the socialite wife of Sweden’s #1 Sex God, every A-lister of the state had been more than eager to attend. The turnout appeared to have been expected, too, with the entire Orlando Museum of Art closed to the public for the night.
Some of the guests seemed to recognize her. The woman in the basement, those were the exact words Willow could read from their lips.
“You’re walking too fast for me.” Stavros’ voice was lazy, but his hold on her elbow tightened as he pulled her back to his side.
She wanted to answer back, but she had to concentrate on not accidentally getting herself strangled by one of the decorative vines hanging from the high ceilings. Professional event stylists had turned the venue into a romantic forest. The theme was aptly chosen, with the auction’s proceeds to be donated to a non-profit dedicated to conserving wildlife.
“Were you trying to run away?” A sexy mocking drawl that had her nipples coming to life under the silk cups of her bra.
Willow laughed nervously. “Who, me?”
“Were you not?” Amusement underscored his casual tone.
“Nope.” But she ended up croaking the word out when they reached their table and Stavros came to stand before her. As he pulled out her chair, her gaze clung to his every movement. Beautiful, so damn beautiful it wasn’t funny.
“Your seat, Ms. Somerset.” His voice was seduction itself, making it sound like he was offering her something a lot more naughty than a place to sit.
Gulping, she plopped down ungraciously, all thoughts of playing it cool forgotten. When Stavros took a seat next to her, she shivered, his proximity alone making the fine hairs on her nape stand.
Stavros hid a smile. After all the temptations he had to endure when Willow had been hell bent on playing the role of femme fatale, it was refreshing to see her acting like a nervous virgin this time.
“Are you all right, Ms. Somerset?” Willow was alarmed to see Stavros reaching for her as he spoke. So close, his hand was so close—
She chickened out.
“I, ah, think I should check on…” She gave up thinking of an excuse and just scrambled out of her seat.
Laughing, Stavros murmured, “I don’t think so, Ms. Somerset.” His voice was mockingly polite as he took hold of her hand and pulled Willow back to her seat. Another yank, and her chair slid silently towards him, so close she could now feel the disturbing warmth of his presence.
Déjà vu, Willow thought, stunned at suddenly finding herself right next to her boss.
Her boss, who was trying to melt her panties off by looking at Willow under hooded lids.
And he was succeeding, dammit. “Stop it,” she hissed under her breath.
He gave her a look of sham innocence. “What did I do?”
“You know what you’re doing!”
A chuckle. “Weren’t you the one who asked for this?”
“I know, but…” She threw her hands up. “You make me so nervous, and I just don’t know what to do, when to expect…”
Willow suddenly stopped, which forced him to stop as well. Stavros lifted a brow. Ms. Somerset?
She blurted out, “When are you really going to fu—”
His hand slammed over her mouth as he hissed, “Ms. Somerset!” Fuck, fuck, fuck. Had she forgotten they were in a fucking public place? But even though he was frustrated, he was also aroused. Everything she seemed to do had such an effect on his cock.
Willow was trying to speak against his hand. Warily, he lifted it, and she spoke right away, muttering, “But I really want to know when you’re going to fu—”
He covered her mouth again. “Dammit, Willow!”
This time, his raised voice had everyone looking at them. Stavros swiftly removed his hand over his secretary’s mouth. Glaring at her threateningly, he turned to those seated close to their table, saying stiffly, “My apologies. My secretary’s new to charity auctions, and I had to warn her against overbidding.”
“Yes, yes.”
“I see.”
Everyone was quick to accept his words, but it was clear on all their faces that they didn’t believe him at all. Stavros turned back to his secretary. When she opened her mouth, he glared. “Not. One. Word.”
Willow shut her mouth with an unhappy frown.
Ah, fuck. How to resist that look? “Tonight.”
Willow’s eyes flew to Stavros in shock. Was that what she thought it meant?
Stavros nodded.
A loud shriek escaped her, and everyone’s gazes flew towards her again. Oops.
Stavros looked like he wanted to kill her now. “Dammit, Willow.”
She wanted to say something else but stopped when someone came to their table, a middle-aged woman who bore a very strong resemblance to…her boss.
Stavros’ blood turned cold, tension seeping into his body even as he fought to keep his face expressionless. Aware of everyone’s gazes returning back to them, he slowly came to his feet and said politely, “Mother.”
“Son.” Edith Manolis’ tone was husky, and her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears.
For a moment, he felt like he had been thrown back in time, and he w
as sixteen years old again.
He was a kid who had believed his parents loved him…until greed tore the blinders off and he found out that for both of them, he had been nothing more but a meal ticket.
“I thought I’d find you here,” Edith murmured.
When Stavros didn’t answer, Willow turned to him. Whatever she thought of saying, all of it died in her throat at the terrifyingly blank look on his face.
He was Stavros Manolis, a powerful Greek billionaire. He shouldn’t be looking like this. Like a child knowing he was about to be hurt, but he couldn’t do anything about it because…
Because the person about to hurt him was his mother, a person he loved.
“Mr. Manolis?” Willow was relieved to hear her tone crisp, even – nothing in it revealing how she so badly wanted to take him in her arms and protect him. She didn’t know what was going on between him and his mother. Didn’t really care. All she knew was that she had to protect him.
Stavros turned to her, and she bit her lip hard at the still-blank look on his face. It was almost as if he didn’t recognize her at all, almost as if in his need to keep himself invulnerable, he had made himself completely unreachable as well.
Her heart started to bleed, in a way that it hadn’t even ached when she herself had been hurting. And that was when she knew.
She loved this man.
She loved Stavros Manolis to the point of wanting to protect him, no matter how silly, how foolish, how stupid it may seem.
Edith started to speak. “I’d like to talk to you—”
Willow cut the older woman off. “What would you like me to do, Mr. Manolis?” Behind her, she heard his mother gasp, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anyone but this man next to her, this beautiful man who right now seemed as vulnerable as a child.
When Stavros still didn’t speak, she took a deep breath before slowly, shakily, reaching for his hand. She knew doing so would make it seem like she was a gold-digging secretary hitting on her own boss, but she didn’t care about that either.
She willed him to look at her, to let her know what he wanted because she would do it. She would do anything for him because she loved him, and he deserved to know she did.